Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 630 The dim yellow meteor

The howling storm approached the earth, and the torrential rain crashed to the ground.

The sound of big drops of rain accompanied by the howling storm like a ghost fell into the forest that was much sparser than decades ago.

The leaves were knocked off, the branches were broken, and the raindrops hit the face, as heavy as being punched.

The knights in the camp rolled and crawled to put on their helmets. The rain fell on the armor and helmets, making a chaotic and violent sonata like a madman beating a drum.

At this time.

The "bloody moon" that looked like a bloody eyeball and a beating heart suddenly fell down.

—— Like a comet, it hit the earth!

The blood moon, which originally looked small, became larger and larger at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What is that?"

A knight screamed: "The moon... the moon fell!"

"That's not the moon!"

Merlin said reflexively: "That's the 'tyrant' Caligula!"

In the blink of an eye, it filled the entire night sky.

It was a blood moon with a diameter of more than two kilometers. As it fell, it also dispersed the dark clouds. Lightning crackled on the "huge heart", leaving a large area of ​​frost and lightning. The rainstorm became more and more violent as it approached. In the end, it could not be considered rain, but "splashing water" in large pieces. Then, the earth began to tremble. Under the pressure of the approaching "meteorite", the ground, which had quickly accumulated a layer of rainwater in the rainstorm, began to ripple bigger and bigger. The restless whistling of the rain actually formed waves in the forest, surging outward in circles. The wind became stronger and stronger, and the trees began to shake violently back and forth, and the creaking sound of wood breaking was endless. When the scarlet light almost covered the entire night sky, even the rainstorm subsided a lot - because it had directly smashed the dark clouds that had just condensed! The heart of flesh and blood above the night sky is now beating rhythmically. As it gradually emerged from the dark clouds, the countless visible lightning formed a large net on the "heart surface".

"The moon! The moon fell!"

"How could it be so big..."

"Are we going to die..."

Looking at the blood moon comet that almost covered the entire night sky, some young knights felt desperate.

And Aiwass also felt some pressure when he saw this scene.

... Can I really do it?

Punch through a meteorite of this degree...

Using the body of the King of the Wild Hunt for the first time, Aiwass had no idea what he could do.

But when the scene that seemed like the end of the world came, Aiwass calmed down instead.

——The strong sense of tranquility made Aiwass feel that time seemed to be slowing down infinitely. The clicking sound of the clock hands appeared in his ears, and the clicking sound became slower and slower, and finally made the whole world in his eyes fall into a slow and almost static dim yellow.

The blood moon falling in the night sky seemed to be condensed by the dim yellow ice.

I can.

——Strong confidence emerged from Aiwas's heart.

I can smash it!

Just fly up——

Under Aiwas's will, the ghost horse that was in tune with his mind neighed silently and raised its head.

Then, in the empty world of dusk, it launched a charge that belonged only to the dead!

——【Dead Charge】!

Every time the ghost horse's hooves landed in the void, it was like landing on a thin piece of ice.

Just like pieces of clean ice hidden in the dim whiskey, their existence can only be felt when they are touched and shaken.

And as the ghost horse charged, a long ladder to the sky appeared behind it——like a knight floating on the water with light skills, stirring up ripples when he quickly passed through the water. It's just that those ripples were splashing in the air, in the atmosphere of heavy rain, and then condensed into ice flowers by the power of dusk.

The charge was getting faster and faster, and Aiwas tried his best to lower his body. The dim yellow armor on his body became brighter and brighter.

The tip of the lance in his hand also ignited a flame.

It was a slightly burning red glow in the dim yellow, like a spray gun and a rocket.

Under Aiwas's gradually accelerated charge, the flesh-and-blood meteorite that seemed to be solidified in ice became so close to him——

As Aiwas turned to hold the lance with both hands and clamped it under his armpit, the flame at the tip of the lance burst out again, bursting out more dazzling fireworks!

Closer, closer!

And the knights could only see that the dim yellow knight in the endless night rose from the ground and charged towards the meteorite!

When the tip of the lance touched the meteorite.

The next moment, the dim yellow meteor flying in reverse sank directly into the blood moon!

——Time seemed to freeze here.

And if you look at this scene from the side and from a distance.

You can see that the huge flesh-and-blood moon has a crack inside that is as tortuous as lightning and full of broken ice.

There was only one point at the end of the immersion, but it was spreading like a spiral inside!

When Aiwas rushed out from the other end, the first thing he saw was the huge light gun in his hand, which was as bright as the sunset and as clear as crystal.

When he rushed out, countless frozen flesh and blood splashed out in a cone shape along with him!

The next moment, two huge white air waves, one large and one small, spread out from the entry and exit ends of the giant heart at the same time!

That was the explosion caused by the speed breaking the sound barrier!

Dense dark red cracks like spider webs seeped out from the inside and quickly covered the entire "heart".

——Then, it suddenly exploded!

The high-speed splashing flesh and blood flew in all directions like a hidden weapon. The knights opened the barrier in the blink of an eye and intercepted it all.

Those tree trunks hit by flesh and blood were immediately cursed. They turned black, withered, and lost their vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And in the air, a giant dressed in blood-red clothes appeared from the center of the flesh-blood moon.

He wore dark red armor, as if it was originally this color, and as if the leather armor was soaked in blood.

That was a completely different appearance from that of an ordinary giant - although his height of more than 20 meters was undoubtedly a giant among giants, his appearance could still be considered handsome.

He has a very masculine look, a resolute tough face, prominent muscles, and wheat-colored skin. But he also has blood-red waist-length hair, which makes him look strangely feminine from the outline.

At this moment, he was covering his broken left shoulder with a frown.

"... King of the Wild Hunt?"

Caligula murmured in a low voice: "How could it be..."

His left arm had already left his body and was flying in the air.

Dim yellow cracks appeared on his body and his arm flying in the air at the same time.

The remaining dragon fire in the air was dotted, leaving a clear trace in the air.

When Aiwass passed by at high speed, the hurricane caused by the stirring of the atmosphere was erupting at this moment!

At this time, Aiwass, who had already flown to the horizon, had already turned his head.

He held the spear with both hands and chopped it down quickly!

Accompanied by the dragon's roar, the huge golden-red flame forming the dragon's head fell from the sky!

——Dragon Flame Strike!

The Tyrant Caligula, who had not yet officially appeared and whose left arm had just been knocked off, frowned slightly, not afraid of Aiwas's attack.

Without even seeing him make any movement, his huge left arm that was separated from his body suddenly exploded into a ball of blood mist.

From the blood mist, a shield with eyes and an eye demon wearing metal armor emerged.

It flew in front of the Tyrant Caligula, opened all its tentacles, and condensed into a scarlet light shield---the flame of the dragon head fell on it and was blocked!

The dragon flame shattered.

It turned into a golden-red flame stream like molten iron, flowing down like a waterfall.

This flame stream formed a golden-red flame curtain, which briefly blocked the vision of the Tyrant Caligula.

Although it was only a brief moment.

But at the moment when the flame stream blocked Caligula's vision, Aiwas, holding a spear, had already killed a surprise attack, used the dead spirit charge again to freeze time, and attacked again silently!

Aiwas held the lance in one hand and pulled it back slightly to accumulate power.

Accompanied by the sound of the wind whistling like a dragon's roar, the lance was covered with a layer of azure lightning. And as the distance of the charge increased, it gradually stretched, forming a blue meteor of lightning.

Before the waterfall-like flames dissipated.

Aiwas's continuous attacks had already struck!

The tip of the lance shining with lightning "picked up" the curtain of molten fire, and a lance pierced Caligula's chest fiercely!

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