Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 272 The solidified fairy land

Sherlock stopped and pressed his forehead with a headache.

Aiwass, who was walking in front of him, immediately sensed all this. He also stopped and turned around: "Is it okay, Sherlock?"

"I'm fine."

Sherlock's voice was cold: "I think it's because this body is too short...In the same distance, you can walk quickly, but I have to trot to keep up. I'm a little tired...I feel like the blood vessels in my forehead are hopping."

Aiwass smiled when he heard this.

But he didn't say any caring words such as "Then let me walk slower". He just said casually: "Maybe we are thirsty. After all, we haven't drank much water all afternoon."

After that, he took out a kettle from his arms and threw it to Sherlock.

Sherlock, dressed as a newsboy, took the bottle and poured it into his mouth unceremoniously.

Then he just squirted out.

"……are you crazy!"

As Aiwass laughed out loud at his successful prank, Sherlock angrily tightened the lid of the "kettle" again: "I'm only thirteen or fourteen years old now, and you're giving me a drink?"

And it’s still liquor.

Sherlock could taste it after taking a sip. It was Theocracy whiskey with over forty degrees.

The amber-colored liquor has a unique and rich burnt aroma, like fried wheat. At the same time, there is also a fruity sweet aroma that seems to be burnt, which leaves a fragrance on your lips and teeth after a sip.

But Sherlock's alcohol tolerance is relatively poor, and he usually has to mix some water to drink it - or he can also mix some lemon juice and honey water.

But Aiwass just took the bottle away slowly and handed Sherlock another almost identical kettle: "I didn't tell you that there was water in it."

"I trusted you!"

"Don't come here. You're just slacking off because you're surrounded by acquaintances."

Aiwass said unceremoniously: "If someone turned into me and fed you poison, would you drink it without hesitation? Maybe if you paused for a second or two, you would feel something was wrong. But you It's too fast and straightforward - do you think I will be happy for your death? 'Oh, my friend Sherlock died because of his trust in me, I am so happy'... Do you like this tone? "


Sherlock smacked his lips, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Although I felt very unhappy, rationally I felt that what Aiwass said did make sense. I felt even more upset because I couldn't refute it.

He could only drink the water honestly and accept Aiwass's lesson.

"But it's really strange."

Aiwass saw Sherlock's unhappy face. He had already mastered Sherlock's instruction manual and said directly: "We rode the gryphon and circled it twice, but we still didn't see where Eagle Point Village is."

They followed Haina's instructions and walked south from Bagpipe Town...but they all flew to Alder Town and still couldn't find Eagle Point Village.

Aiwass didn't give up, so he asked the two gryphon aunts to fly back to the ground - but they still couldn't find them.

Finally, they settled down at Bagpipe Town, and after asking around, they found out that Eagle Point Village was indeed nearby. With the enthusiastic guidance of a local resident, they finally found the forest path.

"Two possibilities. Either it's some kind of large barrier that hides existence...or it's the Fairy Forest."

Sherlock was indeed distracted by Aiwass's words.

He looked at the path in the dense forest and said seriously: "Do you know the Fairy Forest?"

Aiwass nodded. Lily and Griffin Liz looked over curiously.

Sherlock ignored Aiwass, but looked at the two ladies and explained seriously: "Whether it's Avalon, Star Antimony or Iris, the same legend is popular in those rural places with dense forests. , that is, children are easy to disappear in the forest. The legend refers to the 'Fairy Forest'.

"In those dense jungles where you can't see the bottom at a glance, and you can't climb up to see far, if a very harmonious path suddenly appears, but you didn't see anything before... then there is a high probability that this is the fairy forest. Some fairies will Live here.

"Only those invited by goblins can enter the goblin forest - usually innocent, lively and healthy children, or young people with simple and enthusiastic personalities. One of the necessary conditions is to be good-looking, and the other is to be able to sing or Talents like dancing.

"After these people enter the fairy forest, they will play with the fairies. At this time, they will often forget time and their appearance will not grow old... Whenever they want to leave, they will be taught something by the fairies and teach them something. Stay for a while. When they really leave, they will find that an unknown amount of time has passed outside."

"...Isn't that great?"

Lily was a little confused: "This can be regarded as extending life in disguise, right?"

Sherlock said seriously: "These are some good-tempered goblins. There is another kind of bad goblin. They will directly force the children to stay here and turn them into new goblins; in order to 'increase friends', they will even Will take the initiative to abduct or steal children.

"Stolen children like this, even if they can be rescued before turning into goblins, often cannot speak human language. So the goblin forest is very dangerous - no matter whether the people living in it are good goblins or goblins. Bad goblin.

"The easiest way to identify the fairy forest is the light source. If the sun is clearly bright, but there is no light at all deep in the forest, and there are no animals coming out of it, then maybe this path will lead to the fairy forest. .”

Sherlock said, pointing forward: "For example, here - look."

I saw the straight path disappearing into the distance.

The surrounding trees seemed to have moved out of the way, leaving a clean dirt road.

"It's mid-December now. Fallen leaves and dead branches should be everywhere, but the dirt road is clean. Fallen leaves have fallen neatly on both sides of the road, as if someone had cleaned them."

Sherlock narrowed his eyes and analyzed calmly: "Just by looking at it, you know something is definitely wrong here, right?"

Lily lowered her head in shame.

She is obviously an extraordinary person who is adapted to the path, but the highest proportion of her spiritual intuition is danger perception. But standing here, she only vaguely felt a little sense of disobedience and no sense of crisis at all.

But she couldn't understand it.

Miss Haina, is this... living in the land of fairies?

But fairies are creatures of the path of beauty.

If this is really the land of fairies, how come Haina, who was born here, has no adaptability to the path of beauty?

"Anyway, we have to be prepared to see the goblin first."

Aiwass narrowed his eyes and stared at the dark unknown space deep in the forest path, telling the two people some very unpopular and rare knowledge: "Actually, 'goblin' is a rather unfriendly name for goblins. It's a contemptuous name. Just like calling the 'Moon Son' Die Ge a vampire, calling goblins directly 'goblins' will arouse their hostility.

"Compared to children of the moon, goblins have simpler thoughts. This means that they will say whatever they think and do what they say. Even small dissatisfaction will not be suppressed in their hearts, but will be expressed directly. come out.

"The correct title is 'our kind neighbor' or 'joyful creature'... remember it."

"But," Lily was still a little confused, "Eagle Point Village is not necessarily the hometown of goblins..."

Little Sherlock sighed.

"Don't you understand yet, Miss Lily?"

He made a serious and childish voice: "Aiwass means...he would rather have goblins living here."

With that said, they stepped completely into the darkness and climbed over the mountain.

After a brief moment of silence, a ray of light pierced the darkness. The bustle of excitement came through the shadows.

The gorgeous golden sunset hung in the sky, lighting up the entire village and casting long shadows. People were coming and going, laughing and enjoying themselves.

——The Yingjia Village at dusk is like a frozen picture.

It seems that this place was so beautiful a long time ago, and it seems that this moment can last for a long, long time.

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