Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 163 The undercurrent of the glass island

Sherlock was stunned for a while and read the entire front page headline carefully.

He understood immediately: "You want to learn from me?"

"The trick is not new, just easy to use."

Aiwass said with a smile: "I think your fake death plan is very effective."

"But I also faked my death, and you also faked your death...What about Uncle York?"

Sherlock frowned: "How about I try to write an anonymous letter and ask Edward to catch him directly?"

"No need to bother, because York is missing too."

Aiwass replied immediately.


Sherlock was stunned for a moment.

Aiwass narrowed his eyes and added slowly: "He is really missing - and can never be found again."

"Did you kill him directly?"

Sherlock frowned slightly: "If we can't search his memory, what should we do with the clues?"

Aiwass explained: "Because I need to search my memory to confirm things, I have now determined it-York's superior is Bran Bokar, they are both members of the Noble Red Society, Lloyd and the Noble Red Society The Red Society does have an inseparable relationship, but they also have serious conflicts and differences within them."

"Bran Boca?"

Sherlock thought for a while and then recalled his identity: "Judge of the First Intermediate Court of White Queen District?"

"That's him. He is a fourth-level lawyer and a fourth-level demon scholar. The demon in the contract is the ice demon."

Aiwass gave Sherlock the emotional report he had just tortured.

Sherlock also took a breath: "He is actually also...and, the fourth energy level?"

At this level, it is basically impossible to catch it even if you want to.

Because Avalon cannot have a fifth-level palace ritualist. In other words, they can't be sure whether the other party is a demonologist anyway - if it were placed hundreds of years ago, they might have directly tortured or extracted memories.

But now is the age of civilization. Extracting memories is equivalent to killing a person directly. If they can't get evidence, they can't do it... After all, Boca is not an ordinary person. He is also a knight who can enter the Round Table Hall to participate in political discussions. . So this is actually tantamount to "the royal family wants to interrogate an old knight in the Round Table Hall to death without any clear evidence." It is impossible for them to do this.

Compared with the Round Table Hall, the royal family of Avalon has always been at a disadvantage.

In this case, if you want to interrogate a criminal who is indeed unclean but cannot find any direct evidence, you actually have to deal with not just this person... but the entire network of relationships behind the other person.

In order to prevent himself from being dragged into the water, everyone related to him will launch a fierce counterattack.

For the royal family, this is just the purge of an ordinary judge, but for others it is a matter of life and death - the two sides attach different importance to this matter and can make different determinations.

According to Sherlock's understanding of Avalon, this matter will eventually be let go.

Judge Boca might even be recruited into the royal family...because even if the royal family doesn't take action, the Round Table Hall will. In order to prevent the Round Table Hall from further increasing its strength, Bran Bocca's status will instead be elevated - as long as he reaps the benefits from the royal family, the Round Table Hall will not be able to safely accept him.

Sherlock felt his head hurt.

He rubbed his head and frowned: "Then this will be troublesome..."

"Not only that, I can also tell you some news. Although your uncle is only a third-level lawyer, he is also a fourth-level demon sender - the advanced profession of a demon."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes: "Did you know that he was once a demon?"

"...I had suspicions, but no evidence."

Sherlock said frankly: "When I was investigating Uncle York, I checked his earliest records. Judging from the written records alone, his logic was not rigorous and his defense testimony was not inflammatory. But he could change the judge and jury. The opinions of members... I had suspected at that time that he used some extraordinary means, which may be related to his hidden path ability. But I am not sure which direction his other path belongs to.

"Now it seems that it may be some kind of demon that can control the will of others."

However, the fourth level...

Sherlock was a little scared for a moment.

——Fortunately, we didn’t arrest him directly at that time!

Sherlock is only a third-level lawyer, and Edward is only an inspector who has just reached the fourth level. If they and Aiwass go directly to arrest York, they will probably be killed by the opponent!

"So, there is nothing we can do even if we tell Edward about this. He can't deal with the other party - he can't catch him, he can't judge him. It's better to just let him disappear."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes.

An idea suddenly came to Sherlock's mind.

He looked at Aiwass strangely and asked, "Then how did you make him...'disappear'?"

"That's the secret."

Aiwass smiled and raised his hand in front of his mouth to make a silent gesture: "If you are interested, go and investigate on your own."

He doesn't intend to deliberately hide his other identity, but he doesn't intend to take the initiative to say it either.

When will they find out, and when will they show their cards?

It's not that I want to hide any sin.

Even if it was "Aleister", all he killed were evil people. That's just something that "Aiwass" can't do.

It's just that Aiwass understands one thing deeply...that is, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive your own people.

There is no evidence that proves "Aiwass has nothing to do with Aleister" than Shylock's efforts to investigate Aleister.


Sherlock responded simply.

