Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 658 Selene's Birthday Party

On the morning of March 1st.

The Eternal Theocracy, the Fifth Circle.

To celebrate Selene's birth, Aiwass took Lily and Selene out for a nice meal.

Because it was Selene's "birthday party", it was of course Selene's choice what to eat.

But even Aiwass didn't expect that Selene actually chose to roast a whole lamb...

"...Is it really okay, Selene?"

Aiwass couldn't help but ask.

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It would be too weird to eat something like this before it is even bright, and it is hard to imagine that it could be sold anywhere.

But this is not a big problem, after all, you can basically buy whatever you want in the Theocracy.

But from another perspective... Although I don't know what the relationship between Selene and the Lamb is, she actually has the square pupils of the Lamb. This sounds as weird as a harpy eating grilled chicken, or a murloc eating grilled fish.

"It's as weird as a harpy eating grilled chicken, or a murloc eating grilled fish... That's what dad thinks, right?"

Selene smiled and said what Aiwass was thinking.

Her magical blood-red square pupils have a kind of oppressive power that can penetrate people's hearts.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

Selene sat on the left hand side of Aiwass and kept trying to raise Aiwass's hand and put it on her head: "After all, among animals... the big fish always eats the small fish.

"I don't think there is any problem if the strong one eats the weak one."

After Aiwass's correction, Selene followed suit and quickly corrected the bug of calling Aiwass her mother. But she quickly switched to calling Aiwass daddy.

Considering that part of her body was indeed built from the flesh and blood of Aiwass - it was even Aiwass's pastoral care that finally awakened her. So there is nothing wrong with this statement. Just like people who have pets at home, they sometimes call their pets son or daughter... The relationship between Selene and Aiwass is much closer than this situation.

Lily on the side was obviously a little overwhelmed by this situation.

She sat on the other side of Aiwass and didn't know if she should stop Selene's behavior. After all, Selene was also part of herself - but Lily herself would never dare to do such a ridiculous and powerless behavior. Say such weird words.

She also didn't know whether she should just look at it at this moment, or turn her head away and pretend not to see.

So Lily tried to change the subject: "How about I call Mr. Hermes..."

"Never mind Sherlock. Didn't I leave him a sandwich?"

Aiwass shook his head: "His tantra book has reached the critical moment. With his character, he hates wasting time and meaningless noise at this time.

"Although I asked you to call him, he will definitely follow. But he will probably be unhappy, so it is better to let him finish reading."

The threshold for the "Song of Foolish Tantra" was too high - Aiwass glanced behind Sherlock's back curiously and felt dizzy. And he determined that he really didn’t have much potential for the path of wisdom. Even Sherlock didn't understand it at all after watching it for so many days.

Today, Sherlock said that he had a premonition of understanding the tantric book, and Aiwas simply stopped causing trouble for him.

"If you're lucky...when you get home today, you can see Sherlock mastering this mysterious skill."

Aiwass said happily.

Not that he needed Sherlock to do anything for him. Just happy that my friend has made new progress.

"...This is also the first time I know that the young master can cook."

Lily said a little weirdly.

When she was nearing the end of the ceremony, her vitality was severely depleted - after all, another self was forcibly split from her own body. It was like he was seriously ill. He didn't have the strength to lift heavy objects, and he even staggered when walking.

Of course, Aiwass couldn't let Lily do housework in such a bad condition.

After giving Lily a brief recovery, he made breakfast for Sherlock, who didn't plan to go out.

"It's just a regular sandwich..."

Aiwass said casually.

After all, he lived outside with his roommate in his previous life. Although his roommate whose name he couldn't remember was very good at taking care of others, he still had to have at least this level of housework ability - you couldn't just push all the work to another person, right?

Even if the other person has a good temper, he cannot be manipulated like this. Friendships will also be slowly consumed.

When the other person is really tired and unwilling to cook, Aiwass still has to do something. After all, he remembered that his friend didn't like takeout very much...

Thinking of this, Aiwass felt a little sad.

...His memory is so incomplete, only vague but full of emotions remain in his heart, but he can't remember the names of those people, nor do they know what they look like. It's like going on an adventure with someone in a dream, and only remembering a vague and general impression after waking up.

And on the other hand... if Aiwass's memory is a part of Huan Tiansi cut off from himself, then he left behind the memories of those people, but cut off the feelings about them, leaving these dry What's the use of memory?

Might as well take them all away.

β€”β€”Or give them all to yourself.

Aiwass had this thought in his mind.

He was eager to make himself more complete - the current Aiwass always made himself feel scared. Because he didn't know if he would still be the same person he is now after completing his past memories.

But from another perspective, Aiwas didn't know if his personality would change drastically and he would become another cold and indifferent person. He didn't know if he would be recognized by his current friends, relatives, and lovers, and he didn't know if he would still care about everything he cherished so much at that time...

Just as Aiwas was thinking, the harpy-style roasted whole lamb called "Salt of the Sky" was delivered.

As the name of the store suggests, the main feature of this store is a special salt bowl. It looks like a stone, and the meat will have a light salt taste as long as it is rubbed in it.

It is said that the harpy likes to use this bowl - they have the custom of eating wolves, sheep, eagles and fish, and they will rub all kinds of hunted meat in this bowl after roasting it. Over time, they will appear crystal clear because of the smoothness and soaked fat.

Just as the waiter was about to help cut the meat, Selene suddenly let out a low roar like a beast.

The waitress with white wings and who looked as holy as an angel was startled. Selene's beast-like temperament made the waiter tremble suddenly and subconsciously take a few steps back.

When Aiwass signaled her to leave, the "Angel Lady" suddenly ran away in fear.

After she left, Selene rushed up directly and bit the barbecued meat in big mouthfuls. The way she ate even scared Lily - she herself didn't expect that Selene would lose her mind because of the barbecue.

She exuded a black and red aura that could be seen with the naked eye. This black-haired girl who looked well-behaved and elegant, now had a hideous face and drooling, like a hungry and almost crazy beast, devouring the lamb.

That posture...

--Compared to the path of love, it is more like the path of beasts.

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