Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 196 The bond between screenwriter and actor

Hesitation means wanting, and if you want it, you will get it!

Aiwass didn't intend to let Minister Drost live for too long, so he took action immediately.

Although Minister Drost offended Meg... he only surrendered after all and was not directly hanged.

Although the Arbitration Hall also has plans specifically designed to deal with the punishment of knights and ministers when they commit crimes - from deprivation of official positions to deprivation of titles, to refutation of honors and public trials, there is a complete process. You can't say you are guilty in the morning, and then you won't be interrogated or put on trial, and you can just be taken out at noon and beheaded.

The basis of authority is law.

Rather than looking at people’s power, looking at the law of “rules” is a more solid foundation.

Otherwise, every time the personnel of the powerful people change, it may cause the strength of the extraordinary people in the country to fluctuate.

But on the other hand, having a complete process means that the process may take a long time. This time will be used by the Inspectorate to investigate other ministers and secretaries of the Ministry of Trade to find those who are related to Minister Drost, and then follow the clues to find the people behind it.

In this process, it is best for Drost to be alive, because then he can report the other party and provide valuable witness.

However, this also gave the ministers who were friendly with him time to destroy the evidence. The inspector is not clean either, there must be some eyes sneaking in.

Aiwass fears that the more information Minister Drost sells, the more valuable he becomes. Maybe there will be a few "high-profile" lords who will protect him for the "greater benefit". He might even sincerely help Avalon - in fact, this is not impossible.

Because he is not truly loyal to Xing Antimony and wants to surrender from the bottom of his heart, Droste is just purely selfish. In other words, if Avalon can give him more benefits, then he will return to Avalon.

Although he is not a businessman, the trade minister is more like a businessman than a businessman.

——But in that case, what will happen to Lily’s revenge? Convince Lily to put the overall situation first and let go of hatred?

Aiwass sneered.

Do not make jokes.

It sounds disgusting.

Aiwass and Lily discussed it and found that they actually only had two options.

Either send out "Miss Aleister" and repeat the same trick to kill the opponent. As a prisoner, most of Drost's extraordinary powers are sealed, and it is possible to kill the opponent quickly.

But the biggest problem here is that Aiwass doesn't know whether the Inspectorate will strengthen its guard force. After all, Drost and Lloyd are different - they can "lock up" Lloyd for a lifetime. They don't need to let him die. It would be more convenient to use him if he disappears.

But old Drost can't do that. He has a family.

Lloyd's brothers and sisters were all killed by him, and he left no descendants. So Lloyd could disappear and no one would ask. It was his own fault.

But Drost is from a founding family. Not only does it have a high status but also has many members. Moreover, Drost is very good at appearance. He has many friends and his family respects and loves him.

——You can either bring him to trial and hang him directly so that the family can draw a clear line between him and him; or you can banish him or put him under house arrest. But you hide the person directly without any trial, without letting anyone see it, and without telling whether he is still alive or not... So what does this mean? Should we change the head of the family, or should we not change?

Not to mention the Drost family being dissatisfied, other knight families may also feel uneasy.

However, it would not work if someone lurked in and killed Drost.

This will first reduce the power of authoritarianism and also reduce the credibility of the Supervision Bureau. At the same time, it will also make people wonder whether Lloyd, who suddenly disappeared, is also dead. This will reduce the credibility of the information obtained from "Lloyd".

So secretly assassinating Drost is simple. But the consequences are troublesome.

Fortunately, they have a second option.

That is to force Minister Drost to make mistakes.

As long as he provides enough excuses or says the wrong thing, it becomes reasonable to skip the process and go directly to trial.

This is actually not difficult, or simpler.

That would be great if Aiwass plays a member of the Noble Red Society and directly attacks the Inspectorate to rescue him.

Droste is not sure whether he can survive, and as a spy for Star Antimony, he has someone who can handle it. So as long as Aiwass hits in, Drost will follow him out.

At that time, you can kill him directly - in order to prevent the traitor in a high position from taking away a large amount of confidential information, killing him directly is a very reasonable excuse.

