Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 455 Cruel Autumn

When Akpolis made a sound, the dark space gradually took on colors and shapes.

But it is completely different from the previous promotion ceremony - this time the "static preview" is not as clear as the one given by Erlini and Gawain, nor as bizarre and misleading as the one given by Merlin... nor is it as clear as the one given by Merlin. Like Terpsichore, he just danced for everyone and didn't show anything.

The scene shown at Akpolis is very twisted.

The colors seemed to be leaching out of the void, with a slippery and disgusting touch.

They are so bright that they look like hallucinations caused by eating fungi...not only do they enlarge and shrink bizarrely with breathing, but they even have overlapping colorful afterimages on the outlines of the edges of the objects. Looking closely, the surfaces of the objects seem to be constantly changing, as if their shapes have not yet been completely determined.

Even so, Aiwass recognized this scene immediately——

This is the banquet hall of the Palace of Silver and Tin.

When he saw this familiar yet unfamiliar scene, Aiwass's heart skipped a beat.

There is a long table several times larger than the Round Table Hall, with a length of 77 meters and a capacity of 220 guests. In addition to the long table in the center, there are seven small round tables dotted around it, which together can entertain more than 300 people.

Only for very special celebrations...such as a monarch's wedding, or when entertaining important guests from other countries, the banquet hall will be used to hold state banquets. The banquet hall is usually closed at other times.

Although Aiwass often lived in the Palace of Silver and Tin, he never ran here very often.

He could recognize it instantly because of another thing.

The final and climactic main plot of the 1.0 version of "The Link" game, the event that pushed everything into the vortex of destruction... The opening scene of the main mission "Cruel Autumn" is also here.

The access level for this mission is as high as level 29, and the upper level that players can reach in version 1.0 is level 30. Regardless of the fact that Kryptonians and great gods forcefully complete the promotion ceremony, it can be considered that level 29 is the maximum level for ordinary players. This is the first mission you take after reaching full level.

"In this ceremony, there are a total of four advanced people with multiple paths."

Akpolis said slowly: "I won't say the same thing as before... everyone who knows should know it.

"But this ceremony is different from the previous ones. For most of you, this is the ceremony that determines the advanced career. But don't be too nervous... If you haven't decided what new career you should advance to. Occupation, you can temporarily reserve the opportunity to advance next time.

"I know that some prophets and witches choose this way because they don't want to be promoted to fools or witches... Haha, but in my opinion, the ones who should be most cautious are demonologists."

The old man covered with snake scales was hunched over, holding a snake staff with both hands, and spoke slowly.

His turquoise snake eyes looked like gems, shimmering with light.

Different from past hosts - He did not speak according to formula at all, but kept talking to himself.

But He does have such a privilege... because Akpolis is the most powerful, oldest, and highest-status apostle under the Lord of Scale Feathers.


Aivas stared at Him.

Did he guess something, or did he learn some kind of prophecy?

Before the "Ring of Ending" ceremony has been implemented, no one can say that the promotion route of "Devil Incarnation" is wrong.

——What if the person in charge is not Ah Huan but Ah Duo?

If the Fallen Heaven Secretary becomes the new Pillar God and changes the more changeable authority symbolized by the eighth river of dreams from upward "transcendence" to downward "fall", then the demon incarnation will become It has become the most correct promotion route.

Summon demons, control demons, understand demons, and then become demons...

Bearing the mark of great sin, he became a demon controlled by the Fallen Heavenly Division. He is also ordered to seize the souls of mortals in the material world, with the mission of spreading evil and chaos.

The most important thing is that completely becoming a demon means losing the mortal body, giving up the ability to enter the dream world through dreaming, and thus giving up the opportunity to gain promotion through promotion rituals. There is no doubt that this is a downward move.

Constant abandonment, constant degradation, and constant defilement.

Doesn’t this perfectly fit the path of “fall”?

Even if the Huantiansi comes to power, as long as the Fallen Skysi does not fall, the incarnation of the devil can never be regarded as the "wrong" path.

Even if the curse mage and the great wizard belong to the route of the Pillar God Snake Father, it is not that Tiansi cannot create professions. It's not like the Crown Master took away the position and power of the Supreme Heaven. Even if the Huantian Division replaced the Snake Father, it would have nothing to do with the Fallen Heaven Division.

Just like Yan Tiansi created the "blacksmith", Xue Tiansi created the "blood mage", and Lingpo Tiansi created the "preservation master". Since the birth of "profession", there have been active Tiansi who have invested their own origin and strength into it.

But listening to Akpolis's words, he seemed to have determined that Fallen Sky Division would fall.

And He seems to know that when Fallen Heaven Division falls, Huan Tian Division will take over - and only in this way is the correct route for third-level demonologists to "not advance into demon incarnations for the time being". Otherwise, he should think that the profession of "demonologist" itself is wrong.

…Is this the prophetic ability that adapts to the path?

It can even predict the death of Tiansi from other paths...

Aiwass was secretly frightened.

He looked around subconsciously and secretly, and found that "Olive" frowned slightly, and the other one was "Advisor" who was thoughtful. None of the other six people realized what key information Akpolis' words revealed.


After noticing the small movements of the three people, the corners of the old man's mouth raised slightly. It sounded like a sneer, but also like satisfaction, and he let out a light hum of unknown meaning.

He paused his staff and stopped talking, as if he had turned into a stone statue again.

The voice resounded directly in the minds of the promoted people——

[This ceremony is limited to six days, and the ratio to reality is 24:1]

[You will play a certain role in the venue and complete your own tasks. Each time you complete a corresponding goal, you will receive corresponding points]

[Because this ceremony is a full moon ceremony, cooperation is allowed, but no additional cooperation points will be calculated]

[When cooperating with the Rejection Path to complete the other party's mission, 50% to 100% of the other party's points will be deducted according to the contribution during settlement; if you help the other party without discovering the identity of the Opposition Path, points will still be deducted]

[When someone completes the necessary tasks or the ceremony time ends, the ceremony will be settled immediately; the three people with the lowest points during the settlement will be eliminated]

[In this ceremony, all intellectual beings except the participants of the ceremony do not have complete intelligence, but have part of the real soul; therefore, any killing, treatment, sacrifice, etc. may trigger oaths, taboos, agreements, curse】

[The difficulty of this ritual is "close to reality". Real death during the ritual may lead to death in reality; permanent disability during the ritual may lead to disability in reality; real death during the ritual will definitely lead to damage to the soul]

[All the work of this ceremony, such as the dream, deduction, task and role arrangement, plus and minus points details, etc., are independently completed by the ‘Lord of Scales and Feathers’; I am fully responsible for the safety and fairness of this promotion ceremony]

Hearing this, Aiwass was suddenly startled.

...independently responsible?

The entire promotion ceremony was done by the Lord of Scale Feathers, and the host was also the chief apostle of the Lord of Scale Feathers?

The old man holding the snake staff in both hands slowly turned in a circle and glanced at the promoted people.

And His last gaze rested on Aiwass's face.

He added: "In addition, everything you saw during this ceremony is fictional. It is best not to regard everything you see here as the real history... or the future.

"——Then, the exam starts now."

He paused his staff and declared.

A low and slow voice read out the words that Aiwass was very familiar with:

"In 1899, the Cruel Autumn Incident announced the destruction of the Kingdom of Avalon..."

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