Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 184 You are the only one left

Lars Graham wore a complicated and fine silk robe and slowly stroked his carved bone cane.

It was a bone staff that he carved and processed from the living spines of his students.

The cane is engraved with twelve love letters filled with words of admiration that she wrote to Lars, as well as sonnets that he sent to him in return.

Just fill it up from top to bottom, no more words and no less words.

The old man didn't think this was some kind of cruelty - it was undoubtedly art. Her soul still loved her, and that was proof.

"Ellodie, what do you think?"

the old man asked.

Behind him stood a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old wearing a white priest's robe.

She was wearing a white priest's robe, and her body was translucent, with only her spine showing a brighter pure white color. It looks like a white jellyfish.

She lowered her head slightly and moved her lips slightly, as if she was telling something.

She made no sound - the dead who return from the realm of the dead are voiceless.

But Lars nodded slightly as if he heard something.

"you are right."

Old Lars said to himself: "That means there are four possibilities...

"The first is that Aleister is Chloe. Her uncontrollable tendency towards the path of love eventually led her to choose to defect..."

After all, Avalon is not an iris.

The Avalonians know next to nothing about the power of shadow.

The most common shadow power comes from the Path of Love. For example, those children of the moon, such as witches, and those who were cursed by the witch's "wolf transformation" and turned into werewolves.

Whether it is a shadow demon that transcends the path or a bionic that adapts to the path, they are actually relatively rare types.

The Supervisory Bureau believes that there is a shadow demon invasion, and it is very likely that they have preconceived ideas. If only traces of shadow power are found, it is entirely possible that it is Chloe who also masters shadow power.

She didn't like being an assassin. Now she is in the Hawkeye organization simply because she has no choice.

She also studied sculpture with Lars. But under the guidance of a fifth-level person, she studied for half a year and failed to get started... Lars could only think that she did not have the talent in this area.

And Chloe is proud. She couldn't tolerate the fact that she was a waste, so she taught herself to adapt to the path - after all, her father and grandfather were both excellent assassins. As expected, it only took her a few years to reach the fourth energy level, and now she is almost touching the fifth energy level.

But Lars also warned her - because although she was talented in adapting, her character was not suitable for being an assassin at all.

However, Chloe was stubborn and ignored Lars's warning. So Lars didn't bother to pay attention to her.

According to his experience and judgment, the path that is truly suitable for Chloe is the path of love.

Sensibility, brutality, impulsiveness, love, narcissism, instinct...these are the keywords of the path of love.

However, they cannot let Chloe switch to the path of love - the reason is simple, because the Hawkeye organization mainly fights against the children of the moon of the path of love. As for the extraordinary beings on the path of love, their bodies will be transformed into new children of the moon after death.

This is just like the Great Guardian of Avalon or the Great Justice, who cannot allow their descendants to become demonologists.

Lars felt that Chloe had probably done something unnecessary.

Letting Chloe assassinate Aiwass Moriarty was indeed the task he gave. But he thinks his judgment is correct. Aiwass, who returned from the award that day, must have been very tired. At this time, all he needed to do was to apply the poison to his lips and leave.

But depending on Chloe's character, she might have put lipstick on her lips. Trying to send him off with a kiss.

She does have this kind of character.

As a transcendent who has adapted to the path, she will not be killed by the poison she concocted.

Since she has such a characteristic, she must use it - even if this process is completely redundant.

Perhaps it was at that time that the two knew each other after Chloe's failed assassination attempt.

Then under Aiwass's persuasion, she broke away from the Hawkeye organization and unilaterally severed ties with herself... This is entirely possible. That willful young lady can indeed do such a thing.

This is also the greatest possibility.

After all, judging from the reviews he investigated, Aiwass was indeed such a romantic person.

Chloe, who is proud and narcissistic and has an adaptability to the path of love, but has never really been in love, may be able to handle it easily.

"But besides that, there is another possibility...that is, she was killed because the assassination failed. But Aiwass should have been unable to resist at that time, so she was killed before the assassination. ——For example, she was killed by the demonologist who controlled the shadow demon, and then took away her appearance. Then the other party chose to help Aiwass, and he misidentified her. "

Old Lars murmured in a low voice: "But this possibility is unlikely..."

As members of the Hawkeye organization, they have conducted research on Shadow Demon. Shadow demons can indeed acquire the appearance of animals or humans by devouring animals, but only for shadow demons that move freely.

It is said that Aleister is a demon possessed by a shadow demon...but the shadow demon in the demon's body does not have this function, because the shadow demon cannot leave the body at all.

But there are only a few people who can contract with the Shadow Demon. Old Lars knows everyone.

And Avalon will not let them enter at will - unless one person goes through all the troubles to sneak in smoothly, and risks being discovered by the Eye of Avalon to devour Chloe.

"There is another possibility...that is, Aiwass is the real Aleister. Or, in other words, he is the demon possessed by the shadow demon."

Because in the final analysis of this matter, there were only two witnesses - Aiwass and his little maid Lily.

