Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 330 This is a trap!


Looking at the piece of rag flying in the sky, the philosopher immediately guessed the identity of the other party.

She looked across in shock.

As a star antimony noble and senior demonologist, she also knows the path of dusk very well.

Today, the group competing with the demonologists for the right to speak is the alchemists, while the necromancers have always remained neutral. To remain neutral means to maintain a good relationship with both parties. From this point of view, Star Antimony's Necromancer is actually the best glue.

After all, the road at dusk highlights one thing: If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move. If the enemy moves randomly, I won't move. In short, I won't move if I can. If possible, it would be best to not see anyone and just continue with your peaceful daily routine without making any changes.

Those who are not afraid of trouble will not be recognized by the Dusk Path.

It is precisely because of this characteristic that extraordinary beings who only rely on the Dusk Path cannot independently support a faction or lead a country.

Because everyone here doesn’t work, doesn’t work hard, and doesn’t want to be responsible. If there is trouble, no one can stand up.

Contrary to this laziness, all the extraordinary beings on the Dusk Path have very high use value - the Necromancer can resurrect and transform the undead, and the Preserver can also solidify objects, buildings and rituals. Therefore, in order to avoid being excluded, extraordinary people on the Dusk Path can only choose to join other factions. In Star Antimony, the two largest factions are demonologists and alchemists.

In this affiliation, demonologists and alchemists will gradually understand the various abilities of the Twilight Path supernatural beings.

The philosopher was also surprised by this - because the ghost looked like a necromancer. Both in terms of code name and temperament, they all reveal a cold, stiff and gloomy feeling.

——But this ability is not the ability of the Necromancer at all.

This is the ability of the preservationist, [preservation of living remains]!

By putting your physical body into a state of suspended animation, saving it in a safe portable plane, and then controlling the demonized avatar to act.

Due to insufficient materials, the traps set by philosophers are basically triggered by stepping on them or tripwires. The ghost floated over directly, so no trap was triggered.

——Because of this, the philosopher's previous ritual spells did not attack this robe at all. It just floated upwards and stayed close to the ceiling to avoid this attack.

How the hell would a preservationist name himself Yin Hun?

The philosopher almost wanted to curse.

But she only had the last piece of material left. Even if she could destroy the substitute, she still wouldn't be able to defeat the ghost when it revealed its true form.

So she raised her hands directly: "I surrender, Yinhun. I am Alai, we can cooperate."

"-No, you are not Alai."

Yinhun sadly denied: "Alai is a woman, so he can only become a man in this ceremony."

Its voice was like a ghost, as if floating from an empty distance: "I'll give you another chance, who are you?"

"Well, I'm a philosopher. I'm a mage of the path of wisdom. I can solve all kinds of traps and puzzles. There's no harm in bringing me along."

The philosopher directly confessed his identity - mainly because he really had nothing to wear.

She showed a stiff smile and tried to make a friendly gesture: "Look, we are all alone. We have not found our teammates... Then if only one of us escapes from here, special rules may be triggered instead. It will lead to failure. But if we escape together, we will definitely survive."

That's what she said to the Hatter before.

At this moment, she almost didn't change her lines, but she was confident that this should be no problem.

Because the other party didn't know how much mana she still had, and also realized that she still had a ritual material on hand. If we fight her in such a narrow place with no room to hide, it will only be a lose-lose situation.

And if everyone survives, even if they fail to score points due to insufficient tasks, at least they will not receive too serious punishment. From another perspective, she has laid a trap. If no one can leave the secret passage and pass the level, then the only person who leaves will lose under the influence of special rules.

There is no benefit in killing her, there are risks in fighting her, and you may lose after winning——

No matter how you think about it from any angle, there is no room for rejection of her proposal.

But Yinhun just smiled and gave an answer she didn't expect at all: "What about the materials you are carrying? Who is he?"

"Being able to use 'Bull's Fire' means that the material comes from a man. And there is no woman among the three of you."

——What should I do? How should I respond?

