Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 262

After Lily returned to the Palace of Silver and Tin, she began to confirm what she would bring with her on her trip tomorrow.

She hummed softly and checked her luggage lively.

In fact, compared to Aiwass, Lily is the one who is more excited about traveling. She was really looking forward to this trip.

She has never left the Isle of Glass since she was born - before joining the Moriarty family, she lived in Lloyd's Ward; after that she went to the White Queen.

Even before Aiwass took her to the Palace of Silver and Tin and asked Isabel for an admission spot on her behalf... Lily had not left Moriarty Manor for several years, let alone the White Queen and the Isle of Glass.

It's not that Aiwass didn't give her a day off.

It's because Lily will use her rare vacation to read and enrich herself.

——However, this is not because Lily doesn't like going out.

On the one hand, it's because she doesn't have much free time, and she longs to read; and the reason she wants to read is because she instinctively doesn't want to spend the rest of her life as an ignorant maid.

From this point of view, it also proves that the insatiable Drost blood does flow in Lily's body.

On the other hand... it was because Lily didn't want to leave Aiwass for too long.

It is precisely because she has read a lot of books that she has more knowledge than other servants. Therefore, she knew that most girls who worked as personal maids would not be as lucky as herself.

There are regular holidays, a generous salary, being allowed to read the master's books, and sometimes having meals together when there are no outsiders, and the master he serves is also young, smart, handsome and gentle...

Lily knew she was lucky.

So she didn't want to miss out on this good fortune.

So even on vacation, she didn't want to leave Moriarty Manor. What if Aiwass happens to need me for something on this day when I am on vacation? What if something happens to Aiwass on the day she is not at home? If someone else had taken care of Aiwass at that time, would he no longer be Aiwass's personal maid when he came back?

After all, in Avalon, the real big shots are generally not worthy of personal maids.

Like the kind of family heirs, they have almost always had valets since they were young.

They are stronger and more powerful, can help carry heavy objects, and can also protect their owners. They grew up together and are even closer than real brothers. They play together no matter where they go. They can work as coachmen, bodyguards, chefs, assistants, secretaries... This gives them more freedom than personal maids who need to maintain their beauty and dignity.

Edward had not yet joined the House of Lords, so he could still inherit the Moriarty family. So Mr. James is the manservant for Edward and the maid for Aiwass.

After that, Edward joined the Inspectorate. According to Avalon's rules, after joining the Inspectorate, you cannot touch the family business - this is to prevent abuse of power for personal gain. After all, the main job of the inspectors is to monitor various knight families.

In other words.

Lily knew that from that moment on, the first heir to the Moriarty family was Aiwass.

But as a male head of the family, he brings a personal maid... According to the book Lily read, this would be laughed at by people of the same level in public social situations in Avalon. This is basically like saying "I haven't grown up yet and need a maid to take care of me", or admitting that I have no relationship with the opposite sex, and I don't have a lover who is decent enough and good enough to be recognized by the elders in the family.

There are nearly a hundred knight families in Avalon on the Glass Island alone, and the total number of family heads with maids is just over ten. And the impression they give people is basically that they tend to be gentle and weak types.

——Lili has been very anxious since she learned about this. She was very afraid that as long as she went out, when she came back she would no longer be Master Aiwass's maid, and might even be kicked out of the Moriarty family because she was no longer useful...

If it was in the early years of joining the Moriarty family, she might have been happy. Because that means you are free.

But now she is no longer naive, and has gradually understood many things - she is alone, with no family and no support, where can she go? Is it like what is written in the book, marrying someone you have never met and do not love, and becoming the wife of a businessman or scholar?

She doesn't even have parents.

No parents means no home.

And Mr. James and Aiwass, who were so kind to her, were her family. Mr. Edward is always stiff and silent, and Miss Yulia is gentle and kind. They are both kind and good people.

It only takes one time to separate from your family. Lily was always afraid of being left behind again.

That's why Lily never dared to go out on vacation; that's why Lily paid attention to maintaining her beauty and etiquette, thirsting for knowledge and showing loyalty. The root cause of all these impulses was the fear lurking deep in her heart that even she didn't realize.

Just like cats and dogs that have been abandoned once, they will become very good when they are picked up and raised again.

——As long as we can stay together.

Lily was really happy when Aiwass shared the opportunity to step into the path of transcendence.

This means she will become more useful. It also means that Aiwass also values ​​her and does not regard her as a burden that needs to be replaced and makes him less decent.

Now, Aiwass even takes her with him when traveling...

Does this mean that she has become useful? I won't be abandoned again...

After confirming this, the fear in her heart was diluted. The shadow was like a tea brick brewed by hot water, turning into warm, bright and floral-scented water.

After feeling at ease, she subconsciously began to crave for more.

As Lily packed her luggage, she began to feel the desire in her heart gradually amplified.

I want to monopolize the young master, I want to love him, I want to love him hard.

Want him. I want to suck his blood and chew his flesh and blood...

As she fantasized in her mind, her pupils gradually turned scarlet. Breathing gradually became heavier, and the heartbeat became more intense, and the heartbeat became so loud that it resounded in my ears.


Lily paused suddenly, and her eyes widened slightly in surprise.

Her strength to adapt to the path suddenly calmed her down.


She was surprised that her thoughts suddenly began to wander.

At this moment, Lily suddenly felt a slight abnormality coming from the room.

She followed the vague impulse in her heart and walked over.

I found that it was the birdcage that the young master had placed on his desk during the day.

Inside the birdcage was supposed to be a book. It was the "Morning Crow Tantra" that the young master read a few days ago. When the young master was reading this book, his clothes were burned off and his hair grew longer.


Lily's eyes suddenly opened wide, and her heart palpitated for a moment: "The missing?"

I saw that the book in the birdcage disappeared and turned into a big snow-white rabbit.

The rabbit's scarlet eyes stared at her motionlessly, making Lily feel a little uneasy.

But what really worried her was that the young master's tantra book was missing.

"Damn it, how could..."

Lily walked over subconsciously, wanting to check whether the rabbit had sat the book under his butt.

But when she got close to the rabbit, a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of her eyes——

She saw the birdcage suddenly open and the rabbit jump out.

The world around her instantly turned into a snowy scene - she was no longer in the room, but appeared in the deep snowy night.

The rabbit glanced at her in front, and then ran forward.

"do not run!"

Lily's heart surged with intense irritation and overwhelming anger, and her rationality disappeared.

She didn't realize how unusual this snowy night was, but subconsciously chased after him: "Come back quickly!"

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