Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 186 Only three people remain

This time it's not just Aiwass and Lily.

The Great Guardian, her wife, and even David all changed their clothes and went to the Palace of Silver and Tin.

According to the news in the letter, it is said that Prince Andrew died suddenly while eating at noon yesterday. After rescue and autopsy, it was confirmed that the heart burst due to a curse.

Now that more than half a day has passed, the follow-up matters have obviously been handled and investigated.

A message will be sent to the Great Guardian, inviting them to say goodbye to the body.

——For some reason, the royal family of Avalon never holds funerals for ordinary royal heirs. Either a state funeral, burial directly in St. Guinevere's Chapel, or they could handle it quietly themselves.

There won't be ordinary people dying...for example, the kind of funeral ceremony Sherlock enjoyed when he faked his death.

Because of this, they changed into all-black clothes when they went to visit this time. To show respect, they did not ride griffins but walked. After all, most of the people who will receive the invitation letter live in the White Queen District, and a few live in the Red Queen District. It is not far from the island within the island in the middle of the Red Queen District.

This was the first time Aiwass entered the Palace of Silver and Tin through the main entrance - when Isabel invited her to dinner before, he went directly to the side hall. Enter through the side hall door and turn two corners to reach the restaurant. Didn't see anything else.

After crossing the Griffin Bridge and entering the main entrance among the group of silent griffins, you can see a huge square. According to the order of the clock dial, there are huge statues of twelve knights. The statues are four to five meters high and look like giants.

In the middle of the statue is a three-tiered fountain. In the middle of the fountain is a white griffin statue with its head held high and its wings spread.

After passing through the long corridor, there is a silver-white arch building. It is engraved with the knight's declaration written by Lancelot I himself when Avalon was founded in the past. The handwriting is smooth and beautiful, and it is a continuous font that can be easily recognized.

Through the arch is the garden. Go through the garden again to enter the Palace of Silver and Tin.

The Palace of Silver and Tin is not a palace in the traditional sense. Its interior looks more like a university campus, a serious academic museum, or a solemn church - its decoration basically uses only gold, gray and white as the base color. The carpets and tablecloths are a mix of green and gold.

Inside the palace, the most abundant are various portraits.

In addition to the monarchs of the past dynasties, there are also outstanding royal members and celebrities and great men of each era. Their names and biographies hang beneath the portraits.

But soon, Aiwass found a painting that was a little strange, but that he had to pay attention to——

It was a young woman who looked to be in her twenties or thirties.

She has long dark golden hair that is as smooth as a piece of metal, and the ends of her long hair are as neat as a knife. Her ears are slightly pointed, and she must have some elf blood. Her pupils were also dark gold, looking cold and ruthless. The rimless glasses she wears make her look cool and intellectual.

Under her portrait, her name is written:

【Freya Moriarty】


In the merit column, there are only a few lines.

"Reviving the lost panacea formula of the Round Table era."

"An unstable resurrection mixture was invented."

"Complete Avalon's first liver transplant."

Avas was stunned for a moment.


But... who is she?

Noticing Aiwass' gaze, the Great Guardian said casually: "Your sister..."

"...I have a sister?"

"Don't you remember? She should have left after you came first."

Hearing George's words, Aiwass was shocked.

He confirmed that in his memory, this sister named "Freya" did not exist at all.

He has a good memory and it is not easy to forget such things.

And it's not just Aiwass who doesn't know about this. Edward also said that Moriarty Sr. had no other adopted children, and Julia had no memory of them either. By now, there should be only three brothers and sisters left in the Moriarty family.

But this "Freya" was born in 1868, which means that she is thirty years old now and will be thirty-one in the Chinese New Year. She must be much younger than Edward, which means she should be Edward's sister.

Did St. George remember it wrong?

But in addition to the Great Guardian, Master Yanis also seems to know her existence——

[——After all, he is also a "Moriarty". Everyone knows that James Sr. has a notoriously vicious eye for selecting adopted children. Aiwass, like his brothers and sisters, was born to be noticed and loved. 】

When he met Yanis for the first time, the words she said suddenly rang in Aiwass's heart.

...What's going on? Is there something wrong with my memory?

Aiwass just remained silent, pretending to be nonchalant and asked: "Does the Great Guardian also know her?"

