Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 263 Original Werewolf

In the heavy snowstorm, Lily was struggling.

The chill spreads from the skin inwards, penetrating deep into the flesh, flesh and bone marrow.

Her body was as stiff as a puppet, but the burning desire was smoldering in her heart. Like a piece of wood that was ignited and then extinguished, it quietly emitted a large amount of heat and black smoke, scorching her heart.

Lily felt that her blood had become thicker, like glue or mud. They bound his body, wrapping around his flesh and blood like a rope...making him a prisoner.

——I am a prisoner locked in a body!

The scarlet fire ignited in the depths of Lily's pupils again.

The regret of losing the book, the rage of being irritated by the rabbit, the grievance of walking alone in the snow...the negative emotions turned into fuel, burning her soul and making her blood thicker.

And the big white rabbit jumped with great agility in the snowstorm. Every time when Lily was almost unable to catch up, it would stop and look back mockingly; and when Lily was about to catch up with it, it would jump away again, making Lily feel that her blood pressure was getting higher and higher.

At first, her rationality still prevented her from calming down.

But as she chased her, her rationality also said: Go to hell, catch up quickly!

However, the cold wind outside was so biting, and her body was so stiff. Now, just by running, she could hear the crunching and sour sounds coming from all over her body... Her body had reached its limit.

At this moment, Lily glanced back subconsciously.

As a result, he discovered that the path he came from had turned into a piece of white snow without any footprints. She looked down, only to find that there were messy footprints all around her... as if she was just spinning in circles.

how so?

【You are bound by mortal clothes】

An ethereal female voice sounded.

[You cannot approach the Night Rabbit unless you give up your clothes]

Lily gritted her teeth and took off her clothes without thinking.

Strangely enough, she seemed to feel a liberating nature after that - a brand new power injected into her body.

Even though she had removed all the warm clothes, she felt that her skin was gradually getting warmer. That blizzard couldn't hurt her one bit.

She chased after the big white rabbit called "Night Rabbit" again.

Her body was no longer stiff and her skin was no longer cold... After she took off her clothes, she ran with all her strength on all fours like a beast, white heat steaming all over her body in the snowy night. But even so, she still couldn't outrun the rabbit.

【You are bound by material flesh and blood】

The voice sounded again.

Like wind chimes and crystals. Like a spring in a deep valley, clear and calm.

[You cannot approach the Night Rabbit unless you give up your flesh and blood]

Only the rabbit remained in Lily's scarlet pupils, and she continued to run wildly.

This time she finally broke away from the shackles of the devil and rushed towards the rabbit fiercely.

The rabbit didn't react and was pushed to the ground by her.

The intense hunger made Lily bite the rabbit's throat and suck the rabbit's blood. The rabbit's legs kicked violently, but even so, Lily could not be kicked away. Instead, she hugged the rabbit like a ferocious lover, knelt on the ground, hugged it in her arms, and buried her head deep within reach. knee deep in the snow.

After she drank the rabbit's blood, she began to devour the rabbit's flesh.

As Lily ate and drank, the bones throughout her body creaked - gray-white hair grew out of her skin, and her beautiful appearance gradually turned into a ferocious wolf head.

In the end, only a few remains of the rabbit were left.

Lily, who had turned into a gray wolf, was spinning around in confusion, her long wolf kiss stained with blood.

At this moment, she suddenly saw the rabbit——

——Isn’t the big white rabbit hanging in the sky?

She howled loudly at the moon above her head, wanting to fly to it.

At this moment, wolves emerged one after another from nowhere in the snow.

The wolves responded to Lily's howl and raised their heads together to howl at the moon. A strong sense of joy filled her heart.

[You are bound by the shadow beneath you]

The female voice sounded for the third time.

[You cannot approach the Night Rabbit until you throw away the shadow]

Lily looked down at her shadow in confusion. Her scarlet eyes stared at the shadow, and she wanted to lower her head and bite her shadow.

But at this moment, she was suddenly bound and hung up by a few threads coming out of her shadow.

Lily, in wolf form, struggled hard while maintaining her bound posture, but she still couldn't break free of the gray thread.

She struggled and struggled, gradually turning into a human form.

The white rabbit in the sky looked back at her and then left again towards the other side of the sky.

Lily, who was bound in place, watched Ye Hare leaving her and howled almost sadly. But in the end she couldn't break free from the shackles of the gray silk thread.

When the moon set, Lily suddenly woke up.

——I am still in the young master’s study.

Her clothes were thrown aside while she stood there. There is no white rabbit in the cage in front of me. There is only a book lying quietly in the cage.

"Great...the book is not lost..."

Lily subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, but felt that her voice had become so hoarse.

She was stunned for a moment, and then realized that there seemed to be something in her throat. She couldn't help coughing, and then spit out a ball of blood-stained rabbit fur.

...Isn't that an illusion?

Lily recalled the clear feeling of chewing and swallowing the rabbit, and suddenly felt horrified.

