Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 180 The extremely radical Meg

It wasn't long after Charles Droste got up.

While still having breakfast, I suddenly heard the news that someone was coming to visit.

"Who is it? Don't you have an appointment?"

The Minister of Trade suddenly frowned. Since his servant said "someone", at least it was not the ministers or big businessmen who often came to his house - they were already familiar with each other, and at least they would say each other's names when they came to report.

This made Drost feel something was wrong.

——And soon, this premonition came true.

"It's me, what?"

Before anyone arrived, a cheerful and loud voice came from afar: "Do I need to make an appointment to enter your home?"

The other party ignored the servant's interception and walked straight in.

It's Meg the Great Arbiter!

Droste suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

He doesn't need to be afraid of Queen Sofia, because she does have a good temper and is a very sensible person... Her Majesty the Queen is good at compromising, but not always compromising. She can stabilize chaotic situations and glue together disintegrated forces. In Avalon, where tyrants are prevalent, she is a rare wise king.

But that old woman Meg is unreasonable.

And as the great arbiter, she can really deal with herself.

Not to mention being a minister, if she is dissatisfied with the queen, she can also ask for another king from the royal family. Of course, this is only a theoretical power. Not to mention her, the great arbiters in the past have basically never used it.

It is precisely because Meg has so much power that she is unwilling to use it to avoid suspicion.

Because she didn't want people to think that she could control the queen and the top officials in the Round Table Hall... Drost knew that the old lady was very concerned about her reputation. This can be regarded as her only shortcoming... that is her good face.

As a result, Meg did not attend the Round Table Hall for a long time.

Because she doesn't like meaningless bickering. In the Round Table Hall, it is normal for a bill to be delayed for several months. After all, they are not in a hurry.

This kind of slow-paced life will make her feel itchy all over - according to Meg's style, she can't wait to read the bill and force everyone to express their opinions on the spot, not allowing abstention, and implement it immediately after the vote is completed.

But of course no one else could do that. This kind of matter involves a wide range of things and affects each person, each family, and each faction differently. It cannot be dealt with easily. Any proposal to change the status quo will cause some people to be satisfied and some people to be dissatisfied. They need to go through complicated alliances, compromises, and transfer of interests to pass.

And in this process, this is the moment when they gain profits from it.

If you pass a bill based too much on intuition and keep it fair evenly, you will offend everyone in the end - because people will always remember the bills that are not good for them more clearly than the bills that are good for them.

Old Mrs. Meg was born as a commoner in the countryside and rose from the supervisory bureau system to the arbitration hall. She didn't understand these twists and turns at all.

She is too fair-minded to understand politics.

"Your Excellency the Grand Arbiter..."

Drost immediately put down his knife and fork, wiped his hands and stood up respectfully.

But Meg, who was short and only reached his chest, just patted his round belly unceremoniously and mocked: "You are already as fat as a pig, Charles. How long have you not exercised?"

"Remember when you were also a member of the team? Can you still run now?"

Charles Droste and Meg are the same age, they are both classmates who graduated from Wangli University of Law. It's just that the academic departments they belong to are different. Meg is the supervisor's academic department, while Drost graduated from the legal faculty's academic department.

They fought for different schools and were once fierce rivals on the court - for Meg, who was too short in stature, Charles, who was tall and strong, was a strong opponent. Among the lawyers who were generally as thin as a stick, Charles was one of the few men who exercised regularly and had a full body of muscles.

And now...

The muscles in his limbs were loose and loose, and even had dark lines that looked like lightning or wrinkles. There was not much hair on Drost's round head, and even his temples and scalp were full of fat.

The face that once had deep features and an upright look now looks old, fat, and ugly. Meg almost laughed when she saw him moving his body awkwardly. But her laughter reached her throat, but she couldn't let it out.

"——How did you become like this?"

Meg frowned.

"You have reached your age, Your Excellency the Grand Arbiter..."

Charles smiled helplessly: "The physical vitality of the fourth level and the fifth level are completely different. Besides, I failed several times before being promoted to the fourth level... I am already too old to die. .”


Meg sneered: "So you just let yourself become a pig? Your brain is also covered by lard, right? You dare to hang out with the people of Noble Red, right?"

"Hey, you can't say that..."

The Minister of Trade said quickly: "Didn't the Inspectorate's report prove my innocence?"

"Yeah, they say you're innocent, but I don't believe it."

