Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 650 Selene: Mom!

"Lily, are you okay?"

Looking at Lily whose eyes were blank, Aiwass squatted beside her anxiously.

He first stretched out his left arm and put it under Lily's neck lying in the bathtub to prevent her from suddenly sliding down and drowning or hitting the back of her head. His right hand gently touched her forehead, sensing the state of her vitality with the awareness of the path of devotion.


Aiwass frowned and murmured softly.

Because he didn't sense any problem.

In his induction, Lily's body was healthy, her mind was active, and her magic power was surging - it could even be said that she was in a state of excitement. But her breathing was quite calm and long, like she was falling into a light sleep.

For a therapist, detecting the problem is not a problem, but not detecting the problem is the biggest problem.

Aiwass thought for a moment, then stretched out his index finger and hovered it in front of Lily's eyes, shining a little brightly. He saw Lily's pupils shrinking slightly, but her head did not turn away, and she never closed her eyes.

"Master, master..."

At this moment, the newly born Selene came over in an extremely clingy manner.

She murmured, raised her head, gently bit and chewed Aiwass' fingers, and licked the blood remaining in his hands.

At this time, the wound on Aiwass's arm had begun to heal, and the bleeding had completely stopped. And Selene's extremely demonic dark red horizontal pupils revealed an evil aura.

Selene bit Aiwass' fingers harder and harder, and soon Aiwass felt pain. He frowned slightly and pulled his fingers out of Selene's mouth. But Selene, like a dog that had been deprived of food, reached over and bit Aiwass's forearm hard.


Aiwass frowned slightly and scolded in a low voice.

At that moment, he clearly saw a look of fear and shrinking on Selene's face.

The strange thing is that at this moment Lily's body suddenly twitched. Aiwass's left arm felt that the muscles of her neck began to exert force, her heartbeat became intense, her chest began to rise and fall violently, and her breathing became rapid.

... Could it be that "too many Lily" entered the new body, causing the old body to become hollow?


Aiwass noticed the umbilical cord connecting the two girls.

He cut the umbilical cord connecting the two of them unskillfully.

At that moment, Lily and Selene's bodies shook violently at the same time, and frightened looks appeared on their faces in synchronization. Lily blinked suddenly, and tears began to pour out; Selene's turbid demonic horizontal pupils gradually recovered, regained her consciousness, and turned into human round pupils, but the color was still as dark red as red wine.

"Aiwass... Young Master... I..."

Lily sat up from the edge of the bathtub and spoke in a dry and hoarse voice, somewhat vaguely and intermittently.

It was as if she had suddenly forgotten how to use her body.

At the same time, Selene also said: "Aiwass... Young Master... I..."

The words sounded at the same time and stopped abruptly at the same time.

The two of them sat in the bathtub, facing each other, looking at each other's faces.

They raised their left and right hands at the same time, placing them forward in each other's palms. It's like a person holding a mirror and clasping his hands with himself in the mirror.

They looked at each other synchronously, and then looked slightly sideways at Aiwass aside - and at this moment, they finally appeared out of sync for a moment. After Lily's eyes met Aiwass's, she ducked down shyly and stretched out her hands to block her body, while Selene proudly held up her chest and showed Aiwass a bright and bright smile like a puppy.

"...This ritual, was it really successful?"

Aiwass frowned slightly and looked at Lily and Selene.

The good news is that Lily has regained her rationality and sanity, at least there is no need for him to try to rescue Lily or cut off the ritual. The bad news is... the current situation seems to be different from what was promised before.

Rather than separating Lily's other personality, it's more like Lily is controlling two bodies with different instincts at the same time.


Lily hesitated for a moment.

And Selene continued: "It should have failed."

"My consciousness was completely suppressed just now, but now it seems that she is being suppressed," Lily said.

"She can completely control this body," "Selene" said at this moment. "Rather, I don't think I should be able to control this body that belongs to the path of love..."

"But similarly, she is completely unable to control my body."

Lily continued.

They seem to be exercising the ability to control two bodies separately with one consciousness.

After hearing this, Aiwass turned his attention to Selene.

This girl with black hair and red eyes has completely different facial features from Lily, and she doesn't even inherit any of Lily's features. But she always made Aiwass feel a little familiar. But Aiwass couldn't tell for a while where he had seen this face before.

But apart from her face, she also has a completely different symbol - she is obviously much whiter than Lily.

I don’t know if it’s because she was just born from the ceremony, but Selene is almost the person with the whitest skin that Aiwass has ever seen. It is even bloodless and pure white that shines like jade.

Her facial features are more delicate than Lily's, with a vague oriental feel, and she looks like a mixed race. Her hair is also softer than Lily's...and the biggest difference lies in her shoulders and chest. Selene's shoulders are at least two circles thinner than Lily's, but her chest is uncoordinatedly high.

After staring at Selene for a long time, Aiwass suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute, I have an idea. Let me try..."

He took the mirror out of his arms and pointed it at his face.

Aiwass chanted in a low voice:

"I pray for the twin mirrors! The God whose number is two, the God who has no eyes and no self, the God who is pure and flawless——

"I am you..."

As the mirror surface glowed, Aiwass in the mirror shattered, revealing the appearance of a girl.

Then, the Aiwass reflected in the mirror and the Aiwass outside the mirror were reversed.

Another childish voice overlapped with his: "You are me——"

Aiwass was still in the mirror, but the Aiwass outside the mirror had turned into a girl with black waist-length hair, a thin figure, and emerald-like clear pupils.

That is exactly the form of No. 14, the son of the moon.

She moved closer to Selene, raised her hand, and used the small makeup mirror in her hand to look at the two of them at the same time.

But in the mirror, there was only the male Aiwass in his previous state, smiling and waving outside the mirror.

"No. 14" waved his hand impatiently, closed and opened the mirror.

This time the mirror finally showed the reflection correctly.

no doubt.

Number 14 and Selene are very similar in appearance - although they cannot be said to be twins. But if the two walk together, outsiders will immediately recognize their similarity as sisters.

Of course, compared to No. 14, who looks like just a little girl, Selene, who has been growing bigger since the "childbirth" until she is close to Lily's age, looks more like a sister - she has now fully developed , and became at least in his twenties.

Selene also saw this scene in the mirror.

She immediately hugged No. 14 without hesitation and almost dragged him into the water. In the panic of the other party, Selene shouted: "Mom!"


No. 14 was stunned for a moment.

But Selene stretched out her hand to caress her chest and said extremely seriously: "My body is born from your flesh and blood..."

Selene said and immediately came over.

The original round pupil turned into a rectangular horizontal pupil like a lamb again at some point.

"——There is no doubt that you are the mother...master who gave me life.

"You are my mother."

Selene said stubbornly, with strong attachment in her pupils.

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