Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 185 Two people left

Time flies by and it is now Sunday.

Aiwass is still at the Great Guardian's house, but he will return to school tomorrow morning or tonight.

I have read all the books I borrowed before. There is still one week until the next advancement ceremony.

He now wants to read some occult books on the path of devotion to supplement his professional level as a priest.

Although Yulia's body has recovered, Aiwass also has one less person to train with. But fortunately, he was able to brush up on his lighting proficiency at the Great Guardian's house in the past few days.

After Aiwass settled in, David and Emily's training suddenly increased in intensity.

Under the rapid attack of their respective parents, their postures could be described as embarrassing.

But precisely because of this, their strength has grown rapidly. After all, George and his griffon Philip are both at the fifth energy level, while his wife and her griffon are both at the fourth energy level.

In other words, David and Emily were beaten into mixed doubles by a fourth-level and fifth-level strongman respectively——

Although he was beaten very badly, this kind of feeding move is something that ordinary people dream of but cannot do.

Fortunately, their foundations of one person and one griffon are very solid, so they can quickly learn enough experience. Just two days is enough to last half a month.

It’s not that the Great Guardian can’t afford a priest.

The reason they don't train like this is because it's not necessary - if regular training is so painful, David and Emily will inevitably feel conflicted, and their efficiency will be reduced. Maybe he would also get angry at the priest who came to treat him.

David even skipped school, and he also skipped training that was more painful than studying. He didn't run away now, largely because he had a good impression of Aiwass, so he didn't want to show his shortcomings in front of this gentle and knowledgeable brother.

Aiwass is a guest after all, and he will be leaving soon.

Because of this, the Great Guardian had an excuse to give David a surprise training—after all, Aiwass was going back to class on Monday, so it was a rare opportunity.

Of course David couldn't refuse. So even though he usually resists training, he still has to get his sword and gun and train for six hours a day.

Aiwass's treatment method also surprised the Great Guardian.

Many pastors who have graduated from seminary for two or three years do not have the skilled and stable healing ability of Aiwass. He even noticed that Aiwass could also treat with both hands - not only the problem of using unhandled treatment, but also being able to use one left and one right hand at the same time to treat David and Emily simultaneously.

——No wonder Meg wants to let Aiwass occupy a spot.

The Great Guardian thought.

This time the Theocracy was willing to teach humans advanced divine arts, but only nine places were given in total. There are three in the school, and six more are chosen among the bishops after graduation.

These six bishops' quotas are exactly occupied by six spiritual councilors. When Meg heard this, she asked for one for Aiwass. In fact, there are only two places left.

At that time, the Great Guardian also believed that this was because of the close relationship between Aiwass and Princess Isabel.

Only a few people know that Meg's favorite royal of this generation is Isabelle. Because she has a bold personality, she usually likes to act in a straightforward manner and does not like to fight with others. So many people thought she was supporting Prince Andrew.

But only when they, the fifth-level extraordinary beings, gather in private, do they know that Meg hates him.

——Because he is too arrogant.

Andrew's strength is strong.

He is in his early thirties this year and has already reached the fourth energy level with a complete soul. There is no impulse interference from other paths. It is estimated that at the age of thirty-five, he has a chance to enter the fifth level, and he can fail two or three times.

In addition, he also obtained a double degree in law and philosophy from Wangli University of Law. He had already started to interfere in politics as early as five or six years ago, and even formed his own "Andrew Club". There are many young talents recruited there - these are the connections he has made since college, and now they have become an indispensable backbone of Avalon.

He doesn't have any bad habits. He is neither lecherous nor drunk, and can even be called a strict self-discipline.

Moreover, Andrew has a straightforward personality, speaks directly, and has a tough attitude. He can also be said to be fair when dealing with disputes... Although he is somewhat accommodating to his relatives and not to others, he is generally the type that the Great Guardian likes very much.

But Meg didn't like him.

If you want to ask why, the old lady replied like this:

"Because he felt that he could inherit the throne when he was far from being the first heir. And even if the royal family suffered this level of curse, he had no idea of ​​getting married and having children to continue the bloodline... It was as if he believed that he would not It’s like being cursed to death. This kind of unfounded confidence is annoying.”

What she said was actually quite tactful.

To put it more clearly, Meg suspects that Andrew may be involved in the curse.

There is no evidence for this. But her instinct was to feel wary.

The opinions given by the intuition of advanced psychics are worthy of attention.

It is precisely because of this that the Great Justice and the Great Guardian will take a slight step back and not stand too close to Prince Andrew.

The old lady's mouth is very poisonous. Regarding Isabel, who was also not cursed, her evaluation was: "Because she is so useless that she is safe enough."

Because Avalon lacks high-level transcendent beings, they are never sure of the curse's origin. It's not even sure if it's a curse or poison. The Round Table Hall is happy to hear this, and obviously will not do anything to help the royal family - they are controlled by the oath of loyalty, and now there are fewer and fewer people who can control them, which is of course a good thing.

But at least one thing is certain, that is, this cruel killing of the royal family must come from the outside world. Considering the border dispute, it would be Star Antimony or Iris.

From the perspective of the Star Antimony people and the Iris people, Isabel is the most suitable person to succeed.

