Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 203 Did it happen to me?

At the same time, Aiwass also finished telling Sherlock, who was staying at the bishop's house, what happened in the past few days.

After learning from Aiwass that Minister Drost was dead, Sherlock felt a little disappointed for a moment.

"What? You're used to resting, and you don't want to go back?"

Seeing that Sherlock's expression seemed a little depressed, Aiwass raised his eyebrows and consoled him: "Why don't you just rest in peace like this. I think it's fine. The funeral has been held anyway."

"I can't even die if you die."

Sherlock lowered his head and continued writing, and responded coldly: "I never quarrel with patients, you go to bed first. If you want to quarrel, I will wait until I get better."

Not necessarily, I think you burp more easily than me.

Aiwass said in his mind, but did not say it out loud.

He stood up from the wheelchair and leaned over to see what Sherlock was writing.

Sherlock glanced sideways at Aiwass. He didn't ask about his legs or feet, nor did he cover the documents in front of his eyes.

He just explained casually: "It's still the same one as before."

"You haven't finished writing yet? The one with one hundred and forty kinds of cigarette ash?"

"It's already written. I'll verify it again. You can't make mistakes with this kind of thing, otherwise you'll be in big trouble."

Sherlock explained: "It was originally written as a reference book to help supervisory bureaus and supervisory councils in remote areas solve difficult cases... If there is a problem with the content, it may become an obstacle to solving the case."

"So when are you going to be 'resurrected'?"

Aiwass said: "Your parents are very worried about you."

"There's no rush," Sherlock said while flipping through the book, "Mycroft can help solve it."

His words revealed a faint admiration and belief in his elder brother.

"What about you, just continue to hide here?"

"In a few days. When you finish your final exam, I will go home and talk to Mycroft about what needs to be paid attention to on the Glass Island, and then I will go with you."

Sherlock said solemnly: "I investigated Yingjia Village during this period. That place is quite extraordinary..."

He turned around, and his eyes, which had always looked sleepy in the past, suddenly became awake. The thin cheeks that had some sunken cheekbones and protruding cheekbones now have flesh visible to the naked eye, at least the sunken cheeks are no longer visible. My mental complexion and even my skin have improved significantly.

I don't know if it's because Mrs. Mina has taken good care of her, or because Sherlock's spirits have improved since he stopped working.

Probably all of them.

——Because it is really refreshing not to work, and it is very healthy.

After Aiwass woke up the next day, he used the fire sacrificial method to restore his physical condition before going to school.

As a result, Aiwass took over a class in the morning, and when we had dinner together at noon, he heard from Isabel... Master Yanis may come over tonight.

"Master, what do you want from me?"

Aiwass was a little surprised.

"It seems to be something related to me?"

Isabel whispered: "But I don't have the nerve to ask."

Is it related to Her Royal Highness the Princess?

That really made Aiwass a little confused.

But Isabel seems to have recovered from yesterday's fear and is in better shape than after Aiwass left yesterday. I'm afraid it was Master Yanis who chatted with Aiwass a few more times after she left.


Isabel hesitated for a long time, then suddenly asked: "Can you use a musical instrument? Or...are you interested in learning some musical instruments? It shouldn't be too troublesome..."

"Ah, I will."

Unexpectedly, Aiwass said directly: "I can order the guitar... but I almost forgot about it."

That's a modest way of putting it.

Because this is what he learned in his previous life. His brain can do it, but his hands may not be able to do it now - he can actually play bass, but that goes without saying.

However, the guitars of this era are still somewhat different from the version Aiwass learned. On the contrary, the version improved by Isabel's father is closer to a modern guitar. But Aiwass didn't know whether he had invented the "Albert-style guitar" at this time, so he didn't talk about it.

"That's it..."

Isabel nodded thoughtfully and remembered it secretly. But no more was said.

Aiwass did not go back to the dormitory to rest after that. Instead, I found a quiet place, got out of the wheelchair and took a walk in the garden in the name of "rehabilitation exercise."

Lily pushed the wheelchair and followed them with Shadow Demon.

——For some reason, the relationship between Shadow Demon and Lily has become much closer since killing Drost.

And Lily also became a little closer to Aiwass... unlike before, who always carefully maintained the distance between master and servant.

If it was said that Shadow Demon reluctantly lent part of his power to Lily for the sake of Aiwass...

Ever since Lily completed the ceremony of loving father and son, the power of the Shadow Demon has become more at ease in her body. It was as if she had been approved by Shadow Demon.

But that’s fine too. Lily's sense of presence was originally low, but after mastering the Spider Silk Tantra and obtaining the Shadow Demon, her sense of presence became even lower. When the shadow demon was placed in her shadow, most people wouldn't notice it.

Moreover, Lily wears a skirt. It is normal for the skirt to flutter in the wind and the shadow to squirm a little - besides, the shadow demon can also be hidden directly in her skirt.

