Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 169 Thoughts from all parties

After understanding that he would not be taken by David this time, his griffon Emily was very dissatisfied.

She bit David's arm and dragged him. He kept flapping David's body with his wings.


David was a little troubled and was dragged away by her, his steps staggering: "Don't be like this, Emily...don't be like this..."

Although Emily didn't use any force and didn't hurt David.

But Emily's mother Angelica flew over immediately.

The majestic white griffon bowed its body and let out a menacing and long roar that shook the heart like a lion.

Emily reluctantly slowly opened her mouth.

When Angelica saw her let go, she grabbed Emily's wing root in her mouth, dragged her aside, and patted her head with her paws. Whenever Emily wanted to escape, she would slap her back with a moderately strong wing. It wasn't until Emily was educated until she huddled in despair that Angelica slowly swayed away.

Emily's father, the taller white griffin, was waiting silently beside the Great Guardian, watching all this without moving or saying a word.

Griffons grow up, train together, and fight together with their human companions.

After spending decades together like this, their personalities will become more and more like their human partners.

The main mission of the air cavalry is to raise their own griffons. They die quickly, but the long-lived gryphons they raise live for a long time.

The pure-blooded white griffons are powerful and intelligent, and they are a race blessed by the Silver Crowned Dragon. As the darlings of the authoritarian path, they are born with the power of wind and can control storms and thunder. It can even learn a variety of human words and languages, and is much smarter than many humans.

But they can't dream - just like other extraordinary creatures who can't dream, they can't go deep into the path to advance.

The close relationship between griffins and their partners allows them to benefit from the power of their partners' paths as they advance and grow together. This symbiotic relationship is like that between humans and manticores in the desert.

"You have to educate her, David."

Angelica said to David with some dissatisfaction: "You spoil Emily too much, and this will develop bad habits for her.

"When she wants to hurt you in any way, you have to say no loudly. Otherwise she will always take it lightly and feel that you don't actually care. You have to explain to her what she can and can't do - even if she If you are impatient, you have to make it clear to her. You are her partner and she will respect your opinion."

Beasts generally like to fight with each other as a way to train for hunting, but the proud pure-blooded griffons disdain fighting. They are able to exercise their bodies and use various techniques with intelligence that is not inferior to that of humans.

Although griffons can only speak when they reach adulthood...but before that, they can actually understand and understand. I just can’t say it.

The intelligence of griffons in their infancy is not fully developed, and they have a greater proportion of animal nature and are more naughty. Like Emily, she is like a human child who has just entered elementary school. It is the time when he willfully hurt others, or when he fights with his companions and brothers and sisters, he will not take it seriously.

At this time, the griffins are the most dangerous... because these "children" who don't understand anything have innate abilities that can easily tear apart third-level transcendent beings.

In the wild, parents would be responsible for this education, but nowadays it is usually their human companions who take care of it.

"Actually, I really don't care if she bites me..."

Looking at Emily huddled in the corner, David felt a little soft-hearted.

Just as he was about to go up and touch her for comfort, Angelica saw through his thoughts. He directly bit the clothes on the back of David's neck and swung upwards.

A burst of air supported David, causing him to fly directly and lightly. And was safely caught by the white gryphon that flew up together.

"Let's go, Philip."

Seeing Angelica catching David, George said in a deep voice: "113 Green Vine Avenue."


An equally steady and reliable voice sounded.

Angelica made a gentle voice, but her words were not very friendly: "Nadia, help me educate Emily. You dare to bite David. Are you going to eat people next time?"

Emily whimpered, obviously understanding. But because he couldn't speak, he spun around in circles.

"Leave it to me, you go."

Nadia nodded and said worriedly: "Take care of David, Anjie!"

"No problem, sister."

The white gryphon replied.

The next moment, the storm swept across and the hurricane roared——

The gryphon's claws catch the chords of the storm. Even though it is huge, it can fly quickly with ease. The wings didn't even flap much, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing her mother leave, Emily came over and nuzzled Nadia flatteringly, making a delicate sound of oooh.

Nadia was not harsh either.

It was a different attitude than when he reprimanded David. For Emily, she just nodded the little griffon's forehead in a funny way.

"Are you acting coquettish now? Do you know what you did was wrong? Do you dare to do it next time?"

Every time she said a word, she lightly tapped Emily's forehead.