Just in time.

Today, Your Highness the Prince, all the powerful men gathered in the Palace of Silver and Tin. This is the perfect time to cause trouble.

Let Aiwass and Lily go into the secret room first, and then let Shadow Demon take Lily out of the ventilation duct. Fight back from the main entrance and try to rescue him - but Aiwass uses the power of the Paraflame Butterfly to blow him up.

Everyone knows that Aiwass and Lily are in the secret room. Then it was definitely not them who rushed in from outside. With this alibi, it will be easy to do later.

This was a preliminary plan drawn up after discussions between Aiwass and Lily.

After saying goodbye to Isabel, they went to find the Great Guardian who had just finished a meeting.

Aiwass asked openly where Drost was being held, and the excuse was——

"...You guys want to see him?"

The Great Guardian frowned: "What can he see?"

Lord George obviously does not want Aiwass to meet someone like the Secretary of Trade.

Although the Great Guardian is the person most likely to retain the Minister of Trade, he is also the most disgusted with the Minister of Trade emotionally.

"It's simple," Aiwass replied, "because Lily's last name was Drost."

"Is he yours...?"

"Biological father."

Lily wrung her hands together with a gloomy expression: "He is dying, and I want to see him one last time."

As an extraordinary person who has adapted to the path, Lily is very talented in disguise and lies.

However, her expression was a lie, but her words were not lies.

This was a special way of deceiving the Great Guardian that Aiwas taught her.

The Great Guardian can easily see through other people's lies... but in fact, according to Aiwass's experience, this is not a good thing.

Because thinking about how much sincerity there is in other people’s words is actually a necessary process. There is information contained in words, and behind the words there is hidden the true intention that even the speaker himself may not be aware of. Why do you say this, why do you say this sentence first and not others - and rely too much on the ability to detect lies? ability, you will give up thinking and pondering in this area.

After all, the truth can also be deceiving.

The Great Guardian could sense the honesty in Lily's words.

As a father, he can relate to this.

Of course, this empathy was also designed by Aiwass.

For the Great Guardian, this is the best entry point.

The Great Guardian loved his children, and David revered him. And he has no illegitimate child, so he cannot put himself in the shoes of other knights and understand the thoughts of other knights who are approached by illegitimate children. Instead, he will subconsciously overlap Lily and David.

He would not refuse such a reasonable request.

——After all, people from the Drost family can ask to see the Minister of Trade. Although Lily is an illegitimate child...but what happened to the illegitimate child? She is Droste's blood. Because she is an illegitimate child, she cannot be considered Droste's person?

It's just that she was the first to meet him, it's no big deal.

That's what George thought.

But as the great guardian and also as the elder of Aiwass and Lily, he had to remind: "You can go and see him, but don't believe anything he says.

"That guy is full of lies. He can lie without hesitation for anything, as long as it can bring him benefits. If he knows that Miss Lily is his biological daughter, then he will most likely pretend to be Act pitifully, pretending to be a victim or an innocent person.

"But don't forget, Miss Lily. It was he who abandoned you and your mother - I hope you can understand that the life you have now is not due to any benefit from Drost, but thanks to Morrie. Artie’s family.”

The Great Guardian said in a deep voice: "Including Professor, and even Aiwass. He is very good to you, don't let him down."

This man looks like the most traditional knight, with a tall and straight posture.

He spoke his mind without hesitation or hesitation. The voice is thick and steady, giving people a strong sense of security, and one can clearly sense his kindness and rationality.

Those are words that are convincing enough without any processing.

This chic and calm attitude made Aiwass somewhat envious. And his generous kindness, care and education from his elders also made Aiwass feel respected.

——Don’t worry, good uncle.

With me here, you will not die in such a miserable and despairing way...

Aiwass thought.

"I know."

Lily said softly, she looked at Aiwass, her gray pupils were full of respect and gratitude: "I am very grateful to Master Aiwass... He changed my destiny. He has a pure heart of justice and extremely high morals. Standards, and unreserved, selfless and true love for others.”

