Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 454 Akpolis

The pirate obviously had nothing to talk to Lulu and Olive.

After confirming the cooperative relationship with the fox, he almost didn't even look to the right and closed his eyes again.

Isabel reacted - pirates are probably opposed to beauty and transcendence, so their attitude is so obvious.

Otherwise, he should at least come to talk to me.

Regardless of her position in the outside world, she is now a valuable and purely auxiliary profession!

No threat, unable to backstab, and still helpful.

It would be fine if it were a new moon ceremony, but this is a full moon ceremony that requires unity and cooperation - are there any melee professions who don't like support?

And soon, Isabel verified her suspicion.

After some time, as the promotion ceremony unfolded toward the outer ring, a new person appeared on Isabel's right side.

The first thing that appeared was a man with a gloomy and mysterious temperament.

He was wearing a black hooded robe, and his age couldn't be clearly seen, but at least he wasn't too young. He held a wooden staff in his hand, and there were several gemstone rings on his exposed left finger.

Almost immediately after him, a man and a woman appeared. They were all wearing the same black hooded robe, and you could tell at a glance that the three of them were together.

After they landed, the man immediately spoke: "Hello everyone, I am Stranger. I am an alchemist. I hope we can cooperate well."

Aiwass raised his head and looked at him in surprise.

He looked at it for a moment, and then confirmed that it was really him.

But this time the stranger didn't pretend to be a middle-aged man like last time.

He looked very young and clean - and perhaps what made him dress up like this was the equally young and petite girl next to him.

"My name is Grape..."

The girl who looked to be in her early twenties at most made a cold voice: "A... necromancer."

Aiwass immediately realized that it was not because of her cold personality, but because of some social fear. She was obviously not used to introducing herself in front of so many people, so she subconsciously followed the stranger after he introduced himself.

The other man who appeared with them did not speak immediately, but calmly held his crutches and waited for the people to arrive.

The next person who appeared was a young man in a white coat.

He is very tall, almost 2.5 meters tall. One look and I knew it was an elf.

The last person to appear was a girl of eight or nine years old.

As soon as she appeared, everyone present looked at her in surprise.

——This is a promotion ceremony from three to four!

And she doesn't look like an elf...


Isabel looked at her in surprise.

Because she found that she seemed to know the other person. It always feels a bit familiar...

"Is it Sister Lulu?"

As a result, the girl noticed their identities first and immediately became happy: "And Brother Fox - I am Cheese, long time no see!"

Avas suddenly looked over in surprise.

He recalled it for a while before he remembered the identity of the other party.

That was the little girl from the Path of Love who appeared during the first promotion ceremony of Aiwass and Isabel.

He was not sure whether the other party's promotion was successful.

...But, can Cheese keep up with the promotion speed of himself and Isabel?

Thinking of this, Aiwass immediately realized the identity of the other party——

Born to be extraordinary!

Either she is a reincarnated Tiansi or apostle, or she is a pure-blooded child of the moon... The latter is much more likely, because she looks like a real child, not like an old lady wearing JK who pretends to be young. .

There was only one possibility - her parents were both children of the moon, so she became a child of the moon directly after she was born. Just like the Dragonborn, there is a lot of extraordinary power accumulated in the blood.

Moreover, when she first participated in the promotion ceremony, she was probably not a child of the moon. Because she also said at that time that she was called Cheese because she liked Cheese, and she obviously hadn't started sucking blood yet.

Now, after only a few months, she directly touched the wall of the fourth energy level... This must have completed the blood-sucking, completely transformed into the Son of the Moon, and regained the power in the blood.

Even though she is the weakest of them all, her age is enough to shock people.

With such pure blood... one of her parents has at least one fifth level.

And relying on this abnormal age, Aiwass directly locked the identity of the other party——

The descendant of Narcissus, the last monarch of Narcissus, the Moon Princess of Iris, Lucia Tepes!

The famous "Dracula" in Avalon should be considered her grandfather in terms of seniority. She is also one of the few children of the moon who still believes in Eternity, and is known as the kidnapped master who only plays high-end games.

...Well, the reason why Aiwass knows each other is also very simple.

Naturally, it’s because this girl has also entered the school.

But she is one of the very few BOSSs who "has entered the dungeon but is not dead" - because strictly speaking, the BOSS of that dungeon is her adoptive father, and she is more like a dungeon mechanism. Its main function is to serve as a battery for energy supply and a blood pool for restoring life to the BOSS.

After that, she also played a supporting role several times in the main plot, but each time she was captured by a certain BOSS. Mainly because her energy level is high enough, her path is pure, her blood is pure, her faith is pure... and at the same time, she is weak enough.

She is one of the very few children of the Moon who still believes in the Eternal Self, and she also follows the purest principle - only drinking the "blood of devotees", that is, the blood voluntarily provided by humans who fall in love with her.

It can be said to be an excellent ritual material.

She even almost became the carrier of Xuetiansi's arrival once, but it was only due to the destruction and interference of the players that the person who kidnapped her became the carrier of the arrival of the Ring of Ouronomy ceremony.

...It turns out that Princess Moon only became a transcendent in 1898, Aiwass suddenly realized.

After all, in the waiting hall of the promotion ceremony, it was impossible to see the other person's features clearly... And when they met for the first time, Cheese was almost the last one to enter, only one ahead of the woman named "Basil". She had just introduced herself when the ceremony began.

After Cheese introduced himself, the elf young man in a white coat also said, "My name is Doctor, I adapt to the path."

So Stranger and Putao introduced themselves again. At this time, the man who was the leader among the three of them said in a deep voice: "I am a consultant, a mage. I come from Star Antimony."

