Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 151: Pop the champagne at halftime, right?

The call from Lloyd's was to inform Aiwass that the time for the attack had been determined.

The times are Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning.

It's Monday afternoon, which means the attack will be at midnight tomorrow.

Lawyer York even listed the list and configuration of the attackers for Aiwass.

There are four demonologists in total, two third level and two second level. They each brought two demon dogs, a whip demon and a blade demon.

This lineup... can only be said to be quite classic.

The Whip Demon is a regular demon species, also known as the "Overseer" by players. It is equivalent to a BUFF machine for demons. It will continuously strengthen all the demons around it, but it is also very fragile. They are usually protected by legal demons.

The Devil Dog is the original second-in-command in the dungeon at the Pelican Bar, a man-made demon created by demonologists. It is only about the strength of the second level. Its advantages are high frequency of attacks, strong desire to attack, and it can be life-threatening in a fight. Therefore, it is best to drop the Demon Dog immediately from the start, otherwise it will be very troublesome to stick it together and fight.

The only one that's a bit more difficult to deal with is the Blade Demon.

This is also a pure melee demon, without any fancy teleportation abilities. There are no control skills or long-range attacks, they are simply very fast and highly skilled in martial arts - the Blade Demon is the kind of villain who is obsessed with swordsmanship, unscrupulously kills people to test the sword, or challenges the strong and brutally kills the opponent after death. Transformed into a demon.

As a demon directly transformed from human souls, it is also marked with great sin.

It's just that the Blade Demon is weaker than other demons with the Sin Mark, and easier to control. That's why it's not classified as a high-level demon.

With the development of the times in recent years, blade demons are rarely born. The last batch of blade demons were born hundreds of years ago.

From the perspective of path ability alone, the Blade Demon is probably only equivalent to a third-level melee extraordinary person. But its superb combat skills and rich combat experience have increased its threat level in frontal combat by at least one level.

The performance in the game is that the Blade Demon is the only one among all the low-level demons, and even among all the phantom demons encountered in the first forty levels, that can use fast and slow swords. The intervals between its combos are variable, and its moves are changed very quickly - it has the kind of combat IQ that after seeing the rolling movement, it directly changes its moves to find the landing point.

And it will also consciously attack its weaknesses. The Blade Demon can enchant his weapons with various elemental damage, and target his hatred target by choosing the opponent's weakest resistance to attack the opponent.

Because of this, rolling is almost ineffective against it, and parrying is highly unlikely to be able to withstand it. Moreover, its pursuit desire is very strong, and it is almost impossible for players who are chased and slashed by it to distance themselves to receive treatment from the Path of Devotion. The only drawback is that it has dead hatred, and once it targets someone, it will never change the hatred target.

If you want to fight the Blade Demon, you just need to bring control skills, then focus your fire and kill him instantly. The longer you delay, the more likely it is that something will happen.

Then there are the four Demonologists, all of whom are not high level, are all squishy, ​​and have no home field advantage. But if you leave it alone, if they take a ritual stance and output, the damage will still be quite high.

Their lineup highlights the idea of ​​"brothers and brothers each relying on their own abilities." A very classic NPC team formation, without any disruptive or protective demons, just start with a direct attack in the face.

It's a yes if you change your home at the beginning.

Although there is basically no joint defense ability between each other, because each demon is the type of "you'd better focus your fire and kill it first", so they are a bit troublesome to combine. Because if you kill anyone, everyone else can take action.

Although for the strong, their fate is to burp their butts when they are hit with one skill. But for Aiwass, who apparently only has the first level, this is almost a dead end that "can't be solved even if he knows it."

"What if I can solve it myself?"

Aiwass asked: "You guys are in this kind of lineup, how do you want me to deal with it?"

"Don't be angry, Mr. Moriarty..."

York on the other side of the phone smiled coquettishly, his voice trembling a little.

Aiwass seemed to be able to see from his tone that he was wiping sweat with a handkerchief: "That's why I am so anxious because I can't contact you - we are also afraid that you will be killed accidentally!

"But there is no way. Originally, Vice President Boka really just wanted to send a few second-level demonologists to attack you. He gave two reasons. One was to 'reduce the scale of the attack to prevent Avalon's The vigilance rebounded and the officials looked down upon us'; the other was from inside Lloyd's, saying that 'the association wants to consume our strength and deliberately sends our people to die, and we need to conserve our strength'.

"Isn't this nice?"

Aiwass asked: "Is he right?"

“Yes, I think it’s okay too…but the president stopped him.

"The president said that your identity is relatively subtle and critical, so no matter how small the attack against you is, it is a big event. Avalon's vigilance cannot be alleviated by reducing the intensity of the attacker, so Mr. Boca's reasons are not valid; and there are many Everyone knows that you have joined Lloyd's. If you encounter the demonologist's full assassination at this time, you can instead use a smoke bomb to confuse Avalon's investigators and combine Lloyd's with the Noble Red Society. Separate for now and buy us some time."

