Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 179 Moriarty is loved

On the other side, the palace of silver and tin.

After reading the newspaper, Isabel also breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay..."

Although she knew from the beginning that Aiwass just faked his death and disappeared this time. But seeing Noble Red dispatching so many people, she couldn't help but feel nervous for Aiwass.

In any case, Mr. Aiwass is just a weak priest who can only rely on a wheelchair...

Could something really happen?

She was worried about it every day and would read the newspaper every morning. Isabel, who usually has no habit of reading newspapers at all, bought a lot of newspapers these days.

——I just didn’t dare to show it to Yulia.

Fortunately, Yulia's attention was easily distracted.

Isabel directly asked Yulia to learn alchemy with the palace alchemist, and she immediately disappeared.

It is said that Yulia has been obsessed with the practice of alchemy these days, working so hard that she forgets to eat and sleep.

It was a real sleepless night, and it even scared the old man - he came and told Isabel several times that Yulia didn't sleep at all. No matter what I said, I didn't listen. I lay down for three or four hours and then got up and continued studying. When you feel sleepy, you just drink the energy mixture instead of sleeping, completely ignoring the side effects that the energy mixture will cause.

It took Isabel's personal persuasion to coax her to sleep.

She also had to sleep with Yulia in her arms to prevent Yulia from getting up to read in the middle of the night.

Isabel simply couldn't understand why Yulia studied so hard... She was not the kind of idiot who couldn't keep up with her peers without working hard, but a very smart genius. Even the court alchemist came to praise Yulia's talent.

Before he retired and became a court alchemist, the old man was a very strict university tutor.

At the same time, he was in the explosives business in Avalon. He used to be a Star Antimony man, but later he was ostracized by his peers and came to Avalon. Now it can be said... at least in the field of explosives synthesized by chemistry and alchemy, he is basically the leader in the industry.

His most common saying is, "I can let you pass the final exam, but I won't let you pass the various accidents that occur in the experiment." At that time, the subject with the lowest passing rate at Milton University was the "Alchemy and Chemical Safety Practices" he taught.

The old man is a very rare and very rigid kind of professor - if he fails either the written test or the experiment, he will not add one point to the normal score, nor will he arrange a make-up test, but will retake it directly. At least after you pass both events by relying on your own strength, you will be able to make up for your usual points in one go.

Being recognized by him is enough to prove Yulia's seriousness in studying.

Even under Yulia's leadership, Isabel began to learn. Yanis originally gave her a lot of extra classes, but she still had a lot of time to relax.

But every time when she was taking a break, she would see Yulia still studying, and she would feel guilty for no reason... so she could only get up and continue studying.

The result is... although Aiwass Moriarty is not here these days, her personal time is still sucked away by another Moriarty.

Thanks to Yulia's attitude of forgetting sleep and food when studying, she didn't clamor to go home. Yulia cherished the opportunity to learn alchemy with Master Nobel so much that she took the initiative to help Isabel find the steps without even having to think about what lies to tell.

This also made Isabel relieved.

Although she is an "all-rounder", she is really not good at lying.

But now that she was sure that Aiwass was safe, she happily hummed a ditty.

As for the eldest lady named Aleister...Isabel doesn't care much.

Based on what she knew about Aiwass, those words were obviously not his line - if he really wanted to praise someone, it wouldn't be "very elegant and beautiful".

"——Family, life, dreams, what you read, do, think... Two hearts that are not the same, two souls that have not yet overlapped, are like two finely carved gems. Overlapping in Aiming at the sun and turning slightly, thousands of brilliance can be reflected on the wall - that is the spark of different thoughts. I call it chatting.

"--And if it happens to be rotated to a certain angle, it reflects a dazzling beauty that is eye-catching and unforgettable for a lifetime--that is the focus of the soul. I call it love."

This is what the guy codenamed "Fox" said when Isabel first met Aiwass.

Even now, Isabel remembers every word of it. Those words are so elegant, so gorgeous, so dazzling, but also make people feel warm...

This is what Aiwass would say.

What he said now... there is a high probability that the Supervisory Bureau wants to use Aiwass to cause the Noble Red Society to fight within itself.

After all, he wasn't really missing.

Maybe this Aleister doesn't exist at all, but is just a fake identity of Aiwass?

And Yulia, who was sitting in her room and reading her homework carefully, noticed the light in Isabel's eyes and the sudden relaxation of her body with her peripheral vision, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

——It seems that my brother is fine.

Yulia thought.

The girl calmly withdrew her peripheral vision and part of her scattered attention, turned to the next page of the book, and began to concentrate on her homework.

She had always vaguely felt that Isabel had a strange feeling of anxiety and low pressure. Yulia understood very well that the feeling was just like when Aiwass was attacked when he went to school for the first time and read the newspaper before his brother came home.