And when she remembered the joy of biting flesh and blood, she was horrified to find that wolf hair grew on her skin, and she gradually crouched down, eventually turning into a gray wolf.

...Is it the curse of wolf transformation? !

Lily was startled and recalled the knowledge in the witch's inheritance book.

But soon, she realized something didn't seem right.

Because unlike the case of being possessed by the wolf-transformation spell, it seems that I can change back at any time...

Her heart moved, and the wolf fur on her body faded. He crouched on the ground, but returned to his human appearance.

"...The Tantra of the Path of Love?"

Lily murmured quietly, feeling a little scared that she was losing her mind. If I had chosen to throw away the shadow at that time, would I have been unable to come back?

And after she turned into a wolf, the eager desire to eat flesh and blood that surged from the bottom of her heart frightened her even more.

——The closer the person is, the more she loves, the more she admires, the more she wants to eat. The human form was okay, but if she turned into a wolf...if Aiwass was right in front of her, she might not be able to restrain her bloodthirsty impulse.

This form is too dangerous.

Just seal it and pretend that you have never obtained this ability.

Lily thought so in her heart.

...Even so, she still felt a little regretful.

Because the wolf doesn't seem to be an ordinary beast. She vaguely felt that she seemed to have some special abilities...

But in order to avoid getting sick, let’s just pretend that the ability doesn’t exist.

She no longer had the leisure to pack her things, but the worry also made her afraid to sleep. She was worried that after accidentally falling asleep, she would have that dream again... turning into a wolf and returning to the snowy field.

As a result, she lay in bed, tossing and turning all night long without falling asleep.

On the other side, Aiwass and Sherlock were not sleeping either.

Aiwass has prepared the ceremony.

It's just that there seems to be something wrong with Sherlock.

"How do I know if we move around the sun or the moon? In my past life, I have never used knowledge of astronomy - I don't mean that I can't learn it, but my brain is used to it. To not accept this knowledge that is not useful to me. Of course, I know it is useful now, but it will take some time for me to adapt.”

Sherlock became angry and threw the "Introduction to Astronomy" aside and stacked it with "Introduction to Astrology": "And I have been graduating for so long, and astronomy is still my freshman subject-"

"But my father still likes you."

Aiwass interrupted.

The "father" he refers to here refers to Professor James.

The "Asteroid Mechanics" he wrote is a rare height in the field of pure mathematics, and not many people in the entire scientific community can criticize it. In the field of astronomy, James is undoubtedly a first-tier professor.

"How do I know why!"

Sherlock shouted.

He sighed, and then explained: "I often asked the professor about astronomy and mathematics. But that was because my grades in those two courses were not good. I just wanted to pass... But the professor was really good to me. . When I graduated, he recommended me to join the Inspectorate, but I declined him."

Aiwass thought for a while: "Since you could pass then, you should be able to pass now."


Sherlock was a little helpless: "But now my mind is like a fog, and I can't remember anything here at all..."

"It seems that the curse of retardation is quite retarded."

Aiwass commented: "Not spiritual enough."

Then Sherlock threw the two tomes in hand at Aiwass' head one after another, and Aiwass easily grabbed them with both hands.

"What should we do?"

Sherlock was a little worried: "Are you almost done here? I see you have been busy for a long time... How about you undo my curse first, and then I can go back to it after I finish learning?"

"That's not necessary. It seems that you really can't get in one night...but it doesn't matter. I can help you with this ritual. If you don't know how, I'll help you cheat first."

Aiwass replied briskly: "But you must read these two books before your next promotion. When you advance and change jobs, you will be in the promotion ceremony. I can't help you at that time."


Sherlock breathed a sigh of relief and vowed: "I will definitely finish reading it before my next promotion."

——It’s unclear when he will be promoted next.

The third level to the fourth level cannot be completed in one month of accumulation.

And if he doesn't work, he can learn by himself in just over a week. There should still be plenty of time.

"Then when we leave, please take these two books with you."

Sherlock didn't want to waste time: "I'll take a look after the investigation... I will definitely learn it."

"Okay. If you think you've almost learned it, come to me and I'll give you a test paper."

Aiwass said with a smile: "I have received astronomy education since I was a child... Let's go, it's almost dawn."

"By the way," Sherlock followed Aiwass and asked casually, "Who are you praying to during the ceremony? Is it Weizhe? I'll bring some tributes there..."

"No, please bring some black pearls."

Aiwass replied: "What this ceremony seeks is the gaze of the Eternal Self."

update completed! Asking for votes at the beginning of the month! !

Thanks to Remi W for being the leader!

The whine is still uncomfortable, but I can code... I don't have a fever. After sleeping for three hours yesterday afternoon, my temperature became normal and I didn't go to the hospital.

If I hadn’t asked for leave yesterday, today’s update would have happened to be on the Mid-Autumn Festival, and it would have been a perfect match (thump the ground)

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