Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 490: The Transformed Kunpeng (two-in-one)

Chapter 491: The Transformed Kunpeng (two-in-one)

Originally, the consultant was still confused and didn't know what happened.

But when he heard the ridicule, Aiwass calmed down instantly when he saw "Sherlock", and rubbed his face and made a sleepy expression to apologize for his previous gaffe. Reason: "I was a little sleepy...When I just woke up, I thought I was dreaming..."

...The response is pretty quick.

Aiwass raised the corners of his mouth slightly, praising in his heart.

"It's just a pity," Aiwass said meaningfully, "This is not a dream, but reality."

——Unfortunately, this is a dream. And you are just a person in a dream, you will disappear like a bubble when I wake up.

The consultant sarcastically said in his mind.

After calming down a little, he realized what he was going to do now.

Now the war is roaring outside, and even in the secluded White Queen District, exclamations and screams can be heard - you must know that this is the Glass Island, the royal capital of Avalon!

After such a big incident, Oswald, the housekeeper of Aiwass's family, did not show up to take him away. Even only he and Aiwass appeared here, and everyone else disappeared without a trace... This can only mean one thing, that is, they have all left the glass island.

He lost his memory for a period of time, or there was something wrong with the ritual itself... these are all possible.

The consultant has also heard of special cases where promotion rituals were interfered with, or dreams were shaken by intruders, causing accidents to the promoted person. This is also the reason why you must take Drunken Dream Tincture when you are promoted - when the dream lasts too long, or the person's body in reality is significantly affected, it may cause the dream of the promotion ceremony to become blurry.

But it doesn’t matter what the reason is.

As a result, he lost his memory for a day or a few days.

Judging from the giant statue outside, I am afraid that he has lost more than just the memory of one day - maybe the third day, maybe the fourth day. Surviving from the hands of the Colossus... This is in line with the difficulty of the promotion ceremony set by the Lord of Scale Feathers.

And so many people leaving at the same time at this time can only be to escort Isabel to the Theocracy!

The consultant's eyes moved slightly, and he analyzed quickly in his mind:

As a detective who can report to the Queen before the banquet begins, Detective Sherlock shows that he is very loyal to the royal family.

Now that he was rescued by Shafiya, he did not leave with the princess... This only meant that he had something to do when he stayed here.

The same goes for Aiwass.

Although the consultant has now obtained top-secret information, he knows that the actual relationship between Aiwass and Princess Isabel is that they appear to be inseparable but wary of each other. But even if they were so tit-for-tat, they obviously trusted each other very much - otherwise Princess Isabel would never have been able to go to Moriarty Manor at this time.

Rather than being enemies of each other, it is better to say that they are both enemies and friends.

...Thinking about it this way, I feel a little envious of them. The consultant pouted.

And in this case, Isabel would leave Aiwass and Sherlock here only to complete an important task that must be completed!

——Complete the National Protection Ceremony·Shadow of Avalon!

In that case, another problem arises...

The consultant looked at Aiwass and hesitated to speak.

He was thinking carefully about how much "Sherlock" knew about this matter now. If he had said something in advance that he should not have known, or if there was something he had already said but now he did not know, it would inevitably arouse Bishop Moriarty's suspicion...

And Aiwass just looked at Sherlock's sudden silence and guessed what he was thinking.

So he very thoughtfully handed the message to the consultant to allow the conversation to continue normally——

Aiwass said seriously with a serious expression: "Now it seems that we can't wait any longer. Even if the agreed time has not yet arrived, we must prepare for the 'Shadow of Avalon' ceremony in advance.

"If the Star Antimony army completely controls the Glass Island, it will be very difficult for us to take action again."

--I see.

I already know this key information. I am not taking action now because it is not time yet...

The consultant's heart lit up and he immediately grasped the progress of the current task.

Now there's only one problem.

Is "Olive", the promoted person who transcended the path, still alive now? If he is already dead, how can they find a transcendent person in Avalon who can be trusted by Bishop Moriarty and can be said to be controllable?

