Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 631 Charge! charge! charge!

However, this time, his attack failed to penetrate directly through the opponent.

The scarlet armor protecting his body was so strong that the tip of Aiwass' spear couldn't even penetrate it at all!

——That should be an artifact from the highest heaven!

However, even if it cannot penetrate, the power is still there.

Aiwass flew downwards with the "Tyrant" in his arms, hitting the ground hard and causing a shower of water.

After the giant landed, Aiwass was held by the giant and then suddenly thrown away.

Then, he stretched out the remaining hand and pointed his palm at Aiwass.

The scarlet savage array leached out from his palm and turned into an array of light suspended in the air.

While Aiwass was spinning in the air, like fierce artillery fire, the scarlet light ball made a huge noise, flew out with a bang, and landed on Aiwass who couldn't avoid it!

One shot, two shots, three shots!

It was a scarlet light ball that was elongated while flying at high speed. It has strong impact and explosive power, and contains an explosive curse - a curse that can be effective even on inanimate things.

If this blow hits the city wall, no matter how thick the city wall is, it will be shattered. Scarlet cracks will spread like spider webs, corroding the remaining parts.

Even the body of the King of the Wild Hunt would not be able to bear the attack of this thing easily.

If it weren't for the spear in his hand that strengthened Aiwass's defense, I'm afraid Aiwass would have suffered heavy damage after these three shots!

But fortunately, the defense of the King of Wild Hunt is much higher than Aiwass expected.

These three cannons exploded into ever-increasing crimson fireworks in the air, but they only made Aiwass a little embarrassed. The dim yellow armor on his body was not broken, not even cracked.

And just then.

The knights shouted and rushed into the battlefield!

Aiwass was in a daze, thinking that they were here to deliver food. But he soon realized that the battle of these knights was no small matter.

Their battles are extremely utilitarian and orderly, and they look like professional players - they carry just the right buffs and blessings, and enter the battle at the most appropriate time. Some help, some attack, some heal, and some hinder.

Without command and relying only on tacit understanding, these Knights of the Round Table, composed of a large number of fifth-level people and a small number of fourth-level people, actually fought against the apostle "Tyrant" who was shot down by Aiwass in a short period of time. “Caligula fought back and forth!

"...Is it a trap?"

Soon Caligula became serious.

He murmured under his breath.

Under the gazes of the knights, who were either horrified, disgusted or bewildered, Caligula's remaining three limbs suddenly separated from his body on their own.

His two legs turned into two huge scarlet hounds - one was majestic and powerful, like a giant bear; the other was slender and agile, as lean as an alien. The remaining arm turned into a "winged sword", flying freely at extremely high speeds!

——This is the power of the path of love!

"Tyrant" Caligula, in addition to the path of power, also has a very strong power of the path of love.

He looks like a moon child transformed by a giant - although he does not have any abilities that the moon child is good at, he cannot be regarded as a pure giant.

Counting the previous "shield with eyes", Caligula suddenly split into five!

The pressure on the Knights increased sharply, and the formation was pulled to the verge of collapse by the "Winged Sword" in just a few rounds.

There is a magic circle hanging on each of his limbs, and the other magic circle is in front of his forehead.

His eyes turned scarlet, and then two lasers shot out!

The laser swept through the bodies of the three knights in the blink of an eye, dividing them into two parts.

But at this moment, Guinevere suddenly burst out with a burst of divine brilliance - countless flying light needles flew out of her cuffs, and forcibly stitched the broken body back together instantly.

Merlin, on the other hand, paused heavily with his staff, and the previously arranged protective ritual was activated. A hemispherical light shield emerged and caught the scarlet laser.

But it only took a moment before it immediately sent out huge and increasingly larger fluctuations.

"...Is it still too much?"

Merlin gritted his teeth and his pupils turned into a blank blue.

Electric runes emerged from under his skin piece by piece, and the blood vessels on his forehead and temples swelled and protruded.

In super-intelligent mode, he analyzed Caligula's attack pattern through the attacked ritual array and constantly adjusted the structure.

Seeing that the ritual circle gradually became stable, the fluctuations were slowing down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But at this moment, the winged sword struck quickly from nowhere, and with one blow, the barrier was filled with cracks!

Merlin's eyes were suddenly bloodshot and burst, and a bloody tear slowly flowed from the angle between his left eye and the bridge of his nose.

But the moment the barrier suddenly collapsed.

Aiwass has already wrapped up the thunder and charges again!

His charge was blocked by the shield - but not completely.

Aiwass's attack did not damage the shield at all, but the eyed shield was completely unable to stop Aiwass's charge.

So Aiwass directly used his shield and crashed into Caligula, who had only his body and head left!

Caligula had to look at Aiwass.

The laser was blocked by Aiwass with his "Eyed Shield", and he charged all the way.

At this moment, Caligula had to stop firing the laser.

He opened his mouth and released the most famous ability of "Tyrant"——


As the dark red ripples spread, the movements of the knights were frozen one by one. Their bodies were covered with a layer of red light, as if they had turned into red stone statues. Even Aiwass's now dim yellow armor was covered with a layer of dim blood red, making his movements stiff.

This is exactly what the "Law Order Spell" originally looked like.

【Law】Based on the law that the other party has violated. The tyrant Caligula's words and spirit came from the tyrant's personal opinions - arbitrarily changing other people's will and controlling other people's behavior without any reason!

This is why tyrants are called “tyrants”!

For the weak, the spirit of speech is an absolute control that cannot be released.

——The word spirit from the top apostle, once it takes effect, no one can remove it in a short time! Even if he is at the sixth energy level in the material world, Aiwass still has to withstand the control of the voice and spirit from the "tyrant"!

But at this moment.


Arthur, who had been watching and not joining the battlefield, suddenly spoke.

There was no fluctuation in path ability, but the red light curtain suddenly disappeared without a trace.


Caligula was shocked.

But at this moment, Aiwass came over with a thunderous body!

The armor on his body was indestructible, and the shield his arms turned into was indestructible - so Aiwass hit them directly, knocking them away far away!

And when the distance from the main body was far enough, the reaction of the hound, which was originally crazy about attacking the controlled knights, began to become slower.

Because of this, they have tiny flaws.

Lancelot saw the right moment, roared and struck down with his sword, and then cut off the head of one of the hounds!

Gawain, on the other hand, was holding a giant sword that was as bright as the sun and chanted the name of Si Zhu loudly.

At his side were two young knights with the morning and evening glory of the Pope's Guards. In response to their response, light continued to flow from their bodies into Gawain's body, making Gawain even more dazzling.

Merlin didn't even bother to wipe the blood that had dripped into his mouth.

More and more runes appeared on his body. He was chanting something quickly, and more runes continued to appear on the earth and in the air. The broken barrier began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new runes began to take shape on the ground. The golden shadow is embedded in Gawain's body, allowing him to fight head-on with the winged sword!

And at this moment, Aiwass suddenly rushed back from a distance with thunder and light!

So far, every charge Aiwass has launched has either smashed something, severely damaged something, or torn apart the opponent's formation...

——This is Aiwass’s fourth charge!

The lance in his hand changed its appearance at some point.

It was a halberd that danced with thunderous brilliance——

Merlin could see at a glance that it was the natural weapon of the Punishment Demon!

I saw Aiwass wrapped in a thunderous light, bending back from a distance like a bolt of lightning.

——Peer through the most difficult bear-like giant dog with one shot!

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