Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 334: My Super Victory Settlement (Third Update)

When Lily finished killing the lone Moon Children and slowly sneaked back into the hall in the shadows, she was suddenly shocked.

Why is the ground covered with white and gray——

She had just left the hall not long ago. At that time, some Moon Children had been attacked by earthbound spirits and died.

Lily probably guessed that that was what the young master had done.

Because she had noticed before that Aiwass went to inquire about the haunted inn near Eagle Point Village and prepared the materials for sealing the Flame Parading Butterfly... So she felt that maybe Aiwass was going to catch ghosts.

The result is really...

But that kind of death is not complete for the Moon Child.

As Director Cornelius said, it is difficult for the Earthbound Spirit to directly cause harm to the Children of the Moon. The Moon Children he kills are usually newborns who are weak enough. After all, their souls are too fragile... attack the souls directly, bypassing the immortality of the Moon Children and smash them into powder.

And the rest are basically the children of the moon who fell into hallucinations killing each other.

The death caused by this kind of killing without finishing blows is not terrible - although they fell to the ground and lost breathing and heartbeat, as long as their blood has not completely drained out, they are not really dead.

Even if they are turned into gray-white sculptures, as long as enough blood is spilled at this time, they can still wake them up.

Even if the sculpture is destroyed by supernatural power and only ashes remain, a new Moon Child can be synthesized by combining a certain amount of ashes with the corpses of other transcendent beings on the Path of Love. This can be regarded as a kind of rebirth.

And if the amount of ashes is enough, it can also be resurrected directly through rituals... But then the Moon Child is all in one.

——Only those newborns would be afraid of this.

Because they do not yet have the common sense to be monsters, they still regard themselves as the dead before, so they are afraid of physical death.

If you want to completely kill the Moon Child, you must soak the ashes with the holy water of the path of consecration, or the liquid of other paths. Either burn them to death with fire and light, or directly attack the soul to kill them - the children of the moon who are burned to death will skip immortality and not become sculptures but directly turn into ashes, just like the one who was burned to death. Just like the old man who died after being attacked by the earthbound spirit.

Such ashes cannot create new Moon Children, nor can they be resurrected.

Lily has been mentally prepared - there will inevitably be a large number of Moon Children gathered in this hall, and their levels will undoubtedly be higher than those of the Moon Children who escaped. And this will definitely be a fierce battle.

But in the end, there was only one Moon Child sitting alone in the hall.

It was a green-eyed woman with beautiful, silky black hair and glasses.

She was sipping the blood wine alone, with an expression of indifference and aloofness on her face.

Opposite her, sitting in another place, was another woman who looked exactly like her. Black smoke was steaming from her body, and she was looking here with malice... Apart from not wearing glasses, she seemed to be no different from that person.

She was holding another girl in her arms. The girl was looking towards Lily, with Lily's very familiar, gentle fox-like smirk on her face.

Lily relied on her senses to recognize the identity of the "other Bayard" without glasses almost immediately.

That is……

——Miss Shadow Demon?

"how come……"

Seeing this scene, the first person who fell into confusion and shock... was the shadow demon in Lily's shadow.

There is no doubt that she also sensed the other party's identity.

"Thank you... Alai. You saved me a lot of time."

Aiwass said with a smile and raised a glass of wine towards Lily: "Are you thirsty? Would you like some drink? There is no blood in this."

There was an evil look on her face that only she and Lily could understand.

And Lily responded quickly.

He walked over helplessly, took the red wine from Aiwass's hand, skillfully opened the bottle for Aiwass and poured two glasses - that was because of the war in the empire, which later became extremely rare and expensive. Grow red wine.

Aiwass was probably too lazy to open the bottle himself, so he held it and waited for Lily to find it...

Lily said casually: "What are you doing, Mr. Gray? Oh, by the way, I have killed the ban..."

"It would be great."

Aiwass said lightly: "In this way, six people are confirmed dead - we have won again."

"……six people?"

On the contrary, Lily was a little surprised: "I thought you... you killed them all."

"One missed it. He was running too fast and couldn't help it."

Aiwass showed a meaningful smile: "But it's okay to let him live...that is also a talent. Killing him may damage his talent."

——I understand, the young master is moved again.

Lily thought.

Lily is now very familiar with this expression - it was the same expression Aiwass had when he went to find Mr. "King" before. It is a strong desire of "I see, I want, I get."

However, with just such a brief contact, could the young master directly understand the other party's true identity... This kind of investigation ability is really amazing.

Lily sighed in her heart.


The shadow demon in Lily's shadow sighed, seeming a little confused: "This is... a promotion ceremony."

When it heard "promotion quota" before, it vaguely sensed something was wrong. But I just don’t want to believe it.

But now it's really confirmed.

The hatred, pain, and confusion in my heart... are all false. And the desire for revenge is equally false.

Just thinking about it, the hatred he felt when he saw "Bayard" in front of him became so absurd and ridiculous.

——Looking at the shadow demon, it knew that it had already eaten Bayard in the future. Otherwise, the silhouette transformed by the Shadow Demon would not have color.

If the person it transforms is colored, it means that it has devoured the other person and completed the assimilation. Incorporate the other person into a part of yourself.

In other words, he has already completed his revenge in the future.

There are three Bayards here today.

Bayard as the son of the moon; Bayard who was resurrected as a demon; Bayard who became a shadow demon and followed his master back to the past...

Past, present and future. Intertwined, this kind of contradiction and pain made Shadow Demon feel that his non-existent brain seemed to be humming in pain.

But at this moment, as the desire for revenge faded away, new confusion arose in her heart...