Thinking like this, "Sherlock" just nodded: "I'll listen to you, Lord Bishop. What are you going to do now?"

At this moment, I seemed to hear movement coming from downstairs... and cautious footsteps came from upstairs.

——Is there anyone else here?

Aiwass and Sherlock raised their heads at the same time and looked upstairs.

I saw an old man with white hair and a majestic face, like a lion, standing there. When he saw Aiwass and Sherlock, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and his frown became even deeper.

That man was none other than John Osborne.

One of Avalon's two court ritualists and a colleague of Master Iben.

At the same time, he was also the only court ritualist of the Avalon royal family before Ibn, a foreigner, was recruited by the queen. Unlike Iben, just by looking at his facial features and fair skin, you can tell that this old man is a native of Avalon.

Without his existence...even Queen Sofia would not dare to recruit a foreigner who does not know the details to become a palace ritualist.

The name "Ibn" can be called "someone's son" in the ancient Parthian kingdom. This is obviously a middle preposition in a string of names. Apart from telling people that he is a Parthian, this name actually has no recognition at all. The title "Ibn" is actually equivalent to calling him the nickname "Pathite".

According to Iben himself, it was actually because when he first came into contact with the Scaleless Hands, the name he gave in his self-introduction was too long, so they did not remember it and just remembered the "middle name Iben". Later, this became Iben's new name in Avalon. When he was recruited by Queen Sofia, he was recruited as "Iben of the Scaleless Hand".

And Osborne, like Ibn, is a third-level transcendent - just a spell mage, but has not advanced to a great wizard.

As a spell mage, he appeared here at this moment, and showed such surprise and hesitation...

The person playing "John Osborne" at this moment is probably Mr. Iben, codenamed "Olive"!

...Strange, why didn't he use his own body?

Is it because Iben is no longer in Avalon in this timeline?

Aiwass thought in his mind, and planned to test it out and hint to him not to reveal his identity.

"Mr. Osborne, you're awake."

Aiwass nodded slightly to him and said politely: "I'm sorry, did I wake you up? But I had to wake you up anyway. The Star Antimony people outside seem to have broken in. We must rush to Yinyu as soon as possible. Temple of Tin, to complete the Ritual of the Shadow of Avalon—Detective Hermes will assist us.”

With that said, Aiwass introduced to Sherlock: "This is the most reliable ritual master in Avalon. I am relatively familiar with him. We had a somewhat master-disciple relationship... I just invited him last night." Come back. The ceremony entrusted to us by Her Highness Isabel must be completed by him."

When "Osborne" heard this, he immediately understood the identities of Aiwass and Sherlock, as well as the cause and effect of the matter.

So the white-haired old man touched his beard, which was like a lion's mane, nodded slightly and said seriously: "I can't be called the number one. Compared to Mr. Ibn, I'm still far behind."

Hearing this, Aiwass almost laughed out loud.

He worked hard to keep his face straight and look serious.

Osborne came down the stairs and stretched out his hand to Sherlock from a distance.

"Nice to meet you, Detective Hermes."

The old ritual master said meaningfully: "I hope we can cooperate happily in the future - at least I hope to cooperate with you."

He guessed who Sherlock was, and at the same time realized that the other party definitely didn't know Aiwass's true identity.

Otherwise, if they were all promoted, there would be no need to be so vague in their speech. Those who are promoted will not be punished if they only talk quietly with the promoted person about matters other than the ceremony and do not affect the "NPC" and the rationality of the plot.

"Me too."

After hearing this, the consultant understood what the old ritual master meant.

——He is hinting to me that he is an olive!

Fortunately, "Olive" found it by himself!

The consultant immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the ritual masters from the Anxi Ancient Kingdom were more reliable.

If Olive was a demonologist or demon from Star Antimony, I'm afraid she would have started to act alone by now...

So the consultant also came forward, shook hands with the old ceremonial master with a smile, and said vaguely: "I have been ready to cooperate with you...I can't even wait."

The implication is that my rejection of the path does not transcend the path.