"There must be many people who know Freya. She was quite famous back then... the most talented doctor in Avalon." The Great Guardian said.

"Where is sister Freya now?" Aiwass asked.

"She went to the Theocracy to further her studies. You might be able to see her this time."

The Great Guardian spoke.

So Aiwass stopped talking and just wrote it down secretly.

"Where are we going, Mr. Great Guardian?"

"Just call me Uncle George or Uncle Patton, Aiwass."

The Great Guardian first corrected the overly polite Aiwass's distant words, and then explained: "I have to pay a visit to Her Majesty the Queen first. Do you want to come with us?"

"...Can I?" Aiwass hesitated.

He wasn't sure whether Her Majesty would go crazy with grief.

Meeting someone for the first time at this time may leave a bad first impression. It is possible that when the queen thinks of him later, she will immediately recall the sadness at this time - this is also possible.

Just like when someone listens to a certain song when he is happy or sad, when he hears the song again a few years later, he may have forgotten what happened and his thoughts at that time, but the feelings at that time will still remain in his heart.

"No problem at all."

The Great Guardian replied simply: "Since you don't want to, then let's go together."

What surprised Aiwass was that not many people accepted the invitation to bid farewell to the body this time. There were even fewer people than at Sherlock's funeral. At the same time, not many people showed sad expressions, just straight faces, serious and silent.

Lily pushed Aiwass's wheelchair and walked with the Great Guardian family. Some people also saw Aiwass on the road, but at most they only nodded slightly. No one came up to say hello or stared at him.

Soon, they arrived at Her Majesty the Queen's bedroom.

Aiwass originally thought that they would meet in a very formal place - such as the Throne Room or the Round Table Hall. Her Majesty the Queen sat on her throne wearing a crown and robes, and they had to kneel down and salute.

——Logically speaking, the procedure for visiting the Queen should indeed be like this. This is what Aiwass learned from books.

But they just knocked on the door and entered, then stood at the head of the bed and nodded slightly to the old woman on the bed: "The Silver Crowned Dragon is looking after you, Her Majesty the Queen."

Aiwass also followed suit, put his right hand on his chest and said, "The Silver Crowned Dragon is watching over you, Her Majesty the Queen."

What surprised Aiwass was that Her Majesty the Queen, whose grandson had just passed away and was known for her extravagant attitude, not only did not feel sad or impatient at this moment, but instead looked unexpectedly gentle and kind.

This is normal.

The curse has lasted for more than ten years. The earliest one occurred shortly after Sherlock's father became Lord Chamberlain due to his military exploits, and the latest one was yesterday.

If Her Majesty had not adapted, she would have died of grief long ago.

Now that Prince Andrew has died, Queen Sophia has only three direct descendants left.

her fifth child, Albert, and Albert's daughter, Isabel. There is also the posthumous son of Sophia's other daughter, a two-year-old boy named John du Lac.

Perhaps because of her age, Her Majesty the Queen, who was once a beauty, now looks less beautiful and even a little fat. It was completely different from the portrait of the younger version of her that Aiwass had seen before.

Her Majesty the Queen's chin was as round and protruding as a persimmon when she was huddled under the quilt. Her hair was gray, and she wore a small hat to keep warm even in bed.

Queen Sofia wears a thick green sweater and holds a sewing needle in her hand. Like an ordinary old lady, she was tapping something with a sewing needle on the bed - Aiwass could tell at a glance that it should be a pair of gloves. Used beige wool thread. The craftsmanship is neither good nor skilled enough. It feels like someone who has just learned it. There are many stitches that were knitted wrong and then forcibly corrected.

"Ah, hello..."

Queen Sofia said warmly: "Thank you for coming to see Andrew off."

Her Majesty the Queen looked a little tired and sleepy at the moment. The sound was soft and somewhat vague.

She seemed to have fallen asleep while knitting, and was woken up by them just as she was dozing. It was difficult to open his eyes, but there was still no hint of impatience or annoyance in his voice.

And the first words she said when she looked at Aiwass made Aiwass' heart stop:

"Are you Aiwass? The Crown Master mentioned you to me not long ago."

——Crown Master is another name for Silver Crown Dragon.

Chapter 2 is a little later, but not too late!

Within an hour!

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