Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 491 Return to the Palace of Silver and Tin

Chapter 492 Return to the Palace of Silver and Tin

The protection of the Lord of Scales and Feathers is particularly effective at night.

Even though Avalon and Star Antimony were at war, Aiwass, Advisor, Grape and Olive and their group of four still avoided both sides and arrived safely at the Palace of Silver and Tin under the cover of night.

However, at this time, the Palace of Silver and Tin had completely lost its original shape.

The palace occupied by the Balrog has now been completely transformed into a stronghold belonging to the Balrog - the walls and floors have become scalding hot, and you will feel the unbreathable heat just by entering. The soles of your boots have melted slightly due to the high temperature, and you can feel the heat when you walk. There will be a sticky feeling and a tearing sound. If you touch the wall directly with your hands, it will cause blisters directly.

From here one can still see patrolling knights and servants wandering around the palace.

What they have in common is that they have now been assimilated by the flames. The knight's armor was burning with blazing fire, but the flames did not crisp and melt the armor; even the wandering servants in tattered clothes were wandering aimlessly like living corpses, with cracks in their skin and facial features. Flames continued to flow out, but they did not ignite the few remaining clothes on his body.

The only good thing is probably that the palace has become quiet now. There was no sudden burst of flames, no sudden burning and collapse.

It was as if the palace and the Balrog had merged into one and had fallen into a deep sleep.

"...It would be great if Master Nobel was here."

The consultant couldn't help but complain in a low voice: "He should act with us..."

Although Putao on the side didn't know what the consultant was talking about, he nodded obediently to express his agreement.

If that boy Lorre was here, he could distribute the alchemical mixture to everyone to resist the high temperature.

The mage's body was too fragile, and he was the only one among the four present who could not withstand the high temperature of this environment.

The scorching airflow has reached a level that can kill ordinary people - a large amount of metal is used in the walls of the Silver and Tin Palace, and now they are like a simmering boiler. If you add some water, they will probably be steamed.

The hot air traveled from the mouth and nose to the trachea and then to the lungs, causing the consultant to immediately feel an extremely clear burning sensation.

According to the consultant's understanding of the human body, if you continue to be in this environment, it will cause inhalation damage to the respiratory system. The mucous membranes of the trachea and bronchi will be congested and blistered, which may cause pulmonary edema and insufficient oxygen intake, resulting in a drop in blood pressure and reduced thinking ability, which will also reduce one's ability to cast spells.

And there is a distinct smell of sulfur in the air - if there is sulfur in the hot air, it will cause greater damage to the mucous membranes and lungs.

Therefore, even if there is a bishop nearby who can provide treatment to him at any time, the counselor does not dare to put himself in this dangerous state for a long time.

Once a battle suddenly breaks out, he will not be able to resonate with the path of wisdom and cast spells without a clear mind, and will immediately lose his combat effectiveness.

The consultant did not dare to cast spells on a large scale because he was worried that he would attract the patrolling Balrog Knights. He could only put his hand in front of his mouth and nose, and use water-based magic to form a purification circle in his palm. In this way, the air was filtered and cooled.

The disadvantage of this is that it will continue to lose mana. Although the magnitude is not large, it is unlikely to last for long.

"Look for it quickly," the consultant's low voice could hear some anxiety, "If you can't find it, let's go out first."

"Mr. Hermes, if you can't stay here, you can hide outside."

Aiwass reminded him kindly.

The consultant immediately shut up.


——It’s being beaten outside!

The colossus and the griffin fought, the knight fought against the demonologist, and the dead corpses turned into undead and got up again. He was lucky to be able to get close to them without being noticed by them. He didn't want to get close to him to cause trouble and see if they could see through his invisibility.

Even if he wasn't discovered, he couldn't stand being suddenly scanned by the Colossus!

Thinking is fire and it needs intelligence as fuel.

No matter how smart you are, you can't forcefully analyze something out of nothingness. In more cases, the reason why smart people are smart is because they are sharp enough to get more information - and "sharpness" is not a characteristic of the path of wisdom, it is the talent of adapting to the path. .

Now that the information at hand of the consultant is blank, he can only raise his own perspective and analyze it from a higher level - that is, from a perspective outside the promotion ceremony.

According to the consultant's experience, these promotion rituals designed by the Pillar God are not as random and traceless as reality. The essence of the promotion ceremony is a simulation, and regarding the future promotion ceremony, it means that he must particularly want to see something or pass on a certain secret, otherwise there is no need to do it so carefully... It can also be used to pull a random paragraph from history Come for promotion.

If we analyze it from this perspective, we can at least make some speculations. That is to say, it is assumed that "the design and arrangements of the Lord of Scales and Feathers must be meaningful", and then infer what kind of plot he will set up.

Although the time was skipped for two days, the promotion ceremony must have an internal logic that could push them forward even if they had no clue.

Moreover, the promotion ceremony must have a main shot, which is the plot that the Pillar God who designed this dream wanted to see. Just like when a reporter is interviewing, he will always focus on a certain person.

There are six people left now, half of them on their side alone. That means escorting the princess to the Theocracy can only be considered one-half of the mission, and the "Aiwass" the princess is looking for is another mission line.

As long as Aiwass is indeed the aboriginal person in the promotion ceremony, then everything will be clear: since Aiwass is the only aboriginal person among their group, it means that the current "plot aura" must be on him of.

If you just follow Aiwass, you will only encounter expected tests and dangers. It may be difficult and may even be life-threatening, but you will definitely have a chance to solve it, and you will not die from an inexplicable accident.

But if you stay away from him, you may die in an unknown corner.

——So even if it’s a hard bargain, the consultant doesn’t want to leave. Even if he was shameless, at least he would not be exposed and he would definitely follow Aiwass.

This way he can at least survive until the final battle...and then let each of them work on their own merits.

The premise is that Aiwass is a native and not a promoted person. Otherwise, these inferences of his are all wrong. Because of this, after being reminded by Putao that "Aiwass and Isabel might have seen through the possibility that he was pretending to sleep and acting," he became slightly suspicious.

But now he thought about it carefully, whether Aiwass and Isabel were acting or not had nothing to do with whether they were promoted. Even if they are promoted, where did they get the information about "Shadow of Avalon"?

The last part of Putao's personal mission is to "assist in completing a ritual to end Star Antimony's invasion", and this information is consistent with the "Shadow of Avalon".

So he remained silent and followed Aiwass into the queen's bedroom where they left before.

It is now almost completely destroyed - it was the chamber where the Balrog was hatched and where General Karl fought his final battle when he died.

Fortunately, the body of the Balrog was not here... but Aiwass's careless behavior also scared the consultant's heart.

This time Aiwass searched carefully and found that the short knife was indeed not here.

"Could it have been destroyed during the battle?"

Olive raises a possibility.

Aiwass shook his head: "It's impossible. The Balrog doesn't have the power to destroy the sacred weapon... If it was so easy to destroy, the red-handled sword wouldn't have to be sealed."

"I'm going to use prayer to find out. It might disturb the Balrog, but it's hard to tell..."

Aiwass reminded: "You are ready for battle."

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