Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 445 Dream Blade

Aiwass has been having a strange dream recently.

He staggered around in the maple forest that was burning with flames, and the maple leaves were like pieces of flame butterflies fluttering their wings.

His whole body was covered with burn wounds and blackened by smoke. It seemed like he was looking for something, but also like he was running away from something.

Looking up inadvertently, there was only a dark red in the night sky that was red with fire.

There was no sun or moon in the black-red night sky, only a huge, bleeding wound.

It was like a wound pierced by a sharp blade or pierced by a spear. Black, sticky blood trickled out from the wound, forming a sparse waterfall.

Aiwass in the dream didn't know why, but he had to go to the bottom of the waterfall despite being burned.

But every time, Aiwass couldn't get there.

Because when he gradually approaches that direction, he will always stumble and fall due to exhaustion of energy. Then he would suddenly wake up, and the clear dream would fade into a moment of panic and worry, leaving only some vague memories in his mind.

But this time, perhaps because Aiwass took the "Drunken Dream Tincture" before falling asleep, his dreams became more stable.

He walked a long way and finally reached the bottom of the wound.

It was a small, empty plain in the middle of a dense forest. The blood flowing from the wound in the sky gathered into a huge lake, and in the lake was a small island. On the empty island, there was a two-handed sword that was stained pure black by the thick blood like a waterfall.

Aiwass looked at the two-handed sword intently.

He approached there absentmindedly.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard the roar of a bear coming from behind him.


Aiwass's pupils suddenly shrank.

He looked back, but his perspective suddenly became shorter.

It was as if he was no longer a human being, but a thin four-legged beast.

In the maple forest burning with flames behind him, a giant bear with flames all over its body and scarlet pupils was slowly approaching him.

As it approached and with its heavy pace, Aiwass felt that the ground around him was shaking more and more violently. The whole world continues to shatter and collapse, and the increasingly strong fire shoots into the sky. More and more black blood poured out from behind Aiwass. They were filled with white foam and gradually submerged Aiwass.

The moment Aiwass and the giant bear looked at each other, he saw a human smile on the bear's face.

"——Anyone who uses a knife will be killed by the blade."

A low voice sounded in Aiwass's heart.

This sentence suddenly burned into Aiwass's heart as clearly as a knife and an axe, and it hurt like a scorch mark from a fire.

Then, a severe feeling of fear struck Aiwass.

He opened his eyes suddenly and broke out of his dream.

"...Xiong Tiansi?"

Before the memory faded away, Aiwass blurted out.

But Aiwass soon realized that there was no way he could forget that moment——

Because he felt a little wet and itchy on his chest. He could only feel the pain when he reached out and touched it. It was like a mosquito bite.

——Aiwass unbuttoned and found three fresh scars emerging on his chest.

It was like three stab wounds, or like the marks left by a bear's claws tearing through flesh and blood.

The blood had just stained Aiwass's white fox velvet pajamas, not even soaking through yet - obviously, he had just been injured not long ago.

It was when Aiwass woke up that the wound appeared on his chest; or rather, it was because of this wound that he suddenly woke up.


Aiwass sat on the bed and called softly.

Just two seconds later, Lily quietly walked out of the servant's room next door, barefoot. The soft red carpet made no sound.

She looked at the wound on Aiwass's chest searchingly, her expression suddenly became serious and nervous.

Lily immediately lit a candle and handed it to Aiwass.

Aiwass reached out and grabbed the flame, closed his eyes and prayed devoutly. The room originally illuminated by candlelight suddenly became dim again, and the flame in Aiwass' hand shook violently. The shadow cast by the candlelight through Aiwass became twisted and devilish.

In Lily's eyes, the scars on Aiwass's chest were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But soon, Lily suddenly opened her eyes wide——

I saw that the "Sacrificial Fire" technique, which can heal almost all wounds, seemed to have suddenly failed at this moment...

The scar on Aiwass's chest merely stopped the bleeding. Instead of healing, it scabbed and became amber-like. But if you tear it hard, the wound will bleed again.

Apparently Aiwass feels this too.

At this moment, a reminder appeared in front of Aiwass' eyes.

[You have obtained the characteristic: Authority-One of the Brands]

[Authority - Brand One: Xiong Tiansi swings down the claws of the future, declaring that he will end your life with such a blow. This is the first brand, and the number cannot be seven——]

[Your chest will always be regarded as a "weak point", regardless of whether you protect it effectively; you will always be noticed and hunted by Xiong Tiansi and his apostles; when you fight the target who is chasing you, this Each battle is always regarded as a "duel\

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