Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 637 The Supreme Heaven is invincible

Chapter 637 The Supreme Heaven is invincible!

He comforted the giants, and his strong leadership made the giant priests feel at ease immediately.

Among the giants who were generally stooped and slurred in speech, he was the only one with a straight back and clear speech.

Even if they just look at their backs and are of the same height, people can often tell the difference between giants and other races immediately.

But Giant King El Nino is different——

If you only looked at his back, you might even recognize him as a heroic monarch or a human general!

Although his face is closer to that of a beast than a human; even though he has fangs and his face is extremely ugly...

But there is a strong self-confidence that comes from authority. Compared to other giants, he is closer to humans.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

This giant king is different from the giant kings of the past generations.

When he was a child, he often liked to chat with the humans shepherded in the royal city. He became proficient in human language even earlier than he became proficient in giant language - the first song he sang was taught to him by his human friends. .

When he was a giant boy, he wasn't that tall. It is only over two meters tall, has no hair on its body, and does not look ferocious in appearance. He looks like a tall and honest young man.

A captured old human man knew that he was a giant prince, so he told him human stories and taught him human principles. I hope it can give him a kind and righteous heart. With luck, maybe we can change the giants starting from this generation.

He almost succeeded.

But perhaps because he has been with humans for too long, or perhaps because he has learned too much about human culture... El Niño's aesthetics was distorted as a boy.

The first girl he fell in love with in his life was a human woman. They soon had a child.

Half-blood giants were allowed to exist under other circumstances, but the royal family was different. Not to mention that El Niño was too young at the time, not even an adult yet - the giant royal family in adulthood must be four or five meters tall, but he was less than two meters tall at the time.

This incident quickly spread throughout the Giant Kingdom and alarmed the Giant Royal Family.

El Niño goes to learn about human culture, which actually doesn't matter to the giants. As long as you don't neglect physical exercise and martial arts learning, this is just a personal hobby... As a royal family, you still have this kind of freedom. After all, giants are free.

But a giant falls in love with a human, this is taboo!

It's like humans falling in love with golden crispy chicken.

His father immediately stewed his teacher with the girl, and his newborn child - even a giant was on the diet of a giant, let alone a half-giant.

When El Niño ate the pot obediently, his father successfully taught him not to play with food.

In the end, El Nino disappointed his teacher - even though he understood human culture, El Nino still did not become kind and upright, but instead contracted the bad habits of human beings.

The greed for desire, the understanding of power, the coveting of fame, the desire for vanity... and most importantly, the realization of the transcendent path.

Changes to the rules -

In a sense, his teacher succeeded.

He failed to make El Niño a benevolent king and teach the giants to become a normal race... but taught him the bad habits of humans, so that he became the giant king who was least like a giant.

However, it wasn't until he became the Giant King that he came into contact with the truth.

El Nino finally understood what happened to his lost childhood love.

It’s not the seemingly normal reason why giants prohibit intermarriage with humans——

...In fact, the ancestors of giants are actually elves.

Supreme Sky himself was born as a harpy, but he personally prefers elves from an aesthetic point of view. After becoming a god, he used his great power to capture a large number of elven women to reproduce for himself.

According to the rules of the source river of the path of love, gods and mortals cannot have offspring, otherwise they will commit the "unforgivable sin" - that is, the sin of heaven. The deformity, hugeness and fury of the giant clan is because they are a clan of heavenly evil. This huge divine power caused all the mothers of the first generation of giants to die during childbirth... Therefore, the giants are a truly "motherless" race, and their first and only father is the Supreme Heaven.

Later, part of the giants' bloodline was diluted. The other part's bloodline became thicker.

In modern times, giants have actually become two completely different races: "royal" and "ordinary giants". The royal family still has red bear fur on their bodies, while the blood of ordinary giants has been diluted to the point where their skin is as white as a boulder. If they continue to interbreed with humans, they will become ordinary people in up to three generations.

That's because the sin in the blood has been diluted to the point where it will not manifest. And the giants don't know where they came from.

The reason why his children were cooked was because if the giant royal family had offspring with humans, elves, or any other race...the offspring would become ordinary giants. Only when the giant royal family and other royal families give birth to offspring will the offspring become royal giants.

——This is the secret of the giant’s royal bloodline!

Therefore, El Niño’s children cannot be left behind.

It is precisely because the "giant royal family" is actually just a created concept - they do not have any special abilities, nor are they sent by the Supreme Heaven to rule other giants.

Rather, it's the opposite...their sin is greater, and their racial identity is nothing more than a curse from the path of love. Royal giants are more powerful than other giants simply because they train longer, while other giants are lazier.

They became a royal family simply because they were a minority.

——So ridiculous.

Because of this, El Nino realizes... that the giant's tradition is actually meaningless.

The "Clan of Power" has been full of deception, vanity and trickery from the very beginning. In fact, they are essentially no different from the humans they despise.

The giant's self-righteous barbaric tradition was ridiculed by the supreme heaven.

Even though the Supreme Heaven dotes on his people and protects them from foreign enemies, he still looks down on them equally like a superior patriarch.

He only regards these man-eating giants as unintelligent beasts - for the Supreme Heaven, cunning is a tool of power, and power is a protective shield of strength. Brutal force without reason is Man Tiansi's understanding of the source of violence; beast-like gluttony is even the domain of the beast master.

When El Niño understood this, he completely dropped the pretense.

——In this case, he might as well do it more thoroughly!

Because of this, El Nino has become the most unscrupulous giant king. With the wisdom and cunning of humans, the arrogance and unreasonableness of giants... coupled with his suddenly atavistic aesthetics, he has become the "youngest son" most admired and favored by the Supreme Heaven.

The Supreme Heaven even promised El Niño that when he ascends to the dream world, he will become his apostle. He will reshape the other person's body and make him closer to perfection.

Even if he took away the wounded branch of the Wildfire Guardian, the Supreme Heaven did not criticize him.

Among those flattering priests, how could the clever and cunning El Niño please him more?

——That’s why.

When El Niño joins the fray, the sky suddenly opens.

According to El Niño…

The kingdom of giants has no need for guardians at all.

Because the guardian is not actually enough to protect the entire kingdom, the one who really protects the kingdom is actually the supreme deity. Those enemies who threatened the kingdom actually did not attack because they were afraid of the Supreme Heaven, not the name of "wildfire".

In this case, it’s better to simply omit the intermediate link—call the Supreme Heaven directly!

This is also the confidence of El Niño.

He's here.

The highest heaven is watching here.

"Wildfire" may eventually be defeated.

——But the Supreme Heaven is always invincible!

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