Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 321 Escape from Huyue Manor

Chapter 313 Escape from Huyue Manor

When Aiwass woke up again, he felt weak as never before.

——It’s not an illusion.

Aiwass quickly determined that the condition was due to severe anemia. But he didn't feel any wounds or pain on his body, but he felt a light and intoxicating feeling.

It's like the euphoria and comfort you get when you hug your lover and breathe in the fragrance of the other person's hair.

After he calmed down a little, he opened his eyes and prepared to check his situation.

He...or she noticed that she was in a neat and small room at the moment.

She was covered with neat sheets and a soft and thick quilt. There are no decorations or entertainment supplies in the wooden room. In addition to the single bed, there is only a small desk.

There is a pot of green plants on the desk, three or four books fixed with bookends, and a water glass.

But the first bad thing happened.

She noticed that there were no extra clothes in the room.

Her feet were naked, and she was only wearing a thin white nightgown... After leaving the quilt, she felt an obvious and chilling chill.

When he rolled over and got up, Aiwass noticed the heavy metal collar hanging around his neck.

Because there was no mirror in the room, she could not confirm her appearance and the specific appearance of the necklace. She picked up a strand of her hair that was hanging behind her and put it in front of her, confirming that she should have black hair.

Soon, the host's ethereal and melodious voice, as gentle as telling a bedtime story, came softly from her ears:

“You wake up from the sunset feeling even weaker than you were yesterday.

"You just had a dream about the beautiful past when you were the daughter of a viscount.

"Under the joint attack of the Alchemy Association and the Art Society, the demonologists in the empire began to suffer unprecedented persecution. The incidence of murders was so high that it was almost impossible to handle. The struggle between extraordinary people has been fully open, and a large number of nobles have been forcibly taken away from their lands. His title, property, wife and daughters were also plundered by the extraordinary beings.

"You were sold to the Son of the Moon by your father in exchange for protecting your family. And now you are a blood slave raised by the 'Arc Moon Manor', numbered No. 14."

"Under the 'feeding' day after day, your body becomes weaker and weaker. If you only support one master, you may still be able to survive. But if you continue to work in the manor, you will soon die. here.

"So there are only two ways before you - find a way to escape from the Arc Moon Manor, or be bought from the manor by a master who loves you at an extremely high price. And the latter is almost impossible.

"But you can't do anything by yourself. So the nine of you gathered together and planned to work together to escape from here.

"-However, considering that there are no shoes, no food, and no survival tools. It is unlikely to escape from the dense forest over the mountains, and even if you return to the territory of the empire, you may be killed or captured by others. Walk.

"So among the nine of you, there is at least one informer with ulterior motives.

"If someone informs a certain Moon Child about the jailbreak and gains their trust, the Moon Child may report it to the manor. If all the escapees are successfully captured, the manor will give one or two of you to the other party as a reward. Gift, this is also another way to escape from Arc Moon Manor.

"—and you were one of the informants."

[Necessary tasks——]

[Before the sun rises again, not in Arc Moon Manor, in a safe position and without pursuers (points: none)]

[Extra tasks——]

[Finding companions: Find all companions first (points: 500)]

[Stay hidden: No one will discover your true identity until the end (Points: 500)]

[Informer's useless killing: kill other companions (points: 200 each)]

[Informer’s false disguise: Successfully hide his identity as an informer from his companions (Points: 500)]

[Successful plan: Leave Arc Moon Manor through the secret passage (Points: 1000)]

[The Instinct of Betrayal: Destroy the Prison Break Plan (Points: 1000)]

[Charming Breath: Successfully Adopted (Points: 1000)]

[Lord-killing talent: Kill your master (points: 2000)]

As the task list popped up, Aiwass took a quick look.

The murderous intention was slightly lighter than the last new moon ceremony, but the malice did not disappear.

It's just that murder turned into deception and betrayal...


Aiwass took a closer look at the mission and confirmed the mission requirements again.

——Neither "jailbreak" nor "whistleblowing" seems to have clearly appeared on the task list.

Even the task of the informer's "instinct of betrayal" only requires sabotaging the escape plan. But whistleblowing is not compulsory.

In other words, their behavior is not constrained. Jailbreaking and snitching are just "suggested tasks".

...This also means that even the whistleblower can choose not to blow the whistle at all. Because his victory condition has nothing to do with his identity.

And similarly, other people can also choose to inform... This will also cause other people's task of finding the informer to be interfered with.

As a symmetrical task of "False Disguise of Informer", there is definitely the task of "Kill Informer" on the other side. As an informant, Aiwass can also instigate others to inform...if he is caught and killed, he can hide his identity.


In this mission, everyone's gender is reversed.

And it has a special victory condition, that is, its identity cannot be discovered by anyone - not even its companions. This also meant that those who formed the team, including myself and Lily, could not confirm each other's identities.

——But just because you can’t confirm your identity doesn’t mean you can’t see it for yourself.

In other words, they need a “knowledgeable” means of confirmation.

Do Aiwass and Lily have such means?

There really is.

Their attires were reversed when they entered, but no one else seemed to notice it at that time except the lady from the Path of Love.

In other words, others would think Aleister was a young lady. Then he should be a male now; similarly, if they think Ash is a gentleman, then he will now be a lady.

Then Aiwass can completely exchange identities with Lily——

Now he is "gray".

As long as he could see another man who looked like "Alai" from the crowd, then that person would be Lily. In this way, they don't need to confirm their identity and can be sure that the other party is their teammate.

...I hope she can react.

Aiwass thought to himself.

She walked to the window and struggled to push it open - just such a simple thing made her breathless.

The golden red brilliance of the sunset permeated the window. What you can see from the window is the lush green mountains and plains, which is refreshing and refreshing.

But this made her heart sink.

Although I know I am deep in the mountains...but is it too deep?

She stretched out her hands and looked at her hands in the light.

But just doing this made the fingertips of her hands tremble uncontrollably. That's weakness due to anemia.

Judging from the slenderness of her fingers, she looked young. He must be only about fifteen or sixteen years old. The skin is fair, there are no calluses on the hands, and there are no wounds on the arms.

The nails on her hands were almost bloodless and had turned a bluish-white color and lost their luster. There is no blood color in the palms, the fingertips are visibly shriveled, and the palms are full of fine lines.

...How can one escape with such a weak body?

But at this moment, her door was suddenly opened.

It was a man in black wearing a rabbit mask and dressed as a waiter.

He put his hands behind his back and said calmly:

"It's dinner time, the 14th. The guests have been waiting for a long time. Come with me."


The thin girl instantly entered into a state of acting, and nodded slightly with some shyness.

My fever reached 37.6 last night, and I woke up after six hours of sleep... Now the temperature has dropped to 36.8, but I still feel very weak. After taking azithromycin, I feel a little better, but not completely comfortable yet, but at least I shouldn't have to go to the hospital.

There is still a second chapter. I will take a lunch break and then write it again... I think it will be posted after three or four o'clock...

Brother, if you want to fatten up, remember to sign up for automatic subscription. Don’t fatten the cat to death (with tears in his eyes)

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