Meg crossed her arms, leaned against the cabinet and sneered: "The Inspectorate's report must be accurate? I only believe my eyes and my heart. So what if I don't have to report it?"

"You are being unreasonable..."

Drost defended helplessly.

He shouted: "Diomedes!"

His elf butler appeared silently at the door.

"What," Meg said rudely, "you want to fall out?"

"Don't dare, Your Excellency the Grand Arbiter."

Diomedes bowed respectfully and said in a deep voice: "The Drost family will not fight you under any circumstances."

"Can you speak on behalf of the Drost family?"

Meg smiled and said, "Is that okay with you, Mr. Diomedes?"

Seeing that neither of them said a word of defense, she clicked her tongue, feeling a little bored.

She did come here deliberately to cause trouble.

But this one is like marshmallow, falling down with one punch... This makes people feel boring.

And forget about the bastard Drost, Diomedes is also following him...

"[Tell me], Mr. Diomedes," Meg ordered, "did Charles Droste ever work with Noble Red?"

Diomedes showed a trace of struggle on his face, but Meg said "huh?", and a silver-white ring suddenly formed in the old elf's eyes, and blurted out: "Yes, Mr. Droste and Secretary Rafe Act as a medium to communicate with Noble Red..."

"Where can I contact you?"

"The initial contact point was at the Pelican Bar, which was later destroyed by Mr. Awas Moriarty and then used as an abandoned chemical plant in Lloyd's End, which was later destroyed by Edward Moriarty."


Meg narrowed her eyes: "Is this why he targeted Aiwass?"

"I have no idea."

Diomedes replied.

"Then you say it yourself."

Meg narrowed her eyes and looked back at Drost, and ordered: "[Say everything]."

Her pupils reflected a silver ring like a lunar eclipse, and when it reflected in Drost's eyes, it directly turned into a mark that corroded the mind.

He was unable to resist Meg's words, so he could only say it out: "I'm just doing business, buying some contraband from Noble Red, and then selling it to people in need in this country..."

"What about the specifics? [continues], and your accomplices - who is your superior?"

"That is, alchemical bombs, firearms, and some alchemical raw materials..."

When he said this, his expression suddenly changed.

But he couldn't control his mouth and could only continue: "The person who is contacting me now is the vice president of Lloyd's of Boca. We were friends a long time ago. He was killed during a murder and dismemberment. Diomedes bumped into him, so I had a handle on him; he is now a judge because I sent Diomedes to get rid of his rivals..."

"Oh, so he owes you? [Tell me what's on your mind]."

"Yes, I have controlled him since then. He thought we were in a cooperative relationship, but in fact I just wanted to use him. In other words, I think Boca is more suitable to manage Lloyds than Lloyds. . Because Lloyd wants to usurp the king's power, but I think this is impossible and cannot be done by that giant bastard; and Boca just wants merchant privileges, this is a more feasible plan..."

"Okay, I understand."

Meg nodded and said calmly: "Now that the situation is clear, come with me. I think this is enough to lock you up for at least a few years.

"——Or do you want me to catch you personally?"

"...No need."

The silver-white halo in his pupils faded, and Droste smiled bitterly.

He never expected that he would be directly captured by Meg.

But that shouldn't be the case... When did she act so radically?

He didn’t even read the report of the Supervisory Council, he didn’t hold a meeting of the Arbitration Hall, and he just went straight to arrest people based on his own ideas... Is this a case of overkill?


"What are you thinking about?"

Suddenly, after he relaxed, Meg attacked again: "[Tell me what you are thinking about now.]"

"I'm wondering if you're going to die now?"

Drost blurted out: "Logically speaking, you are usually dissatisfied with everyone, but since you can't understand it, you choose not to touch it and don't care. You are only responsible for matters within your own responsibilities - that is, the main affairs of the Arbitration Hall. Then It is to determine the punishment for the big shots involved in the case.

"I think this is because you don't know the impact of your actions, so you choose to maintain the status quo to be on the safe side. But now you suddenly did something radical. People who know you should know that this is not your habit. …”

"Is it so obvious?"

Meg smiled and said disapprovingly: "That's because I underestimated you - your observation skills are still good.

"But don't talk about that kind of thing. Go to the Supervision Bureau for a while first, and I'll go talk to His Majesty about you. How about [you go by yourself]?"

"As commanded."

Droste said so as a ring lit up under his pupils.

Diomedes on the side just remained silent without saying a word.

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