Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 333 You have at least three things to say

The woman suddenly became short of breath and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

She fell to her knees weakly, and the girl in her arms rolled down in embarrassment.

Although she didn't react at all... but because she was lucky, the attack didn't hurt the girl in her arms.

For humans, a blow through the heart is enough to kill them instantly. But for the Moon Children, it just hit them hard.

However, her heart was fixed and she was unable to turn into a bat and escape. I can only stand there and feel the passage of life gradually, which has become a kind of torture.

"help me……"

She screamed subconsciously.

But the moment her eyes met the girl's, she immediately realized what a stupid thing she had said.


She immediately changed her words.

The young man just glanced at her indifferently and ignored her completely.

"Don't do it like this, Miss Vignes," he just told the air. "The tip of the spear is too thick and can be easily blocked. It is also easier to miss the point.

"You should make your shadow as thin as a needle. Then pierce it into your body and then explode."

"—Is that so?"

Along with the hoarse and low voice, countless thin line-like shadows penetrated the woman's body from all directions.

Then, they suddenly expanded inside the body—sharp blades like transparent glass shards pierced out of the body.

She wanted to scream, but couldn't. Because there was also a sharp blade piercing out of the throat, blocking all sounds.

She just kept kneeling on the ground with her head held high, and countless shadow blades sprouted from all over her body. It actually looks like some kind of artwork or some kind of potted plant.

"No, if it is slightly thicker, it will be like a sharp needle. If it is too thin, it will easily become fragile."

The young man is still pointing.

Shadow Demon, on the other hand, humbly accepted the guidance: "I understand."

The next moment, the new shadow needle penetrated the woman's body again, and then stabbed out the sharp blade: "Is that so?"

"Ah, that's almost it."

The woman's blood continued to flow and accumulated in a shallow pool under her body.

Even so, she still did not die easily, but her body became pale at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was not the kind of bluish white that humans get when they are anemic, but a colorless white like a stone statue.

Until the blood was completely drained, she was completely transformed into a gray-white sculpture with pain and despair written on her face.

The young man knocked lightly on the sculpture as if knocking on a door. It collapsed directly and turned into dust.

At this moment, the young man turned back to look at the girl with interest: "Aren't you going to run away?"

"You can't escape. This is the Shadow Demon. I only have the second level now. It would be too insulting to the Shadow Demon to try to escape."

The girl shrugged and showed a cute smile: "Hello, Miss Alai. I am Ban - can we cooperate?"

This isn't just saying hello.

She is trying to use a special way to win - to reveal the identities of everyone left in the endgame.

And this young man with the shadow demon must be Miss "Alai" who has transcended the path.

But after the words were spoken, the settlement was not completed.

This made Ban's heart sink.

In other words, is anyone else still alive...

"You can convince me in three sentences."

The young man smiled and replied in a low voice.

"You are very talented, but I am sure that you are not among the Rosicrucians, but I can introduce you..."

"——Two more sentences."

The young man interrupted the ban.

There was no discomfort at being interrupted or any lag in the ban, but he switched to another topic very naturally: "I didn't see anyone else here, maybe they are still alive, or they haven't escaped yet. There are only two of us left.”

"So?" the young man asked.

"If you kill me, maybe you will fail."

Ban replied seriously: "Because..."

At this moment, a sarcastic smile flashed across the young man's face.

Ban's heart skipped a beat, realizing that he had said the wrong thing.

Is it Mr. Gray? Does Miss Alai believe that Mr. Gray is still alive?



She was sure that Alai had not seen anyone else. In the lounge, Ban did not see anyone suspected of being Hui...

So that’s it, is it suitable for the road? It has quietly integrated into his own identity.

Then she might have been in contact with Miss Allais.

——No, maybe the earth-bound spirit was released by her!

Ban thought quickly in his mind and realized something.

The Shadow Demon is not that invincible to the Son of the Moon - it can even be said that the Son of the Moon is not very afraid of the Shadow Demon.

Because the Shadow Demon lacks the lethality of light and fire that the Children of the Moon fear most. The corrosive effect caused by shadow attribute damage is ineffective against the Moon Child, and it can only be slowly killed by physical means such as bloodletting. And Moonchild's high-speed maneuverability can easily kill the Shadow Demon's host...

So that's why the Earthbound Spirit was summoned to prevent the Children of the Moon from gathering together!

The young demon scholar who contracts with the shadow demon at the second level, and the extraordinary person who is able to control the earthbound spirit and is good at using various illusions... What a terrifying combination of genius killers this is!

Ban immediately felt a chill in his heart. But then there was another joy.

She deeply realized that this was no longer a matter of the promotion ceremony.

If this kind of talent can be recruited, then even if it fails this time, it will be considered a reward——

After all, her main path doesn't want to be promoted to the sixth level, that would be too dangerous. The negative impact caused by soul damage usually only affects the fourth to fifth levels, and the second path to the fourth energy level is almost enough...

From this perspective, she can actually accept death.

Ban's thoughts flashed through his mind, but in reality it only lasted a moment.

She immediately shouted: "Wait a minute, don't kill me, I have something important to say!

"Leipzig's Leipzig Opera House! Say to the manager 'I want to meet the male singer who performed here last month' and the manager will say 'Sorry, we don't have his contact details' and you say 'He knows me' Yeah, we were friends at the club'. He'll give you my contact details -"

"Are you done?"

The young man asked rhetorically.

The girl showed a harmless and friendly smile: "You can go back and ask, I am the Count of Leipzig. My reputation is quite good in all circles, I am very rich and willing to donate to others... Of course, if you are willing to sell to If I have a promotion spot, I can also give you a very generous reward, as long as you don't kill me..."

Before she could finish her words, a shadow pierced her body.

First, one pierced through her heart - followed by countless shadow blades, directly piercing her into a sea urchin.

The ban immediately lost its life.

But when she lost consciousness, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally said everything that needs to be said...

Watching the girl die in front of her eyes, Lily thought for a while.

——Anyway, let’s report to the young master after we get out.

"Are you going to continue hunting?"

Lily asked the younger version of Miss Shadow Demon: "Now is the time of chaos."

"of course yes."

Shadow Demon said bitterly.

Lily's shadow expanded and twisted violently, with sawtooths, tentacles, and blades rising and falling from it.

Shadow Demon roared as low as a lion: "I want to kill all these monsters——

"——And, most importantly.

"Just kill the monster who stole my name of 'Bayard'!"

At this moment, in the underground ritual room used to communicate with the outside world.

Bayard and Aiwass were staying there.

Bayard sat in the only seat in the ceremonial array, and Aiwass sat on top of her. It looks like Bayard is holding a doll.

And everywhere in the room, white, snow-like ashes were scattered all around.

Director Cornelis was standing at the door with an embarrassed look, confronting the smiling Bayard.

"Miss Bayard, what do you mean?"

"it means……"

Bayard chuckled: "I'm curious, do you really like to come over one by one to check on the situation?"

Alice quietly appeared behind Director Cornelis.

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