She has a weak character and is willing to listen to opinions. At the same time, she is a student of Master Yanis. At least Avalon will not collapse directly from the inside. In this way, the situation in Avalon can be stabilized and it will be easier to accept various commercial and trade agreements from Star Antimony and Iris.

But she is also not on the Authoritarian path, so the core ties to Avalon's power control are broken.

And she lacks confidence and aggression. The most important thing is that she is kind enough - this means that there is no need to worry about Avalon taking the initiative to invade others after he recovers.

The most powerful thing about the Griffin Legion is its mobility.

If it is a defensive battle, the threat of the griffin is actually far less great.

——This is why the great guardians are never worried that the curse will lead to the death of the royal family.

Because if the royal family dies, Avalon will fall into chaos and warlord rule - no matter who regains the throne in the end, it will be an uncontrollable variable. It is even entirely possible for the decayed Avalon to shed its shell and be reborn from the ashes... and this is what they don't want to see.

At the same time, both Star Antimony and Iris fell into civil strife.

It's also impossible for them to capture Avalon...that would mean sending a large number of officials away from home to manage the colony. This may lead to new problems in the precarious balance of forces, and may even cause the forces that were originally at the bottom to move directly to Avalon to avoid the war, and then restore their status by sucking blood.

If Avalon had followed the old rules, he would have already participated in the war.

But since Prince Lloyd, the status of the Avalon royal family began to decline. Now two hundred years have passed, Avalon's economy, mining and light industry have developed quite well. But on the other hand, the knight's power is constantly weakening.

By their generation, there were only a handful of fifth-level extraordinary beings who were clearly loyal to the royal family.

In the first two hundred years of Avalon's founding, this number more than tripled. At its peak, there were twenty-eight people.

In this world where the top strong men can directly affect the direction of the war, the reduction in the number of strong men represents the weakening of national power. The Theocracy's territory is less than one-sixth of Avalon's, but it has at least fifty fifth-level experts, as well as the world's strongest and only sixth-level transcendent.

Because of this, the Eternal Theocracy has the confidence to remain permanently neutral and actively mediate wars in other countries to maintain peace.

It is precisely because of the intervention of the Theocracy outside that it is impossible for the other party to launch a war of extermination or a war of aggression that is too intense. From the perspective of the force that releases the curse, their purpose is to let the weakest heir control the sword of Avalon, which is both offensive and difficult to defend.

——That is, Isabel.

So as long as Isabel doesn't change her personality, nothing will happen to her. Avalon will not die.

This is why Yanis is willing to accept her as a student. This is also the reason why Avalon has always remained silent on this matter.

Because the real successor is not Andrew at all - there is only one successor chosen by the queen, and that is Isabel.

Because of this, the status of Aiwass, who was close to her, was also promoted.

If Isabel succeeds as queen, then this Moriarty will be the prince who will assist her. Unlike Isabel, the young man Aiwass looks smiling, but in fact he is cunning, evil-minded, and good at playing with people's hearts.

Putting aside the problem of being too fussy, he is the best candidate for prince.

Moreover, Isabel was the queen's favorite child and the only child who inherited the queen's enlightened thoughts. They old people looked at Isabel as they looked at Princess Sofia in her teenage years.

The only difference is that Sofia was much more confident and naughty than Isabel when she was younger.

Confidence can be developed and abilities can be delegated to others. But character and morals are difficult to change.

This is also the reason why the Great Guardian has a good attitude towards Aiwass and even takes the initiative to introduce David to him; it is also the reason why no one will doubt the excuse given by Aiwass.

Not just because Aiwass is good enough, but because they have no choice.

Isabel likes him, what can they do?

The most I can do is ask Aiwass not to be too fussy...

"Your Majesty the Great Guardian..."

But at this moment, George's housekeeper handed him a letter with an anxious look on his face.

……What's wrong?

The Great Guardian said in his heart.

But he didn't say it out loud, he just opened the envelope silently.

After he saw it, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

He immediately walked quickly to the yard and interrupted Phillip and Emily's sparring session.

"Aiwass, something happened."

"...Is it something I need to know?"

Aiwass tilted his head in confusion.


George replied briefly: "The royal curse that has not been activated for a long time has occurred again."


Ai Huasan's expression suddenly changed and his voice became louder.

His heart tightened - could something happen to Isabel after he changed history? !

Fortunately, it was the other one who died——

"It's Prince Andrew."

The Great Guardian said: "But I still think you'd better go to the Palace of Silver and Tin."

"...Such a big thing has happened, is it appropriate for me to go now?"

Aiwass hesitated.

"You have to go."

The Great Guardian just shook his head: "Princess Isabel is very scared...but Her Majesty the Queen is very busy now."

Hearing this, Aiwass understood.

He was slightly relieved, nodded slightly, and stopped refusing.


He responded in a deep voice: "Leave it to me."

After thinking about it, I’d better finish writing before going to eat!

Today is the update of 7,000 words, the update is complete!

A chapter recommendation for newcomers to the new book "The Witch's Recycling Handbook"

Occult game, double travel to another world

Doomsday atmosphere, hardcore action, riddle clues, and gorgeous and beautiful witches

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