Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 588 Children’s Dreams and Nightmares

In the fairy kingdom, it seems to be a sacred and rare thing for mortals to meet the queen.

Because Aiwass just walked on the dreamy Rainbow Bridge, more and more fairies around him were visible to the naked eye.

They are all here to watch.

——Perhaps because "Grace" is an acquaintance of the goblins, the goblins who like the new and dislike the old gathered around Aiwass curiously. The first goblins lay on top of him, and the later ones flew at low altitude like scurrying puppies at his feet; the ones that came later could only surround Aiwass, following him like floating cannons. around him.

I don’t know when, but singing suddenly came from the front.

There was only a brief moment of confusion at first, and then it immediately became a harmonious chorus.

Various musical instruments appeared in the hands of the goblins. Although they all look small, their voices are loud; when they are gathered together, they become a roaring roar.

When the goblins gather together and start singing, the fairy-tale miracle is revealed——

At first, there was a magic carpet floating in the air, allowing Aiwass to sit down with his legs crossed instead of walking; then the magic carpet turned into a silver-white carriage, and two unicorns pulling the carriage appeared in front of it. .

Then, at a speed visible to the naked eye, the car gradually became more gorgeous - from one layer to two layers, and then to three layers. In the end, it simply turned into a huge cake tower, and Aiwass was sitting on the top of the cake tower, like a fruit-like decoration. In addition to the two unicorns pulling the cart in front, there were also a lot of white doves.

In front of Aiwass, an ancient piano appeared out of nowhere. The piano was simply alive—it also had little fairy-like wings, hovering in front of Aiwass. Apparently a certain goblin himself became like this.

He touched the keys with some nostalgia, a look of sadness flowing in his eyes.

Soon, Aiwass was hitting the keys.

It was a rather raw piano sound, but it contained extremely rich emotions. Soon, Aiwass became proficient again.

Grace, who was behind, looked at Aiwass in shock.

...Does the Archbishop do this?

The fairies around him also cooperated with Aiwass. Soon the joyous chorus turned into a symphony. It's not a very difficult piece, but it has a humorous fantasy feel.

Against the backdrop of that "background music", the cake cart under Aiwass ran faster and faster. Grace in the back is no longer walking on the ground, but flying in the air. Even so, the large army was getting further and further away from her——

Soon the Rainbow Bridge passed the top and the other side could be seen from a distance.

It was an exaggeratedly huge palace.

The pure white spire-like palace is made of ice and snow if you look closely. It was still snowing in the sky, and the two rows of toy soldiers wearing red cotton-padded clothes at the door were shivering from the cold.

The end of the rainbow bridge was a high slope with a huge arc. The cake cart Aiwass was on was thrown directly into the air along with the fairies - the fairies that didn't fly high enough were shot straight away. , falling in circles. Only the fairies on Aiwass can scream and spin with Aiwass.

What is very inconsistent with the principles of physics is that when the cake cart under Aiwass began to rotate, the huge, towering cake tower did not disintegrate or shake Aiwass down. They were like bones flying in the air and spinning at high speed, making a whining sound like a boomerang.

At this time, a carpet made of blue ice suddenly spread out from inside the ice and snow palace.

But the ice carpet was not laid on the ground. Instead, it went around in circles like a roller coaster. Finally, when it spread under Aiwass, he cut off the tall cake cart!

Only a small portion of the tower-shaped cake sitting under Aiwass, about one meter high, became a trolley. Aiwass was driving at high speed like a kid sitting in a supermarket trolley, quickly turning around and around the ice roller coaster. During this process, the fairies shivering with cold still persisted in playing music and provided background music for Aiwass.

Aiwass had no choice but to continue playing the piano.

But in the process, most of the fairies in him were also removed - every time a fairy was lost, the ensemble lost one voice. In the end, only the little fairy Nilim got into Aiwass's sweater and hugged Aiwass's collar tightly to avoid being thrown off.

Of course, maybe it was just because she was doing nothing while the other goblins were trying to play their instruments.

And in the end, only Aiwass' solo remained.

But even in the wind and snow, the sound of the piano easily penetrated the sky.

As the cake cart slid at high speed on the ice carpet, all the doors of the ice and snow palace opened one after another upon hearing the music. The toy soldiers in red cotton coats guarding both sides of the gate raised their heads uniformly and saluted Aiwass with their chests raised.

They seemed to be less than half a meter tall, and the thick cotton-padded clothes were all made of wood visible to the naked eye. But it was shivering with cold and looked like a living creature.

——Although this scene seems quite fairy tale and interesting, Aiwass knows that these simple-looking toy soldiers are actually very terrifying phantoms, on the same level as succubi and punishment demons.

