Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 178 Sherlock’s Perfect Logic

"...This kid is alive so quickly?"

On Friday morning, Sherlock narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at a man who appeared on the front page of the newspaper again.

Of course he also knew that many of the news items in the "Glass Steps" were "versions that ordinary people can know."

For example, when Aiwass first raided the Pelican Bar, he only said it was a cultist base. Their actions, ideas, actions, and their combat capabilities and characteristics will not be mentioned. But basically, it doesn't deviate much from the truth.

The newspaper said that Aiwass said that "the kidnapper was very good to him and did not hurt himself" and even doubted "whether she was the kidnapper after all."

"Because she was a very polite, elegant and beautiful young lady," Aiwass said in memory in a wheelchair at the Grand Guardian's home in the camera. "At that time, I was suddenly attacked in the middle of the night, and I was almost caught off guard. was killed. But with the help of another friend of mine, I managed to get through it all safely.

"And just when I felt relieved and sent her away to sleep after the treatment, the eldest lady suddenly appeared, wrapped us with powerful shadow power, and took Miss Lily and me away... She is stronger than those people Many, we have no ability to resist the whole process.

"During this period, she just didn't allow us to go out, but she hardly asked me anything, didn't hurt us, and even cooked for us. After two days, she suddenly let us go.

"I don't know if her name is 'Aleister', and I'm not sure if the Aleister you are talking about is her."

Aiwass finally emphasized: "I only know that she has chestnut curly hair. She did not hurt me."

In the magic painting on the newspaper, you can vaguely see a white griffon taking off behind Aiwass, indicating that he is at least within the control of Avalon's senior officials, which can prove his safety. You can also see from the magic painting that he looks really good, and can even be said to be full of energy. There really isn't any problem.

Anyone who sees the newspaper will definitely feel relieved.

And below Aiwass's interview, he also mentioned something about "Aleister". At the scene of Aiwass's disappearance, there were traces of extraordinary beings who transcended the path, and the specific category was Shadow Demon.

According to the investigation by the Supervisory Bureau, there is a demon in the Noble Red Society whose codename or real name is "Aleister" and who is possessed by the Shadow Demon. So it was thought that Aiwass was captured by Aleister.

It is still unclear whether Aleister is a eldest lady, or the person who took Aiwass away is not "Aleister". The real Aleister is still a mystery... but no matter How, the name "Aleister" will become famous in Glass Island.

Readers will also become curious about the story between Aiwass and this "Miss Aleister" - did nothing really happen to them?

If Aiwass can say that she is elegant and beautiful, then she must be a real noble lady, right?

The people of Avalon are very curious about "nobles".

——Heh, vixen.

Do you have to give yourself some tidbits even if you fake your own death? You really are not afraid of being harmed by your reputation.

Sherlock sneered before starting to think seriously.

He found some inconsistencies in this confession.

If according to the previous speculation in the newspaper, Aleister is a member of the Noble Red, then this news is equivalent to putting the other party on the fire. In the case of Aiwass being "really attacked", according to his character, he should not directly expose his savior.

So this is not a script he wrote himself.

Because the fox would not make such an obvious loophole.

This should be the version provided to him by can only be the Supervisory Bureau.

"Besides, Iris's eldest lady..."

Sherlock murmured quietly.

He actually knew that there was a girl named Iris who was related to Aiwass.

——That's the girl who used to distribute "Dracula" everywhere in the White Shoes Club. Her hair color is close to chestnut. Considering that the light source in the club is different from that in the outside world, it is reasonable for the hair color to be slightly different.

It didn't matter what the girl's name was in Avalon; it was all a pseudonym anyway. Maybe her real last name is Aleister, or maybe "Aleister" is another pseudonym for her.

But Sherlock could see that she was specially trained in manners and grammar, she always wore good clothes when traveling, and she subconsciously had the idea of ​​​​high self-esteem. She does look like a noble lady.

She was the murderer who assassinated Minister Drost's secretary before, and she was also the reason that indirectly exposed the Minister of Trade's involvement in the smuggling case.

Edward mentioned this to him.

According to the follow-up investigation, it can basically be determined that she is an Iris person.

The Inspectorate's investigation report concluded that she was most likely a spy sent by Iris to frame the Minister of Trade for destroying Avalon's stable political environment and stealing trade intelligence - of course, neither Edward nor he believed the final conclusion. of.

This was probably a report produced by the fat old man to defend himself through his own connections.

Because according to Sherlock's reasoning, there is a 90% chance that the minister was not framed - there is something wrong with him.

——If he was a spy, how could he help Avalon eliminate the traitor in a just and awe-inspiring manner?