"I am Olive, a conjurer from Rest."

The old man chuckled and said in a gentle and kind tone: "Don't worry, you're not a scumbag like a demonologist."

"Lulu, bard of the path of beauty."

Isabel realized that Aiwass wanted to hide his identity, so she lied to hide her true occupation.

She smiled and said, "I can sing to you."

"A curser is no better than a demonologist, old gentleman."

Director Kent said sarcastically.

It is clear that he has a strong hostility to the Transcendent Path, but his hostility to Isabel is not obvious.

He glanced at the three people in black robes and asked: "From the Academy of the Dead?"


The consultant raised his head, answered calmly and asked: "From the Supervision Bureau?"

"Yes, I am a pirate, an overseer from Avalon. But I will not be your shield."

The attitude of the "pirates" was extremely determined.

This is actually normal, and no one else came to break up the fight - the war between Avalon and Star Antimony has begun for several months now, and even the Iris people should know that the two countries are currently in a state of hostility. As a supervisor of the official armed forces, he may even be from the military, so it is normal for him to be hostile to the Star Antimony people.

Not to mention, that is the Academy of the Dead——

Most people are somewhat resistant to necromancers who play with the dead. The "Zerg Tower" of Xing Antimony's School of the Dead is full of monsters that control corpses and spirits.

All three of them were wearing the same black robes, and it was obvious that they had no intention of hiding their identities.

And Isabel also guessed their purpose.

——It should be to take care of the girl named "Grape".

As a necromancer, basically no matter what she does, she is easily disliked, alienated, and even hostile by her teammates. Even in scenes lacking corpses, teammates might be sacrificed as casting materials.

And most people don't know anything about the Necromancer - the unknown means fear.

Therefore, they directly formed a team and accompanied Grape, the only necromancer among them, to complete the advancement.

Whether they are "consultants" or "strangers", they are obviously promoted to the second path now.

This also means that they have planned ahead... In this promotion ceremony, they will not rely on other teammates, and the three of them will act alone.

This is a very dangerous move.

If you die during the promotion ceremony of three to four, it is very likely that your soul will be damaged, and it may even lead to death.

The three of them blatantly formed a clique, and in a dungeon that was not restricted from attacking their teammates, it was possible that they would in turn be targeted by the other six people.

After all, a maximum of six people can be promoted. If you can enter the field, you can directly eliminate three people, and the remaining six people can cooperate wholeheartedly... and the possibility of completing the task and getting promoted will increase a lot.

"Stranger" and "Putao" were obviously aware of this and felt a little uneasy. The girl named Putao kept her head lowered and looked like she was about to shrink into a ball. The stranger also opened his mouth, not knowing what to say and looking for help, but he kept looking at the "advisor".

"Then please do so, sir, pirate of Avalon."

The "advisor" just sneered and said slowly: "You want to have an exciting time, right? You can't go to the battlefield, but you like to take it out on the students?

"You don't have children, Mr. Pirate. Are you too busy plundering to find them? Or is the job too dangerous so you can't find them? Or is it because you like kidnapping other people that your wife ran away with the children?"

"This is a full moon ceremony, not a new moon ceremony to show off heroes. We are all half allies. We will not take the initiative to attack you, but if you come to us on your own... you might as well give it a try. I wish you a pleasant try."

The consultant is obviously quite confident.

When fighting back against the "pirates", there was no hesitation or regret at all, but full of aggression and sharp words.

This doesn't quite look like a student.

——Professor of the School of the Dead?

Aiwass guessed the identity of the other party, and smiled and offered some symbolic advice: "Everyone, there is no need to be so tit-for-tat. After all, you may not be able to meet your teammates directly when you go in.

"You can call me 'Fox'. I am a pastor of the Church of the Nine Pillars, and I am good at group healing and dispersal. I can promise that if anyone here asks for my treatment, I will give it equally."

"Yes, this is the Hippocratic Oath."

The "doctor" next to him nodded in agreement: "I will try my best to cure everyone, and I will not use or sell poison to anyone..."

Cheese asked curiously: "Big brother, can't you attack other people?"

"Why do you ask that, cutie?"

The doctor smiled and said: "The Hippocratic Oath is not a suicide oath - if someone attacks me or my partners, I will definitely fight back first. But if he is still alive after the battle, and he asks me for help, then I gave him a free bandage to stop the bleeding, at least I wouldn't let him die like this.

“If I see two people attacking each other and neither kills the other, then they both get treatment.

"I am not a soldier, nor a guardian. I will not interfere with the outcome of the battle, nor will I take sides.

"They all only have one name - the sick, the wounded, the ones who need treatment. And I'm the one who can give them treatment."

He said, paying tribute to Aiwass respectfully and politely: "But my healing ability is far inferior to yours. I hope we can have a happy cooperation."

"Well said..."

At this moment, an old and hoarse voice suddenly sounded from the middle.

It was an old, short lizard-man statue. But compared to modern lizard men, he is more like a "snake man" - he has snake scales all over his body and holds a cane with black and green snakes intertwined.

He doesn't know when he will appear, and he doesn't know when he will be activated.

Only then did the promoted people suddenly realize that none of them had noticed the "host" in the middle!

It was as if everyone had forgotten that there was a host in this ceremony.

"This ceremony is presided over by me. I am the apostle of the Lord of Scales and Feathers...the teacher of the 'Hippocrates' you just discussed, Akpolis."

The unattractive old man with snake scales said slowly.

Update completed meow!

A 7,000-word update is here~

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