Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 158 Suspect Aleister

At around 1 a.m. in the middle of the night, gunshots and explosions rang out one after another. Then a fire broke out.

Although the campus of Wangli Law University is very large, the knights patrolling at night quickly noticed the movement here.

When he rushed to the scene, he found that the lawn in front of No. 14 Luoning Street was dry and burning; there were corpses scattered in front of the door, blood stains on the door, and the iconic armored and rotten flesh of the dead devil dog on the lawn. He immediately realized that this was no longer a problem that a second-level supervisor could handle.

He turned around and ran without hesitation. About twenty minutes later, people from the Supervision Bureau came slowly. Before that, the school janitor had received a call and came here to put out the fire.

According to the knight's request, the scene was completely preserved except for fire extinguishing. No unnecessary movement was made.

Because the content of the phone call was very serious, the scope of the Supervision Bureau this time was quite large.

At two o'clock in the morning, twelve supervisors came riding on griffins and fully armed.

"These people should be demonologists."

The first time she saw the scene, a leading middle-aged woman wearing a monocle immediately made a judgment: "I saw the aura of ritual magic."

In her sight, two of these people shone with the protective aura unique to ritual spells.

She took a closer look and confirmed: "The effect of the ritual is not over yet. The battle should have happened not long ago."

"Director Taiya, look here."

A young male inspector squatted on the ground. He wore leather gloves and picked up a shimmering red dust: "This should be the Flame Essence."

"Well, I saw it."

The new female director nodded: "Judging from the traces, it was the flames of the path of devotion that killed them. The original power of the flames should not be that great. It should be that the flame essence was used to amplify the flames."

"Director, there's no one inside!"

The inspector who went to investigate the house also returned and reported the news: "But there are signs that things have been damaged... There may have been a fight inside!"

"I gonna go see."

The director nodded and asked the school janitor and knight beside him: "Who lives here? Who is the teacher?"

"It's a student. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ"

The knight replied: "It's Aiwass Moriarty."

Hearing this, Taiya was stunned for a moment, and her expression became serious.

She confirmed: "Is it the decorated Aiwass Moriarty?"

"How many more Moriarty's there are, Ms. Taiya." the knight responded.

"That would be bad..."

Taiya murmured to herself, frowning: "Is it revenge?"

She greeted behind her: "Mr. Dawn, please backtrack here!"


A middle-aged lawyer who was already in his fifties walked over slowly: "I can only trace back the actions of the deceased within an hour... Are you sure this is where it is?"

He held a silver-white elf staff in his hand. The tip of the staff was the symbol of Avalon - a silver triangle and an emerald inlaid in the center.

After receiving Taiya's affirmation, the old law mage's staff paused on the ground without hesitation.

I saw silver-white runes condensed into a magic circle, spreading out from the ground in an instant.

And soon, silver-white, transparent and blurry outlines appeared on these corpses. Stand up as if you were going back in time, moving forward in reverse order.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, Taiya said hurriedly.

The next moment, the screen suddenly stopped.

Although the outline was very blurry, she could clearly see it - the knight holding a giant sword had no lower body, but could float in the air. It appeared for no reason, but there was obviously no body there.

Her expression suddenly changed slightly: "Blade Demon?"


Hearing this, the people around were also surprised and came over.

"This man is followed by a Blade Demon." Taiya looked down at the man who had a clear cross-shaped burn mark on his face and chest and was dressed like a lawyer. "Is he the 'Trial Blade Demon'?"

"The Trial Blade Demon" is a wanted criminal from the Lloyd District Inspection Bureau.

They say they are wanted criminals, but in fact they don't even know each other's appearance.

They could only confirm that the residual aura of the Blade Demon was found at the many scenes where the victims were killed - it should be that a certain demonologist used extraordinary power to kill innocent people in order to summon and drive the Blade Demon.

The Blade Demon is a relatively rare demon, at least it should be the only one on Glass Island. So they named it "The Trial Blade Demon".

But the Supervision Bureau in Lloyd District had too many facts, and other divisions were unwilling to transfer to Lloyd District.

Therefore, "Test Blade Demon" only exists as a name on the wanted poster, and no one even knows what he looks like, whether he is male or female, and his age.

"Can you see what the Blade Demon was defeated by?"

"It was knocked away by something."

Dawn pointed to the traces of it flying: "It should be something with a huge impact. But there are traces of the demon dissipating here, so I think its owner should have been killed, and then the blade demon was sent back. "

"Huge impact?"

Director Taiya was not surprised by the latter part. To be able to kill the Blade Demon head-on, one must be at least the fourth level.

But in the first half, the more she thought about it, the more confused she became.

