Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 230 Found you, Merlin

Aiwass returned to the second floor with the old supervisor and reporter.

In fact, he still doesn't fully believe that the old supervisor is Pure White. But it actually doesn't matter whether he is played by Pure White, Living Silver or someone else.

Because he can't be a detective or Lulu, nor can he be Merlin. In this way, the general position of the other party can be determined - the four people are in the same group, and Aiwass does not need to make a special distinction.

He had determined that the "reporter" was 100% Merlin and could not be Sherlock.

The real Shylock doesn't have that strong desire for advancement - his primary purpose is to help Isabel advance, but at the same time, he doesn't have much hope for Isabel.

Because he is not loyal to Isabel, but to the heir chosen by Queen Sophia.

Ultimately, his loyalty points to Queen Sophia, who broke the tradition of Avalon and, when the evidence of assassinating the crown prince was conclusive, still firmly protected his father and reused his brother.

How many of the previous monarchs of Avalon had such power?

...As for Isabel, Sherlock has always felt that he couldn't count on her. When he didn't know that Lulu was Isabel, he had a venomous tongue towards her. Even now, he still needs Aiwass's mediation with Isabel, otherwise it will be difficult to get along smoothly.

——The other flaw is that he played it too fast.

Just like when the deceased dies of poisoning, a real detective should first open the windows for ventilation, vigilantly investigate the surrounding remains, and find a large number of helpers to cooperate with him in the investigation. Instead of just jumping in and starting an autopsy.

Sherlock is not a reckless detective. He can remain calm at almost all times.

If the reporter was really Sherlock, then he would definitely prioritize collecting every level of intelligence.

If you commit suicide once, that's it...the first death must be safe. The reporter did claim that he had already conducted one round of investigation.

But the real question is, after knowing that the "teacher" was the fox, why didn't he share information with Aiwass or investigate the second round with Aiwass?

Although Sherlock is very aggressive towards Aiwass, Aiwass knows... Sherlock's trust in him is probably on the same level as Isabel's.

If Isabel is based on emotional trust, then Shylock is based on rational trust. Knowing that there were only Aiwass and himself on that floor, with no ears between them, Sherlock did not conduct a detailed investigation or share any information, but hurriedly pulled Aiwass into the next floor.

——What if the floor where he saw Aiwass was the zero floor?

It is entirely possible that his upper level is the first level, and it is also entirely possible that "Aiwass" is played by Merlin. Would Sherlock commit suicide multiple times in a row without conducting an investigation?

Moreover, before it was confirmed that Aiwass was the "Fox", he directly said that the time flow rate or the nodes entered were different. And such information only requires Aiwass to die once to realize it.

But he said that he had only met Jacaranda once, which meant that he had not met any other companions after his "resurrection". How can he be sure that his situation is not an exception?

——Only Merlin.

Merlin knew that Aiwass could not be Merlin, and Merlin also knew that Aiwass had indeed just appeared. His words are the most efficient, the most convincing to Aiwass, and the most effective... But it is precisely because he pursues the efficiency of words that he exposes the error of his vision.

But Aiwass had no intention of making the matter public.

Because he suspected that this was a flaw Merlin deliberately exposed.

"Announcement" seems to be a way to counter Merlin, but it is actually a trap.

——Yes, if he directly announced Merlin, then Merlin would indeed be locked in this layer by him. But as long as this is not the zero level, they will eventually leave this level.

Whether they kill Merlin on this level or leave this level themselves, Merlin will escape. The only way to leave is to die, and after death, Merlin will naturally be unable to be locked.

In fact, by revealing Merlin's identity, he just trapped Merlin in this layer. And the price he paid was that he was also trapped on this level at the same time.

If this is a high-level place and one person's information is missing, other people's reasoning may be wrong, and this misunderstanding is entirely made up of facts and is very fatal; but if this is a low-level place, Merlin will still be there when the real actor arrives. will be squeezed out. In other words, revealing identities is only effective when everyone is at a low level such as the first floor or the zero floor.

So, what if Merlin's identity is not revealed?

As Weizhe's apostle, Merlin shouldn't be so uninterested in hosting Weizhe's ceremony.

Even though they were only missing one person from this ceremony, according to the rules, Merlin couldn't be too serious and had to let some water go...

But when chatting with him before, Aiwass had a vague feeling that Merlin was somewhat evil.

Even if this wicked old fox lets slip, it will definitely be at the end - it will definitely be after he has teased everyone before he reveals his flaws. He will never miss an opportunity to joke and laugh. He is such a bad-tempered and cheerful type.

Aiwass didn't hate this kind of person. Except that he himself is not that out-of-the-box, lively and wicked, he and Merlin are essentially the same kind of person. But precisely because they are the same kind of people, Aiwass can guess Merlin's logic and thoughts.

No matter what, Merlin's arrangement should only take effect after Aiwass exposes him.

But Aiwass planned to pretend not to see it.

Since Aiwass didn't expose his identity, Merlin couldn't just jump out and stop acting. Not only was that ugly, it was embarrassing.

Merlin himself had said that the nature of this ceremony was different now that the Nine Pillars were watching. It is now like an open class with leaders watching. Merlin can lose, but he cannot gain, and he cannot afford to lose. That's why he can only attack the front desk guy, but can't actively attack anyone except him.

It would be too easy for Merlin to win, because he himself is the host. He knows the answer to it all.

But precisely because of this, if Merlin was shameless in order to win, then the Nine Pillar God might be the one who would be angered by him. Judging from Merlin's naughty behavior, it was obvious that he respected and feared the Nine Pillars God.

After all, Merlin is just an examiner and actor, not even a director or screenwriter. But at this moment, he is already in the play.

He cannot escape from the rules of the ritual, and he can't help himself either.

Merlin must now follow Aiwass and truly consider himself a detective to help. Unless Aiwass stops acting, or the real owner of this body comes to him, Merlin must continue acting——

Until they land on level zero or level one.

——At that time, it’s time for the real game to begin.

Aiwass knew this, and Merlin naturally knew it too.

The "reporter" just smiled bitterly and followed Aiwass.

But the look he looked behind Aiwass was full of deep meaning... It could even be said that he seemed to be eager to watch a good show unfold.

The second chapter should be delivered before two o'clock~

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