Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 654 Isabel: That’s too abominable

Morning of March 1st.

Avalon, Glass Island, Palace of Silver and Tin.

Isabel had already had breakfast early and was sitting in the study, flipping through something with a focused look on her face.

But she was not dealing with documents, but secretly reading a novel.

It was a "banned book" that had become popular in Avalon recently - describing the political struggle and office romance between Minister without Portfolio Aiwas and Queen Isabel.

Mainly because Aiwas and Isabel were both very young, beautiful and successful at a young age. Coupled with the previous scandal between Aiwas and Miss Aleister, this young Minister without Portfolio, who was appointed by the former queen, became a kind of enemy and friend in people's minds with the young queen.

Generally speaking, such things involving the royal family will definitely be discovered and investigated at the first time.

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It is very likely that the author will become a piece of dried bacon on the gallows square.

But when people bought and collected it with fear and fear, thinking "I finally caught up with the legendary out-of-print banned book today", they unexpectedly found that it was not banned.

Not only was it not banned, it was even being serialized!

So people thought of the news that "Miss Aleister was driven out of Avalon" that year, and immediately understood it-oh, Her Majesty the Queen meant this.

This is a legal business that the royal family acquiesces and even supports!

In an instant, similar jokes and novels emerged like mushrooms after rain. Some were printed and sold independently, some were serialized in newspapers, and some painters also received orders to draw similar paintings.

That is to say, people still keep their rationality, so no operas on related themes have been written. The above can be said to be personal behaviors of the people, but operas must be reviewed by the Inspectorate. Now that the young minister is not in Avalon, if he finds out about this thing after he returns and gets angry and wants to settle accounts, then things will get out of hand.

——So Isabel plans to do it herself.

She gave herself a pen name, called "Rose Kelly".

She plans to write an opera herself, from the script to the arrangement, and then secretly let it pass the review. As long as people see it performed, they will probably know the attitude of the royal family on this matter.

But this is just an idea.

Isabel has no writing experience - so in order to get materials, Isabel plans to see how the novels on the market are written first, and whether there are any plots that can be borrowed.

So she asked the Queen's guards to secretly buy a few books from the black market. It happened that Aiwas had something to do in the past few days, and he couldn't meet him at night. Isabel even read the novel until more than four in the morning last night - in order to maintain her energy, she usually goes to bed at twelve o'clock in the evening.

As a result, Isabel was so sleepy that she made up her mind:

It was already this late, and I didn't get enough sleep anyway, so I might as well not sleep.

So Isabel drank the sobering potion, and then used the harp that Aiwass gave her to treat herself and forcibly remove the negative effects of the potion.

After having breakfast early and practicing singing and playing, Isabel sat in the study and planned to continue reading.

When she read those books last night, she felt blushing at first when she saw the name of the heroine - but then she slowly felt a wonderful feeling. It was as if she had personally experienced a mysterious adventure and spent a wonderful time with Aiwass.

Last night's sleepless night was meaningful: Isabel felt that she had resonated with the path of beauty. This wonderful experience of seeing herself as a "character in a novel" and even creating new fictional art herself has indeed increased her strength visibly.

...But this book is a little different.

It is said that this is the most popular, most highly rated, and lowest stock book on the black market. Isabel's personal guard had to buy it with great difficulty. Isabel always had the habit of "saving delicious food until the last bite", so she planned to read this book last to avoid not being able to eat other things after her taste became picky.

As a result, it made Isabel blush.

Half of it was shame, and half of it was anger.

Because this book contains a lot of discordant descriptions that are not suitable for children.

But what made Isabel most angry was that these stories were not about herself - but about Aiwass and "Miss Aleister", and even the sensational stories of Aiwass and the female agent Star Antimony, and Aiwass and the female spy Iris.

The story of Aiwass and Isabel was only left with the wonderful story of "how they tacitly fought against their common enemy together, and how they fought each other for their own power and interests", which was a wonderful story of cooperation and backstabbing.

The author of this book tried to create an atmosphere that "Aiwas and Miss Aleister were lovers, and he and Queen Isabel were enemies who loved and hated each other and recognized each other", trying to use this method to rationalize why there was no plot about Her Majesty the Queen - but Isabel knew that the real reason must be that the author did not dare to write it.