There was only one thing that was certain - the corpses of the two demon dogs in front of the door were obviously dispersed by the purification power. The outer armor was almost undamaged, and the carrion inside was also intact. It's just that the curse that controlled the corpses has been dispelled... When the curse existed, these rotten flesh should have been purple, but now they are the color of ordinary rotten flesh.

"As far as I know, Aiwass Moriarty is a priest. He once defeated the Abnormal Limb Demon with the help of extraordinary items."

A young female supervisor recorded something in her notebook and replied smoothly: "He should have dispersed this himself. He can do this kind of thing."

Taya nodded, then shook his head: "It is indeed possible. But he definitely did not defeat the Blade Demon. He was just a priest and had limited mobility. Even with the bonus of the Flame Spirit, it was impossible to kill the Blade Demon instantly. And The blade demon is very resistant, so there should be someone else at the scene - at least someone who can physically hit the blade demon or even kill it."

"But there are no footprints, Director."

"He might fly."

Taiya replied: "It may also be some kind of magic... Spells can also achieve this effect. However, there are no traces of magic left on the path of wisdom... But it may also have been erased. A skilled mage can achieve this effect without any traces." Traces of magic."

"In other words, there was a powerful mage who was with Aiwass Moriarty and was attacked by four demon scholars."

The supervisor muttered to himself and recorded it in his notebook.

"Not necessarily a mage."

Taiya turned back and added: "It is also possible that that person is a person who devotes himself to the road or someone who transcends the road - after all, only traces of these two powers are left at the scene. However, it is not ruled out that he is a powerful extraordinary person who adapts to the road. The road also has the ability to hide the traces of the road.”

After that, she walked towards the house. Carry out further investigation.

Under the reflection of her monocle, there were traces of red and purple remaining on the ground.

Through these traces, she gradually traced her origins.

It seems that Aiwass should be victorious.

With the help of the unknown helper, he defeated a group of demonologists who attacked him late at night.

The fat man who was shot in the head by a bullet, and the strange blast wound on his head looked very familiar to Taiya - that was the special bullet used by Aiwass when he first killed the demonologist in the Pelican Bar.

This was apparently someone Aiwass killed himself.

Except for the fat man, the other three people died in the flames. Moreover, two people had almost no struggle, no signs of fighting or exerting force before they died, indicating that they were killed instantly.

The flame spirits scattered on the ground are proof of his spell casting.

Then Taiya gradually realized that... this should be a high-level extraordinary person on the path of devotion.

This is a very simple assumption: if a person has enough power to defeat the Blade Demon head-on, then he does not need to use firearms, which emphasize hit rate, so those three people should not be killed by Aiwass.

And if that helper is a mage, there's no reason for him to just use fire abilities.

"Collect the blood stains and take them for testing."

She pointed to the blood on the ground and gave instructions to her subordinates.

Judging from the shape, it was naturally dripping blood. Height-wise it should be an adult, not Aiwass in a wheelchair.

So he's injured?

But the blood stains were only at the door and disappeared when going inside.

Then he should have been healed immediately after being injured.

This is more consistent with the inference of the "two pastors".

There are traces of the wheelchair from the doorway to the living room. The living room was a little messy, and the table was knocked over. The candle fell to the ground and was snapped... It seemed that someone was interrupted when he wanted to use the "sacrificial fire".

Could it be that the two of them were fighting?

But there was no blood, no body. If there had been a battle here, then the corpses should have been left behind - the corpses at the door were not picked up, and the things were dumped on the floor. It makes no sense that only Aiwass' body was taken away.

Judging from this perspective, Aiwass should at least be alive!

Thinking of this, Director Taiya relaxed a little.

She had just taken over as Commissioner Gordon, and she would be in trouble if the hero who had just received the Order of the Sword was killed in her jurisdiction just a week later.

But soon, she noticed some subtle shadows remaining in the corner.


She knelt down and observed carefully for a long time, and finally her expression changed drastically: "This is... Shadow Demon?!"

How could there be a high-ranking demon like Shadow Demon on the Glass Island!

This shadow demon obviously did not attack those demonologists. They were in a group - that is to say, one of these people from the Noble Red Society summoned the shadow demon!

When he saw the four people being killed, he followed the two men and sneaked into the room. There are still traces of the shadow power left in the crack of the door, and this is the evidence.

While the two of them were being healed, Shadow Demon suddenly attacked, knocked them down and captured them. This should be the whole story.

——When a high-ranking demon like Shadow Demon is involved, this is something they can't handle.

She didn't dare to neglect, so she could only report the matter to the Inspectorate.

The first person to receive the report was her old boss, Inspector Gordon.

When he heard traces of Shadow Demon, he immediately thought of one person.


Inspector Gordon murmured under his breath: "Is that you?"

After thinking about it, I decided not to eat now until the update is finished!

Update completed meow! The cat went to eat, come back and correct the typo!

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