Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 492 I have seen through the Lord of Scales and Feathers

Chapter 493 I have seen through the Lord of Scales and Feathers

The elf named "Doctor" has also been silent... there is a high probability that there is no need to look for him.

Three people have now been eliminated. If the stranger was okay, the doctor must be dead.

Without Adapters to conduct searches or prophecies, they can only use prayers or rituals to find objects.

As an old ritual master, Olive is proficient in various alternative rituals. Even if you don't use ritual circles, you can still use some simple rituals.

He took out his pocket watch, took out a bottle of woodpecker blood from the ritual bag, and smeared it on his face. Then he put on a white mask with no eyes or mouth, and put a rope around his neck as a noose.

"Lord of Hangings, Mother of Threads! Sixty-seven Illusions, I offer the blood of the woodpecker!"

Olive stirred up her magic power, prayed loudly, and chanted the name of a certain divine being: "Please look over this place with endless mist and answer my questions!"

Aiwass knew that these were the other two aliases of Hui Tiansi.

It is said that Gray Tiansi has sixty-seven images, but this statement is also a lie. At least Hui Tiansi, who was pulled into the material world by the Ring of Endings ritual, looked like a big gray spider. There was a beautiful woman lying on the back of the spider, as if she had been kidnapped by the spider and Like riding a spider.

Just like the spider-tailed viper, the snake's tail is a lifelike spider. When birds see a spider and want to prey on it, they will be bitten by a venomous snake.

The first stage of Hui Tiansi is a woman, the second stage is a woman riding a spider, and the third stage is a giant spider. It looks like he is no longer acting. But in fact, neither the woman nor the spider is the real Hui Tiansi. The body of Hui Tiansi is actually the gray mist connecting them.

In the previous mechanism, Hui Tiansi will continue to split some mist pellets on time. If not knocked down, it will explode and be greatly slowed down, so the player will turn to the fire ball. In the last stage of residual health, a large number of small balls will be split, and at this time many players will think, "Kill the main body quickly, forget about these balls, it will be too late to clean them anyway."

But if the spider is really killed at this time, the group destruction mechanism will be triggered instead. Because the previous mechanism will hint many times, the health bar given by the spider is actually fake. It will lose blood at a constant speed as long as it is fighting. Its real health bar is actually the count value of the mist balls that have been knocked out. .

That's why its early mechanics seem so simple and boring... Only players who are particularly sensitive to data and who stop unexpectedly will feel that the speed of the health bar dropping is wrong.

At this time, you have to go back and hit those small balls. Only by knocking out a certain number within a limited time can the mechanism be triggered and face the true form of Hui Tiansi.

——This is Hui Tiansi.

The Tiansi who is neither true nor false, the Tiansi who is silent and speechless. It is the realm of lies that He controls...things that are neither black nor white, words that are neither evil nor good. No matter what question is asked of it, as long as it is willing to answer, it will tell a lie - which is also the truth from another perspective.

Olive tied the noose to the end of the pocket watch, then swung the pocket watch like a meteor hammer and threw it away.

The pocket watch went directly through the beam and was hammered to the other end. It seemed to become extremely heavy, lifting the olive directly.

"Please...give me lies!"

Olive struggled to hold the hanging rope with both hands to prevent herself from actually being hanged. The old ritualist blushed and said stumblingly: "The thing Aiwass is looking nearby - yes or no!"

Hearing this, he suddenly winked at Aiwass.

Aiwass understood what he meant, and fired a spark from his right hand, burning the rope.

The olive and the pocket watch fell to the ground at the same time. The pocket watch rolled on the ground, reverse side up.

It means "no".

"Hui Tiansi says 'no', that means 'yes'! Very good..."

Aiwass made his goal clear and began to arrange a prayer ceremony: "Get ready, you may have to rush in soon."

...rush quickly?

Putao was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what it meant.

The consultant and Olive's expressions changed, and they had roughly guessed what Aiwass was going to do.

Based on the surrounding environment, Aiwass chose to pray to Yantiansi: "I respectfully pray to Yantiansi!

"Tiansi of scorching iron and burning steel, Tiansi of crucibles and furnaces!

“Give me the fire of life—like a snake spreading, like a butterfly dancing, like a dog searching!”

A steady stream of light and fire attribute mana gathered in Aiwass's hands.

I saw flames constantly pulling away from Aiwass in the surrounding houses. The heat gathered together and turned into a white-gold fireball. It was so bright that the surrounding walls seemed to darken.

Under Aiwass's prayer, it gradually took on a body and expanded rapidly.

It soon became as tall as an adult's thigh, like a cheetah.

——That is a monster similar to a "manticore". Its butterfly wings spread out like sparks, and its tail swings from side to side like a burning snake.

