Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 638 The Beloved of the Path of Power

Facing Heleqin who was killing everyone but no one could stop him, the Giant King El Nino showed anger.

He raised the burning wounded branch in his hand, and then suddenly swung it down!

——In an instant.

A scorching breath like hell fire came from the void and instantly filled the entire battlefield!

It was like invisible hot wheels rolling on the ground, and the blood rain in the air was completely evaporated before it even came close to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, pieces of semi-arc knife marks like flame butterflies and feathers condensed in the air.

They block out the sun and cover the sky.

Looking up, it looks like countless stars.

All the knife marks were blazing red, so deep that they seemed to cut the space apart.

As El Niño cast his gaze towards Heleqin, the endless knife marks converged into one place and condensed into a long river.

They were flowing in the air, like a giant snake, wrapping around Aiwass!

The earth cracked, rocks shattered - any obstacle was shattered instantly in front of the knife mark.

However, when these knife marks passed over the skinless people, they did not cause any harm to them!

Because these "swords" are born from El Niño's anger and act according to El Niño's thoughts!

As fast as his mind imagined, they flew!

Seeing the Flame Blade Snake speeding towards him at an unreasonable speed, Origen's pupils, who were sitting behind Aiwass, suddenly tightened.


There is no doubt that that is a speed that is impossible for ordinary people to avoid!

El Nino just imagined the endless speed from the sword, and they came roaring!

It's as if a murderous thought suddenly occurs in a person's heart, and he wants this person to be cut into pieces and die - the moment such a thought appears, the attack has already reached the body! !

However, he failed to push Heleqin away - or rather, Heleqin caught him with his backhand.

Heleqin's body suddenly became insubstantial and disappeared the moment before the Flame Blade Snake struck him.

His body suddenly erupted into a large amount of shadows, turning into a dark storm.

——Undead Charge!

——Shadow Cloak!

When Heleqin disappeared into the air instantly, even the Giant King El Nino hesitated for a moment.

But he didn't hesitate for long.

He once again looked at the night demon in the sky with his murderous eyes.

The blade roared towards the Night Demon!

Night Demon's expression rarely became serious.

The wings behind her overlapped and formed a black shield in front of her, and at the same time, a black-red magic circle emerged under her body - the thick curse turned into an invisible barrier.

But even so, when the flaming blade snake rushed past, it directly knocked her away!

The barrier shattered, the black shield shattered, the dark wings behind the Night Demon instantly bent and shattered, and the blood-stained shadow feathers flew all over the sky...

However, Night Demon, who was knocked away, had a look of surprise on his face.

It's not that she was shocked that the damage was so high...

Rather, it's quite the opposite.

"...How could it be, so weak?"

Night Demon raised his head in disbelief.

That sword is so divinely glorious.

The giant held it in his hand as if he were holding a scorching sun. Even though we are far away... at least a few kilometers or more than ten kilometers away, we can still feel the monstrous heat wave.

The core concept of Night Demon is "dark night", so this kind of attack with the attributes of "sun", "light" and "fire" is inherently restrained against her.

Not to mention, this is an artifact given by the Supreme Heaven himself - she was once the eldest lady of the Herasl Empire, and she was also a child of the moon who was extremely afraid of the sun, so she must have some understanding of the injured branch.


...The current attack seems too fragile.

It was only slightly stronger than the one-shot jump attack of the Wildfire Giant Utgaloch with his axe - at least to the level where the Night Demon could safely fight for more than a dozen times without worrying about being killed suddenly.

It was even weak enough to make her suspect that it might be a trap.

——Perhaps this cunning giant king just wanted to make her take it lightly and then kill her with a fatal blow!

So the Night Demon fearfully built up his defense again, and entered into a fierce offensive and defensive battle with the slave sword controlled by El Niño.

Of course, it is said to be an offensive and defensive battle, but in fact it is just El Niño unilaterally suppressing the Night Devil.

But even so, controlling the sword that was so fast that it was invisible, El Nino saw the Night Demon being knocked away, and immediately launched a pursuit and attacked three times in a row. These three attacks became weaker each time, and the last two failed to even penetrate the Night Demon's defense.