...Hey, hey, hey, don't add to the drama yourself. This is not in the script I wrote for you.

Aiwass was a little nervous, wondering if this would be seen through by the Great Guardian as a lie.

Because he actually has a guilty conscience - he doesn't feel how righteous he is, nor how high his moral standards are. According to Aiwass' point of view, Avalon is actually too depraved. What he did was just what an ordinary person should do.

What kind of good person can a liar be who tells lies, lies with the truth, and can even skillfully use one lie to modify another lie?

Unexpectedly, the Great Guardian nodded in agreement: "That's true.

"Aiwass is the most pious, righteous, loving, wise and willful young man I have ever seen. So Her Majesty the Queen..."

When he said this, he suddenly paused.

Then he said, "Oh, His Majesty also praised him more. He asked us to let our children learn more from him."

Aiwass couldn't hold back after hearing this.

Although he also knows that his personality is actually quite good. But probably half of them are fake.

Precisely because he knew what he was, he always felt that the Great Guardian was trying to spite him... Although he knew that the Great Guardian must be sincerely praising him, he felt even more uncomfortable because of this.

——Can you wait until I have done something great before you praise me?

Where's Lily, where's Lily? Could you please change the topic to save me?

Fortunately, the Great Guardian did not hold down Aiwass and praise him wildly.

He reached out and touched the Eye of Avalon on his chest and said, "Let me see if he wakes up first. He is still sealed in the secret room. There is no light or sound in the secret room, and many people are locked up. After that, the first thing to do is sleep.

"Most of them can't sleep at first, but once they fall asleep, they can pass a lot of time. So the real punishment actually starts after waking up and when they can't fall asleep..."

Halfway through his words, he suddenly paused. His expression suddenly became serious.

"Thank you, Aiwass."

The Great Guardian said suddenly, then took out his griffin flute and played it, and then said: "Thank you very much..."


Aiwass tilted his head in confusion.

The words of the Great Guardian made him and Lily stunned for a moment: "People from the Noble Red Society are here, and there are many people... They are attacking the Supervisory Bureau, probably to rescue him - they will hold on quickly. I can't stand it anymore. I just saw a supervisor died in battle.

"If you didn't mention this to me, all of them would have died here. The Capital Supervisory Bureau was massacred, the prisoners were kidnapped... something big would have happened."

Is there such a thing?

Droste doesn't want to live anymore? Is he so sure he can run away?

How did he contact Noble Red? How did they know he was here?

Many doubts arose in Aiwass's mind - but he knew the most important thing was that his opportunity had come.

"I'm going too, please take me there."

Aiwass immediately replied: "I got the ability to dispel curses and heal in groups from the Flame Paradox Butterfly. I can definitely help."

This is the truth.

The Great Guardian had no intention of asking and nodded. Then he quickly led Aiwass to the window on the second floor.

His griffon had stopped at the window. The Great Guardian picked up Aiwass's wheelchair with one hand and threw him and the wheelchair directly from the balcony on the second floor.

The griffin easily grabbed Aiwass's wheelchair.

And Aiwass added: "Better bring Lily!"

The Great Guardian nodded, held Lily by the collar, whispered "Excuse me" in a low voice, and jumped onto the back of the gryphon with her in his arms.

After everyone gathered, the atmosphere around the griffon began to fluctuate. The images of the three people began to become a little blurry, like figures seen through the smoke above a barbecue.

The wind is not the resistance of the griffins, but their partner——

The gryphon's claws plucked the silent strings, and the atmosphere slowly opened to both sides like an automatic door. If ordinary people breaking the speed of sound are like smashing these transparent doors with their bodies, then these doors will automatically give way to both sides when the griffon walks over.

They did not cause a sonic boom, but disappeared in an instant with a hurricane.

A big chapter of 4,000 words, enough words to be combined into one, but it’s only the first chapter! (akimbo)

There’s a second chapter to follow!

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