Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 152 Isabel’s Meeting Gift

After classes on Tuesday morning, Isabel came to Aiwass for dinner as a routine.

Isabel had many things to share with Aiwass. From last Friday to today, when the two have not met, the topic has been backlogged for four days.

Before, Isabel had no concept of time. For her, daily life is an infinitely repetitive cycle, with no expectations for the next day.

But that's different now. She is looking forward to being promoted together with Aiwass, looking forward to their adventures in the dream world and experiencing another life together; she is also looking forward to chatting with Aiwass and sharing interesting things in each other's lives recently.

Even though this kind of sharing happens every day, the content is completely different.

Isabel used to really like weekends. Because every weekend, she could stay quietly in the Palace of Silver and Tin without talking to anyone. I was singing, painting, and playing musical instruments alone there, and the time passed in the blink of an eye.

The tranquility of being isolated from the world always healed her tired mind.

But now as the weekend approaches, Isabel becomes anxious about gains and losses. Because she won't see Aiwass for the next few days, and she has gradually become accustomed to talking to others. Once she adapts to that kind of life, she will understand what loneliness is.

Therefore, Isabel will carefully prepare a notebook with the topic plans she has prepared. She and Aiwass were not in the same academic department. They could only see each other steadily for more than three hours at noon every day, and they might not even be free in the afternoon - something would often happen to one of them suddenly.

This resulted in her sometimes missing the topics she wanted to talk about. Obviously I met something interesting last night or in the morning, but I forgot to mention it after meeting. I didn’t think of it until after we separated, and the next time we chatted was already a day later... After a few times of this, Isabel began to Take notes, make some plans and preparations for the chat session, and record down the questions you have thought about or the interesting things you want to say.

She heard last night that Aiwass brought his sister to school. Isabel was very curious at that time, because she knew before that Aiwass's sister was frail and sick and rarely went out to see the wind.

Now that she suddenly went out, she must have finally recovered from her illness, right?

Isabel is quite curious about Aiwass' sister, because Aiwass often uses "Yuli" as a topic of conversation. Although she had never met Julia Moriarty, Isabel already knew her quite well.

Her character... seems to be somewhat similar to mine?

Thinking that both of them have no friends, and both have a good relationship with Aiwass. Maybe we can have a common topic and become friends?

So Isabel took the initiative and wanted to meet Yulia. And Aiwass readily agreed.

After asking Aiwass what his sister liked, Isabel went back to prepare.

It was only at this time that she realized that she was indeed the princess of Avalon - obviously everything should be quite troublesome, but she just mentioned it and had it ready before the end of the afternoon class.

Although she had the key to No. 14 Ronin Street, Isabel nervously rang the doorbell at the door in order not to give Yulia a bad impression.

The so-called comparing one's feelings with one's own - Isabel thought for a while, if it were herself, she would definitely feel uneasy if the door of the room where she was staying was suddenly opened by a stranger. No matter who that person was, Isabel would only feel subconscious discomfort and resistance.

Fortunately, she lived in the Palace of Silver and Tin and didn't have that opportunity.

To Isabel's surprise, it was not Lily who opened the door. But a cute girl she has never seen before——

Isabel is not too tall, but Yulia is half a head shorter than her.

The long white hair hangs down to her waist, and the bangs covering her forehead and temples make the girl's already petite face look even more delicate.

Her eyes were a rare, ruby-like warm color. Isabel subconsciously thought of the candies she usually likes to eat.

...surprisingly very energetic.

"elder sister……"

Yulia made a soft voice: "Who are you looking for?"

Hearing this, a gentle smile appeared on Isabel's face unconsciously.

She is not the youngest in the family. In addition to her two-year-old brother, Isabel originally had younger brothers and sisters. But they are all dead now.

"I'm looking for the same time, I'm also looking for you."

Isabel closed the door and subconsciously wanted to reach out and touch Yulia's hair - the girl's white hair was not as white as an old man's bones, nor was it a pale color that made people feel cold. Instead, it has a slightly warmer feeling, which allows people to see the vitality and vitality at a glance.

The satin-smooth feeling gave Isabel a phantom-like touch from the tips of her fingers without even touching it.

She even wanted to touch Yulia's cheek. She's so cute, she looks like her grandmother's cat.

But she felt that was too rude - Aiwass said that Yulia was a very shy and timid girl. This will scare her.

"You are Yulia, right," Isabel said softly, "I prepared a gift for you..."

With that said, she handed the satchel she carried with her to Yulia.

Yulia tilted her head slightly while holding her bag, looking a little confused.

"open to take a look."

Isabel whispered encouragement.

She was actually a little uneasy, because she was a little confused about the gift she chose - even though Aiwass swore that this was what Yulia liked.

But Isabel still felt that this was too strange. Why would a fifteen year old girl like this?

Yulia opened her satchel and found three thick books inside.

"The Triumphal Carriage of Antimony", "Theory of Transmutation of Metals: Special Agents and Modified Metals" and "Astronomy of the Lower World".

"This is--"

Yulia's eyes suddenly lit up, and her whole body became excited.

Because these three books are all very famous alchemy works, and they are also books that cannot be bought through normal channels in Avalon.

