Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 322 Let’s kill one first

Chapter 314 Let’s kill one first

Aiwass was about to walk toward the door when the man in black wearing an animal mask suddenly pressed his shoulder.

His movements were very violent, and his hand pressed against Aiwass's thin shoulder, causing some pain.

She was keenly aware that if she went any further, she might be pushed down. So she stopped immediately.

"Are you going to kill lovely master?"

Shadow Demon's voice sounded low in his ears.

——Don't worry, let's see what he wants to do first.

Unlike the uneasiness and panic on the outside, Aiwass responded to Shadow Demon's voice in his heart with great calmness.

The man in black took out a chain from his arms and hung it skillfully in the collar around Aiwass's neck.

Then he led Aiwass out of the room. A push from behind made Aiwass stumble forward. And he followed behind, holding the chain in his hand.

In the narrow corridor that could only allow two people to walk side by side, one could see cell doors opening one after another. One after another, men in black wearing different animal masks on their faces pulled young men and women who were thinly dressed but with delicate and handsome looks from the cells.

They looked at each other, but couldn't say hello because they were far apart. They could only walk forward with bare feet on the cold wooden floor.

The winter weather was cold, and Aiwass couldn't help hugging his shoulders. It made her look even weaker - but that wasn't a disguise, the main thing was that he was really cold.

Unlike the impression of being weak and always in a wheelchair, Aiwass has always been physically strong. After all, he used to play basketball and is over 1.8 meters tall. Although it's hard to tell by the baggy clothes he always wears, his body is actually full of muscles.

The last time he suffered from cold was probably the most difficult winter he spent in the orphanage with Yulia.

Their clothes were very thin at that time, and the fireplace in the orphanage was not very warm. When I went to bed at night, I could only fall asleep by holding Yulia for warmth.

But now...perhaps because of the severe anemia in this body, Aiwass feels even more miserable than that winter.

Just walking on the road, she felt that her body couldn't help but start to tremble and tremble.

...But perhaps it was precisely because her body was shaking that no one noticed that her shadow was also shaking irregularly.

They blood slaves all live on the second floor. The men in black led them down a spiral staircase for two floors. After reaching the basement, she gradually felt warmer——

It was completely different from the one above - this basement was covered with thick wool carpets, and even the carpets were warm. It's almost like having floor heating.

They walked quietly through a relatively dim "employee passage". And far away, I could already hear the reserved chatter and laughter of the men and women at the banquet, as well as the clear clinking of glasses.

Finally, they were led to a huge stone pillar that could be hugged by five or six people. There are complex reliefs on the stone pillars, and the reliefs form hooks one after another. The man in black holding Aiwass hung up her chain, and then put a "14" sign on the end of the chain.

"Eat, eat quickly."

He patted Aiwass on the shoulder and left directly.

Those hanging on this pillar together were all young girls.

In front of these pillars are placed some fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as some desserts and wine. These desserts are rich in fleur-de-lis style - simply beautiful colors and lots of fruit garnishing these mousses, puddings and tarts.

Aiwass glanced over and found that there were even twelve or three different kinds of wine, and none of them were cheap.

The other girls all moved towards the drinks.

Someone patted No. 14 on the shoulder: "Let's have a bottle together today, shall we?"

It was a girl with short curly blond hair and wet eyes like a small animal. She appears to be older than the "Size 14" played by Aiwass. Perhaps it was because of this that she had the desire to take care of her.

Also patted on the shoulder by her was another girl with silver hair.


Aiwass nodded slightly and walked over.

The other girl's face showed hesitation and confusion for a moment, but soon she showed a calm expression and walked over with her chest raised and her head raised.

——Aiwass immediately recognized that this person must be the promoted person.

the reason is simple.

Their current identities are all blood slaves, and her temperament seems too noble and her mental state is too good, which is really not worthy of the identity that has been tortured for a long time.

So, who is she?

--ban? Stranger? Philosopher? Or a ghost?

While thinking, Aiwass paid attention to the blonde girl's eyes with his peripheral vision, looking for which bottle of wine they often drank. It couldn't be easier for Aiwass - just find the bottle of wine that the girl was subconsciously looking at. So Aiwass quietly picked up a bottle of low-alcohol pineapple wine.

She didn't try to open the bottle, but handed the wine directly to the girl with blond curly hair.

The silver-haired girl picked up another bottle of red wine that had been extinct for many years in their time. She looked at the words on the wine bottle intently, looking a little moved.

"Sister No. you want to change the taste?"

The girl with blond curly hair looked a little uneasy: "But that might anger the adults, right?"

Aiwass immediately understood what they were doing.

——Is this mixing food and wine with the taste of blood?

"No, I just picked it up and looked at it."

No. 7 paused and put the bottle of wine back.

She raised her head and looked at Aiwass and the other girl with a sharp look.

Apparently Aiwass's acting skills were good enough - the other party recognized her as an NPC.