"I heard that you became a hero yesterday?" Isabel asked with a smile.

"Just casual."

Aiwass simply ignored it and did not continue to talk about this topic.

Perhaps because of his awkward personality, Aiwass always felt a little awkward when talking to girls about the good things he had done.

He didn't like to talk about this kind of thing. On the one hand, he didn't know how to brag about himself, and on the other hand, he felt that doing so would make his motives questionable.

This would make him a little embarrassed, as if he were showing his true feelings to others. There is a thrill of exposure.

It's better to lie casually and say something nice to make the little girl happy. It was much more natural for Aiwass to tell lies, and he kept saying nice things all afternoon without repeating the same thing.

Although I was a little worried about how those people would spread their news yesterday and whether they would be embarrassed... But if you didn't hear about this kind of thing, it means it didn't happen.

They soon came to a lake.

The lake is surrounded by beautifully maintained gardens, except that in winter there are only clusters of thorns left.

There are quite a few places with beautiful scenery like this in Wangli Law University, but it’s getting colder and colder recently, and most students don’t want to go out. It is precisely because of this that Isabel goes out for a walk - she specifically chooses to go out for a walk when there is no one outside.

"The lake there is very beautiful in the summer. There are also fish in it. When I was a child, I had a sister who went to Wangli Law University. She said you could fish here... I even pestered her to bring me here."

Isabel whispered: "But it's frozen now... But I haven't tried it since I entered school."

At that time, she was still very autistic and couldn't even think of finding a place to play.

After class every day, I would run home and continue the second round of classes, day after day, without any entertainment. Live like a senior high school student preparing for exams.

"But the lake outside the Palace of Silver and Tin doesn't seem to freeze over in winter."

Aiwass said casually: "Have you never gone fishing there?"

"...There are a lot of people coming and going there every day, right?"

Isabel was a little nervous, and her back straightened subconsciously: "How can you fish in front of others? That's so rude, I will be scolded..."

No, not necessarily. Not really.

Aiwass thought, your grandma knows a lot more about it than you do... She has definitely tried it.

After all, in this era, theater watching, fishing, playing cards, and chess are the few entertainment activities. The rest may be harmful or illegal.

But from this perspective...

"Are you still afraid of people, Isabelle?"

Aiwass asked the girl next to him.

Isabel shook her head: "It is impossible to say that I am not afraid at all...but I have worked hard to correct it."

"It doesn't have to be called 'correction'."

Aiwass said softly, with a soft voice: "Because there is nothing wrong with it. Whether you are afraid or not is just your own choice."

"What about Aiwass?"

Isabel put her hands behind her back, turned slightly sideways, and looked directly at Aiwass: "Do you want me to be afraid?"

"Of course I hope you can be strong."

Aiwass said seriously and honestly: "Just for yourself... and for Avalon."

He finished the first half of the sentence first, and then felt that this might be a little too intimate and not good. Maybe it would scare Isabel and make her run away subconsciously. So Ava paused before adding the second half of the sentence.

Isabel just smiled shyly and did not answer.

They just chatted like this. Not so much a walk, or a view. It's more like hanging out - without any purpose, just walking and chatting.

The two didn't say goodbye until it was almost time for class.

"Ha...I'm so exhausted. It feels like my physical fitness has really deteriorated a bit...I'm sorry to bother you, Lily. Please send me back to the classroom."

As soon as Isabel left, Aiwass sat back in the wheelchair and planned to take a nap as soon as he closed his eyes.

"Master," Lily's voice with a slight smile sounded behind him, "Why didn't you stay in the wheelchair just now?"

"It's polite. After all, I'm not really sick... It would be too big of a show to let the future Queen walk next to me and chat with me."

Aiwass made an excuse casually.

This is of course also a lie.

In fact, the real reason is...if he is looked down upon by Isabel, he always feels that she has a mother's temperament. This made him feel a little awkward.

——The previous advancement must have had too great an impact on her, Aiwass thought.

Just wait until the next advancement to dilute the impression... Anyway, it's soon, this weekend is the day to advance.

But when Aiwass and Lily finished class, Aiwass saw an unexpected person at the door of the classroom.

"...Principal Meg?"

Aiwass blurted out: "Who are you looking for?"

Seeing the short, serious-looking old lady looking at him, he suddenly felt guilty.

"Of course I'm here to find you, kid!"

Meg said unceremoniously: "Would you like to come with me?"

As she spoke, she looked Aiwass up and down.

——Why are you looking for me? Have I committed something?

Ah, that's not right...

Aiwass realized that he seemed to have deceived himself.

Because he has always committed many crimes.

...So, which bad thing was discovered? Meg seemed to have a smile on her face, it didn't seem like it was a big deal...

Could it be that I was teasing Isabel...?

update completed!

This month is also an update of more than 180,000 words, and I only took one day off! It will be 20,000 yuan soon——

Will continue to work hard to update next month!

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