Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 651 I am your shepherd (ask for monthly ticket)

…Does Selene’s personality still contain Lily’s past attachment to her mother?

After all, she hasn't felt much maternal love, and it's normal to have a subconscious desire for maternal love. At the same time, maternal love happens to be one of the core narratives of the path of love...


Aiwass in the "No. 14" form subconsciously looked at Lily.

This time Lily did not lose consciousness directly.

Her reaction just became slower - and when Selene raised her hand and spoke, her body would subconsciously move, wanting to raise her hand and open her mouth. But before actually taking those actions, she immediately woke up and suppressed her impulse. So it looks like her movements are like twitches.

It's like twins with telepathy, but their relationship is even closer-anyone can control two bodies, and Lily's authority as the master personality is slightly higher.

Aiwass thought of a very appropriate metaphor: Lily and Selene at this moment are like drawing a circle with the left hand and a square with the right hand.

When attention is focused on the left hand, the right hand may stop or deviate from the track; and vice versa. It's just that Lily's control is stronger, so that it only makes the circle less round; but when Selene controls it, the other hand basically stops completely.

This is not at all like dividing the personality into two parts and putting them into two bodies - but creating another body that is jointly controlled by the two personalities!

The connection between them was not completely severed... Only then did Aiwass understand why Selene just said "the ceremony may have failed."

Perhaps the ceremony was not a failure, but a success.

The old self used this ritual to ensure the abandonment of the old self. And from the perspective of the "new me", the ceremony was a success - Lily's animalistic personality, the "Selene" of the Path of Love, has indeed been released from the seal and survived. If Selene abandons Lily, she will be given a new life.

And this ritual was invented at a time when the path of love was still the path of the beast. It's just that the differences between the two paths are not big, so some distinctions are not easy to distinguish.

At the same time, Aiwass’s pastoral method happens to be the “art of taming animals”!

The moment Selene was born and lost control, she was successfully tamed by Aiwass' blood. Because of this, she subconsciously hid because of Aiwass's scolding just now.

Originally, the purpose of this ceremony was to sever ties and divide property, so that one person could have one apartment and no fights would occur. But now it is like two people controlling two apartments together. Although they can live separately, it is not actually done. It is also possible for two people to enter the same suite.

From the perspective of self-separation, this ritual has definitely failed. Because it didn't cut clean at all.

But this doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

"...You two should practice well first. Let's do an experiment first to see how far apart you can be from each other and still influence each other."

No. 14 sighed, looked at the mirror again, and transformed himself back into Aiwass.

"Yes, Master."

Lily looked over and responded softly, while Selene sat back a little disappointed and did not respond.

"I want to drink my master's blood."

Selene couldn't sit still and said loudly: "I still want to eat the master's flesh."

As she spoke, she opened her mouth wide at Aiwass and tentatively bit Aiwass' palm.

At this time, Aiwass finally felt the monster nature of Selene—the sharp teeth that were different from human round teeth and closer to those of the Moon Child. Compared with "lamb", it is closer to the teeth of carnivores that can be used to tear animal bodies.

That is a completely different structure from humans.

Selene's personality is also different from Lily's - Lily is bound by law and morality, while Selene is wild and untamed, closer to a humanoid animal. This habit is more like that of a child of the moon than a human being. Even the color of his pupils is like a child of the moon.

At first, Aiwass didn't care and just let Selene bite him.

But soon, he felt pain in his right hand - Selene had bitten the blood and was still biting while shaking her head hard.

Avas' eyes suddenly became serious.


he shouted.

Selene stopped shaking her head immediately, but the sharp, barbed predator teeth were still piercing the inside of Aiwass' palm. Aiwass could clearly feel her tongue still quietly licking Aiwass's wounds and sucking Aiwass's blood.

At this moment, Lily was a little flustered: "I'm sorry, Master! I..."

Selene's pupils instantly changed back to human round pupils, and she also let go of Aiwass' palm.

"You go back first, Lily."

Aiwass became serious and let Lily return to his body.

Looking at Selene, who had returned to sheep eyes but became more well-behaved, Aiwass sneered: "You still know that you made a mistake."

" smells so good."

Selene whispered.

"Give me your hand."

Aiwass said seriously.

