Pastor's Tantra

End of volume remarks

Let’s put what readers are most concerned about first——

Save time: 8,500 words have been updated today. I will take three days off for the next three days. The second volume will be updated at 12 noon on the 9th. The key words of the second volume are theocracy, archeology, star antimony, empire, iris, the ceremony of the ring of coronation, and asking for monthly votes.

Then friends who have time to listen to the cat’s chatter can sit down and listen to the cat’s chatter.

Four hundred and forty-two chapters, 1.43 million words, this is the end of the first volume of this book.

I have been writing books for ten years and more than 10 million words. This is undoubtedly the longest volume I have ever written...

But Maomao is also very satisfied...whether it is the results, income or the growth of my writing skills, I am very satisfied!

To report on the results, this volume has been ordered more than 22,000 times so far, and the lowest reading was over 8,000. This is my best result so far, three to four times higher than the second best player in the same period. Thank you all very much!

In fact, to be honest, Amu can be regarded as my creative low point.

I once said that I hope every book will be about a different subject. Trying out enough genres while I'm young so I don't have to venture out when I'm older and less creative.

When I wrote this Shepherd's Tantra, which in a sense combines the advantages of Mercury, Player and other books, it also shows that my physical condition and creative status have declined significantly.

Readers who have read my earliest version of Mercury's Blood should know that the cat's mental state at that time was obviously not very good to the naked eye. Players were also very anxious during the Super Justice period, and the amount of content could be said to be overwhelming - at that time, whenever I saw a drop in follow-up reading, I felt that my writing was too slow, so I immediately started a new plot and a new dungeon. .

As a result, there were probably a lot of players communicating with each other and the plot became less and less, and then the reading further dropped, and I wondered if I should continue to speed up... This cycle became more obvious when I reached the tower.

Due to some kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder, Cat focused on "telling one story in a month" during the Falling Tower period. This is because when I was a player, I often felt that the plot had more words to write than the outline I wrote, so I hoped to "dehydrate" in this way.

The result is that I write in a hurry. Many places that could be further explored were quickly skipped because of the need to keep up with the pace. The purpose is to have a structure such as "write one volume in a month, and one volume is a complete story."

It can be said that he is a bit crazy.

And by the end of the tower, when Russell reconciled with himself, I almost reconciled with myself. I finally realized that maybe I was not too slow, but too fast - I was too impatient.

Although the cat looks very lazy, I am actually a quick-tempered person. It’s just that I have a soft personality, so I’m always angry at myself.

Life has crushed me repeatedly, but it has made me softer and more comfortable. If you dare to mess with me, you are just kicking the cotton.

For example, even when playing mobile games, I have never been able to stock up on card drawing resources. I obviously know that I want to skip this pool, but if there are too many resources, I can't help but want to draw cards. I can't help it at all.

And maybe it's because Mao's mortgage has been paid off by the time he arrives at the tower... Mao's creative state has also obviously relaxed.

I think the most important improvement for the shepherd is that the narrative rhythm has become more comfortable.

Because my writing style is very laid-back, like a travelogue, it is difficult for me to write concise and powerful stories like other authors. This is why I tried to refine myself into a compressed towel during my time in the Tower.

And obviously, my attempt failed.

So I chose reconciliation - just slow down, there will be readers who like to read heart-warming stories full of details and slow pace.

Just focus on being a companion.

But I also learned a lot from The Tower, one of which is the narrative that revolves around the core of the story.

The narrative core of this volume is the "Glass Steps".

Avalon's rules, Avalon's traditions... Starting from the first chapter, those unreasonable things were all answered in the subsequent plots; and those unreasonable rules and traditions were also solved by Aihua Si was crushed in turn.

Although the player's copy should be more interesting than Amu - after all, it is something that Cat has accumulated for more than 20 years, and this cannot be denied. After I finished writing about the players, I was almost exhausted, because I felt like I had emptied myself out and completely destroyed myself. Fortunately, I read a book in the tower and slowly recovered.

Based on previous experiences and lessons, Amu’s narrative should be obviously much more comfortable and more organized than the players.

Of course, there are some new shortcomings that need to be corrected, and I have found them and documented them all.

The feeling of discovering my shortcomings is very comfortable, and it makes me feel that I can still grow. I can feel alive and alive in my heart rather than decaying.

Then let me tell you that I will take three days off.

The first day was because the epidemic seemed to be quite severe in Po County. I went to get vaccinated and get a haircut to see my grandma. My hair had grown so long that I turned into a gloomy man covering his eyes. After that, I took a day off and looked at mygo. I haven’t read it yet; on the third day I started writing the detailed outline of the beginning of the second volume.

I'm taking three days off, and will resume updating at noon on the 9th.

Finally, I want to share my book list. I have shared a part of it before, but now I will write a formal one.

These are the books the cat has been reading recently and has finished. Of course, these books do not mean to recommend them, but to share them. It does not mean that I endorse the author, the book, or their stance.

Stack armor, pass!


"Selected Poems of Tennyson"

"Roland Barthes on Drama"

"Yes, Prime Minister"

"Khazar Dictionary"


"House of Cards Trilogy"

"The Obsessed Guide"

"What have philosophers done"

"The Trial of the Foreign Land: Culture and Translation in the German Romantic Period"

"Sacrificing Animals and Becoming a God: Order in Early Civil Society"

"Norse Mythology: Imagination of the Beginning and End of the World"

"Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair"

"The Lugon Mackar Family"


"Paris Melancholy"

As of now, it is 6:21 in the morning. The cat had a late night snack, then slept and corrected typos.

Although this month will definitely not be as high as the previous two months, I still ask for votes~

I’ll end with that sentence, everyone.

May you always be happy.

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