Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 331 The Death of the Shadow (Third Update)

In the beginning, Shade was indeed very cautious and conservative. ▲𝐺𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 Search for 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑐𝑜𝑚Read▲

She considered whether the door would be closed at the end of the secret passage and whether there would be someone guarding it. She also considered whether there would be anyone inside setting a trap or setting an ambush in advance.

That's why she specially used "living body preservation" to hide herself.

In order to give herself enough mana to deal with emergencies, she found Miss Janet who was having fun with her clients.

As the "Blood Mage" of the Path of Love, Janet is able to use her own life force in addition to using degraded versions of spells instead of mana. Janet's path characteristics allow him to actively connect with a target and pay half of the opponent's spellcasting consumption by paying his own life force as fuel.

Although Forge, Shadow, and Janet are not teammates in the strict sense, they are all acquaintances in reality. They have a basis for cooperation.

The Forge was too strong-willed and voluntarily gave up the ceremony. This ceremony was very difficult and the two of them had to work closely together.

Although Janet feels that she is living a good life, and as an extraordinary person on the path of love, she has transformational value in the eyes of these Moon Children. If he performs better, he should be able to be bought directly by customers.

But he still readily agreed to Yin Hun's request for cooperation.

To put it simply, Janet hid herself in the shadow's cloak by imitating "living corpse preservation", and then used it as a blood pool to bear the casting cost of the shadow, allowing him to store sequence spells.

The petrifying light used to trigger the sequence technique was also used by Janet on behalf of the ghost.

The blood mage's "mana pool is converted into life force" feature allows him to obtain enough equivalent mana by burning life when everyone's mana pool is very low.

As long as you can capture a person alive, you can absorb the other person's life force through a eating ritual. In this way, it is equivalent to obtaining a mana supplement.

Preservation masters are particularly good at controlling spells, so their cooperation will be perfect. It would be nice if the Forge was still alive, so that their combination would be even more perfect.

——The Forge can summon them a set of demonized heavy armor and equip them with extraordinary weapons suitable for use in various environments. This is the professional advantage of blacksmiths. They create too many extraordinary items themselves.

And if she could hide two people in this kind of knight's armor, she would undoubtedly be much stronger than this rag.

Although she can only bring one more person besides herself, and if she brings someone else, she won't be able to cast spells. But Janet can come in on her own by imitating "Skeleton Preservation", and then both Janet and the Forge can hide in the armor and cast spells.

This is simply unbeatable!

Even if the armor is suddenly broken, as long as they can buy some time, the forge can summon a new set of armor and then cycle it for another round - as long as the fire elf is not summoned, it will not consume much mana, and Janet's The blood pool can be quickly restored by eating extraordinary beings.

In this way, it is simply a perpetual motion machine! If this effect could be achieved, she wouldn't know how to lose.

Even if the Son of the Moon comes, she is confident that she can easily defeat him with more than one and a half energy levels!

——They can even fight more than one at the third level, and they can even fight at the fourth level!

But now, they are simply broken when touched——

Janet had no time to recast the spell to retract the rag, so she could only take the rag off her body and throw it towards Aiwass and the others. Then he turned around and ran away.

Bayard looked at the naked man running away, frowning, and subconsciously stretched out his hand to block Aiwass' eyes: "Do you want me to help you kill them?"

"No need for you, just watch from the side."

A sweet and sweet voice sounded.

The dark shadow wolf rose from Aiwass's feet, its scarlet pupils staring at the rag floating in the air, igniting a dim yellow aura.

But the wolf's face showed human sarcasm: "You voluntarily cut off the queen? It's really touching..."

The next moment, countless shadow blades pierced out from the walls on both sides!

Like closed fangs, it quickly opened and closed a few times, chewing up the rag!

A little girl with golden hair rolled out of the void in embarrassment.

She raised her head and looked at Aiwass in horror: "Why, Hui who has adapted to the road will have..."

The word "Shadow Demon" hadn't been uttered yet. She saw the frail black-haired girl suddenly gave her a frightening and ferocious smile, and forced the last two words back.

Yinhun reacted immediately——

Hui and Alai exchanged identities, "Alai" is a man!

——But even so, contracting the Shadow Demon before he reaches the third level is too much!

Why don't you, a genius like you, enter the Rosicrucian Army?

"You deserve to die once, kid." A low, hoarse voice sounded.

She suddenly felt that her heart was pierced by a shadow blade, and her entire consciousness was dragged into the abyss.

This extremely real feeling of death made her suddenly start struggling like she was drowning.

What's going on, what's going on? !

Didn’t I die during the promotion ceremony... But this feeling...!

The next moment, Yinhun suddenly opened his eyes.

"Is it... a dream?"

The young man who looked to be in his twenties or thirties suddenly sat up from the bed and looked around in panic.

He found that the room was not red, and there was no ritual formation on the ground.

"...Didn't I participate in the promotion ceremony?"

The ghost murmured.

Could it be a precognitive dream?

But what does it mean to dream about this...

"Maybe," a light child's voice sounded in his ears: "It means you want to come and play with me."

He suddenly turned around and saw a pale-skinned girl playing with a ball at the door of the room.

The room had been opened at some point, but there was only darkness outside the door.

Obviously the girl didn't raise her head at all, but she seemed to be looking at herself.

Yinhun felt his scalp numb.

The girl suddenly raised her head and gave him the same ferocious smile as the black-haired girl just now: "You believe it."

On the other side, Aiwass's voice sounded slowly: "Don't worry, Shadow Demon. I'm going to do an experiment, so don't do it yet..."

The blond girl was lying on the ground with a face full of fear, looking blankly ahead.

Behind her, Alice, the earthbound spirit in spirit form, stood quietly, looking down at the ghost. Except for the summoner Aiwass, only extraordinary people with spiritual vision can see her existence.

Shadow Demon's tone was a little unhappy: "Who is she, my dear master?"

"It's a new friend, her name is Alice."

Aiwass said with a smile: "When I met her, she was with Little Butterfly; and when I brought her back, you were with Lily."

"I don't think it's necessary at all."

Shadow Demon Rui commented: "It may be powerful to ordinary people, but to my respected and special master, her power can be said to be meaningless. I can deal with weak enemies for you; and powerful enemies She can't help it either. You deserve a stronger follower - like me."

"Don't worry, she won't drink blood for the time being." Aiwass reassured.

"...That's okay." Shadow Demon reluctantly responded.

Bayard on the side burst out laughing.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the front.

"The philosopher's trap has been triggered."

Aiwass ordered to Alice: "Catch him and kill him. Then start hunting the Moon Children - starting with the weak ones, giving priority to maintaining your own existence."


Alice responded lightly, looking down at the ghost again.

Yin Hun suddenly trembled all over his body and peed directly.

She was actually scared to death!

And with the vitality replenished, Alice's slightly transparent body became as solid as before.

She disappeared like a hallucination and hunted the designated target on her own.

"That's what she can do that you can't."

Aiwass lowered his head and touched Shadow Wolf's head, and chuckled: "You have to stay with me all the time."

The Shadow Demon grunted and whined like a dog, wagging his tail and nuzzling over to lick Aiwass's face.

Bayard on the side suddenly felt a little unhappy again.

update completed!

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