I was very worried and felt uneasy. I can't sleep well, and sometimes I have nightmares when I fall asleep. I still have no appetite.

And now, it's finally someone else's turn.

...It seems that Isabel really likes her brother.

Yulia recognized Isabel a little more in her heart.

But this is not enough.

At least, it should be deeper than what I like...

Yanis smiled and looked at the two people who were sitting in the opposite corner of Isabel's bedroom, facing each other reading a newspaper. She kept painting in her hand, but gently urged in her mouth: "It's time to go to school, Isabel."

"Oh well……"

Isabel replied.

There was no worry in her voice, but it was clear again.

Tsk tsk, it still doesn’t work, Isabelle.

I still need to learn more from Miss Yulia for this acting skill...

Yanis thought so.

At this moment, Wang established the University of Law.

The short Professor Bard finally breathed a sigh of relief after reading the newspaper.

"It seems Aiwass is fine and has a new affair."

You have to thank Principal Meg properly. He thought happily.

At this moment, Ms. Meg walked into his office.

"Yo, Bud!"

The old lady's voice was loud, full of smile and vitality: "Have you read the newspaper?"

"Look, thank you very much... Principal Meg."

Professor Bud said gratefully.

"Hey, it's okay. If you don't entrust me, I might take care of this matter. That kid Isabel also likes him quite a lot. Maybe he will be Prince Aiwass in the future."

Meg put one hand on her hip and held a small bottle of rum in the other hand. She couldn't help but laugh: "Not to mention, it gave me an excuse to deal with those people at Lloyd's - I have seen them for a long time. I’m unhappy! Do you want to drink? Captain’s brand.”

"No. The same goes for you, Principal Meg. It would be better to drink less..."

Bud advised tactfully: "At this age..."

"Whoever drinks or doesn't drink is about to die. When you are alive, live well and don't miss any enjoyment; when you die, die happily and without worries."

Meg didn't take it seriously: "Human, if you live until it's time to die, then die obediently. If you don't die when it's time to die, just wait to be targeted by Amber.

"I don't want to [still]. That gesture is too ugly. Do you want to, Bud? You are not young."

"It's still early for me. My body is still strong."

Bard also smiled and said: "I am planning to go to the Theocracy for archeology next year - Aiwass's legs and feet should be almost healed by then, and he said he would come with me. I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

"Oh, speaking of that."

Meg took another sip of wine and said casually: "There will be an exchange student program next year. The Theocracy will exchange several seminary students to teach advanced divine arts for half a year."

"Higher divine arts?"

Professor Bard was stunned for a moment. He didn't know where to start at first: "Can you teach it in half a year? No...are the long-eared people finally willing to teach humans this?"

"Hey, I think it's just an attitude."

Meg mocked and burped: "You think you can't learn it in half a year, and I don't think you can learn it either. They must think so too - but I think Aiwass might really be able to learn it.

"He has only just been exposed to the way of devotion, and he has already gone straight to the third level. Yannis told me when I was drinking that she thought Aiwass would be able to advance to the third level next month... No. Bell told me that Yulia is also a genius. James is indeed good at playing ghost cards.

"I think, Bard... why don't you let him give it a try? After you go archaeologically with him, it will almost coincide with the start of school in the Theocracy, right? It's just that you will lose a good teaching assistant, and you will have to be tired for the first half of the year."

"It's good for the child. If he wants to go, then let him go. I'm very flexible here. You can go a little earlier and don't waste his opportunity."

Professor Bard said happily: "This is a rare opportunity... Even if you can't learn it, you can still gain the friendship of the elves. After all, they are the first batch of humans to receive advanced divine education. Maybe they can inherit Mather in the future." What about the position of Bishop Si? No, maybe he can leave his name in history - after all, history pays special attention to the aspects of 'first', 'first time', and 'first batch'."

"Then let him decide."

Meg said decisively.

She thought for a while, then patted her thigh: "I still have to warn him - don't get too close to the bad women in Noble Red whose background is unclear. They are either staring at his roots, or Staring at his waist. She's not a good girl anyway.

"Okay, you prepare your lessons. I'll go find the old guys to trouble you."

"...Who are you going to cause trouble for?"

Bud was a little helpless: "President, you are so busy."

He and Meg had known each other for a long time.

Back then, he was still a confident and steady young man, but Meg had this kind of character when she was a girl - time has changed many things, but Meg has not changed.

Just like being insulated from an hourglass, time cannot leave many traces in Meg's heart.

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it. Anyway, one counts as one, not a few are okay. No one can be wronged."

Meg smiled heartily and said: "Don't panic, I'll throw a dice and decide... Well, let's go find Charles. I hope he's already up."

Charles Drost - this was the name of the Trade Secretary.

Bud observed three seconds of silence in his honor.

update completed! Update of 6,500 words~

Taking time off really does help! My routine and state of mind are back to normal!

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