"——Then add me."

At this moment, a slightly cold but calm voice came.

Aiwass looked in the direction of the sound and saw another person.

He suddenly couldn't hold himself any longer.

I saw that the man was wearing a black dress, his hair was neatly styled, his expression was solemn and solemn, and he was holding a heavy cane.

He walked down politely, his steps light and steady. He bowed slightly to Aiwass and said softly: "I really trouble you to take care of my brother Sherlock, Lord Bishop. And Mr. Ritualist... let us protect the safety of you two."

His voice was very light and gentle, and he seemed very gentlemanly.

——But the problem is, this person's name should be "Mycroft Hermes".

Hearing the fat man's slow but polite words, Aiwass felt goosebumps all over his body.

...Help, help.

How could that guy Mycroft be so disgusting if he spoke normally...

——I really want to expose Miss Grape directly!

Aiwass only hated that he was a promoted person and did not expose the abilities of other promoted people at all.

As uncomfortable as he was, there was "Olive" beside him.

Eben also knew Mycroft, and knew what the fat man's usual style was - in general, he was very close to Ms. Meg's casual attitude, and he always had three main points in his behavior:

"It's none of my business", "It's none of your business", "I'll leave if it's okay".

And now, this "Mycroft" looks like a noble lady, as polite, gentle and well-behaved... Even the usually messy greasy hair has been neatly combed. Like someone with obsessive-compulsive disorder or mysophobia, they have to make themselves clean and tidy within a very limited time.

Aiwass even wondered whether Putao had used a spell to wash Mycroft's hair or something...

"Olive" guessed that Aiwass was maintaining a disguise, so he couldn't even hint to "Mycroft" that there was something wrong with his performance - if Aiwass saw through all this, then without revealing it he would become Becoming suspicious. So the two of them, who knew Mycroft, had to pretend that Miss Grape's performance was flawless.

Thinking of this, Avas felt happy.

Thank God Sherlock didn't follow them into the ceremony.

But thinking of this, he suddenly felt a little regretful.

Because Aiwass really wanted to see Sherlock see this scene.

Fortunately, "Sherlock" himself didn't realize at all that there were any abnormalities in his "brother" who only existed in the setting.

He just frowned and looked at the other person, and soon seemed to recognize the other person's identity from some details.

"Brother, come with me."

"Sherlock" said something coldly to "Mycroft" and pulled him away. Before leaving, he said to Aiwass very politely: "Your Majesty, please wait for us for a moment."

After the two of them left, Aiwass and Iben looked at each other and sighed in unison.

"What do you want to do?"

Iben lowered his voice and asked Aiwass: "You mean the Shadow of Avalon ritual? Didn't you say there was something wrong with that ritual?"

Aiwass shook his head slightly: "We'll talk after we go out. Let me first tell you what this ritual requires and how to carry it out."

So Aiwass relayed the information he received from Isabel to Old Iben.

The consultant and Grape returned soon.

And Aiwass also returned to his normal voice: "Is the Queen's blood where you are?"

"Well, I brought it down. Now take it with you."

"Then it's up to you...I will pray and heal you."

Looking at the consultant and Grape who came back, Aiwass nodded slightly and said seriously: "I will pray for you all now, and then we will set off. I have a bad feeling, we'd better not delay too long .”

“Who are you going to pray to?”

At this moment, the consultant suddenly asked.

"Of course it's Si Zhu." Aiwass replied.

"Sherlock" touched his chin and said seriously: "It's very dangerous outside now. It may be difficult for us to just approach the Palace of Silver and Tin. In this case, we may need the protection of the way of adaptation. …

"If possible, please ask the Lord Bishop to pray to the Lord of Scales and Feathers."

For some reason, after coming into contact with Putao, the consultant suddenly began to doubt Aiwass's identity.

The promotion ceremony itself is the sole responsibility of the Lord of Scales and Feathers - which means that he is most likely watching them now. An ordinary pastor would not dare to pray to Him at this time. It's probably as bold as a candidate suddenly asking for contact information from the invigilator during an exam and chatting like no one else is around.

