Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 195 Isn’t this the excuse?

But even after Aiwass said this, the blushing Isabel did not get her diary back.

She generously gave her diary directly to Aiwass——

This made Aiwass realize that he might have underestimated Isabel a little.

She may not want to show her heart to Aiwass... She also understands the meaning of this "suicide note diary", so the essence of this diary may be a letter. She wrote what she wanted to say in a diary and gave it to Aiwass along with the causes and consequences.

"I will keep it well."

Aiwass smiled and put the diary close to his body.

But what really made Aiwass happy was that Isabel gave her diary to Aiwass... In other words, she thought she no longer needed a diary.

Perhaps the changes are not big yet, but this is a valuable start. She has decided to leave behind her past self and her past fears - and move forward.

After exchanging secrets, both of them had a vague smile on their faces. After Aiwass sat back in the wheelchair again, he went to the door to call back the people who had left before.

Lily and Yulia also blushed, but David looked confused. Yanis was smiling, as if she had eaten something sweet.

——Looking at them like this, Aiwass could probably guess who was listening and who was not.

In order to distract David, Aiwass asked him: "The Great Guardian hasn't talked about it yet?"

"I just went to see my father," David explained. "There were quite a lot of people there... I saw him and Grandma Meg talking."

His single-threaded brain indeed forgot about Aiwass and Isabel.

When he said this, David seemed a little worried: "They seemed to be least the sound was loud."

"Loud noise doesn't mean it's an argument, it could just be emotional."

Aiwass comforted him gently.

But he understood clearly in his heart - yes, this should be Meg's promotion plan to the other "big-name" colleagues.

Her time is approaching and she really needs to give it a try. If she had been older, after time had worn away her spirituality and she had become confused, she would have no chance at all.

But in this era, there is no sixth level except the Eternal Pope. The sixth level is considered a myth and legend... Only the ancient heroes who were elevated to apostles could reach this level.

Moreover, at that time, the connections between countries were not that close. Now if Meg tries to advance, others will stop her—even a full-moon ceremony that emphasizes cooperation and not attacking each other.

Either no one would participate in the promotion, so she could never get enough people; or someone would participate in the promotion but deliberately let her go, causing her to fail in her mission. As long as six of the nine people form an alliance, it is basically impossible for the remaining three to complete the mission. Even if those six people cannot pass the level, they can at least complete the minimum living standard task and at least save their lives by working together.

Being able to safely kill three strong men of the same level in one night without having to worry about the other party's counterattack is certainly very profitable.

At this time, the disadvantages of a single path become apparent.

Except for Yannis, who has no intention of advancing to the sixth level, all fifth levels in Avalon are authoritarian paths.

At most, the most they can do is borrow a teammate from the Theocracy who is committed to the road, but other than that, the entire country cannot find a single teammate.

So pathetic.

Look back at Star Antimony.

The fifth energy level of Star Antimony can at least find three paths: transcendence, equilibrium, and dusk. As soon as you enter, you sit three times in a row, occupying one-third of the seats - five to six is ​​a situation that you can't get into, and the three of them are together. The ceremony must be centered on them, and it is impossible to replace any one of them.

The winning rate of three people playing black against six passers-by is definitely different from Meg playing eight in solo queue - or seven actors.

This is why Aiwass has been focusing on developing his teammates.

Isabel, Sherlock, David, Lily...even Julia. There might also be Edward or Haina...but both of them are on the Authoritarian path, so just one will be enough.

The higher the level of the promotion ceremony, the more difficult the plot will be. At that point, it’s not just about solving the plot, but you also have to watch out for temporary backstabbing.

At least you have to have reliable teammates so that you can concentrate on completing tasks and earning points.

However, you can’t have too many teammates in New Moon Ceremony, two is enough. In the Full Moon Ceremony, you can recruit up to five teammates to form a group of six.

If you have enough points in the full moon ceremony, even if you fail to complete the task, you can at least survive if you fail the promotion; but six people have to be eliminated in the new moon ceremony, and if you fail in the high-score round, you will die... Aiwass doesn't want to sacrifice his friend's life. Ascend yourself.

Lily can cooperate with Shadow Demon, and New Moon Ritual has a fixed position. There is only one spot left for Yulia or David.

Then my full moon ceremony teammates are Isabel, Sherlock, Yulia and David. If you include Edward or Haina...

One more to go. Aiwass thought.

I just don’t know where to catch the remaining teammate.

He also understood why Meg had quarreled with them - because Meg's plan conflicted with the Queen's plan.

According to the Queen's plan, they don't have to do anything next. After the ceremony is completed, the ancestors can be resurrected by them. Based on this task, Meg cannot be allowed to take risks - she must survive until the ritual is completely completed.