Nadia also knew that Emily would not hurt David, but she still needed a few words of warning.

Emily licked her fingers, then lay down against Nadia and turned on her belly.

Even as a child, Emily's body length was 1.78 meters when lying down. Like a big lion, but likes to act like a kitten.

Nadia rubbed the soft fur on her belly with both hands - a soft belly that the entire upper body could lie on. Then she smiled and touched Emily's chin.

"Let's go and eat some meat. Today, the Palace of Silver and Tin sent fresh lamb, and George left one for you."

Nadia patted Emily: "You are growing, eat more."

Emily suddenly became energetic, turned over and stood up lightly, following closely behind Nadia.

The other side.

Princess Isabel, who was in class, was very worried when she thought about the news she heard this morning.

She listened to the music theory knowledge that she had already known, and looked up at the window.

——Not that I'm worried about Aiwass.

Although I am a little worried...but more of an emotion is belief. Isabel believed that Aiwass would be able to return safely.

What really worried her was Yulia.

Fortunately, Yulia had been brought home by him, otherwise something might have happened to her that day.

Aiwass may be able to come back, but not necessarily if Yulia is added to the mix. And Yulia obviously likes her brother very much, and he looks so weak. If she heard the news about Aiwass's accident, she might faint directly.

what do I do?

Otherwise, don't tell her the truth...

But if it is hidden, how long can it be hidden?

If he keeps her in the palace like this, the child will be suspicious...after all, she is so smart. She always wondered if something happened to Aiwass, why didn't he come to pick her up for so long?

What should she say then?

Isabel looked at the blue sky in a daze, trying her best to deduce various situations she might encounter in her mind. And began to think about how to deal with it and how to answer different questions.

In the Palace of Silver and Tin, Yulia was sitting obediently in Isabel's room reading a book.

Yanis sat on the ground nearby with great interest, drawing pictures for Yulia.

She originally wanted to paint a portrait of Yulia. After all, the child was so rare and adorable - even by elves' standards, Yulia could be considered beautiful.

But Yulia is a guest after all. Yanis was worried that she would get bored, so she asked her to read a book. And I can draw her profile... Yulia's profile is also quite beautiful.

I had heard before that Yulia was the egg of a phantom demon, but when I looked closer, it was not the case at all. It's just that I have been weak all year round, and I have a fragile sense of alienation that is incompatible with the world. She seemed to be sitting here quietly, but she seemed to be in another world. Her presence can only be seen through the mirror.

This gave Yanis a rare inspiration.

She decided to paint a picture for Yulia - it had been a long time since she had painted seriously.

As for Aiwass's safety... Yanis actually doesn't worry about that kind of thing at all.

When she heard about Aiwass's accident, she had already searched for portraits in various places. Because she knew who Aiwass was close to, she went directly to Bishop Mathers' house to take a look. Sure enough, I found Aiwass.

Then she found Meg and the president from Lloyd's. By now, she probably knew what Aiwass's plan was.

Meg may not be anxious because Aiwass is missing - the old lady is smart, but she usually likes to pretend to be confused.

In Yanis' opinion, she probably planned to take this opportunity to knock on the Round Table Hall. And the best tool is Lloyd's.

But Yanis, who had seen everything, didn't plan to say anything or do anything... At most, she just mentioned it to Sophia and told her not to worry too much.

Queen Sofia had long been interested in the young man - because of his achievements, his name, but also because of Isabelle.

The only thing Yanis was worried about was Yulia.

On the contrary, it was this little girl that made Yanis a little confused. That sense of fragmentation made it impossible to fathom her true thoughts...

But what does this have to do with her?

She was visiting Avalon anyway, so it would be better if she could watch a good show.

"I hope they won't damage the painting when they fight..."

Yanis muttered in her mind.

If the portrait is damaged, she won't be able to see the live broadcast.

While Yulia was reading the book, she was thinking about something else entirely——

I am not worried about my brother.

Because through the vague connection with the Flame-Contrary Butterfly, she could even vaguely sense where Aiwass was.

...But if Isabel is anxious, how can she comfort Isabel without ruining her brother's plan?

We need to come up with a countermeasure before Isabel returns home.

Yulia fell into deep thought.

A little late, the update is complete!

Thanks to Nuanyang 1314 for feeding Baiyinmeng! Thanks to Nuanyangju for the reward, thank you, Meow!

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