Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 162 Yes, I’m missing

When Sherlock woke up as usual, put on his pajamas and went downstairs to have breakfast.

But I saw two familiar and unfamiliar figures at the dining table.


Sherlock stopped walking downstairs and murmured.

Aiwass, who was supposed to be sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed over by Lily, was now sitting safely on a stool. He appears to have fully recovered.

And Lily did not stand behind Aiwass, but sat beside him.

After not seeing each other for a week, Sherlock was keenly aware that the tacit understanding between master and servant seemed to have deepened.

"You look much better, Sherlock."

Hearing the voice, Aiwass turned around and said hello with a smile: "It seems that you have adapted to your life here with Mr. Bishop."

It was still early, but Sherlock didn't look sleepy. His biological clock must have adjusted better.

It may also be that hypoglycemia has been treated - his previously almost sunken cheeks were obviously filled in, and some of his dry hair became shiny. Considering this, perhaps his previous hypoglycemia was purely caused by his unhealthy lifestyle.


Sherlock nodded instead.

He leaned on the handrail of the stairs and raised the corners of his mouth: "I was a little uncomfortable at first, because I was usually dragged by Mr. Kent to handle some troublesome cases. Suddenly I felt free, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

"But once I get used to it, I can slowly calm down and read books and do research. Thanks to Mrs. Mina, I am often too lazy to eat when I live alone, but she always reminds me in time. In addition, I have gradually become more leisurely. , and there is not so much work rushing me away... Being able to eat three meals a day normally and work and rest regularly, I feel that my body has improved a lot.

Mr. Hermes is a very optimistic judge of his body.

Aiwass leaned back in his chair: "I think it would be the same if you lived in your own home."

"No, no, no, that won't work."

Sherlock suddenly frowned: "It's not that I hate them - how should I put it, my family actually prefers silence."

Sherlock said as he walked down the stairs quickly.

He sat next to Aiwass, and then continued: "Do you know Mycroft's 'Barrel' Club?"

"Brother?" Aiwass asked.

"Yes," Sherlock nodded, "Unless something happens, he stays there at a fixed time every afternoon. I think it is the weirdest club on Glass Island, and there are some weirdos in it.

"You also know that Avalonians like to socialize in various clubs. Joining different clubs is often a way for them to meet new friends and new circles. But not everyone likes to socialize, and there are always some who are lonely and People who are unsociable or simply unsociable. But although they are withdrawn, it does not mean that they have to stay in the shadows.

"The Barrel Club is run by Mycroft. You should have met him, right?"

Having said this, Sherlock asked.

Aiwass nodded and recalled the man at Sherlock's funeral who was at least three times fatter than Sherlock but had a gentle temperament and a smart mind: "Well, he is indeed a very smart man."

"The rules of the Barrel Club are that no one is allowed to talk to each other or open a conversation. The club is very large, and the facilities are very comfortable and the lighting is good.

"Members can sit in the room they want, drink tea, read, write, and read newspapers. The club can provide free tea and the latest journals, both for entertainment and academic purposes. You can also find people to play chess. But the rules are still the same – no talking, no weird behavior, no making too much noise, no attracting other people’s attention.”

…Isn’t that the study room?

Aiwass suddenly became interested: "I think it's pretty good."

"As far as the atmosphere is concerned, I think it's actually pretty good. It's just that there are all the weirdos from the Glass Island gathered there, for example..."

Having said this, Sherlock paused slightly: "After my investigation, the sculptor Lars Graham also often appears there."

This is a code that only the two of them can understand.

——This is the name of "Bone Sculpture".

"But I haven't joined the barrel club because I can't really stay quiet for a long time... When my train of thought stops, or when I'm too bored, my heart easily becomes restless. At that time, I I would box, practice marksmanship and swordsmanship, or play the violin to stimulate my brain, which was about to fall asleep.

"The result is that whenever I am at home, my family will treat me like a child. And there are many rules in the family, and only Mycroft can always please them. It is best for me to go back occasionally, which can both I feel the warmth of my family and it won’t be too annoying. After a day or two, I will go back to my own place - if nothing else, business won’t come to my door if I stay at home.”

Sherlock explained.

"Ah, I understand."

Aiwass nodded and understood.

It's like a child who works or studies away from home returns home. In the first few days, it's like asking for help. Within a week, people began to dislike the dog, and he was scolded back and forth.

Especially a weirdo like Sherlock who has a chaotic schedule, doesn't like to eat, seclusion for a day or two from time to time, and often makes noises at strange times... His treatment in his own home is definitely not as good as that of the mature, steady, and worldly Michael Lowe. Mr. Foote's. I don't blame him for moving out on his own, at least he won't get scolded.

But Shylock and Mr. Bishop are not that close. Even though he was half a stranger and half a savior, he couldn't let go here and had to be polite. So Mrs. Mina called him to eat, and he had to come down to eat honestly. As a result, after a week passed like this, Sherlock's biological clock suddenly adjusted back.

Aiwass clicked his tongue in surprise, this is probably one thing destroying another thing.

"How about you just live here forever?"

Mrs. Mina took breakfast for four people and distributed it on the table.

She smiled at Sherlock and said, "You have to find a new house anyway, right?"

Hearing this, Sherlock was a little hesitant and cautious: "But... wouldn't this be too much trouble for you?"

"Then you can pay the rent."

Mrs. Mina smiled: "I can't worry about you living alone."

She and Mathers never had children. Over the past few days, she gradually realized that Sherlock was indeed a good boy. But his living habits are really worrying... Mina can almost confirm that if Sherlock is released to rent a house, he may return to his previous state within a month.

She had finally managed to restore Sherlock's body, and she didn't want to let it all go to waste.

"Anyway, Mathers and I don't have children, so it's not good to have more than half of the rooms in such a big house empty. Originally, no one lives on the second floor, so it's not troublesome to cook for one more person. But it's just too much A matter of knives and forks.”

"...Then I'll ask Bishop Mathers later."

Sherlock was obviously a little moved: "It's just that if someone visits me, I will cause trouble for you, right?"

"It's okay, I can have the final say on this kind of thing. You can still attract business to my store by staying here."

Mina smiled: "You can reach the living room on the second floor from the stairs of my fortune-telling shop. Why don't you change the living room on the second floor into your office?"

Now that Mrs. Mina has talked about this, Sherlock is embarrassed to mention moving out.

"Thank you very much for taking me in, Mrs. Mina."

Sherlock said seriously: "I don't have any money with me now. I will bring the rent later."

"Looks like I witnessed a good thing."

Aiwass laughed.

In this way, I would have an excuse to come over often and visit.

"By the way, where is today's newspaper?"

Sherlock asked softly: "I want to read some newspapers while eating."

During this period of time without contact with others, he relied entirely on various newspapers for his knowledge of Avalon.

"Here, be careful not to get dirty."

Aiwass handed over the "Glass Steps Newspaper" he was reading before: "Or do you want another newspaper?"

"This will do."

Sherlock glanced at it and said casually: "You've made the headlines again... huh?"

He took a closer look and saw clearly what the headline was about.

"Aiwass Moriarty, the young hero who received the Badge of the Holy Sword, was kidnapped by devil worshipers at school and is now missing!" 》

Sherlock looked at the newspaper, then looked up at Aiwass who handed the newspaper to him.

"...Missing now?" Sherlock repeated uncertainly.


Aiwass shrugged: "Yeah, I'm missing."

Chapter 2 will come later~

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