Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 159 Aiwass: Can’t wait any longer

Gordon still remembered that man, clearly.

Even now, when he recalls that evil laugh, he can't help but feel the stabbing pain in his heart like needles——

During the promotion ceremony, he was easily killed by the demon code-named "Aleister" who penetrated his body with a shadow spear.

His body was dissolved by the shadow in the blink of an eye, and the severe pain did not completely dissipate until he woke up, and part of it still remained in the impression.

Gordon is indeed a bit older.

The weakness caused by the failed promotion made Gordon unable to recover for several days. Nowadays, the body also loses strength and becomes distracted from time to time, unable to function normally at all. But even so, he is still on duty. I just did some casual work and didn't take time off to rest at home.

When he finished the promotion ceremony and just woke up, he relied on his somewhat vague memory to clearly record the events in his dream. Because he is an inspector himself, even if they cannot be used as evidence, they can still be used as a reference for the team's investigation ideas.

Gordon opened his dream record book and turned to the latest ritual. Find the page where Aleister is found.

It was rare for him to remember this page densely.

Because it was also the first time for the other party to participate in the promotion ceremony and he didn’t understand anything.

Not only did he disdain to make up code names, but he also revealed all his origin information.

Old Gordon was a soldier and became a supervisor after retiring. He now has some experience in case trial and intelligence summarization - there is almost no truth in the mouths of those pickpockets, gangsters, and gang members, but the lies they make up are also valuable in themselves.

Because even if some lies are mixed in, as long as this person is not given time, his instinctive tendency to make up lies can tell what information he wants to hide and what he regards as common sense. He can hide the truth, but he cannot hide his perspective on things that is different from others because he knows the truth.

But Gordon knew little about psychology, and Inspector Edward was better at it.

Gordon did not hesitate and told Inspector General Edward all the information he knew, including what he saw in his dream.

Edward is currently feeling anxious about Aiwas's disappearance.

At half past two, he was woken up by a phone call. He was still a little angry at the time, but when he heard that something had happened to Aiwass, he immediately rushed to the Office of the Inspectorate without even washing or putting on clothes.

The information from Gordon calmed him down just right.

And provided Edward with a very clear direction of investigation.

But he didn't expect that after Edward carefully read Gordon's information, he became obviously more anxious——

"He has been possessed by demons since he was a child. He is also a shadow demon with high IQ and independent personality."

Edward frowned: "This means that in addition to his teachers and parents, the shadow demon is also educating and influencing him in his mind all the time."

Gordon nodded: "That's right, his worldview is obviously different from normal people."

The reason why demons are untrustworthy comes from this - no one knows what kind of taboo knowledge and wrong common sense the demons have taught them.

Edward continued his analysis: "His parents are both believers in the Nine Pillars God, but he only believes in the Snake Father... Believers in the Nine Pillars God usually worship Sizhu the most. This shows that he is completely uninterested in the way of devotion. Even full of disgust. He probably doesn’t have a good impression of the priest.”

And Aiwass was a priest.

The atmosphere between the two was silent for a moment.

Edward suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and continued reading: "He only studied in the countryside, and his education was only at the junior high school level. After inheriting his father's inheritance, his first choice was mountain climbing and rock climbing... This is dangerous and dangerous. A challenging sport. This choice implies that he has a restless heart, ignores the dangers of the outside world, and is even willing to go there happily.

"He doesn't understand the philosophy of the Noble Red Society at all, but he doesn't resist. So he is most likely to be fooled into it... and he doesn't know the identity of his guide.

"In other words, this Aleister is a country young man whose outlook is obviously different from that of normal people. He has a cruel and rebellious personality. He is used as a tool by the Noble Red Society. He is an uneducated young man from the countryside who likes to seek excitement. He is also very Hate the priest.”

Edward frowned: "There is no doubt that this person named Aleister is extremely dangerous."

He realized very clearly that Aiwass, who suddenly disappeared, was probably in real danger this time.

Their adoptive father James had just disappeared, and now Aiwass has disappeared again. And they don't seem to be in a very good situation, but they can't do anything about it...