This isn't dangerous, but it's at least disrespectful - clerics tend to be in awe of the Ennead. Only those who have been promoted will know that the Lord of Scales and Feathers is watching them.

It was clear that the consultant's suspicions did not run deep.

But his temptation didn't mean much to Aiwass. Because Aiwass had already prayed to the Lord of Scale Feathers.

"no problem."

Aiwass nodded and said calmly: "You are right... At this time, you really should pray to the Lord of Scales and Feathers."

His idea is simple.

Regardless of whether there were any accidents during this promotion ceremony...but in the promotion ceremony constructed by the Lord of Scale Feather himself, even if there were any accidents, it was definitely within his expectation.

The path of adaptation controlled by the Lord of Scale Feathers has two professional inheritances, prophet and astrologer, who can predict the future. The Lord of Scale Feather himself even has the ability to peer into the future. And if he can see the future, it means that the situation they are encountering now is part of the promotion ceremony.

It's even possible that their mission was determined based on the "modified promotion ceremony"!

Whether it is "The Heart is the Sanctuary" or rescuing Sherlock, they are closely related to their current actions.

It was precisely because Aiwass rescued Shylock in time and killed Minister Drost that they gathered together at this time; Isabel also completed her mission, fabricated a wrong "history" and Only when everyone believes that she can come here to see Aiwass.

Therefore, she had the opportunity to let "Sherlock" know about the Shadow of Avalon ritual, so that the consultant could stay here.

From this perspective, no matter what they think or do, it is within the expectations of the Lord of Scale Feathers. He did not design "enemies that will chase them everywhere", but he guessed every move of the initiates from the very beginning and therefore placed enemies in advance on their inevitable path.

Then even Aiwass’s prayer at this moment should be within His expectation——

Aiwass asked Iben for a pinch of emerald dust.

He held the gem dust in his left hand, and touched his forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, throat, and heart with his right hand. Then Aiwass placed his right hand on the back of his left fist and chanted loudly: "I pay my respects to the Lord of Scales and Feathers——"

As he spoke, he turned his hands over and spread them out.

The powder turned into green smoke and surrounded everyone.

Aiwass's voice gradually became lower: "The god with the number six, the god with scales and feathers, the god with thousands of clothes and myriad appearances...the phantom Kunpeng!

"Please give us the ability to hide our bodies, so that we can go to our destination without being discovered!"

The four of them immediately hid their figures.

It is not completely invisible. If it moves in a place with sufficient light, you can still see some distortion and blur with the naked eye. But if it is at night when there is not enough light, this is enough.

Aiwass's voice was also distorted by the blessings obtained through prayer, becoming muddy and distorted: "Group invisibility can last for three hours. Let's go pack the things you need first. Meet at the door in five minutes.

"Now the outside may have been blocked by the Star Antimony Army. We have to pass through the blocked area, first go to the Palace of Silver and Tin to get things, and then go to St. Guinevere's Chapel."

In order to complete the Shadow of Avalon ritual, the elven dagger separated from the holy sword "Alondette" hanging in the queen's chamber is indispensable.

But Aiwass didn't see it when he went there before, so it must have been hidden somewhere else.

But thinking of this, Aiwass had a new doubt in his mind——

He remembered that the other Alondette seemed to have been stolen by Vivian and hidden on Haina. Later, it disappeared inexplicably... maybe it was taken away by someone, or maybe it melted into Haina's body. Anyway, now it is not in the formation base of the Shadow of Avalon ritual at all, which directly led to the ritual error and pulled Shadow Tiansi down.

...Then here comes the problem.

Now that he is holding the Shadow of Avalon ceremony at this point in time, what will he bring down?

Where is the other Arondette now?

In this world line, Aiwass has no desire to transcend, so will there be Haina?

...If there is Haina, don't just pull Haina's soul over, right?

And if in this world line where Aiwass has no desire to transcend, there is no Haina at all...

"That's a big problem." Aiwass murmured in a low voice.

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