According to Meg's plan, the sooner she starts to be promoted, the better. Promotion rituals of this level are hard to find. You may not be able to get one in a few months or even a year or two. If you get in once, at least three people will die, and you won't be able to get in next month. So she had to start preparing as soon as possible, but she didn't know when she could start.

Although both plans are unreliable, they strike a subtle balance...

This gave Aiwass a headache.

Which one should he stop first?

After thinking for a long time, Aiwass made up his mind.

——Anyway, let’s find an excuse to kill Minister Drost first.

And at the same time.

Because of the prince's death, the entire Glass Island's cutting-edge combat power was concentrated in the Palace of Silver and Tin.

Minister Droste, who was sleeping on the ground with the sheets pulled up, suddenly heard a rustling sound.

He suddenly woke up - because there could be no sound in this room. This is a specially built building by the Supervisory Bureau, just to make itself afraid.

He soon heard the sound coming from the ventilation ducts.

The old minister stared nervously at the ventilation duct.

After a while, a mouse came out of it.

Minister Drost did not sigh in disappointment, but stared at the mouse.

In a burst of blood, the mouse's flesh and blood were shattered and reorganized, transforming into a naked red-haired woman.

"Are you here to save me?"

The old man asked in a deep voice.

Although he didn't know the other party, he probably guessed the other party's identity.

Noble Red—or rather, the upline of the Noble Red Society.

——The "Rosicrucian" association of Star Antimony.

"His Majesty said... you cannot be captured alive."

The woman did not answer directly, but said softly and in a charming voice: "But whether I want to save you or not... depends on your value."

"I have very important information to report to His Majesty."

Minister Drost said very seriously: "It can directly reverse the chaotic situation within Star Antimony today."


The woman raised her eyebrows: "Tell me about it?"

"I won't tell you. I want to tell His Majesty personally."

Old Drost said stubbornly: "I am a nobleman personally ennobled by His Majesty - I have my own territory! You can't kill me, you must save me!"

He was afraid that if he told the secret, the other party would kill him here, steal his information, and report it as his own merit.

"Okay~ Let's do it."

The woman sighed tiredly: "You Avalonians have a lot of problems."

She said, running her fingers over the skin. Open your chest to your lower abdomen like a zipper.

The flesh and blood inside her body bulged and twisted. It turned into a face in the blink of an eye.

"What's the matter? Tell me?"

A familiar cold voice came from the woman's belly: "I'm better not be a lie."

That was exactly the voice of His Majesty that Drost heard when he had a conversation with the current king of Star Antimony in person through a ceremony!

He was suddenly horrified - what kind of path and what kind of ability is this? !

But Drost is well-informed after all.

He was frightened for a moment, but quickly calmed down and told the information he cherished:

"Meg's end is approaching," he replied, "and she will prepare to ascend to the sixth level to continue her life."

"The end is coming?"

The other person repeated the word.

Soon, she sneered: "You can't tell at all. Didn't you say that you don't get sick even if you eat fried chicken and drink beer every day? She wanted to say that her condition has begun to decline... which is reasonable, after all, she is old.

"This is useful information - Blood Diamond, rescue him, send him to his territory, and set an example for others... Tell them that if they help our Star Antimony people, they will not be punished like the Iris people. Throw it away after use.”

"—Yes, Your Majesty."

The woman responded: "Your will."

After that, she pulled her abdomen back again like a zipper.

The flesh and blood fused instantly, leaving only the white and tight skin, as if it had never been pulled apart.

"...How are you going to rescue me? Are you going to turn into a mouse and crawl out like you?"

Realizing that he was about to be saved and that he was useful enough to Star Antimony, Drost's mind became active: "Can I still go home? I still have some precious collections... and some evidence to destroy. "

"Do you still want to die?"

The woman said rudely: "Shut up if you want to die - after you take a step from here, you will no longer be able to live in Avalon, and the evidence doesn't matter. As for collecting... that kind of thing, let Gao Noble Just come and pick it up."

"...Then how do I get out?"

Drost thought about it for a while, but he was still a little unwilling: "At least give me one piece of clothing..."

"What are you ashamed of as a grown man?"

The woman who was also naked crossed her arms generously and sneered: "It's very easy to go out——

"I'll just let the Noble Red people come in and rescue you as soon as possible. I'll pick you up outside, and the ship is ready. Anyway, the Great Guardian isn't here, so it should be fine...probably."

She obviously didn't want the old man to continue staring at her.

The body of the woman known as "Blood Diamond" was broken again, she turned into a mouse and crawled back the way she came.

update completed!

Recommend this friend's new book "Time is Great"~

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