Look at the terrifying and cold demonic posture of "future self" - compared with "Bayard" next to him, who is more like a monster?

"You guys should be leaving soon, right?"

Bayard, the son of the moon, suddenly said: "Then we will never see each other again."

She looked at the girl with nostalgia in her eyes.

"If according to what you said, six ascendants have been killed...even the new moon ceremony should be completed."

Shadow Demon Bayard made a low rumble: "Or, if you stay here, what other tasks do you have to do?"

"There is indeed one more."

the girl replied.

She looked at the Moon Child, with a beautiful smile on her face that stunned Shadow Demon.

She walked over slowly and hugged the Moon Son from behind.

She leaned over and said softly: "My master...

"——Excuse me, can I kill you?"

Miss Bayard, who had her back turned to Aiwass, smiled when she heard this.

It was a smile that had long been guessed and mentally prepared, so it looked extremely calm and calm.


Without looking back, she turned her back to Aiwass and said softly: "We have already agreed before."

And the Shadow Demon who witnessed this scene only felt that his non-existent brain was shaking violently.

It feels like it's missing something important.

Another "self" appeared in Lily's shadow at this moment. She entered so smoothly and naturally that she forced Shadow Demon into a corner.

And Shadow Demon finally realized why this person's shadow was so attractive, and why he instinctively got in... like a puppy that ran in after seeing a new kennel.

"I have an idea."

The future self said: "I know you want to kill Bayard once, and I want to too. But I can no longer devour her."

"Didn't you already devour her once?"

Shadow Demon sneered: "Do you still want to eat me? But I'm fake, and if I eat it, it's just air."

“No,” the other self responded calmly, “I have not eaten Bayard.

"In the history I experienced, it was she who ultimately offered herself to me. Because of this, I no longer use the name Bayard and almost no longer use this body."


Shadow Demon was stunned.

"We went through a lot and even became friends in the end. Her active sacrifice put an end to my revenge, and the never-ending anger in my heart was finally calmed. As a result, I regained my rationality, but the brand of rage was lifted, so I also I can’t continue to get stronger.”

The future Shadow Demon said calmly: "However, my revenge did not end correctly after all.

“I thought this might be my only chance in this life. The Kind Twin Mirror allowed me to be in touch with my past self…with both of my past selves at the same time.

"Even if everything is false, the experience left behind will be true - I think this is what Twin Mirror should say."

"……never mind."

Shadow Demon was silent for a while and sighed: "It's up to you."

It felt that it was gradually merging with another self.

The Shadow Demon is inherently amorphous, with no body, no name, and no color. Only a void of rage burned.

But now, it feels the cold and empty heart of the other one.

But now, in it... it seems to vaguely feel a touch of warmth that shouldn't exist.

It looked like flowing blood and a golden sun.

That is the deep purple glow, the freedom beyond all constraints——

"……so good."

Shadow Demon sighed silently.

——I really envy you.

I saw the shadow under Aiwas gradually spreading like a quagmire.

The shadow demon, who transformed into a hound, emerged from under the motionless Miss Bayard.

The dog's head, which is taller than a human, opens its mouth, revealing huge and sharp teeth. The shadow dog swallowed Bayard whole and dragged him into the shadow like a black swamp.

That is "Shadow Dog's Bite", Shadow Demon's strongest move. The person is swallowed up and taken away instantly - even if the other person tries his best to resist, he will be taken to the dream world and lose his body.

If the opponent's resistance is ineffective or does not resist at all, he will become the shadow demon's food.

——In this way, all tasks are completed.

So Aiwass took a sip of the expensive red wine, looked at the shadow demon who suddenly lost his voice after swallowing Bayard, and said calmly: "As for the last person, he should be Mr. Stranger who was next door to me at the time. He was bought by Bashir Valentine, and he should still be discussing alchemy with him on the carriage.

"As for the person next to me...she is not Alai, but Hui. I am Alai.

"Is this okay, Your Excellency Terpsichore? Does this meet the settlement conditions of Secret Reflection?"

After a short silence, an ethereal and melodious soft voice sounded:

"Trigger the victory condition of 'Secret Reflection' and ignore the necessary tasks and settle them in advance——"

A pure white light shone in front of everyone's eyes, including all the dead ritual participants.

It was the brilliance of the temporary collapse and disintegration of the dream world.

In front of everyone's eyes, a series of constantly changing pictures appeared:

The bound young man, with anger burning in his eyes, cursed loudly;

The young man walking in the secret passage was suddenly penetrated by the ice thorn behind him in the back of his head;

A mass of something that could not be seen was swallowed up and swallowed by countless scarlet tentacles amidst the shrill screams;

The girl lying on the ground was bleeding from all her orifices and her eyes were empty;

The young man's naked body was covered with traces of being corroded by strong acid, and his face showed a look of pain and struggle;

With a helpless but not panic smile on her face, the girl was calmly stabbed into a sea urchin by the shadow spear;

The girl happily chatted with each other at the wine table, and the atmosphere between the two was harmonious and warm;

Shadows were wrapped around the young man's feet, and the smile on his face became weird and terrifying because of this;

And in the end, the well-behaved girl lay quietly in the arms of the black-haired woman and slept peacefully.

The picture was fixed on the sweet sleeping face of the girl, and then the entire picture collapsed and turned into a sea of ​​blood, slowly dripping.

Avas couldn't hold himself any longer.

"——Why is this picture like this!"

update completed!

Today is close to 9,000 words, so it’s a little late——

I feel like it would be too much to write any more, so I can only leave the entry for tomorrow!

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