Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 653 The Warrior Returns! (Monthly Ticket Request)

Whether they are lizardmen or birdmen, every one of them is extremely brave and their fighting skills are so skillful that it puts Haina to shame.

Even if she was injured, she would never retreat - she had never seen such a brutal and terrifying battle.

Why...are we fighting to this extent?

Haina only felt frightened.

It's not that she hasn't experienced cruel flowers. Although it was just a dream, she did experience the battlefield and the end of the world during the promotion ceremony.

But the feeling of avoiding, hiding, protecting others, and fighting against natural and man-made disasters... is completely different from the current war.

If you have a weapon, use it; if the weapon is damaged, use your fist; if you are caught, use your teeth——

Break arms, bite eyes. Groups of people, like crazy beasts.

Not to survive, but to kill the opponent completely.

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In order to "defeat" the opponent, you may even sacrifice your own life...

"Why is this..."

Haina murmured.

She lived in a civilized era.

Even when the Queen was assassinated, the angry Griffin Legion retaliated and remained humble and polite - the Griffin Legion led by the Great Guardian were like real knights and never harmed innocent people.

Although they often fly over in the middle of the night, the roaring wind and thunder will wake people up. However, two months after the war began, no civilians were directly killed by the thunder. Although there were civilians who died in the stampede due to panic in the early stages of the war.

Those gryphon knights merely raided Star Antimony's strategic locations, demolished valuable buildings or destroyed warehouses. They will even give advance warning of the location they will attack, just like the arrogant knights making a battle.

It is precisely because they only show off their power and attack those buildings affiliated with the Rosicrucian forces, but do not cause harm to the civilians, that the Star Antimony people will inflict the resentment of being intimidated on the king and nobles, and still remember it. They started this stupid war instead of sharing the same hatred with the enemy and jointly resisting the foreign enemy.

Even the Narcissus Territory's suppressive war was not so cruel - the mages relied on towns and residential areas to launch obstructive offensives, while the mercenaries of the Black Eagle Territory did not dare to directly attack villages and towns. After all, Black Eagle and Narcissus Territory are adjacent to each other and have a close relationship. It is not far from their hometown. Maybe there is a brother's family in any village.

Compared with the "Star Antimony" people, they are their own people.

Therefore, the Black Eagle Territory itself is not willing to participate in this war, let alone fight against those powerful mages - just a spell, they may die wailing. And before the defense line is actually broken, no one knows what level the mage hiding in the residence is.

So they could only stay in a stalemate here, cutting off the heavy siege of supplies, until the mages inside chose to surrender before they could continue to move forward. They will also accept these prisoners of war and transport them safely to the rear.

After the most hearty and hearty initial war, the Star Antimony battlefield immediately fell into a state as sticky as glue.

——There are too many things that everyone is worried about. In other words, not many people really want to start a war... all they want is profit. They are all cannon fodder of the mercenary group and this is their profession.

Those cruel and slow advancements are all the colossi that are slowly transported from behind the Star Antimony - because only for the Star Antimony nobles, this is their life and death battle.

But the current situation is different.

The battle between these lizardmen and birdmen seems to be just for the fight for water... because there is a clear river behind those birdmen.

But just like that, they fought from the bottom of their hearts and did not hesitate to burn their lives.

The next moment, with the chanting of the birdman mage, violent mana fluctuated violently.

In an instant, several groups of flames exploded as fierce as the scorching sun——

Haina's pupils suddenly contracted under the light.

Right in the middle of the formation of the group of lizardmen, a large ball of hemispherical golden-red flames exploded at regular intervals. The forest was engulfed in flames, and the explosion whipped up scorching air waves, blowing and breaking the trees at the edges. Haina couldn't help but reach out to cover her face, and couldn't help but take a few steps back.

——Those people are already dead.

Haina was so convinced.

Because those flames, although slightly smaller in scale, still have at least the destructive power of the fourth energy level or above. It even reminded Haina of the big explosion that Aiwass summoned in Eagle Point Village when he attacked the Punishment Demon.

Even a demon would probably be burned to charcoal by a spell of this magnitude...

This is why Black Hawk's mercenary groups are afraid of mages.

But then, a scene that surprised Haina appeared.

——When the flames dissipated, the soldiers with charred skin stood up again.

As the priests behind them remotely rained green rain, they quickly shed their blackened shells and regained their vitality!

Can anyone survive this? !

Immediately afterwards, the lizardman priests also raised their staffs, and dark clouds rumbled in.

The next moment, a lightning storm came at this moment——

One after another, lightning struck those bird warriors one after another.

That is the real Thunder!

Even Haina, who is at the fourth level, doesn't dare to take a few hits. She was confident that she would definitely not die in at least one or two hits, but if she counted being struck by lightning and falling from a high altitude, maybe one lightning strike would at least maim her.

But those deadly thunders couldn't even shake the defenses of these bird warriors!

Haina saw the strongest bird warrior - he had fiery red hair.

Even though he was hit by lightning more than ten times, he still let out a heroic roar, completely ignoring the huge wounds that tore his skin apart from the lightning strikes.

At this moment, the white-robed "Aiwass" suddenly spoke:

"The heart is the strongest muscle. It is like a general on the battlefield, directing the blood of the whole body. It is powerful and critical.

"But sometimes, people behave like their own hearts on the battlefield. They just tremble.

"The key is courage."

The next moment, the picture circulated again.


It was a picture of a lizard man holding a wooden spear, facing three giant beasts that were slowly approaching.


That was the scene of the knights shouting and charging towards the City of Giants.


It was a picture of a bruised man blocking the door of a room, with a gangster holding a sharp weapon in front of him, and his wife and children hugging each other behind him.


It was a scene of adult snake people holding farm tools defending the village in the face of an overwhelming tide of reddish-brown beasts.


It was a scene of two men, bruised and breathless, facing each other in a dark arena, amid excited roars and praises.


It was a picture of someone practicing swordsmanship alone in spring, autumn, winter and summer.

"No matter what it can fight for any reason."

As the white-robed Aiwass spoke, he turned back to look at Haina and said loudly: "This is the warrior.

“Live to fight, die to fight.

"The only requirement is -

“When you embark on this road, you must be prepared to die.

"Don't run away from the fight!

"——A warrior can never be a coward!"

The clear voice of the white robe gradually became thicker and overlapped with other voices, like hundreds of swords and horses on the battlefield.

The next moment, it suddenly burst into flames. Like a fire lit by a magician.

The raging fire ignited it, and it was shouting in the flames:

"Come on, throw away your bonds! While my fire is still burning! Embrace me!

"Authority is just a false restraint for you. You are a born warrior. And I brought back the warrior heritage for you——"

The white robe named "Star" said this.

Haina's heart was in turmoil.

She raised her hand.

at the same time.

Star Antimony's old general Leo Carl also opened his arms with bright eyes.

The son of the Great Guardian of Avalon, David Barton, also raised his hands towards the fire slowly falling in the sky.

In other dreams, there are thousands of people listening to the voice of the "stars".

Someone watched silently as the burning white robe fell to the ground.

There are also people like them who raise their hands and open their arms to welcome the power from the path of [adaptation], connecting them to this new path and allowing them to gain this new power.

Embrace the fire.

Then, burning with the fire——

——Thousands of [Warriors] are ready to return tonight!

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