Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 229 Isabel’s Investigation

After finally waiting for the man with a ferocious face to leave, Isabel climbed out of the quilt to investigate.

My head felt dizzy, as if there was a heavy lead weight in my head, and I felt severe pain when I moved my head even slightly. This made her even afraid to move too fast, and her body was so weak that she couldn't even stand up.

When she climbed out of bed, she almost missed her foot and fell down.

The intense fear caused her back to be soaked in cold sweat in an instant, followed by bursts of sharp pain in her brain.

This made her face suddenly wrinkle and she lay on the edge of the bed and curled up into a ball.

There were waves of nausea in the stomach, and the skin and bones on the body felt a slight pain all the time. Even if you touch it with your hands, it will only become more painful.

"……it hurts."

She murmured quietly and got up.

At this moment, a bolt of lightning fell outside.

The next moment, the candles in the room suddenly went out without any wind. At the same time, the window was suddenly pushed open by the wind, and the sound of howling rain suddenly became louder.

She subconsciously wanted to scream, but Isabel held it back.

——It’s useless to call anyway. Don't be embarrassed, Isabel...he won't die anyway.

She said to herself fiercely in her heart.

This time, no one can help me. Isabel had no idea which level Aiwass and Sherlock were on... If they were on a level lower than her, they wouldn't be able to help her at all.

But at least one thing is certain, that is, there must be no one else on her current level.

And it doesn't matter if you die, it's just falling one level. Although Isabel didn't really understand what she should do, she at least understood the rules - she couldn't appear on the zero level, so it didn't matter even if she died.

And if you are on a lower level, someone should come down soon. If you haven't seen anyone, it means you may be on a higher level.

——So what she has to do is to do her best to investigate while holding on as long as possible.

Maybe there was something that only her level could see.

"...At least, I can't be a burden."

Isabel gritted her teeth, covered her head, and stood up unsteadily.

Originally, she didn't call anyone during the last advancement ceremony - it was just that she was lucky enough to meet Aiwass and Sherlock, and they happened to decide to help her.

That's their kindness and their good luck. But that's not a natural protection.

They cannot protect themselves forever, and one day they will have to walk on their own.

...My grandmother will eventually die, and I will succeed to the throne.

She doesn't know when she will become the queen - compared to the nightmare that it doesn't matter if she dies, the reality is a nightmare-level promotion ceremony with no chance of coming back!

Can't let Aiwass down!

"If you want to die... you should try your best and not directly commit suicide to seek help..."

Thinking this, Isabel stumbled to the pushed-open window.

The heavy rain outside soaked Isabel in an instant. She first wanted to close the window, but found that she couldn't reach it at all - maybe she could if she stepped on a stool, but now she wasn't sure she could stand firmly, and she wasn't sure she would fall.

At this moment, her eyes suddenly widened. What was discovered.

That was something she had to walk to the window in the heavy rain to see——

I saw the stars in the sky outside the window shining brightly and then extinguishing, as if they vaguely formed some words.

She stood there in the heavy rain and watched intently for a long time. My whole body was completely soaked by the rain before I finally understood the word.

That's not a word, but the number "201".

Starlight is guiding her to Room 201!

Isabel perked up.

She wiped her face hastily with a towel. There were no clothes to change, so I could only stumble out of the house with my body soaked by the rain.

As she started walking, she realized that she was dizzy and even a little unbalanced. Isabel took two quick steps and almost hit the door handle.

Realizing that her health was worse than she thought, she became more cautious and instead walked step by step while holding on to the wall.

Her steps became weaker and weaker, and her eyes became blurry.

The storm beat against the windows, and there were faint sounds of little girls singing, quarrels, the loud noise of something falling on the ground, and women's screams. But Isabel couldn't tell whether it was her hallucination at all. She only felt that her consciousness became a little blurry, and the world was spinning in front of her eyes.

There was only a short walk from Room 202 to Room 201, but she walked for a long time.

——Is this really just a cold and fever?

Isabel had such doubts in her heart.

She walked to room 201 and was about to stand on tiptoes to pull the door handle.

But at this moment, the door handle moved on its own. Then the old door creaked and he pulled it open.

Isabel immediately held her breath and her heartbeat stopped. The whole figure stood motionless as if under a restraining spell.

——Is there anyone inside?

But after a long time, she didn't hear any sound from inside. Even the singing, the noise and the loud noise were gone. The only sounds left were the roaring rain and the random crashing sounds from the windows being constantly flapped by the wind.

She gritted her teeth and pushed the door open. As soon as she let go, the door closed with a bang.

The house was dark and there was no sign of anyone living there. But even so, she felt even weirder.

Even if someone suddenly rushes out and kills me...

At this moment, another thunder struck.

Through the flash of lightning, she could clearly see a little blond girl with a purple complexion standing outside the window.

——But this is the second floor.

Isabel finally screamed.

She immediately turned back, jumped up and pulled the door handle. But the door seemed to be stuck, and it couldn't be opened even after several pulls.

