Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 264 Mithraic Ritual

Aiwass took Sherlock to St. Guinevere's Chapel. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

——Yes, the place where he planned to take Sherlock to complete the ceremony was the underground of the Candlestick Chapel.

Although it looks a little bad, and I feel a little jumpy when I touch it... But according to Aiwass's understanding of prayer, Si Zhu probably doesn't care about this.

Because there is no god Mithras, and the process of completing the ceremony belongs to the field of devotion.

Rounding it all off, this is also worshiping Si Zhu.

"...Do we have to come here?"

But Sherlock obviously felt guilty.

In other words, Sherlock, who grew up in Avalon, actually did not understand from the bottom of his heart what a "made-up god" was. In his understanding, he still regarded Mithras as a real god or a heretic god.

"Because we're in town."

Aiwass explained, leading Sherlock down the dim stairs to the depths of the cellar: "Normally, this ritual requires a natural grotto. And the orientation of the grotto must be strictly selected. It needs to be 'from Taurus to Aries'. It is It’s called the ‘place of birth’.”

"It seems very troublesome." Sherlock commented.

"It's just very troublesome. So I need to use a ceremonial ground to create a usable 'Crown Place'... Then I need a sacred enough place. It needs to be isolated from the influence of the path of love as much as possible, but at the same time it cannot be seen. The light must also be underground, and there must be enough space.”

Aiwass turned back and spread his hands: "Then tell me, where else can I go besides here?"

This is the wine cellar used by the church to store sacrificial wine.

Aiwass had reported it to Bishop Mathers last night... As a result, Bishop Mathers' reaction was very strange.

The bishop said that the key is with you anyway, you can go wherever you want.

...Strange, where did I get such a big face?

Although Aiwass was a little confused, he decided to complete Sherlock's ceremony first.

"I know you are right."

Sherlock gently pushed Aiwass who was blocking the way: "But don't block the stairs suddenly. I almost hit you."

"You can't hit me with your small body."

Aiwass scoffed.

Hey, if you say that, then I’m going to try it——

Sherlock raised his eyebrows, but still chose to remain silent. After all, it was Aiwass who was busy with himself now, and it would not be polite for him to quarrel with Aiwass at this time.

Although he actually didn't know whether this ceremony would be successful, Aiwass's attitude alone was enough to move him.

As they continued down, Aiwass began to explain the occult principles of this ritual to Sherlock.

"Do you know about the precession movement?"

"Some impression."

"To put it simply, every time the sun goes back to the time it was a year ago, it will be slightly farther away from there. So the winter solstice moves westward every year...Although the amplitude is small, it does exist.

"The sun will return to its true place every twenty-six thousand years, so twenty-six thousand years are called the Great Year in astrology. Because of this, one-twelfth of it...that is Around the year 2160, there will be new constellations at the vernal equinox when the sun appears.

"Human history only records one great year. And before the beginning of this great year was the era of the elves.

"We are currently in the Pisces Era, which began about two thousand years ago. The Pisces Era is preceded by Aries, and Aries is preceded by Taurus. Some astrologers believe that human history began with the 'Lion', while others believe that Starting from 'Libra'. I personally prefer the latter - because the sun of this generation is hatched by the scale, and the scale is a metaphor for the sand clock."

Aiwass said as he went down to the bottom of the cellar.

He snapped his fingers, and the cellar suddenly lit up——

Twelve astrological symbols of different colors light up in sequence from the cellar walls. Lighting up the dim "cave" a little.

This is the symbol that Aiwass had previously drawn on the wall using twelve metal gemstones representing the zodiac and dipped in twelve plant essential oils representing the zodiac. He poured his own magic into it, making it demonic.

In order to get these essential oils, he specially woke up the king who was probably still asleep and took the freshest and best products from him.

Also lit up was a black bull.

It lit up with a golden glow—the runes were also lit by the mana injected by Aiwass. Poems praising the sun are written on the body of the black bull in seven different languages. Sherlock only recognized six of them, and the remaining one seemed to be Ancient Horus.

"...Do you still understand Horus?" Sherlock was a little surprised.

"I asked Instructor Bard to help translate."

Aiwass answered honestly: "I can still copy it."

...Okay, this is also a way.


"Does it have to be in such a hurry?"

When things came to a close, Sherlock hesitated again: "Could we have troubled too many people?"

"I am the person who is causing you the most trouble." Aiwass turned back and glared at him.

"I know."

"Just shut up if you know it, don't be so depressed."

Aiwass said angrily.

After a while, Aiwass sighed and explained: "This ritual has an invisible requirement, which is 'I must do it immediately'. When you hear this ritual, you must do it immediately. Because Bai Sheep is a pioneer, a warrior, a young man, a fearless person and a survivor... so the success rate will be much higher. Because 'fearless pioneers are more likely to survive', astrology with Aries as the main sign has such a need , the more reckless you are, the luckier you will be.

"How can one become the sun and become Mithras if he hesitates and hesitates?"

…I don’t, I’m not.

Sherlock thought to himself.

But he watched the scene in front of him intently, and was shocked by this mysterious ceremony.

Although Shylock knew nothing about rituals, sacrifices, or astrology, he could intuitively feel the sacredness in them.

"Go and take off your clothes and kneel in that shelf. There is a small space under there, which I have specially made for you. You can curl up in it like a baby... Remember to curl up into a ball, but don't hold your head with your hands. .Don’t be wary of your back.”

Aiwass ordered: "I will bring the cow over in a while and let it rest on top of you. Then I will kill the cow and you pray below. When the blood flows on you and the cow dies, the ceremony will be successful."

"...Won't I be trampled to death by a cow? Or what if the cow knocks me out when it falls?"

"It's certainly possible."

Aiwass said coldly: "That means the ritual failed. But as long as you are fearless enough, then the ritual should succeed."

"Then what should I pray for?" Sherlock was silent for a while and then asked.

"Whatever," Aiwass replied, "Because the key prayer is with me, so you can do whatever you want there. You can recite whatever you want, or chat with whichever pillar god you want. You just pray for what you want. It doesn’t matter if you get yourself a wife.”


Sherlock shook his head repeatedly.

But he decided to trust Aiwass.

So he obeyed Aiwass's words and knelt down in the small hole.

As Aiwass said, this is the "womb" specially built for him by Aiwass. It's just enough for him to curl up tightly inside without being too crowded or too empty.

The upper and lower wooden boards just happened to support his head and toes, while the sides forced him to curl his arms up in front of his chest. Everything was just right.

...Maybe Aiwass is really professional.

This thought came to Sherlock's mind.

And soon, he felt that his eyes were going dark.

He didn't faint, but the bull was led over and blocked the light of the luminous symbol on the wall.

"When is your birthday, Sherlock?"

“January 6th—you’re just asking me for my birthday now?”

"That's Capricorn. It's okay. It's not too late to ask now. Just mention it."

Aiwass said with a smile: "Get ready to accept the ceremony, young man."

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