Lawyer York tried his best to repeat the words of the two senior officials: "The final voting result is...there are obviously more supporters on the president's side.

"What Vice-President Boka means is that you should find some help. If it doesn't work out, then you don't have to hold back... Your first goal is to protect yourself."

Aiwass clicked his tongue, smacked his lips, and said nothing.

Mr. President, he is quite eloquent.

What he meant was to throw Aiwass out as an abandoned son.

If Aiwass, as a member of Lloyd's of London on the surface, continues to be attacked by the Noble Red Society, then it can be proved that there is not a close relationship between Lloyd's and the Society.

Lloyd's are all businessmen.

Businessmen have little faith, they are more timid and like to protect themselves. But at the same time, I like more aggressive strategies with higher returns.

Therefore, when he said this, it was impossible for others to agree with Vice President Boca's decision from an objective perspective.

As the head of the Moriarty family, any attack on Aiwass may lead to Avalon's full counterattack - and from this perspective, the president directly denies the "hero" of Vice President Boca. plan".

Compared with "preserving strength under the pressure of association" and "directly making a counter-logic to prove that Lloyd's may have nothing to do with Noble Red", the benefits are obviously more stable but lower.

He knew the personalities of other senior executives at Lloyd's very well. Therefore, the reasons he gave were more convincing than those of Vice President Boca.

Good guy, so much internal fighting?

The friendly fire damage they inflicted on each other was even much greater than the damage caused to them by the Supervisory Bureau...

Aiwass was a serious member of Lloyd's.

Mr. President, are you not afraid that Aiwass will be forced to betray you?

Aiwass narrowed his eyes and fell into thinking.

...Unless he already plans to withdraw from Lloyd's. Because he did not respond to Vice President Boka's second question, which meant that he planned to end his position of sitting on the fence and completely side with the Noble Red Society.

On the other hand, the Noble Red Society's actions were so bold and forced them to attack Aiwass... they may not have the idea of ​​letting the authorities deal with Lloyd's for them.

As expected of an organization that transcends the path, internal strife is fierce.

Even before Avalon got it, they were already fighting over how to distribute it.

It is because Aiwass itself is extremely valuable that the president cannot tolerate this. His idea of ​​"defying logic" is essentially a cover-up. What he really has to do is to prevent himself from being bitten by Lloyd's.

If Aiwass betrays the water, then Lloyd will be dragged down by Aiwass, and he can jump to the noble red; if Aiwass does not betray the water, then he is suppressing the faction of the vice president of Boca . The so-called heretics are more abominable than heretics. To Mr. President, Vice President Boca, who started a new faction with a clear-cut banner, is a heretic in his eyes.

From this perspective, he is actually not a pure transcendent.

This generation of "Lloyds" has a strong sense of authoritarianism and consciously maintains their own power.

This may be the reason why he did not firmly join Noble Red at the beginning, but still had half a foot on Lloyd's.

How ridiculous. An ambitious and power-hungry businessman...

But it is precisely because of the existence of such people that the covenant between Lloyd's and Noble Red has a flaw.

Do you like popping champagne at halftime?

Okay, then I'll open a few more bottles for you.

"I don't have to hold back, right?"

Aiwass responded briefly after a moment of silence.

Then he ignored lawyer York's nagging words and hung up the phone directly. Act like you are angry.

But in reality, Aiwass was completely lifeless.

Instead, the corners of his mouth raised, and he was in a happy mood: "The opportunity has finally come."

"Is it the fake death plan I mentioned before?"

Yulia, who had been holding her breath and motionless before, asked.

She was a little worried: "Is it really okay?"

"Trust me, Yuri. I never do anything stupid."

Aiwass thought for a while and slightly modified his original plan: "I will invite Princess Isabel over tomorrow and tell her that you want to enroll - your grades are absolutely sufficient, but you need additional exams.

"I will ask her to come over in the afternoon, and you will pester her and say that you will follow her to the palace, so that you will not be in danger. Yuli is so cute, Her Highness the Princess will definitely like it."

"But...what about the assassins at night?"

Yulia thought clearly: "Wait until night, will I clamor to come back...and then be escorted back by the palace guards?"

"Need not."

Aiwass smiled gently and said softly: "I can solve it myself. Didn't you already give me your little butterfly? It will protect me for you."

"Me and Miss Shadow Demon will do the same."

Lily added on the side: "After this, we may be missing for a while. Miss Yulia remember not to reveal any flaws."

Yulia nodded seriously: "I will try my best."

——Good luck.

Aiwass narrowed his eyes like a fox and looked out the window.

If the president wasn't so greedy, there would be some flaws in his plan.

And now, the last loophole in Aiwass' plan has been filled by the president's own greed and selfish desires.

"Aleister... I want to say hello to Vice President Boca for you."

He chanted softly, raising the corners of his mouth, and his voice was as soft as chewing candy.

Update meow~

Tomorrow is the first show of Little Butterfly——

I decided not to ask for leave and finish coding before going to play Border 3!

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