A thought flashed through his mind: Fortunately, Yulia was taken to the palace by Princess Isabel.

I hope that Her Royal Highness the Princess can stabilize her emotions. Julia's relationship with Aiwass has always been very good, even better than with her adoptive father James and with Edward himself.

But I'm afraid that won't work.

...Because it seems that Princess Isabel and Aiwass also have a very good relationship. Maybe Yulia didn't have the channel to know about this kind of thing, but Princess Isabel must have known it immediately. If she knew it, Yulia should also know it.

If Yulia knew that Aiwass was missing and was captured by an extremely dangerous person... I'm afraid her emotions would be out of control, and the demon in her body would burst out. It was best not to tell her about it.

If the identity of the Phantom Egg is discovered, then Yulia will also be in danger...

But soon Edward suddenly realized that Yulia was no longer the phantom egg.

This was the night before yesterday, and the old butler Oswald told him the news before leaving. Although it was difficult to understand this, Edward was relieved.

——This is probably the only good news.

He didn't have to rush Julia home to try to hide her identity...and now that Oswald wasn't home, Julia was much safer in the House of Silver and Tin than at Moriarty Manor.

He had to go find Aiwass and had no time to protect and take care of Yulia.

Edward had always been a man of few words and no comforter. If Yulia came back crying, Edward didn't know how to comfort her.

This kind of thing has always been done by Aiwass in the past.

Just thinking about it gave Edward a headache.

I might as well have disappeared!

Now he could only pretend to be dead and put Yulia in the Palace of Silver and Tin first. With Her Highness Isabel and Master Yanis taking care of her, at least Yulia doesn’t have to worry.

"damn it!"

Edward was in an extremely anxious and depressed mood.

He clenched his fists and punched the table. The thick solid wood table suddenly cracked slightly.

Despite his cold personality, Edward values ​​his family very much.

At this moment, he felt unprecedented anger, entangled in his heart.


——Noble red.

I remember these two names.

Edward murmured softly: "I must get Aiwass back.

"Wait for me...Aiwass. I will definitely find you.

"Si Zhu is on top, Silver Crowned Dragon is on top...we must let Aiwass long as he can survive."

Edward closed his eyes and prayed softly.

On the other side, Aiwass and Lily stood quietly in the corner late at night.

The two of them almost blended into the shadows, and even if other low-level supervisors passed by them, they were unaware of them.

"Master, do we have to wait until tomorrow?"

Lily's voice asked in Aiwass's ear: "More and more people are under martial law."

It can only be said that the name Aiwass still holds some weight today.

Starting from two o'clock, the number of patrols on the streets increased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Gryphons of various colors were flying all over the sky, and those who couldn't ride gryphons also mounted horses and galloped through the streets of the city.

By three-thirty, even the lawyers appeared on the streets. They seriously investigated the backpacks of passing suspicious persons, paying special attention to checking all carriage carriages operating late at night. Every hotel was being searched urgently, and knights in armor suddenly broke into the dens of various organizations in the middle of the night, bringing with them serious-looking lawyers.

It was clear that things were gradually being taken over by someone higher up.

It is now 4:50 in the morning, and the streets are already brightly lit.

In the past ten minutes, Aiwass has seen more than one white gryphon flying over the sky.

It is still night, and the shadow demon's shielding ability is incomprehensible to these low-level supervisors and lawyers. Only these white griffons can detect that the shadow density is wrong. So whenever a white gryphon flies by, they have to hide for a while.

"Can't wait any longer."

Aiwass simply replied: "If we let them communicate calmly tomorrow, a pair of intelligence from both sides will definitely know that something is wrong.

"The fire isn't burning big enough right now - we have to go and add more fuel to them."

"Who should we start with?"

"Lawyer York, of course."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes slightly and said softly: "Let's go and avenge Sherlock first.

"This wave of griffons is gone, charge!"

The second chapter is only 2,000 words long, I will add some more words before posting!

So the second update will be a little later——

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