He finally realized...this failed ritual was originally Lily's bestiality replacing her personality. It was only forcibly rescued by Aiwass using pastoral care, but Selene's personality was still out of control.

He thought for a moment whether to seal her away. But still gave up.

However, since the shepherding method has a fatal attraction for her... then it is better to domesticate her as an animal.

Rather than being an ignorant child, Selene is closer to a beast with human knowledge and intelligence.

When Selene obediently handed over her hand, Aiwass hit her palm three times mercilessly and hard.

That's a force that can break the bones of a mortal - for Selene, who is a witch and maybe even a werewolf, it should be just right. If it were any gentler, it might look like coquettishness.

Selene cried out in pain and took her hand back, curling up in the bathtub.

Aiwass's tone was still stern: "Next time, I'll slap you in the face or hit your palms with a whip. Do you understand?"

Seeing Selene nodded obediently, Aiwass' tone became gentler: "What I give to you is yours; if I don't give it to you, you can't take it away... Do you understand? There is no one who can bite in this world. Mother's daughter, if you do this again, I will cut off ties with you.

"If I don't take the initiative to donate, the blood won't be good enough to drink, right?"

"...It's also very sweet."

Selene timidly interjected: "But it's true... it doesn't taste that good."

"Right? So if you obey, I will give you my blood. You are my tamed beast, and I am your shepherd..."

When Aiwass said this, he was suddenly startled.

Strange hallucinations drifted from his eyes——

That's a fragment of memory.

He seemed to have said the same thing somewhere.

A ferocious Punishment Demon was crawling in front of him, lowering his head and kissing his feet.

And he was wearing a white robe, holding a wooden staff, and walking naked in the desert with his bruised feet, and the endless yellow sand whistled by.

"I can give you my flesh and blood, my life. But you must listen to my teachings and do not act rashly."

He was looking down at the devil and admonished softly: "You are my tamed beast, and I am your shepherd..."

It was a fragment of memory for a moment.

For just a moment, there is no beginning or end.


Is that the memory of the "shepherd"?

Aiwass remembered that he seemed to have seen a similar passage in the "Shepherd's Tantra". It's just that the book has been destroyed by him and he can't read it again to confirm.

He was silent for a while and decided to avoid the topic for now.

So he continued to give instructions: "Also, Lily... you have to get used to controlling two bodies at the same time, and take care of Selene like a sister. With Selene's character, she may get into trouble at any time. Your perceptions are shared Yes, right? So you remember to take over the body for her at any time and help her solve the problem. Normally, you can give the body to her first.

"Selene, don't bully Lily. You must listen to Lily. If Lily enters your body, don't act rashly. See how Lily handles it first. If Lily is in danger, remember to protect her."

Aiwass arranged tasks for the new sisters.

For some reason, he subconsciously felt that Selene would be stronger than Lily.

However, seeing that neither of them objected, Aiwass decided to just leave it at that.

After Selene was separated, Lily's sense of existence dropped to the lowest level in history... If Aiwass didn't pay attention, he might not even be aware of Lily's existence.

Aiwass fell into thinking at this time.

Why...even though Lily ate her own flesh and blood, did it make Selene become more like No. 14?

Logically speaking, "No. 14" is just an incarnation, a false mirror image prepared by the Twin Mirror for Aiwass.

The real No. 14 must have been dead long ago.

... Could it be that I still have some blood relationship with No. 14?

It's not entirely impossible.

Aiwass suddenly remembered the first promotion ceremony he participated in - although he had no impression of his biological mother Anne, in that promotion ceremony, Aiwass saw clearly the character played by Lulu. Alexander's appearance.

Annie has the same hair color as Aiwass, not the same black hair as No. 14.

But her pupils happened to be the same emerald green as No. 14!

Number 14 was the daughter of a viscount in the Herasl Empire, while Anne was born into a noble family in the Iris Kingdom. According to the messy and complicated relationship between noble blood, maybe there is some relationship...

Or... when grandfather was pinching his body, he also stuffed some messy things into it?

"Anyway, it's a good thing that nothing happened to the ceremony. At least this way Lily won't go crazy because of conflicts on the road, and Selene also has her own body... In short, it's all a good thing."


Aiwass sighed: "Anyway, you guys wash your bodies first... I'll wait for you outside."

If you have anything to say, put your clothes on first.

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