Under Aiwass's prayer, the elemental creatures in Yantiansi's domain were summoned by Aiwass.

This is a third-level prayer technique that summons secondary elemental creatures. Monsters called flame-tailed beasts usually only live in volcanoes in the material world.

The summoned elemental creatures are only relatively weak in the second energy level, and can only exist for ten minutes. The only advantage is that it is burning with fire and has high intelligence.

And Aiwass summoned it now because it has the ability of "treasure smell". And the most important thing is its special ability, "Fire Vision" - its contact with fire is like a shark contacting sea water. When it comes into contact with fire, the entire surrounding flame is regarded as an extension of it.

"Help me find a dagger. It should be nearby. Its characteristics are..."

Aiwass lowered his head and explained to it.

Soon, the flame-tailed beast nodded. Indicate that you have fully understood.

It jumped in and jumped into the flames in the corner.

After only two or three seconds, it jumped out and ran out quickly.

Aiwass followed directly without hesitation. The other three followed closely behind Aiwass.

Grape is the slowest among them, even slower than "Sherlock" - Mycroft's bulky body makes it extremely difficult to run in this environment.

But she couldn't run away - she was shocked to find that the knights and servants who seemed to be blind at first seemed to be aware of their existence and gathered from all directions. Even the entire palace seemed to have come to life, and the surrounding walls began to burst into flames again... The cracks in the walls were breathing fire rhythmically, and one had to avoid the flames at a fixed rhythm in order to escape without being burned.

"How is this going--"

"The flames in this area belong to an owner!"

Sherlock gasped for air and said loudly: "The Balrog has sensed us!"

Now that it was exposed, he no longer had to conserve mana. So Sherlock directly used the spell "Curtain of Purifying Water" to surround himself. For a moment, it looked like smoke, and a cloud of white air enveloped him, making it impossible to see the people inside clearly.

But even so, running seems a little difficult for him - especially Aiwass runs too fast. Aiwass, who has extremely high resistance to flames and high temperatures, is not afraid of fire at all. He followed closely behind the flame-tailed beast, completely ignoring the fire. But the three of them couldn't completely ignore it, they had to wait.

The consultant ran wildly, panting heavily, but was stopped by the flames.

He looked back at the approaching knights and couldn't help cursing in his heart:

——You should fucking wait for me!

...But he thought about it, and there was no point in telling the aborigines at the ceremony about it anyway. Aiwass ran so fast, this must be a test for the Lord of Scales and Feathers. He has to keep up!

As a result, Sherlock ran all the way and found himself in despair, stopping at a very familiar place.

The underground ceremony room.

It was the place where I was first rescued.

Why didn't I see that there was something else to get here? !

"Detective, open the door!"

Aiwass turned around and saw him coming, so he shouted from a distance.

——Why are you running so fast when you can’t open the door!

The consultant gritted his teeth and thought.

Although he didn't have a staff at hand, he still chanted the spell in a low voice skillfully.

The combination of wind and earth attribute mana creates strange fluctuations. The moment they came together, the originally closed door was forced open by Sherlock directly using magic.


He rushed in right after Aiwass.

In addition to the three ceremony platforms, the underground ceremony room also has a large number of cabinets for storing ritual materials - nearly twenty cabinets, each with many drawers. Nothing can be seen from the outside.

The flame-tailed beast rushed directly to a certain place and stopped in front of a certain cabinet.

The consultant whipped up a strong wind as sharp as a knife and blew it towards the cabinet. These are "exposure projections" designed to destroy packages, and have a particularly strong effect on containers - they shatter all those cabinets in an instant, knocking out everything inside.

Aiwass immediately found the dagger he was looking for, rushed over and picked it up.

"Got it, retreat!"

"Maybe it's not... it's not easy to withdraw..."

Grape, the last one to rush in, said breathlessly.

After he entered, he immediately closed the door. As the earthy yellow light flashed, the "Preservation Technique" took effect, instantly strengthening the closed door.

The next moment, some tiny sparks flew from the crack in the door. They stood inside and heard an obvious vibration from the door.

Someone is attacking the door!

If Putao hadn't used protection skills to reinforce the door in an emergency, I'm afraid it would have been breached immediately!

"Those people outside are only at the fourth level at most, and they can't easily break through my preservation technique... But how are we going to get out now?"

Putao looked at the consultant nervously.

The consultant immediately glared at her.

Look what I'm doing!

——You are my brother now, my brother!

"Then...leave it to me."

Aiwass said softly and pulled out a red card from his fingertips.

"Leah, guide the flames!"

Feeling the terrifying heat and pressure in the air, the consultant was suddenly shaken.

——I knew that as long as I followed Aiwass, there would be no dead end!

I have completely seen through the arrangement of the Scale Feather Lord!

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