Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 170 Tommy: The advantage is mine

Tommy Lloyd calmed down a bit after venting his anger through curses.

After much thought, he decided not to leave any preparation time for Vice President Boca - after all, his situation was different from Boca's, and his time was very tight.

If he had to kill Boca but failed to capture Aleister, then he would have to start from scratch; even if he could capture Boca alive, he might not be able to interrogate the correct information... or even obtain the correct information. The information may change at any time.

And there is another slight possibility - that is, Aleister is indeed not from Boca, but from the Noble Red Society.

"They are using this method to mislead us into killing each other..."

Tommy murmured to himself: "Is this possible?"

After all, everyone knows that he and Boca have a long-standing feud. The suspicion of each other at this moment is more like an excuse to convince them to do it themselves.

But Tommy thought about it for a long time and still thought this was unlikely.

Because from the perspective of Noble Red, although they want to cause something and have strong hostility towards Aiwass Moriarty, they will not use Shadow Demon at this time - outside of cognition The dangers of the shadow demons are completely different from the shadow demons known to exist.

Not to mention, Aleister is only at the second level.

If he can continue to develop, he can further develop the strength of Shadow Demon. When he reaches the third or even fourth energy level, if the time is right, he can even pose a life threat to the fifth-level transcendent.

Although their purpose of restoring the country is ridiculous, their attitude is very serious. If they really had such a trump card, they would probably hide it until the last minute.

Therefore, Tommy didn't think that the Noble Red Knot Society sold Aleister just for them to kill each other - it didn't make sense. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m] If they want to achieve this result, there are many other ways they can use.

He and Boca are different after all.

Boca is a fallen judge who became a monk rather than a pure businessman.

He values ​​logic more, while Tommy values ​​motivation... or rather, profit.

When his anger wasn't overwhelming, Tommy would always think from the perspective of "is it good for him to do this?" His judgment of people's hearts and motives is always very accurate, which is why he can succeed to the throne and become the "Lloyd" of this generation.

After all, there are so many extraordinary abilities that can do weird and weird things. From a logical perspective, it is easy to miss a key clue and block yourself into a blind corner, thus making wrong inferences. Tommy believes that his thinking is the right one - he will analyze things from the perspective of "who will benefit from this" and look for the ultimate beneficiary.

Maybe he'll find fault, but that's okay. Anyway, just kill the beneficiary and continue searching.

If everyone suffers together, it means that no one suffers.

As long as no one benefits, their bloody game can continue.

Just in case, Tommy, whose brain had cooled down, took advantage of the fact that he didn't get angry again, so he carefully went through the clues from beginning to end.

The only suspicion in this matter is that when Boca answered the phone, his tone sounded angry.

According to Tommy's understanding of Boca's character, if Boca was responsible for this matter, his mood should be very stable - he would be aloof and say to Tommy "Let's form an alliance" with a smile. If that's the case, then wait until Tommy really believes in him before selling him back.

With Boca's weak character - if his weakness is not disguised - he should not be willing to confront Tommy head-on.

Because Tommy is just better than him. Whether it is its own strength, the rights it holds, or the money it has and the connections it can use, it is much stronger than Boca in all aspects.


Tommy frowned, thinking deeply.

……never mind.

After much thought, he gave up the possibility of negotiating peace with Boca.

Because Boca's hostility to him is real no matter what. Even if he is willing to temporarily cooperate with the other party to find out the mastermind, it cannot be said that Boca will not betray him. In other words, Boca will definitely betray him, it's just a matter of time.

Then it would be better to take advantage of this opportunity and eliminate Boka first.

If Boca could learn through a certain channel that he had been "sentenced" by Meg, according to his acting style, he would definitely find ways to add obstacles to himself and drag himself to death. From this perspective, they are in a life-and-death relationship - as long as there is a chance to ensure that the other party is killed, both parties will definitely do it.

Then, even if you find the wrong person...

You also have to go find trouble with Boca first.

The three days that Meg left him were not long at all, and it would definitely not be enough if Boca deliberately caused trouble for him.

If this matter has anything to do with Boka, leave him for torture or find someone to extract his memory - if it really has nothing to do with him, then kill him.

Tommy made up his mind and made one phone call after another.

The most important thing is the gray-green lady.

If the Boca faction is considered the second force of Lloyd's, then she is considered the third force of Lloyd's. She usually always maintains a balance between the two sides, but now it's time to force her to take sides.

But okay...

After the gray-green lady heard the whole story, she immediately expressed her intention to stand on his side. This made Tommy feel a little better.

He didn't want to give Boca any time to prepare.

So Tommy wasn't even going to wait until night--that's usually when people like them moved. Because the field of vision is narrow at night, as long as you can escape to the Lloyd District, you can easily escape through various winding warehouses and back doors.

And at night, the Supervisory Bureau, which is already very slow, will become even slower... By the time the supervisors arrive, they have basically run away far away.

But things are different now.

One reason is that he doesn't have enough time and can't wait all day for no reason. He must consider the possibility that Boca doesn't know the truth; the other reason is that Boca is also very familiar with their style. If he really waited until night, he might have already taken measures.

He might arrange protective rituals, he might bribe his men, he might call his old friends in the law court to protect him. It was even possible to escape directly - if he really ran out of the glass island, there was really nothing Tommy could do to him.

So it had been less than two hours since the phone call threatening Boca hung up.

Tommy and his group approached Boca's house fully armed.

The means of transportation they used were eight modified horse-drawn carriages.

It's not that the carriage runs very fast, but that the carriage's carriage contains a full set of ritual circles that have been carved in advance.

This is Tommy's exclusive invention - he takes a complete ritual circle and cuts it into multiple parts without affecting its effect. Used to resist censorship by supervisors.

The only inseparable part of the ritual circle is the ritual circle. As long as all circles are complete, the ritual will work normally. Then you can actually make the magic circles required for different rituals separately, and then nest them together when needed.

The supervisor may have studied rituals, but he is definitely not proficient in them. The complete ritual array is separated, and it is difficult to imagine at first glance that this is a magic circle for summoning demons.

Usually taken out alone, the outer ring looks like a wooden ring and looks like a spare wheel; while the inner ring can be hidden under the seat cushion, or it can be just plain and trimmed with leather. A small buckler hung on the wall as a decoration.

And with them on the carriage, they can be nested on the spot.

Soak it in a bottle of human blood with sodium phosphate solution added, and you can summon your own demons directly on the carriage.

Although Tommy's "creation" was despised by the people of the Noble Red Society. Because the effect of such an assembled magic circle will be much weaker than a normal magic circle no matter what, and it can easily harm the ritual performer.

But Tommy is a complete pragmatist - using transcendence as a tool and authority as an end.

Anyway, even if it explodes, it won't be him who gets hurt.

Perhaps due to Father Snake's blessing, this inferior ritual circle with a failure rate of about 5% did not fail even once.

There were more than thirty people in their group, and their number had doubled before they reached their destination.

More than sixty versus two... It had only been more than an hour now, and even if he looked for someone, he wouldn't be able to find many. It’s probably just one or two people at most. Even if Boka and his demons were included, they would still be far from their opponents.

How else can we lose?

——Now, the advantage is mine.

Tommy was confident.

Chapter 2 still has to be later!

The shit shovel guy is back today, so I should be able to resume my work and rest routine (sad)

The days of casually ordering takeout are gone——

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