After all, Aiwass never asked them which bottle of wine they were drinking from the beginning to the end, and just took the correct bottle. He also looked timid and afraid to speak...

It would be nice if there was a promotion that was introverted and timid - but the only one who seemed like it might be relevant was the Hatter. However, the Hatter is an old woman and she can only become a man. So Aiwass is definitely not.

So she calmed down and began to directly inquire about information from them: "Who are you taking care of recently?"

Aiwass flinched and ignored her. Instead, he took the full glass of golden sparkling wine handed over by the blonde girl, then picked up the grapes next to him and drank some wine with the grapes.

"...It's just the same people."

The blonde girl replied casually: "I'm still the same three, basically unchanged. Maybe I can take a break today. But No. 14 has been very popular with Miss Bayard recently, and she has been liking her for three days in a row...I I guess she will still come."

Holding the peach, nibbling and drinking wine at the same time - rather than using wine to accompany the meal, it is better to say that the meal is accompanied by wine. For these girls, who all looked to be under eighteen years old, it was somewhat torture to drink so much wine on an empty stomach. And the alcohol content they chose was not very high. Aiwass also saw some girls drinking wine with more than 30 alcohol content...

"Just go over there and suck their blood directly?"

No. 7 didn't cover up at all and lowered his voice and asked directly.

"of course not……"

The other party looked at her inexplicably: "Why do you ask these questions?"

"Just answer me directly."

No. 7 was a little impatient: "What did those adults do to you?"

She asked, quickly eating fruits and pastries.

She ate a fruit pudding first, and then a piece of strawberry mousse cake. Then he took a sip of wine and began to eat apples quickly in order to quickly restore his strength.

She made a distinct sound because she was chewing too fast. Aiwass clearly felt that someone else was targeting her—or, in other words, her purpose was to be targeted.

At this moment, a man in black wearing an owl mask suddenly entered their lounge.

He directly picked up a notebook and read the numbers: "No. 7, Count Alonso. No. 12, Mrs. Marta. No. 14, Miss Bayard. No. 15, Sir Lynde. Go change clothes."

The girl with short blond hair next to her was a little panicked: "Why is it so early... Sir, she hasn't eaten much yet on the 14th..."

Just as she was about to go up, the man in black pushed her away. Then he used the small golden key in his arms to open Aiwass's collar.

The moment the heavy metal collar was untied, Avaston took a deep breath. There is a sense of relief that I can finally breathe.

...are the keys in their arms? Does everyone have it, or is it just the guy with the owl mask?

Aiwass thought.

She glanced at No. 7 with her peripheral vision, lowered her head slightly, and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

Although this mission was evaluated as "useless killing"... and this body was too weak and was indeed not good at fighting.

But Aiwass can clearly feel that there is a mana pool in No. 14's body - she is probably a first-level demonologist, with three points of dark attribute mana in her body.

This mission spanned sixteen hours, and the limit of the magic card was refreshed after the zero point. In other words, she can theoretically use the same magic card twice.

But she probably didn't have a chance to sleep, so she didn't have the means to restore her mana.

In other words, Aiwass can use the Shadow Cloak twice or summon the Earthbound Spirit once——

So she only has one chance.

However, Shadow Demon does not need to consume mana.

Whether it is "looking for companions" or other tasks, as long as you can kill one person first, you will get the initiative.

Because only you know if you have killed someone.

In other words - if you kill one companion, you know "how many people are left now" more accurately than others. That makes it easier to win special victories.

You can even push the identity of the "informer" onto the "missing" person to hide yourself.

If there are other informants, they should also be able to think of this.

Because only those fleeing would worry about "not enough staff." But it doesn't matter to the whistleblower.

Besides, look at the forest outside—

In the middle of winter, in this dense forest... How can these poor little people, who are anemic and have no shoes to wear, escape?

Thinking of this, Aiwass suddenly paused.

He thought of another possibility.

——Isn’t everyone a whistleblower?

It is possible...

But if we kill her now, it will be too easy to be discovered. After all, she has been named and is being noticed.

...Just wait until she gets off work.

A blood slave should only receive one guest at a time, otherwise the blood in his body may not be enough. Judging from what the girl said, not everyone should be clicked every day - and most likely once a day.

After she got off work, No. 7 had a reason to "disappear".

The thoughts in Aiwass's mind were spinning, and No. 7's death was decided in just a moment.

She was bumped by No. 7, who was obviously nervous. No. 7 did not turn around to apologize to her, but glanced back at her slightly and walked forward without looking back.

Aiwass showed a timid expression, shrank and said nothing.

She just squinted her eyes, drank all the wine in her glass, then picked up a piece of mousse cake and walked quickly to the dressing room.

——But for some reason, No. 7, who followed No. 12 to the locker room, suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

It was as if some demon was spying on him secretly.


I accidentally fell asleep after eating...but when I woke up, the fever completely subsided, ok!

I hope it can be maintained and I won’t have any more burning at night. It has become a little Shaomao...

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