"The Triumphal Carriage of Antimony" is a sacred text written by Valentine I, the founder of the Kingdom of Star Antimony, and "The Astronomy of the Lower World" is an ancient alchemist's summary of alchemy - it regards alchemy as " "Lower Astronomy" corresponds to the real astronomy "Upper Astronomy".

And transmutation is an alchemical term. It refers to one substance being changed into another substance, and one element being changed into another element...for example, a specific base metal is transmuted into silver or gold.

In this process, a transformation agent with mysterious properties is needed. It is a "special agent" that can carry out a large amount of metal modification by consuming only a small part. Different alchemical processes require different types of special agents, synthesis methods, and usage amounts.

The essence of the legendary "Philosopher's Stone" is the ultimate special agent - only a small amount is needed to transform base metals hundreds of thousands of times its weight into gold. This is also one of the three ultimate goals pursued by alchemists.

It is equally famous as "Life Creation" and "Universal Solvent". The latter refers to a universal solvent that can dissolve all substances in the universe and return them to their most basic properties, so that any substance can participate in alchemy.

These three books respectively explain the three general directions of alchemy: "spiritual sublimation", "material modification" and "conceptual projection". It can be said that they contain the foundation of the entire modern alchemy.

This is not a popular science book for laymen, but something that only extraordinary people who are serious about alchemy research should start reading.

Although this is not a tantric book, if you can fully understand these three books, you can also obtain at least three mysterious skills from them and change your profession to become a real alchemist.

Yulia has a Star Antimony version of "Antimony's Triumphal Car", which is in the professor's collection. She was almost done with it... She had read it at least ten times, and she could memorize many chapters directly.

But after all, she didn’t quite understand Star Antimony.

Even if I consult the dictionary repeatedly, I still cannot understand some of the rare words, alchemical terms and coined words in the book. She often pulls Professor Moriarty to ask him to help decipher words and passages that she doesn't understand.

The remaining two books are not even in the professor's collection - the former is too introductory for the professor, but it records the mysterious skill "substance transformation" necessary for changing to an alchemist.

The latter is another field that none of the professors have studied... It is a mysterious alchemy that uses the names and concepts of gods, similar to prayers and rituals.

It is impossible to buy these books in Avalon. They are completely forbidden books.

There are some in the library of Wangli Law University, but the books in the library must be returned after reading... This makes Yulia a little reluctant. Moreover, Aiwass also had books he wanted to read, and Yulia didn’t want to use her brother’s quota to borrow the books she wanted to read.

Yulia flipped through it a little, and was surprised to find that they were not typed on a typewriter, but handwritten in their entirety!

These books are written in Avalonian, and the handwriting appears vigorous and powerful. I wrote down some notes, corrections and conjectures in the content——

Apparently this was the "first draft translation" of the Avalonian versions of these books today.

"...You should be Her Royal Highness Princess Isabel, right?"

Yulia no longer dared to pretend not to know the other person, she even hesitated: "Can I accept such a precious thing?"

She loves them very much. But it was precisely because of this that she could feel the value of these books—she even dared not accept them.

There is always a feeling, as if collecting these books is going to sell my brother...

"it does not matter."

Isabel smiled and said: "This set of books was a gift given to my grandmother by the president of Milton University... Because of my grandmother's education reform back then, alchemy was no longer a taboo. And in order to support this policy, he Eleven alchemical works that I translated were sent to my grandmother to form the basis of the textbooks compiled by the University of Avalon.

“After the textbooks were compiled, these books became my grandmother’s private collection. Later, when my talent for the authoritarian path was not good, my grandmother gave them to me.

"I also thought about learning alchemy back then. But it turned out to be too complicated for me. Aiwass said you like alchemy... It's great that you like it, so that knowledge will not be wasted. It is a real misfortune that such a good book is left unread.

"Just keep them safely, Yulia."

Isabel said softly: "I want to become a great alchemist."

"Thank you sister!!"

Yulia was so happy that she carefully put them back into the bag.

Seeing that Yulia really liked the gift she gave, Isabel also breathed a sigh of relief.

Aiwass actually got it right.

Yulia does like alchemical books...

How could a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old girl like this kind of thing?

The Moriarty family is not short of money, so giving away things that can be bought on the market is meaningless and will only appear vulgar and tasteless; simply giving away books is useless, because the library of the Royal University of Law belongs to the royal family. Collecting books was like borrowing flowers to offer to Buddha; but Aiwass didn't know what Yulia liked - the preferences he gave could be said to be extremely strange.

Mechanics, electronics, chemistry, paleontology, and my favorite products should be alchemy-related products, such as alchemy books.

...Listen, does this sound like something a fifteen-year-old girl should like?

Isabel even thought about giving Yulia a set of butterfly specimens. This should be considered an ancient creature, and it looks more in line with girls' aesthetics - at least it looks beautiful.

But she thought about it for a long time and decided to respect Yulia's personal preferences.

So she finally thought of a suitable gift:

——Unique alchemical translation manuscript!