And just then.

Behind the Giant King El Nino. On top of the clock tower in the royal city, a figure quietly emerged.

He was riding a black ghost Pegasus, with a purple ritual circle emerging from under him, and he was reciting something silently.

"Humph, I knew it!"

El Niño didn't even look back, and sneered: "Cunning elf!"

His previous pursuits of Night Demon were just a pretense - in fact, after Heleqin disappeared, he had been on tenterhooks, looking for traces of him.

——Just to be able to attack the opponent the moment he appears!

So El Niño immediately sent those slave swords to turn back as fast as possible and project towards the human figure!

At the same time, El Niño continues to condense new slave swords, and the moment they condense, they are projected in that direction!

Like countless red stars falling from the sky——

Not dozens, not hundreds, but thousands of meteor showers!

Each explosion caused by a meteor can blow up half a house, which is almost the range of four carriages gathered together.

Launching such an attack is effortless for El Niño.

The endless red lotus unfolded like a curtain of rain, and the ground rumbled and wailed.

——If Heleqin’s speed is too fast, then simply destroy the surrounding area!

The covering blow destroyed the surrounding area instantly - smoke and dust were everywhere, the ground rumbled and shook, and the giants living within the attack range were also affected, and they were cut into pieces in an instant.

El Niño looked at this shocking and magnificent scene with a cruel smile on his face.

This is why he must hold the wounded branch in his hand - even though Utgaloch can destroy almost all enemies with the wounded branch, he can also kill himself and overthrow the royal family effortlessly!

As long as Utgaloch holds the wounded branch in his hand, El Niño is not his king. Because he can kill everyone in the world with his own will, he can cut down giant trees and initiate a world-scale war with his own will.

Compared with the "Giant King", this is the real king of the world!

El Niño cannot tolerate holding such "imperfect power."

——After all, the "power" that truly protects the giant is the Supreme Heaven, and he is the one truly loved by the Supreme Heaven. Then the "power" held by El Niño is undoubtedly better than that of Utgaloch!

Of course, maybe...part of the reason comes from his jealousy.

He was just less than a hundred years younger than Utkaloch, and he missed all opportunities—missed wars, missed achievements, and missed powerful opponents. He also missed the "Blood of the Supreme Sky" that skipped the promotion ceremony and forcibly sent Utkaloch to the sixth level.

If I can't hold the power in my hands, then you might as well kill me directly and send me to ascend!

——In other words, as a priest, do you really dare to kill me? !

Under the coercion of El Niño, Utgaloch finally chose to give in and handed the injured branch to himself.

This made El Nino feel comfortable all over, and even gained recognition from the Tao, allowing him to start to improve again, the power that had stagnated since he entered the fifth energy level.

This shows that his judgment is correct!

Times have changed!

He was just forcibly sent to the sixth level based on his merit and talent. He didn't understand what power was at all.

Just relying on a "brute force" of the power of the road, that is not considered real "power" at all! It is impossible to become the king of the world just by relying on your own extraordinary power. Because an individual cannot defeat the collective... Just like a giant holding a wounded branch in his hand, he still remains fearful of the elves.

——Why are they afraid of elves? Is it because of fear of the Eternal Pope?

Aren't they afraid of the ancient inheritance of the elves, the large number of top inheritors, and the countless trump cards!

It is for this reason that the giants trained the Skinless Men.

This means that the giant actually understood it subconsciously - and he understood from the very beginning that one person is not as good as two people, and two people are not as good as a group of people!

The so-called power is the power to win! Conspiracy and deception, bloodline and power... No matter what it is, as long as it can be used to obtain the final victory and take away what you want to take away, these are all "powers"!

Since he embarked on this path, El Niño's power has been growing rapidly.

When he took away Utkaloch's wounded branch, he had just reached the fifth level. And how long has it been now? He is already halfway through the fifth energy level - who else in this world can have such speed!

This just shows that he is the beloved son of the Supreme Heaven——

He is a genius on the path of power!

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