Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 271 The strange Yingjia Village

"I'm back!"

Haina opened her shop door and shouted loudly.

Of course she didn't bring the key. But in a small village like theirs, there is no need for keys.

On weekdays, the door of every house is open. Not to mention, many families here run their own small businesses... For example, Haina's father is the best blacksmith in the village.

Perhaps Haina's strange power was inherited from this. Because of this, she is considered one of the wealthier families in the village. That's why her family can support her going to school in Bagpipe Town instead of staying in the village and getting married early.

Now it is because of the cold winter that the door is closed at noon.

Haina still remembers that when she was doing her homework, her neighbor’s grandfather, a hunter, would often come in suddenly without even saying hello and take her father away for fishing.

"elder sister!"

A young and excited voice came from the room: "Mom, sister is back!"

It was a boy who looked about twelve or thirteen years old.


Haina was very happy, put her luggage on the ground, squatted down and hugged the boy.

She loosened the hug and touched her brother's head with some nostalgia: "You have grown up a lot..."

In Haina's impression, Jack was still the little kid running around behind her with a sniffle. And now he can be considered a "teenager".

His brown curly hair was fluffy, and his hazy yellow pupils were as warm as amber. The appearance is about 70-80% similar to Haina. Even though life in the village has made his skin rough, and the tip of his nose and cheeks are still a little red, he can still be called handsome.

"You've grown so you have someone you like?"

Seeing Jack become shy for a moment, Haina asked jokingly: "Are you a classmate?"

"I stopped going to school a long time ago."

Jack just scratched his head and said with some embarrassment: "I really can't remember those things... so I stopped studying after elementary school.

"However, dad is already teaching me how to make it! Dad said that I am already halfway through my apprenticeship... and after I have completely learned it, I will make a good suit of armor and weapons for you, sister!"

Jack said excitedly.

Haina just smiled, noncommittal.

——Because now she already knows that not all supervisors can be equipped with armor. And the armors owned by the knights were all given by Her Majesty the Queen. The weapons are the same - the weapons she can use are all the equipment given above.

Only this kind of "formally authorized equipment" can maximize the power of the authoritarian path. Rather than wanting the weapon itself, it is more about the special meaning attached to the weapon.

"Where's Dad?"

Looking at the cold stove that had been turned off for who knows how long, Haina was a little confused: "Go fishing?"

"I drank too much last night, so I was lying down."

Jack rolled his eyes and said casually: "I can do ordinary work anyway."

Haina shook her head helplessly: "Smelly old man..."

As she spoke, she gave the sword at her waist to her brother: "Help me take care of it, Jack?"

The elf dagger she got when she first met Aiwass has been with her for several months now. Of course, there are also experiences of confronting criminals, clashing swords with swords, or breaking spells with swords.

Even though she took good care of it, there was some slight damage. Although the Supervision Bureau also provides free equipment maintenance, Haina still plans to take them home and let her father maintain them.

This aspect is trust in his father's craftsmanship.

On the other hand, it was also to preserve the "evidence of her hard work" as much as possible - she deliberately planned to keep them, and when she came back, she hinted to her family, "I am very powerful now, I have many combat missions, and many people outside are relying on me." This kind of thing.

She always ran around the village when she was little. The adults said he was too restless to achieve anything.

At that time, she thought that if she could become a powerful person in the future, she would come back and show it to everyone.

Bringing back a brand new weapon is not an honor for a warrior or a swordsman. Because this means that he has not been involved in fierce battles.

Scars are proof of honor. But Haina is still more or less a girl, and she still cares about her own image - although she doesn't use the cosmetics smuggled from Star Antimony on weekdays, she doesn't deliberately leave scars.

Although part of the reason is that she can't afford it... but even if she can't afford it, she can actually borrow it. Her roommates are quite friendly to her.

The real reason Haina doesn't use them is because she can't trust those messy alchemy products.

This girl from a small village is always wary of things she cannot understand.

——How can messy things like toads, tree bark, beer, sesame seeds, and charcoal be boiled together and turned into a healing ointment?

Haina was puzzled. So always be in awe.

Jack drew Haina's dagger and looked at the light.