The Forge is dead, and Janet wonders if he is a teammate of the Shade. So should I say this is the body of Alai or the Hatter?

The philosopher was silent for a moment.

But Yinhun didn't wait for the answer to this question at all: "But it doesn't matter who it is. People on the path of wisdom are too treacherous. I can't distinguish between your lies and conspiracy. So I won't listen to anything you say."

"Wait, wait, think about what I mean again! What I mean is-"

"That's enough, I don't want to hear it."

The ghost replied coldly: "Shut up."

A dim yellow light burned from within the black robe.

The premonition of death arises in the heart of the philosopher——

She immediately jumped sideways. Wanting to avoid the petrifying light that was like a pistol.

She ducked, but not completely.

Although the philosopher avoided the direct attack of the petrifying light, a yellow light like a camera flash flashed suddenly. Her movements suddenly became slow.

She was floating in the air, moving frame by frame as if in slow motion.

——That’s the Preservation Master’s Slow Technique!

The moment this spell is released, both eyes must be focused and looking directly at the opponent's casting point for it to take effect.

But when...

"No, it's the preservationist's sequence technique——"

The philosopher was suddenly startled and stunned.

Are you giving me the sequence technique now? !

The saver can save a highest-level spell that he can release in advance, and it will be automatically triggered when special circumstances are met. By doing this, the spell pool from the previous day can be saved in disguise to the next day... and the triggering condition for this spell is obviously "when someone successfully dodges the petrifying light".

Because if you want to avoid the petrifying light, you must concentrate and stare at the opponent to dodge. And this will lead to slowness.

——Where do you get the mana to cast so many spells!

The philosopher felt despair.

At this moment, a young man's arm poked out from the cloak.

"It's so cute, girl," a flirtatious male voice said, "but it's better not to keep such dangerous things at hand."

In the philosopher's fear, the last ritual bag on her body was easily thrown away by that hand.

"I want to taste her, okay? She's so cute."

A man's voice sounded, as if he was asking for advice.


Yinhun's cold voice sounded: "Restrain me, stupid woman. Also, do it quickly, I can't stop her for too long."

"Alright alright……"

The man said with a smile, emerging from the rag cloak. It's like he's always wearing a cape.

Like other blood slaves, he has a handsome face, is naked, and has prominent muscles. He has short black hair, his body is full of vitality, and he does not hide his instincts and desires.

He grabbed the philosopher's neck and kissed her forehead affectionately under the philosopher's fearful eyes.

"Goodnight, honey. It's such a shame, we're short on time right now."

He said softly, pinching the philosopher's right arm and suddenly bulging out extremely abnormal muscles.

Tentacles composed of countless blood suddenly stabbed out from his right arm and pierced the philosopher's body.

In pain and fear, the philosopher let out a shrill scream. But the man just laughed heartily and lifted the philosopher up high by her neck.

He covered the philosopher's mouth with his other hand, and then his left hand sprouted a large number of tentacles, which directly submerged the philosopher's petite body.

When these tentacles dispersed, only a smooth skeleton scattered around was left.

"——Okay, the blood pool has been replenished."

The man patted his belly cheerfully: "Do you want to catch her soul?"

"Stupid woman, this is in the ceremony. I can't catch it."

Yinhun's voice was erratic and unclear: "Come back soon after eating, I suddenly don't feel good..."

"Oh, I felt it too. There were the heartbeats of two women, one healthy, one weak. They had been watching for a long time."

The man looked at the shadow not far away and grinned confidently: "But I don't think there is any need to escape, Yinhun. This is my home court - I have an absolute advantage, and they are not as strong as me.

"Are you...ban and strangers? Are you here to avenge your companions? Then you are really late."

"Feel sorry."

Aiwass' light voice came from the shadows: "You have the wrong person, Miss Janet."

Bayard's cold and arrogant face wearing glasses appeared soon after, causing the confident smile on the man's face to freeze.

He felt his heart stop for a beat.

Why is there a child of the moon waiting behind the secret passage?

"——This is a trap! Run away!"

Yinhun shouted sharply.

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