And they have all survived for a long, long time. If any one of them comes to the material world, the lowest level is the sixth energy level. And depending on the "atmosphere", there can be various superpositions of outrageous BUFFs.

Thinking of this, the scene in front of him immediately became terrifying - at least thirty or forty terrifying phantoms above the sixth level, surrounded Aiwass. And as Aiwass continues to penetrate deeper, their number continues to increase.

In fact, they are all apostles of the Fairy Queen.

The Fairy Queen belongs to the Tiansi level in terms of status. But the reason why it is not called "Fairy Tiansi" according to the rules is because the identity of "Fairy Queen" can be inherited on its own initiative - Titania is not the first Fairy Queen, nor will she be the last.

Although most goblins do not live past the age of twenty, any goblin has the potential to become the Goblin Queen. And this is a very natural group rule: the fairy queen creates new fairies, and if the fairy queen feels that life is boring, she can resign herself. And then one of the goblins will mature and become a new goblin king or goblin queen.

There are no clear promotion rules, nor clear responsibilities and tenure.

Everything is the same as the rules of the path of beauty, vague and arbitrary.

Titania is a very fickle fairy queen, and the "decoration style" of her fairy palace will change frequently. Each time you switch to a different style, they become the creation of the corresponding style.

The Fairy Kingdom does not have a specific style. In other words, for every child who is invited to the Fairy Kingdom, where the Fairy Queen will live in their fantasy may become what the child fantasizes about.

No matter what the Fairy Kingdom becomes, the actors in these "moving things" are actually the same people.

If it's a Kasuga Manor, they'll become handsome maids and valets; if it's a candy house style, they'll become candy soldiers; if it's a horror theme, then they'll be floating ghost servants or haunted tea sets.

The ice and snow palace in front of you is actually a crystal ball - if you walk from outside the Rainbow Bridge, you will find that the place where the Fairy Queen is is wrapped in a huge crystal ball, so this is actually a toy theme. So they actually act as wooden toy soldiers.

Aiwass was particularly impressed by them—because they even had memories. In the later stage, there is a fairy copy, and there is a candy soldier in it who will say to the players "Hey, why are you here again" when meeting the players.

These "toy soldiers" are extensions of the Fairy Queen's authority. They all have true and pure souls. They are considered followers of the Fairy Queen during their lifetime and her apostles after death.

Some of them are fanatical followers - or lickers - who fell in love with the Fairy Queen because of her shocking and mind-destroying beauty. Of course, their pursuit is destined to be fruitless... because goblins do not need both sexes to reproduce. In a sense, they are a kind of plant and rely on flowers and fruits to reproduce.

Others are tired of the intrigues, hardships and pains of the real world, and would rather devote themselves to this eternally beautiful fairy tale world. These people are people with pure souls, so they can play with goblins.

For these people, this may also be regarded as a "beautiful afterlife" - no hunger, no pain, no death. You only need to obey the Fairy Queen's orders and play different roles every week with a group of big friends with the same pure hearts to make the Queen, fairies and children happy, and you can live happily like this forever.

The only regret is that I don’t have any vacation or personal time. And they can't leave the fairy kingdom... because the fairy queen is also very good to them and gives them a lot of power; this also makes them actually very scary inside.

Although these soldiers themselves do not have the magical ability of goblins to have their wishes come true, because they are actually the "imagination" of the goblin queen, the intensity of this illusion is very high - it is not that the illusion is so strong that it cannot be dispelled. On the contrary, illusions have no protection and will shatter as soon as they are dispelled.

But if you don't see through the illusion, their attacks will be very clumsy and funny, like elite soldiers wearing doll costumes pretending to fight in slow motion. Once they try to remove the illusion, they will be deformed into strange and abstract horror creations. Their attacks will become extremely fast and violent, and they will have abilities that are completely different from the painting style. They can be destroyed on the spot.

There is a feeling of "Didn't you notice that the assassin sneaked in? His stealth was so bad" and "We found it, so let's keep quiet and pretend we didn't see it."

And precisely because of this troublesome mechanism, the various states attached to them can only be released by completing the corresponding mechanism - which is not difficult, but it emphasizes collaboration. Although the dungeon itself is indeed joyful and interesting...but it is usually a case of playing voice games with people you know.

Considering that from time to time, teammates who lack intelligence, are too lazy to think, or do not understand the mechanism will come in and drag others along with them to destroy the team, the matching environment of the fairy dungeon will become like a disaster movie.

At this time, the phrase "Hey, why are you here again" heard every time it was restarted was quite lethal.

And these creations are actually part of the fairy tale.

-They are actually "a child's nightmare".

Nightmares are actually part of fairy tales.

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