She pulled the door handle down with sudden force. Open the door and rush out——

But what's outside the door is not a corridor at all, but a sealed red brick wall. She hit the wall, and the skin on her body became even more painful. The arm she subconsciously blocked in front of her was even scratched a little.

She turned around again in horror and found that the girl outside the window had disappeared.

The house was empty again.

Isabel swallowed hard, took a few deep breaths, and forced herself to calm down.

She had a vague suspicion and closed the door again. Then open it again.

This time the door changed again - it turned into an upward staircase.

This time Isabel was not in a hurry to go out, so she opened the door and boldly went to the window.

She pressed against the window and watched for a long time. Found that there was really nothing outside.

And through the lightning that lit up from time to time outside the house, she could vaguely see the furnishings inside the house - different from the room 202 she rented, this place obviously had more of a living atmosphere. Specifically, there were some books scattered messily on the table, and a somewhat worn stuffed bear.

If the people here disappeared a long time ago, then these things should have been packed away.

Isabel walked over carefully and reached out to touch the books. I found that there was no dust on the book.

She picked up the only open book and waited by the window for the lightning to fall.

After a while, as the lightning fell - she saw the cover of the book clearly.

"…"The Wise Man in the Oak."

She frowned and murmured, "This is Merlin's story."

Isabel has read this book.

This book tells the story of Merlin, the apostle of Weizhe now, who was once imprisoned in an oak tree by his ex-girlfriend Vivian when he was a human.

He can hear everything outside and can also speak. But I can't come out and cast spells. The oak tree that sealed him was extremely hard. Even with an axe, he couldn't cut the oak tree and free him.

So he was regarded as the "inner spirit" of the oak tree.

People heard that there was a wise and spiritual oak tree here, so they came from all over to ask him questions. Later, a knight traveling with a red-handled holy sword came here and thought it was an evil oak tree that could confuse people's hearts, so he cut the oak tree in half with a sword. As a result, Merlin was accidentally released.

Merlin was grateful to the knight and took him back to Lancelot. Let him become a Knight of the Round Table and the ancestor of the founding family "Camelot".

——But as a descendant of Lancelot, Isabel certainly knew that this book was wrong.

Because the only knight who can hold a red-handled sword normally is Galahad. And he only got the red-handled sword after Arthur left the material world and Lancelot became Lancelot I. By then he was already a Knight of the Round Table.

...Furthermore, there is another saying among the Du Lac family. In fact, the Camelot family is also a line of the Du Lac family.

Because Galahad may be the illegitimate son of Lancelot I. Galahad has no bloodline from Guinevere.

But here is the book... and it's open. Apparently the owner of the house was still reading the book before leaving.

Does this have any intrinsic meaning?

"...It would be nice if Aiwass was here."

Isabel bit her lip, feeling a little depressed.

She is not as smart as Aiwass and Sherlock, and now her body feels like it's about to burp, and she can't do much. Her path ability was even blocked... and there was no one else she could communicate with. She had never felt so alone and scared, as if she had been abandoned by the whole world.

She walked around the room twice more and saw nothing different. So she simply stuffed the book into her waist and stuck it in front of her belly with her pants. He picked up the stuffed bear again and then left the room.

As soon as she stepped onto the stairs, the door behind her closed and locked automatically.

Isabel paused in her steps. There is no way out, she thought.

But it didn't matter - she gradually got used to it.

But she walked for a long time, but still couldn't reach the end. Only then did Isabel suddenly feel something was wrong.

She held onto the wall to prevent herself from falling. He tried his best to raise his head and look upward. But she couldn't see anything clearly, and she didn't even know how many layers there were above.

We are all here, there is no point in going back. The previous doors were locked, she thought.

But she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt that her surroundings were getting brighter and brighter. The sound of rain outside became thinner and thinner, and gradually became quieter.

The little girl's singing voice suddenly came clearly and startled her - the voice came from the bear puppet in her arms.

"Lock her up with a key...Lock her up, lock her up...Lock her up with a key, dear friend..."

Isabel let go and the stuffed bear fell directly to the ground.

The bear fell downwards, and Isabel subconsciously wanted to squat down and catch it.

But just when she turned around and bent down to grab it back, she felt a cold little hand push her gently from behind.

——Isabel rolled directly and fell down the stairs of unknown height.

The update is complete, today is an update of 7,000 words~

My rhinitis is much better now. The air purifier saved my cat’s life!

It turned out that the original air purifier was not working... I bought an air purifier when I moved in 2016. It cost more than 2,000 yuan to absorb formaldehyde. I changed the filter once in the middle, and only used it for two months a year, March and September, when allergies are easy to occur. It turned out that it was basically useless this time. I was thinking that my body is already so weak. Wearing an air purifier or taking medicine doesn't work...

As a result, I bought a new air purifier from Huawei 700 or 800. The weight and volume are only one-third of the old one. I started using it and it was immediately useful. The day before yesterday, I used more than 100 pieces of paper in a day, but I only used it the day before yesterday. There are more than 30 sheets. Yesterday and today, I only used a dozen or 20 sheets. The effect is remarkable.

It can only be said that the progress of science and technology...

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