Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 168 The Great Guardian of Avalon

"……okay, I get it.

The middle-aged man with golden hair raised his eyebrows, but still calmly replied: "I'll be right away."

His face was as deep and strong as a stone statue, with a pair of emerald green eyes like gems. Perhaps because of his elf mixed blood, he is over 1.9 meters tall, but he doesn't look thin at all. The back is as straight as a pine, the shoulders are broad and thick, and sitting there motionless is like a mountain, which can give people a strong sense of security.

Of course, if the positions were might also be a feeling of oppression.

"What's the matter, George?"

His black-haired, dark-eyed wife Nadia was wiping their medals at the side. She watched her husband put down the phone and asked casually: "Is our Great Guardian on official business again?"

"We have a clue about Moriarty."

George Patton replied: "Do you remember Bran Boca?"

"The one in White Queen? Or the one in Lloyd's District? Sorry, dear, there are too many people named Bran. I may have remembered the wrong person." Nadia said.

"You remember correctly, that's the same person. The judge of White Queen, the vice president of Lloyd's of London..."

The Great Guardian narrowed his eyes, stood up and put on his coat: "He just surrendered to me. He said that those who attacked Moriarty before were sent by Lloyd, and now Lloyd wants to silence him."

His coat is a pure white double-breasted stand-collar trench coat with the Avalon logo on the back - a silver-white triangle with an emerald green gem in the middle. After he put on his coat, the silver triangle began to shine.

He inserted two slender elf scimitars on both sides of his shirt, and turned the necklace hanging on his chest outside. That is also the mark of Avalon, but the one in the middle is not simply an emerald green gem, but an eyeball carved from emerald.

He lightly tapped the gemstone eye, and the pupils shone with silver light.

His field of vision suddenly switched - to a perspective overlooking the entire Avalon Kingdom from a high altitude.

As he focused his attention, the picture zoomed in at an extremely fast speed.

Avalon, Glass Island, White Queen, 113 Green Vine Avenue...

Finally, the Great Guardian clearly saw Vice President Boka who put down the phone.

There was obvious anxiety on his face, as if he was afraid of something. At the same time, he was also a bit vicious and said something self-defeating.

By reading lips, the Great Guardian basically understood what he wanted to say: "It is better to be caught than to be killed. If I can rescue Aiwass this time, my previous plan will not be a complete failure..."

The Great Guardian nodded his eyes again.

His vision was raised to its highest level again.

Later, he zoomed in on the scene to the Lloyd's headquarters.

On the way, he suddenly saw something and moved the screen to focus on Meg, the great arbiter, who was sitting in a roadside tavern eating fried chicken and drinking beer.

The old lady who looked like an ordinary person and was dressed in very ordinary clothes... who was so short that her heels could not even touch the ground when she was sitting on a chair, suddenly seemed to notice something.

She raised her head and looked at the Great Guardian across time and space.

Then Meg showed a cheerful smile, raised her beer and toasted to George Patton. Then he took big bites of freshly baked fried chicken.

She moved her mouth silently, and George understood what she meant: "The fried chicken in this store is good, I'll treat you to it next time I come to play.

The corners of the Great Guardian's mouth rose slightly, but he quickly flattened them down.

He touched the gem eye again, and this time the screen landed smoothly on the top floor of Lloyd's, the president's office.

The hybrid giant's face was red with anger at this moment, and it was red from his head to his shoulders.

The intense anger made him breathe heavily, and steaming white air came out of his mouth and nose. Large spiderweb-like blood vessels protruded from his forehead and neck, beating at a high speed that was visible to the naked eye along with his heartbeat. His pupils were blood red from broken blood vessels.

The tabletop he was pressing on with his left hand had collapsed slightly. And he was hunching his shoulders, lowering his head, trying hard to breathe heavily, trying to cool down his head and calm down the endless anger - but obviously with little success.

The great guardian of Avalon took a deep breath, and the silver light in his pupils dissipated.

"How?" Nadia asked.

"About that much."

George Patton replied: "The half-giant looked really angry."

"The giant is always angry."

She smiled and responded casually: "This is normal."

"I'm feeling extra angry today - I think it may have something to do with Ms. Meg."

George said, looking down at his wife putting her pocket watch into his pocket.

Then he continued: "She's also in Lloyd's."

"Going to drink?"

"Yeah. Drink beer and eat fried chicken."

"You also need to persuade Ms. Meg. This is not good for your health."

"Who can persuade her..."

George also smiled bitterly and said: "Probably only Her Majesty the Queen can persuade me.

"But Her Majesty will drink with her."

"so good."

Nadia was a little envious: "I really hope I can be so comfortable when I am old."

"Then you have to see if David gives in."

George said, pushing the door open and going out. His wife followed.

When they arrived in the yard, they saw their son playing ball with his griffon Emily.

Seeing George coming, Emily the Griffin flew over and made a sound like a kitten purring.

George smiled and touched her chin, then waved her away.

"Dad, where are you going?"

The young man with peridot-green pupils and short blond hair hanging down to his shoulders asked curiously: "Didn't you just come back?"

"I have business again."

George replied curtly: "Go to witness protection."

"Have you found the person who attacked Mr. Aiwass?"

David Barton ran over holding the ball and asked.

"Found it," George nodded, "My name is Aleister, he is a demon possessed by the Shadow Demon... Avalon is very dangerous recently, so try not to go out. Take Emily with you when you go out, you know?" "


The result was unexpected, and David's reaction was extremely violent.

He opened his eyes wide: "The person who attacked Mr. Aiwass was...Aleister?"

Seeing this, George and Nadia looked at each other. But they didn't say anything, and they didn't ask directly.

Instead, George said something more: "Yes, I am going to protect the witness this time. Let him not be killed by Aleister."

"...then, dad."

David hesitated: "Can you take me with you?"


Nadia's brows suddenly furrowed, scaring David so much that he immediately trembled: "That's a battle between a group of extraordinary beings starting at the fourth level, why are you getting involved!

“Go exercise, swing your sword a hundred times, stab your spear a hundred times, then channel lightning, and then have lunch after you’re done!

"It's okay if you don't want to go to school. Then you can study and exercise at home. Being lazy is impossible."

"I'm already at the second level, mom!"

David said with some dissatisfaction: "And I can already guide lightning skillfully!"

As he spoke, a flash of lightning flashed through his arm.

He knew that his father had the final say on this matter, so he looked at his father eagerly: "I want to go take a that okay, Dad?"

"It's not impossible."

George touched his chin and agreed instead.

Nadia frowned: "George..."

"It's okay, I'm here."

The Great Guardian said calmly: "If you are worried, let Angelica follow him."

Angelica is the name of Nadia's griffon.

"I don't have a problem with that."

The white gryphon replied from the side.

Her voice was gentle: "I'll follow David."

"Great! Thank you, Aunt Anjie!"

David said excitedly.

I feel like from now on, I’ll forget about Chapter 2 at two o’clock (meditation)

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