They can definitely contact Minister Drost and then reach cooperation. Even if he wanted to kill him, it would be because he decided to silence him after contacting him to no avail - but if that was the case, then Drost would definitely tell the matter directly. This is the most powerful evidence to prove his innocence.

To take a step back, it is impossible for a spy to be so high-profile every day and wear such beautiful clothes when going out.

She wished that everyone would focus on her, and would even wear perfume and make-up - this was a glass island, and except for the Lloyd District, she could always see griffons flying by every hour when she looked up. Who kind of spy could be so narcissistic... If she were such a narcissistic spy, she wouldn't be able to do such an important task as assassinating the minister's secretary.

From this perspective, the chain of evidence that the assassin lady was a spy is completely broken.

But now, Aiwass has given him new evidence.

——If you think about it from another angle, everything makes sense.

That is, Miss Assassin has a personal grudge against Minister Drost. She came here to expose Minister Drost from the beginning, so her strange behavior can be explained.

"Then things become logical."

Sherlock murmured.

Moreover, if she was Iris' spy, then she wouldn't have to run away at all.

Because every year Avalon and Iris exchange spies for each other. A real spy will surrender directly after his identity is revealed... A living spy is a very precious resource. If the spy surrenders, she will not be harmed further.

Although she assassinated the minister's secretary, she did not do anything else and will be exchanged back soon. On the contrary, if he ran away, he would be easily killed by the griffons on the spot.

Minister Drost is undoubtedly connected to the Noble Red Society.

In addition, after Aiwass "disappeared", Vice President Boca and President Lloyd were soon arrested. According to Aiwass's previous statement, Lloyd's and the Noble Red Society are closely Aiwass's disappearance this time is to bring down Lloyds - and this is against the Noble Red Society.

Although Aiwass faked his disappearance, there were indeed shadow traces left at his "disappearance scene". Otherwise, you will not be able to deceive the Supervision Bureau.

So, how did Aiwass leave shadow traces when he had no shadow abilities?

——Eliminate all impossibilities, and all that remains are possibilities.

That is Aiwass and the demon "Aleister" who was possessed by the shadow demon. They had a cooperative relationship from the beginning.

The reason why he was able to see through the shadows and find the young lady in the shadows was because the other party had already told him. Sherlock had never heard of the ability of shadow sneaking, but it would make sense to say that it was the shadow demon.

Sherlock thought for a long time at that time, and he didn't understand where Aiwass saw the truth of the incident. But if Aiwass knew from the very beginning that she would appear there, then everything was right.

This is a two-person drama, with Aiwass playing the detective role.

He just wanted to cooperate with the other party and expose Minister Drost's crimes!

Perhaps from the very beginning, when Aiwass was clearing out the Pelican Bar, the other party had already contacted him. Even earlier - when Aiwass was first sacrificed, they had known each other.

And through that cooperation in the club, they officially reached a cooperation.

At that time, the whole of Avalon was looking for the assassin lady. The official statement also said that she was Iris' spy and intended to assassinate the princess. It was impossible for anyone to dare to cause this trouble.

But in the end she managed to escape - and disappeared despite being chased and intercepted by countless people. There was no news about her until Aiwass also "disappeared".

Looking back now, she may have been hidden by Aiwass in his dormitory. That was the mansion given by Her Highness Isabel, and no one dared to search there. And she has been with Aiwass, and she and Aiwass are targeting the Noble Red.

It wasn't until Noble Red made a sneak attack and assassinated him at night that Aiwass woke up in the middle of the night.

Otherwise, Aiwass would never be able to defeat so many and strong enemies.

He is smart, but if he can't beat him, he can't beat him. Sherlock felt the same way.

After defeating those enemies, Aiwass asked her to leave traces to help create evidence that he faked his death and was kidnapped by her!

In this way, all logic is closed.

If you use this version, you can simultaneously explain "How Aiwass escaped after being sacrificed" and "If Aiwass didn't know that the mentor was dead, why did he dare to take revenge on the Pelican Bar, which he knew was the stronghold of Noble Red?" , "Why did Aiwass, who was not born in the Lloyd District, know that the Sweater Brotherhood and Lloyd's Society are related to the Noble Red", "How Aiwass discovered the powerful supernatural being lurking in the shadows", "Why was the assassin innocent? "Disappeared for no reason" and "How did the shadow traces left when Aiwass faked his death and disappeared?" and many other questions were all explained in one go!

"——The beauty hidden in the golden house, Mr. Fox."

Sherlock clicked his tongue.

He is indeed a flirtatious fox!

"What kind of beauty is hidden in the golden house?"

Bishop Mathers was stunned for a moment as he entered the door, and inquired with great interest.

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