Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 659 I am [Xingchen]

Evans looked at this scene, thinking.

He suddenly thought of the [Lust] card he made to seal the soul of the succubus.

A beautiful goddess without a piece of clothing, lying on a lion with seven heads in a drunken posture - this is another explanation of the state of Heng I and the beast master:

Heng I may not actually completely tame the beast master, but they are indulging in an uncontrolled passion together. In this chaotic state, Heng I emerged as a clearer and more rational side.

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Compared with the more traditional explanation, this new explanation is more accepted by mystical researchers. In other words, the Heng I and the beast master are now two sides of the same coin. Their powers are mixed together - they love forever and fight forever.

And Aihuas remembered that the "Ovum Moon Tantra" was originally a tantra book belonging to Heng I.

The moon is the devil's egg, and monsters hatch from it.

But if so, who is the father of the monsters?

Thinking of this, a possibility emerged in Aiwas' mind:

-Perhaps Selene is not the incarnation of Lily's "Path of Love" at all.

When Lily read the "Spider Silk Sutra" for the first time, she was able to fully master the power of controlling lies; when she read the "Night Rabbit Sutra" for the first time, she was able to successfully transform herself into a primitive werewolf.

The "Spider Silk Sutra" is obviously not a common product.

That is the power mastered by the "heirs of the Gray Sky", and after practicing to the extreme, it can even be used to steal the essence of other paths. A certain vampire novelist can even steal the bloodline and body of the "Wildfire Giant" through this power.

And at the same level as this power is the "Great Sin Scholar" mastered by Aiwas-these two abilities are both skills that can imitate the power of other paths with a single path.

Lily's speed of mastering it was like the speed of Aiwas's own learning when reading the secret book...

That's why Aiwas didn't realize it was wrong at all.

But the problem is that Aiwas himself is a fragment of the Celestial Master, and the Secret Book of the Shepherd is closely related to Aiwas's essence. It is even possible that the Shepherd is Aiwas's previous life, or a fragment of the Ring Celestial Master. As for the Secret Book of the Morning Crow, its original owner found it difficult to read it, and could only regard the effect of its failure as a "laser beauty device".

On the other hand, Isabel and Sherlock...they are undoubtedly geniuses.

In the original timeline, they are all terrifying beings whose levels can rise synchronously with the players. But when they read the secret book, their learning speed is obviously very slow. With Sherlock's genius, it takes several days to understand this book - but once the secret book is understood once, all abilities will be mastered instantly.

The secret book itself is a lost skill - if it is easy and convenient to learn, it will not be lost.

In other words, Lily's understanding of the secret book has been able to catch up with Aiwas, who is a fragment of the Heavenly Master.

——This learning speed is obviously unreasonable.

Thinking of this, Aiwas thought of another possibility——

Although Lily disappeared silently in the original history, would it be only the identity of "Lily" that disappeared?

If so, Lily might also be the reincarnation fragment of a certain Heavenly Master.

Adaptation and love... No. To be precise, it is "lie" and "beast".

These two forces are both "passed away" forces. They are not the mainstream forces of the corresponding path.

...Is it the Beast Master or the Gray Heavenly Master?

While Aiwas was thinking, Selene had almost eaten the whole lamb.

She regained her composure again, sitting back next to Aiwas in a posture that could even be called well-behaved, quietly licking her fingers. And her belly didn't even bulge-it looked like she wasn't even full.

Because Selene remembered to leave a portion for Lily and Aiwas. She left them the best quality meat, just enough for them to eat. After all, Selene is essentially Lily, and she knows how much Aiwas and Lily eat.

And when Aiwas ate the meat, it was not even cold yet.

... Ask someone.

Aiwas decided to go to the Ninth Ring to ask Cardinal Cyril. The old man is knowledgeable and may know how to solve the problem of Lily's failure to split herself.

And Aiwas remembered that Cardinal Cyril mastered the "Wind Queen Secret Sutra", and he could also ask him how long it took him to learn the secret sutra. By the way, he could also inform him that he had completed the Lord of Scales and Feathers' mission and completely completed the advanced divine arts.

Now Aiwas has opened up the connection with the Lord of Scales and Feathers.

The Lord of Scales and Feathers can descend into Aiwas' body at any time, and Aiwas can use almost all the divine arts in the Lord of Scales and Feathers' domain at will without praying. He can even ask God to descend and let the Lord of Scales and Feathers help him.

In other words, Aiwas is now a cardinal.

But he had no sense of reality at all... and felt very unfamiliar with this power, so this was the time to ask for advice from his senior.

... He could also ask about the progress of his clothes making.

The day after tomorrow would be March 3rd, and there were only two days left - considering that elves generally had a very serious procrastination problem, Aiwas felt that he had to urge them again.

So Aiwass did not go home after Selene's birthday party, but took Selene and Lily directly to the ninth circle.

But today's Ninth Circle, the atmosphere is a little different.

There were many more people on the street than when I came here a few days ago.

Aiwass even saw the Papal Guard walking up and down the streets. The styles of clothes worn by passers-by on the street are also hugely different.

Some people wore soft robes and white stockings as traditional elven clothing, and some people wore "modern clothing" in the Star Antimony style - that is, those aristocratic-style dresses and skirts. There are also people dressed like researchers, wearing simple white coats. Some people wore orange-yellow engineering vests with a large number of pockets.

And some elves that Aiwass had never seen before appeared - they were wearing silver-white light armor and holding various weapons.

Although Aiwass has not yet put on the uniform of a cardinal, the archbishop's specifications are enough for him to move forward at will. Moreover, the memory of elves is quite strong, and many people remember Aiwass who came a few days ago.

Relying on his memory, Aiwass quickly reached the depths of the ninth circle. After the routine briefing, Aiwass was invited in.

——As a result, Aiwass was shocked as soon as he entered the door.

In addition to Cardinal Cyril, who was wearing a mercury cardinal robe, there were seven cardinals in the room.

The atmosphere in the room looked quite serious.

Cardinal Matilda is not here, and neither is the Pure White Saint.

Aiwass did meet two other "acquaintances he had never met before."

One of them is nearly 2.5 meters tall. He has a strong physique, brilliant blond hair and blue pupils, giving people the impression of a fool like a great guardian.

He wore exquisite elf silver armor - the most special thing was his silver armor that was hollowed out and exposed on his back.

On his back, there is a crown pattern like a tattoo.

Part of it is blue and part of it is yellow.

——Aiwass recognized at a glance that this person was the Elf Paladin "Topa" whom he had met during the promotion ceremony!

Turns out he’s a cardinal too!

Just... why doesn't he wear a bishop's robe?

The other person is a woman wearing a dark green robe.

She has long straight black hair and a pair of curved dragon horns on her head. Because his hair blocks half of his eyes, he looks rather gloomy. On the only exposed pupil, there is a vertical scar that destroys the beauty.

This is Helechin’s wife, Favna!

The moment they saw Aiwass, "Topa" and Favna were obviously stunned.


"Are you... Xingchen?"

Two sounds came out almost simultaneously.

But it was different than Awas expected.

They did not call out Aiwass's name, but called out the "one-time stage name" he had just adopted not long ago.

But Aiwass did not hesitate.

He reached out his hand and pressed it on his chest without fear. Take the initiative to touch the emerald traces on your chest.

In an instant, the aura of the Lord of Scale Feathers leaked out of Aiwass. The expressions of the other cardinals who could recognize the advanced magic suddenly changed.

"Yes, I am 'Star'."

Facing the gazes of the eight cardinals, Aiwass nodded and admitted: "The representative of the Lord of Scale Feathers...Aiwass Moriarty.

"—New Cardinal."

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