He viewed this as a problem posed to him by Aiwass, a challenge from a friend.

"In short, there is no need to worry about York. I am 100% sure that your father was framed because of him; I am also basically sure that the Avalon royal family was cursed because of them. So although I did not catch him, It is equivalent to completing your commission.

"The people who attacked me last night belonged to the Noble Red Society. They wanted to kill me to silence me, and I realized that my situation was no longer safe."

Aiwass said seriously: "So I deliberately left and laid out clues to confuse them. Let them doubt each other and attack each other."

Sherlock thought for a moment and then reacted immediately: "You want them to think that you were captured by the other party's faction?

"But in this way, as long as the two sides compare the information, they will soon figure it out. You won't be able to lie for long."

"So, it's not two sides, but three parties."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes: "The Noble Red Society probably looks down on President Lloyd."

Although this generation of Lloyd was also a mixed-race giant, the result was the same.

the reason is simple.

——Because he is not transcendent enough.

As a transcendent, he chose to go back and suppress the younger generations to consolidate his position. This behavior itself will make him look down upon and even disgusted by those in Noble Red.

For those who want to transcend the road, this is an off-the-charts trick they only use if they can't afford to lose. Presumably President Lloyd himself understood this.

So while Vice President Boca thought "Aleister" was from President Lloyd's side, President Lloyd, whom Aiwass had never met, he would only think "Aleister" "Lester" comes from a faction in the Noble Red Society that doesn't like him - just to cause trouble for himself.

It's okay that Aiwass is dead, but he is missing. Being missing means that he may reappear at any time... and most importantly, it means that the Supervisory Bureau and the Supervisory Council will desperately investigate and find Aiwass.

So President Lloyd would never do that.

Even if he wanted to kill Aiwass, he would definitely let someone from Boca do it so that he could cut it afterward.

But this matter is very consistent with President Lloyd's style of doing things... Therefore, those in Noble Red will also think that this matter was probably done by Lloyd.

But there is only one thing in common.

Whether it is the Inspectorate, the Supervisory Bureau, the royal family, Vice President Boca, President Lloyd, Noble Red... everyone is looking for Aiwass.

But they are not the only ones looking for Aiwass.

In the Barrel Club, sculptor Lars Graham slowly put down the newspaper with trembling and old hands, looked at the news of Aiwass's disappearance, and sighed silently.

...just a little bit.

He has found out that Chloe's disappearance is most likely related to Aiwass.

It was most likely that she didn't listen to her own advice. When assassinating Aiwass, he was killed by his elf butler Oswald without even sending a signal.

Although Chloe is his immature disciple, she is the granddaughter of her old friend after all.

After finally waiting for Oswald to leave Avalon... Lars Graham planned to kill Aiwass himself.

As a rare three-path transcendent, Lars Graham also possesses the fifth-level path of beauty, the fourth-level path of adaptation, and the second-level path of dusk. Although his lifespan is completely burned out, Even though he could die of old age at any time, it would be easy to kill Aiwass.

...As a result, those stupid and reckless Star Antimony people directly attacked Aiwass.

Now people are lost. Don't even know where to go.

Even if Aiwass can come back, the school's security measures will definitely be greatly improved. If he thinks about it again, it won't be that easy.

It's not that he might not be able to kill Aiwass, but that he might be exposed. That could cause problems for the Speaker and the organization.

His mission has basically been completed and he will return to China in two months. There isn't much time left to mess around in Avalon.

Then let's cause some trouble for those star antimony people.

Lars Graham thought so.

And the other side.

Minister Drost is calling Vice President Boca to discuss the matter.

"Something happened to York."

Vice President Boca said briefly: "He was attacked by a man named Aleister... a man from Lloyd."


Hearing the name, Drost frowned: "I know him. He should also be responsible for Aiwass's disappearance."

"You know Aleister?"

Boka asked rhetorically, while adding the information he knew: "York is also missing. His servant said that the alert ceremony of his office was triggered in the middle of the night, so he entered the office. But he was not there until dawn. Leave. When I went to investigate again, I found that he disappeared directly into the office... and except for the loss of a telephone receiver, nothing was missing."

"Actually, I think it's possible that they didn't disappear... but were directly devoured by the Shadow Demon. No bones remain."

Drost replied: "Aleister is a demon possessed by the shadow demon. I met him before during the promotion ceremony."

"Give me more of his information, Mr. Droste."

Boka said seriously: "Now the situation is urgent, we must unite."


Droste stopped bargaining, and just said in a deep voice: "I will organize the information into paper documents and let Diomedes give it to you in the afternoon."

Although the results of the people he sent to investigate Aleister have not yet returned, it is already too late.

The lawless "Aleister" has become a huge threat shrouding the entire glass island.

update completed!

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