If both of them chose to perjure themselves, the truth would be impossible to tell. If there is a Shadow Demon in his body, it would also explain why Chloe was discovered.

"Shadow Stealth" is an ability that is theoretically almost unavailable to humans, and is even a secret of the Hawkeye organization.

Because just needing level three shadow affinity is very difficult. And even if it is obtained, it has only just reached the threshold. The Hawkeye organization was able to obtain this skill because they had spent generations studying and replicating the Shadow Demon's stealth ability through simulation. After that, they needed to study hard to master it.

Even in Iris, shadow sneaking is the trump card of the Hawkeye organization. In the entire Hawkeye organization, there are currently less than five people who have mastered the ability of shadow sneaking.

Even if she is close to other fourth-level experts, they will definitely think that she is hiding in the air at the first time - unless she has been exposed to this ability, how can she immediately think that she is hiding in the shadows?

Even if they had guessed this possibility, it would usually take damage from light or shadow to bring her out. Ordinary spells can't affect Chloe in the shadow at all, and even locking can't lock her.

Old Lars thought this was just a coincidence.

After all, if it is guessed that there is something in the shadow, it may be shot out directly. The priests of Avalon have the mana of light and fire, while the magician's mana pool attributes are light and wind - so it is more difficult to sneak safely here than in Iris.

However, since Aiwass can accurately report Chloe's appearance and identity... then if Chloe did not betray, it means that Aiwass could see her from the beginning. And then it was just him using Chloe's name to make her take the blame.

If there is a shadow demon inside Aiwass, everything would make sense.

Hawkeye's Shadow Assassin is, after all, just imitating Shadow Demon's innate abilities. To the real Shadow Demon, it's as stupid and ridiculous as a dog learning how humans walk upright.

"Of course, there is another possibility...that is, the demon is not Aiwass. It is his maid Lily."

Among the four possibilities, three are that Chloe died and one is that she defected.

But these four possibilities have one thing in common.

——That is the person who has mastered the power of shadow, and he will definitely live with Aiwass. Otherwise "she" would not be able to detect and stop Noble Red's assassination plan against Aiwass.

Is she actually Chloe?

Does Aiwass have a shadow demon in his body?

"Then let me try it myself..."

The bone sculpture murmured in a low voice.

He didn't have much emotion over Chloe's death. As an assassin, it is very normal to sacrifice in the mission; especially since Chloe has a tendency to be unwilling to obey orders and opinions, she is the danger to the Hawkeye organization itself.

Even if Chloe is not dead, after returning to China this time, he will report it and ask the superiors to place Chloe under house arrest and not allow her to go out on missions again.

But on the other hand, Chloe is a strong person carefully cultivated by the organization. He is an elite assassin who can assassinate fourth-level extraordinary beings.

Her death will bring considerable loss to the organization.

——But if that demon is Aiwass or Lily, then this loss can be made up for several times.

The Hawkeye organization has been studying Shadow Demon for a long time, but they have never gotten the real Shadow Demon. If a shadow demon can be captured alive, the organization's strength will definitely be greatly improved.

And if those old guys from Xing Antimony really came here in person, they wouldn't be able to kill him.

Even though he was tortured by bone cancer, he was still a veteran transcendent.

If he causes trouble, the other party won't be able to hide... In that case, it might trigger a war between Avalon and Star Antimony. At least it could make them hostile again.

Moreover, if Chloe really betrayed the organization, he must arrest his former student and take him back for execution.

No matter what, he had to go.

And no matter what the situation is, I can at least survive safely.

... To take a step back, his body, which has been repeatedly tortured by terminal illnesses, would not matter even if he died.

"Go and squat under Aiwass's dormitory first. He will come back eventually."

The old man whispered, supported his body with his cane, and stood up unsteadily.

His back was hunched, his shoulders were hunched, his head was lowered, and his legs were bent. His legs were even thinner than the girl's arms, and he looked like a skeleton wearing a robe. But one can see protruding hard lumps one after another on his body.

The figure of the girl's ghost "Alodie" disappeared like an illusion, and old Lars slowly moved to the corner of his workshop at a speed as slow as a turtle.

It was a small statue only half a man tall. Above is a high-spirited blond young man who looks to be in his thirties.

That's Prince Andrew.

He is Princess Isabelle's brother and the current first-in-line heir designated by the Queen.

If he died, the only adults left who could inherit the throne would be Isabelle and her father, Prince Albert.

"Just in case, as a precaution..."

The old man whispered: "If you can't come back this time... at least complete the last task first."

After all, it has been prepared for so long. From poisoning to curse, to poisoning to curse... Two countries, three organizations, more than ten years of plans are finally coming to an end today.

He reached out and touched the statue, whispering the secret message given by the leader. Many scarlet cracks slowly appeared on the statue. Blood seeped out slowly.

"Die, child."

The old man sighed: "You are the only one left. If you are freed, I will be freed too."

Hearing this, the statue's green eyes slowly shed two lines of blood and tears.

This chapter has a lot of words, 3,500 words... The second chapter is not finished yet, updated before two o'clock!

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