Even though Isabel was not very interested in alchemy back then, she still felt that these were very precious gifts and she treasured them well. But saying it was a treasure, Isabel almost forgot about it, and finally remembered that she still had such a set of books.

Now they can find the right owner for them, someone who truly understands their value.

Even excluding the factor of pleasing Yulia... Isabel is really happy now.

This girl is quite cute.

Looking at Yulia, who was happily holding a book and smiling happily like a little girl, Isabel showed a gentle smile.

As expected, she guessed right. She and Yulia would indeed be very happy together!

"Where's Aiwass?"

Isabel asked again.

"Brother is reading." Yulia followed closely beside Isabel, carrying her satchel. "He said... he was preparing for the next promotion."

Yulia's affection for Isabel has increased a lot.

Not only did she give Yulia a gift that she liked, but her attitude towards knowledge also made Yulia quite fond of her - she originally thought that Isabel, as an extraordinary person on the path of beauty, would not know much about alchemy. What's important... I didn't expect that she actually did some research on alchemy.

While waiting for Aiwass, she and Isabel chatted for a while. I found that Isabel actually read these books seriously... Although she has almost forgotten them all now, she can still recall some of them with Yulia's prompting.

Your amazing princess!

Yulia was in awe.

Even she herself has never read many of the books in the professor's study. Either it’s a field that I’m not interested in, or it’s too obscure so I can’t understand it, or it’s a whole book that discusses a small topic in a professional field…

This kind of book doesn't seem that interesting. Yulia's original motivation for reading was to experience the world... but highly professional knowledge seemed too abstract for her to understand at all.

Therefore, although her adoptive father also gave her some books, many of them were bought from abroad. But Yulia didn't actually finish reading it... Even so, she brought those books with her when she moved.

And Princess Isabel, although not interested in alchemy, read these books conscientiously when she was given them as a gift. Because it is too serious, it seems to make people feel a little pity.

This princess has a pretty cute personality...

Yulia thought.

In the relaxed atmosphere where both of them felt that the other was so cute, Lily pushed Aiwass's wheelchair over.

After asking what Yulia was holding, Aiwass thanked Isabel on behalf of Yulia - he didn't expect Isabel's gift to be so expensive. He originally thought Isabel would give a few hardcover books. After reading the book, it turned out that Isabel was so serious when we first met.

I have to prepare some return gifts, Aiwass thought.

But he also fell into a gift-giving dilemma - as a high-ranking princess, what is there that Isabel can't get?

After keeping this incident in mind, Aiwass and Isabel brought up the issue of Yulia's enrollment intentionally or unintentionally.

"no problem."

Isabel responded simply: "Leave this matter to me...but maybe Yulia will have to take the exam alone.

"After all, if she really can't keep up with the course, it will not be good for her study. It will bring a lot of pressure to her. Based on her course results, it will be decided which department she will be assigned to... If she has alchemy If your level is not too high, then it is better to be assigned to the second department to learn basic subjects for half a year, and then transfer to the occult department next year."

Her Royal Highness the Princess reminded kindly.

She is no longer so timid when chatting with Aiwass now. And under the guidance of Aiwass, Isabel has gradually understood how the power she possesses should be used reasonably.

The biggest change is...she no longer rushes to do it immediately after hearing Aiwass's request. Instead, start trying to think about the problem from the other party's perspective, use your own common sense and knowledge to judge what problems the other party will encounter, and then try to solve it in advance.

Isabel unexpectedly discovered that she was quite good at this.

Although she does not have the ability to control the will of others, guide others to think, and strengthen the loyalty of others like the authoritarian path...but she has the talent to feel the hearts of others. It is easy to perceive the true purpose hidden by others from just a few words.

Not everyone expresses their true thoughts in conversations. Some people can't do it, and some people don't want to do it.

As an "all-rounder", Isabel's understanding of everyone is rising at the same time——

Perhaps it is because the interpretation of heart and thoughts itself belongs to the field of beauty.

As her conversation with Yulia deepened, Isabel gradually felt a little of Yulia's essence.

She was vaguely aware of it.

... Yulia doesn't seem to be the fragile and soft girl Aiwass said. On the contrary, she has a rather calm... even cold to heartless heart.

Yulia has a strong and competitive nature, and she is much stronger than Isabel on all levels.

The softness and attachment she showed was not because her heart was fragile... but because she had a good impression of herself, especially Aiwass. So in front of the two of them, Yulia was unwilling to reveal her aggression——

But what would Yulia do if she faced someone she hated?

Aiwass told Yulia that she should pretend to be colder when facing her classmates after she enters school to protect herself... He always felt that Yulia was very weak and needed protection from others. And Yulia did have this image in front of Aiwass.

But according to Isabel, this is not the case.

Yulia may not need to pretend at all. She just needs to express her true feelings.

Isabel suddenly became interested.

——She wanted to see Yulia go to school. See how she reveals her cold nature.

An update of 5,500 words, two in one today!

I originally wanted to take half a day off for one chapter, but ended up writing five thousand five hundred and five in one chapter and it turned into two in one...

I’m going to play Bode today, so I’ll take a rest for a long time!

I didn’t write about the little butterfly, sorry meow! Kowtow, bang, bang, bang!

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