Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 181 The premonition of destruction

The Trade Secretary suddenly surrendered——

This shocked the Supervision Bureau.

But they soon discovered traces of verbal spirit control.

There are only a few people who can control Minister Drost... For safety reasons, they also locked the Minister of Trade in the basement. This is the basement where President Lloyd was previously imprisoned.

In any case, this is not something that they, the second-level supervisors, can handle...

Leave it there for now.

Droste regained his free will after being locked in the basement.

He was surprisingly quiet at the moment, because he knew that someone would definitely save him. Even if the Avalonians don't come, the Star Antimony or the Noble Red will come.

So he just opened his eyes and stared at the darkness in front of him, thinking for a long time.

So that’s it, Meg is about to die…

That's why she was so anxious. Suddenly both President Lloyd and the Vice President were arrested...Now the businessmen have begun to panic. And being caught himself may further aggravate this panic.

Before that, Meg didn't know anything, so she chose to stay in school and teach students.

Unless the Arbitration Hall wants to ask her to do something, or Her Majesty the Queen personally orders it, she will just leave everything to the Arbitration Hall. Someone also asked her at that time. Meg's private statement was: "I don't want to mess up anything because of me, so I choose to only do the right things, and I also have the ability to do the right things."

——Completely different from her carefree temperament, Meg is surprisingly thoughtful.

A long time ago, the Arbitration Hall was the complete top authority. They are the Round Table Hall within the Round Table Hall, basically made up of the founding families. Taken together, they were nominally equal to the king.

Later, many founder families withdrew from the Arbitration Hall one after another. In order to fill the vacancies, some top ministers were added... At that time, the "Minister of Trade" could also join the Arbitration Hall.

But an incident occurred at that time, which directly led to the ministers not being allowed to join the Arbitration Hall and the Inspectorate. Those who have joined the Arbitration Hall and the Supervisory Council are not allowed to inherit family properties.

Nowadays, those who can join the Arbitration Hall are geniuses who have reached the fourth level before the age of forty, have basically complete souls, and have the potential to advance to the fifth level.

All of them are blessed by the Silver Crown Dragon, and a new fifth energy level may be born at any time. In normal times, they are basically isolated from the rest of the world, and are only responsible for helping the king or queen decide on the most senior matters - such as executing a minister, abolishing a department, launching a war, executing or deposing a member of the royal family.

This is also the true heritage of Avalon.

From this perspective, Avalon can also be said to be a theocratic country indirectly ruled by the Silver Crowned Dragon.

However, according to the records of the Drost family, the Silver Crowned Dragon actually appeared frequently during the first hundred years of Avalon's founding. It can manifest once, twice, or three times a year. I often go to the arbitration hall at that time to inquire about the situation and give some orders and favors.

But after that, He appeared less and less... It was also because He rarely appeared, so the original founding families thought they had done something wrong, so they withdrew from the Arbitration Hall one after another.

And in the past hundred years, He has not appeared once. Although they still respond to prayers steadily, they no longer manifest from the material world.

Perhaps He was tired of it or was disappointed. Minister Drost thought.

After all, Avalon is no longer the kingdom of knights it was when it was first founded.

It's just that they still wear armor and call themselves knights. But what is the difference between them and the nobles of other countries?

But in fact, according to Drost's opinion, it would be better to say that Avalon has changed too little.

Because other countries have changed even more.

The Star Antimony people invented the machine gun, united demonologists and alchemists, and are developing their "Star Antimony Alchemy". The level of technology can be said to be changing with each passing day; the dwarves who were forced by the elves to the mountains of the North invented Aircraft and mining machines live together with the wise giants of the North, and many colonies have been established.

The goblins built troll plantations in the southern continent and sold a large number of domesticated trolls to other countries as cheap labor. That's an extremely sought-after item.

Trolls live as long as humans, have fangs, have low intelligence, are lazy and ignorant. But they are extremely tall, have abundant physical strength, are extremely powerful, and are proficient in rituals and curses... They are of sufficient value whether as guards, laborers, or as curse masters and ritual masters.

The trained trolls are extremely capable of clearing land. They have a strange regeneration ability and are immune to most poisons. Only fire and acid can prevent their regeneration. Thorns, swords, guns, and bullets were of no use to them.

Relying on these trolls, the Iris Kingdom has reclaimed a large area of ​​land in the south. The large amount of goods returned has significantly increased the export trade volume.

To this day, the goblin merchant ships have connected goods from all over the world. Even the immutable lizard people in the desert are changing their lifestyles, opening schools and teaching all students equally. Even the elves of The Theocracy have recently been preparing to teach other races advanced divine arts.

——Everyone is changing, but Avalon remains motionless.

Objectively speaking, it cannot be said that they are motionless... At least currently, many people who have inherited the position of knights cannot even wear the armor passed down by their fathers or grandfathers. They will also ask craftsmen to modify and hollow out the armor to reduce weight and dissipate heat.

Today, Avalon still does not even allow races other than humans and elves to set foot on their land, let alone allow goblins to do business.

This outdated rule has made the people of Avalon fall far behind. The goblin merchant ships carrying large quantities of goods from the east and south could not disembark in Avalon, so they had to go to Star Antimony, Theocracy and Iris.

As a result, the Avalonians had to pay a premium to buy the same thing from these humans, and they considered it tradition.

It is precisely because Drost is the Minister of Trade that he can understand these things.

Before the Noble Red Society contacted him, he was indeed a conscientious person for Avalon. It was precisely because he was conscientious enough that he saw so many hidden dangers and crises and thought that Avalon had reached its due stage. It's time to end.

Even if Queen Sophia is open-minded enough, considering that the people of Avalon have not seen aliens for hundreds of years, considering the opinions and reactions of the people, and considering the opposition of the knights, she still has not opened the right to operate alien races.

With Sophia’s reputation, she can’t pass it, and with her open-mindedness, she doesn’t want to change. So is there any hope for Avalon in the future?

Drost thinks not.

It would be better to sell Avalon at a good price while it is still a threat in the eyes of others - the Griffin Legion is still the strongest air force on the continent, and Meg is the top powerhouse. The two items combined make even the Star Antimony people wary of them. But on the other hand, the Star Antimony people will also pay enough value for this information.

Although Drost himself has never been to Star Antimony, he already owns four manors and a viscounty in Star Antimony. He was granted the position of hereditary viscount by the king of this generation. It was a land that truly belonged to him, and he could even recruit his own soldiers!

These things were obtained in exchange for the information he sold on Avalon.

Because the highest levels of power in Avalon are all authoritarian path sworn allegiance to the queen, the spies they planted never reach the top. Because of this, neither the Star Antimony people nor the Iris people know the reality of Avalon.

After all, griffons are indeed very threatening...with intelligence that exceeds that of humans, power close to the fifth level, the ability to blend into the wind, silent and rapid progress, and a lifespan as long as an elf. With the friendship of the griffins, as long as Avalon wants to attack other countries, it will be difficult for them to defend it.

Then there's Meg.

And now, Meg is dying?

If he sells this news to the Star Antimony much money can he make?

Droste narrowed his eyes.

He suddenly had a premonition - a premonition that Avalon was about to be destroyed.

Most Avalonians did not expect Meg's death, but if the Star Antimony people could prepare in advance... then it would be a surprise attack. The Avalonians had no time to resist and would be directly defeated.

On the other hand, if important information such as Meg's imminent death cannot be reported, then he will lose the value of his existence as a spy.

In other words, Drost has now reached the moment of decision.

Help Avalon, or help Star Antimony?


He smiled.

Do you still have to choose?

He had no choice.

update completed!

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