This is indeed very reasonable.

Because if the author dares to write some blasphemous stories about the monarch, Isabel will definitely contact the Arbitration Hall to arrest him immediately; but on the other hand, although the author is very careful not to write anything indiscriminately, Isabel still plans to arrest him. Get up - it's not that she doesn't like to see it herself, but she definitely can't let others see it.

——But what you wrote made me angry!

Although I don’t know whether the author is a man or a woman, or what his background is, judging from the rather detailed political description, he probably has access to people in the Round Table Hall. At least his description of the atmosphere in the Round Table Room was spot on.

"--His Majesty."

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the study.

That was a familiar voice that Isabel hadn't heard in a while - the serious voice of the Great Guardian.

Isabel was immediately in a hurry and wrapped this thin booklet inside "Elf Diplomacy: Food, Etiquette and Culture" on the corner of the table. Seeing an empty section in the middle of the book, she reached out and tried to flatten it but failed. So I simply picked up the vase on the table, pressed it on top of the book, and pushed it back to the corner of the table.

She breathed a sigh of relief and signaled the guard to open the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I was surprised to see a lot of people walking in together.

In addition to the Grand Inquisitor who is on leave - Grand Justice Arius, Grand Arbiter Ligeia, and Grand Guardian George, the three highest-level transcendent beings in Avalon, are all here.

This immediately cheered up Isabel.

Because even Ligeia was extremely serious: she didn't drink!

Ever since Ligeia gradually became familiar with herself on the Glass Island, she has almost not shied away from going to the bars she loved to go to when she was "Meg", and has resumed her usual routine of drinking beer and eating fried chicken. Enjoyable fishing life. Especially after the arrival of the Queen's Guards, she even had time to go fishing in Muwan County. After fishing, she would go home and stew the fish to share with Isabel.

"...Qing Barton, shouldn't you be in Star Antimony?"

Isabel looked at the Great Guardian with a serious and even guilty face in a strange way, worried: "Could it be... that there was an ambush among the Griffin Legion?"

——But why would the Great Guardian bring his son?

"No, everything goes well with the battle ahead, Your Majesty."

The Great Guardian shook his head: "I just came all the way back - the Griffin Legion is still stationed in Star Antimony. I have ordered them to temporarily enter the stationing state. I will not continue to carry out military operations unless I go back..."

After he finished speaking, he knelt down on one knee and bowed his head to apologize: "I'm here to apologize to Your Majesty."


Isabel was a little surprised. She looked at the serious expressions of the Chief Justice and Ligeia, and then asked, "Why?"

"Because my son, David Patton - he walked away from the authoritarian ways last night."

The Great Guardian said seriously: "This is undoubtedly a betrayal to His Majesty, so I brought David to you as soon as possible to apologize."

"...Wait, you are off the road? What's going on?"

Isabel still didn't understand the situation.

——Is it possible to escape from the road?

"Is the child okay?"

She asked subconsciously.

The Great Guardian patted David on the shoulder and motioned for him to speak.

David's expression seemed a little flinching, but not regretful - his eyes were quite determined.

"That's it, Her Majesty the Queen..."

David quickly recounted last night's dream.

"Last night, his body suddenly burst into flames."

The Great Guardian added: "Nadia was frightened at the time - but she soon realized that it was the influence of some mysterious force and did not dare to interfere. So she immediately contacted me... I was in Star Antimony at the time , the phone couldn't be dialed. It all relied on a supernatural prop to send me an early warning - it was originally left by me in advance to be used when she and David were in danger.

"I rushed back with Philip immediately. Philip flew very fast. So I arrived in less than half an hour. And when I arrived, we both noticed that the power of the road in David was disintegrating... But his body was reshaped into something else."

The Great Guardian said solemnly: "We woke David up quickly - after confirmation, we found that he had obtained the new profession of 'Warrior' to adapt to the path! However, the professional power of his original authoritative path was... Lost..."

"You should still remember where the strength of the 'warrior' comes from, Your Majesty."

The taciturn Justice reminded.

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