He glanced at Haina with some disgust: "Sister, don't you usually take care of yourself?"


Haina slapped him on the back of the head with a gentle slap: "I have taken good care of him - it's because my sister is very busy."

Jack thought for a moment and moved his lips, but finally swallowed his words.


At this moment, a woman's voice of surprise came from inside the house.

"Mom!" Haina immediately came over and hugged her mother hard.

She was like a cat, huddled in her mother's arms with her eyes closed. Breathing in the familiar warm breath greedily.

After a while, she looked up.

Looking at her mother, Haina couldn't help but sigh: "Mom, you really haven't aged at all..."

Country life is still good for raising people!

"Because the air and water here are good."

Haina's mother chuckled and said casually: "When you come back this time...are you still leaving?"

She looked at Haina expectantly.

At that moment, Haina felt a little shaken in her heart.

But she was silent for a while and then smiled: "We still have to go.

"And there may not be as many vacations after that... In the next few years, it may not be easy to come back."

After she finished speaking, her hazy yellow pupils turned back to blue at some point.

But Haina's mother and brother seemed not to notice anything unusual, and even Haina herself didn't notice anything was wrong.

"That's it..."

Haina's mother sighed.

And at this moment, Haina suddenly thought of something: "Oh, by the way, Mom - do you remember Grandpa Jacob?"

"What's wrong?"

"I found Grandpa Jacob's grandson. He is my junior, and he is now adopted by the Founding Family..."

Haina said happily: "There is also the famous detective Mr. Sherlock! They are also coming to Yingjia Village to visit!"

"so good!"

Jack suddenly became excited: "Is it the Mr. Sherlock who often appears in newspapers!"

Although Yingjia Village is very remote, the "Niu and Harbor" newspaper can still be delivered frequently - the only problem is that these newspapers are basically stale when they are delivered.

Sometimes the delivery time is reversed - for example, the newspaper at the back is delivered first, then the newspaper from a few days ago is delivered, and a few days later, the newspaper that is further ahead and further behind is delivered at the same time. newspaper.

Without looking at the dates on the newspapers, it is impossible to judge the order of these newspapers.

"it's him!"

Haina said ostentatiously: "And the junior fellow student who came together is the famous Aiwass Moriarty!"

"Oh! I also read his newspaper - he and his sister defeated the powerful dark wizard!"

"It's not a dark wizard, that one is called a demonologist! And this was news a long time ago. The latest one is..."

Haina smiled and sighed, carefully explaining to Jack his common sense mistake.

But at this moment, Haina's mother frowned and asked worriedly: "Why don't you come back with them? When will they arrive?"

"Before tonight, right?"

Haina wasn't so sure.

She waved her hand and said nonchalantly: "They came here on griffins. They are not the same type as me who need to take the train all night."

She deliberately hid the fact that she was about to obtain a gryphon.

On the one hand, she is not sure that she can get the griffin, and she is worried that she will be laughed at if she says it but does not implement it; on the other hand, she wants to give her acquaintances a surprise.

"Then you have to go pick them up."

Haina's mother said in an almost commanding tone: "Otherwise they will get lost."

Haina was a little lazy and reluctant: "Huh? No need... the village is so easy to find... I've already told them, just go south from Bagpipe Town... Just climb over a mountain. Saw it."

"Obey, you have to go pick them up——"

Her mother said more forcefully: "What if the guests arrive late and are attacked by ghosts at night?"

"Hey, they are all very strong."

Haina disagreed: "There are also very powerful priests among the guests. Even if the ghost does come, we can still ask them to help us exorcise the devil..."

She thought of the photo of Aiwass defeating the demon with the holy sword.

Although she didn't witness it, she still heard about the miracle that day.

With that kind of power, any ghost can be easily defeated.

"You'd better go outside and wait, pick them up and then come back."

Although Haina gave thoughtful and detailed explanations and excuses for every claim her mother made. But her mother finally chose to refuse to communicate and directly threw the dumbfounded Haina out.

"Huh? Mom?! It's so cold. At least give me a coat--"

Haina's screams echoed in the cold wind of late December.

update completed!

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